Early Music - From Ancient Times To The Renaissance (2010)
File List
- CD 05 - The birth of Polyphony/07 - Ecole de Notre-Dame (XIIe siecle) - Perotin - Graduel - Viderunt omnes - Notum fecit Dominus.flac 51.7 MB
- CD 04 - Minnesanger and other courtly arts/08 - En Langue d'Oil, Les Trouveres (XIIe-XIIIe siecles) - Gautier de Coincy (1167-1236) - Ja pour yver.flac 51.0 MB
- CD 04 - Minnesanger and other courtly arts/03 - En Langue d'Oc, Les Troubadours (XIe-XIIe siecles) - Folquet de Marselha (1180-1231) - Sitot me soi.flac 46.1 MB
- CD 02 - Chant of the early Christians/07 - Chant Beneventain - Introit - Maria vidit angelum (tutti).flac 44.8 MB
- CD 02 - Chant of the early Christians/05 - Chant Vieux-Romain - Offertoire - Terra tremuit.flac 41.0 MB
- CD 10 - The rise of Instrumental music/28 - Orchesographie de Thoinot Arbeau (1520-1595) - Joyssance vous donneray (De la musique pour danser).flac 40.0 MB
- CD 02 - Chant of the early Christians/03 - Chant Ambrosien - Psalmellus - Tecum principium in die virtutis tue.flac 39.7 MB
- CD 07 - Ars subtilior - dawn of the Renaissance/01 - Philipoctus de Caserta (fl.1370), De ma doulour - L'Ars Subtilior (1370-1410).flac 38.6 MB
- CD 07 - Ars subtilior - dawn of the Renaissance/05 - Guido (fl.1372-4), Dieux gart - L'Ars Subtilior (1370-1410).flac 36.2 MB
- CD 09 - Songs of the Renaissance/06 - Clement Janequin (c.1485-1558) - La chasse.flac 35.5 MB
- CD 10 - The rise of Instrumental music/27 - Orchesographie de Thoinot Arbeau (1520-1595) - Pavane (De la musique pour danser).flac 34.9 MB
- CD 02 - Chant of the early Christians/04 - Chant Vieux-Romain - Introit - Resurrexi.flac 32.1 MB
- CD 04 - Minnesanger and other courtly arts/13 - En Espagne - Cantigas de Santa Maria (Alphonse le Sage, XIIIe siecle) - Martin Codax (1250-1275) - Quantas sabedes amar.flac 31.4 MB
- CD 07 - Ars subtilior - dawn of the Renaissance/08 - Salve salus servulorum - Cantant celi agmina - L'Angleterre du XVe siecle.flac 30.3 MB
- CD 07 - Ars subtilior - dawn of the Renaissance/11 - Guillaume Dufay (c.1400-1474), Motets isorythmiques, Salve flos Tusce gentis - Vos nunc, Etrusce iubar - L'essor de la Polyphonie.flac 29.7 MB
- CD 04 - Minnesanger and other courtly arts/14 - En Allemagne - Les Minnesanger (Empire romain germanique, XIIIe siecle) - Neidhart von Reuental (1180-1237) - Sic an, guldin huon !.flac 29.6 MB
- CD 09 - Songs of the Renaissance/15 - Cipriano de Rore - Dissimulare etiam sperasti.flac 28.9 MB
- CD 03 - Gregorian Chant/06 - Sequence- Dies irae (The Vast Corpus of Gregorian Chant).flac 28.8 MB
- CD 05 - The birth of Polyphony/06 - Ecole de Notre-Dame (XIIe siecle) - Leonin - Propter veritatem.flac 27.8 MB
- CD 07 - Ars subtilior - dawn of the Renaissance/14 - Antoine Busnois (1430-1492), Gaude caelestis Domina - L'essor de la Polyphonie.flac 27.4 MB
- CD 03 - Gregorian Chant/19 - In timore De (Cistercian Chant. 12th century).flac 27.3 MB
- CD 01 - Music of the Ancient World/18 - Kinonikon (Byzantine Chant).flac 26.8 MB
- CD 07 - Ars subtilior - dawn of the Renaissance/13 - Johannes Ockeghem (c.1420-1497), Requiem (extraits), Tractus - L'essor de la Polyphonie.flac 26.7 MB
- CD 06 - Ars Nova/09 - Les premieres messes Polyphoniques - Guillaume de Machaut (c.1300-1377), Messe de Notre Dame, Gloria.flac 25.8 MB
- CD 05 - The birth of Polyphony/04 - Ecole de Notre-Dame (XIIe siecle) - Messe du jour de Noel, Introit trope- Puer natus est.flac 25.5 MB
- CD 08 - Sacred Music of the Renaissance/05 - Clement Janequin - Messe La Bataille- Credo.flac 25.4 MB
- CD 06 - Ars Nova/22 - L'Ars Nova italienne - Paolo da Firenze (1390-1425), Un pellegrin uccel.flac 25.2 MB
- CD 07 - Ars subtilior - dawn of the Renaissance/09 - John Plummer (c.1410-c.1484), Anna Mater Matris Christi - L'Angleterre du XVe siecle.flac 24.9 MB
- CD 06 - Ars Nova/07 - Les premieres messes Polyphoniques - Messe de Tournai (c.1330-40), Preface (solo 4) - Sanctus.flac 24.8 MB
- CD 08 - Sacred Music of the Renaissance/14 - Roland de Lassus - Hieremieae prophetae lamentationes- lamentatio tertia, tertii diei.flac 24.6 MB
- CD 05 - The birth of Polyphony/02 - Polyphonie Aquitaine a Saint-Martial de Limoges (XIIe siecle) - Versus - O primus homo coruit.flac 24.3 MB
- CD 02 - Chant of the early Christians/14 - Chant Vieux-Romain - Alleluia - Versus O kyrios evasileosen, Versus Ke gar estereosen.flac 24.2 MB
- CD 03 - Gregorian Chant/21 - Dedit Dominus confessionem sancto suo (Cistercian Chant. 12th century).flac 23.7 MB
- CD 05 - The birth of Polyphony/19 - Graduel d'Alienor de Bretagne (XIIIe-XIVe siecles) - Kyrie - Orbis factor.flac 23.5 MB
- CD 03 - Gregorian Chant/23 - Adam de St. Victor- In natale (Magnus Liber Organi. 12 th century).flac 23.4 MB
- CD 08 - Sacred Music of the Renaissance/09 - William Byrd - Mass for 4 voices- Gloria.flac 23.3 MB
- CD 03 - Gregorian Chant/15 - Hymne- Cives clestis patrie (Mass from the Year 1000 - excerpts).flac 23.3 MB
- CD 03 - Gregorian Chant/20 - Testamentum eternum (Cistercian Chant. 12th century).flac 23.2 MB
- CD 08 - Sacred Music of the Renaissance/04 - Pierre de la Rue - Messe de l' Homme Arme- Gloria.flac 22.4 MB
- CD 01 - Music of the Ancient World/06 - Makrotatos (Music of Ancient Greece).flac 22.2 MB
- CD 03 - Gregorian Chant/22 - Anonyme- Natus est rex (Magnus Liber Organi. 12 th century).flac 22.1 MB
- CD 06 - Ars Nova/10 - Les premieres messes Polyphoniques - Guillaume de Machaut (c.1300-1377), Messe de Notre Dame, Sanctus.flac 21.8 MB
- CD 08 - Sacred Music of the Renaissance/15 - Giovanni Pierluigi da Palestrina - Motet Viri Galilei.flac 21.6 MB
- CD 01 - Music of the Ancient World/01 - Akousate (Music of Ancient Greece).flac 21.3 MB
- CD 10 - The rise of Instrumental music/01 - Cipriano de Rore (c.1515-1565) - Anchor che col partir (Transcriptions & reductions).flac 21.1 MB
- CD 02 - Chant of the early Christians/13 - Chant Vieux-Romain - Ad processionem Kyrie.flac 21.0 MB
- CD 01 - Music of the Ancient World/25 - Offertoire Martinus igitur (Alleluias and Offertories of the Gauls).flac 21.0 MB
- CD 10 - The rise of Instrumental music/23 - Anonyme (ed. Pierre Phalese 1550-1629) - Schiarazula Marazula (De la musique pour danser).flac 20.7 MB
- CD 08 - Sacred Music of the Renaissance/06 - Giovanni Pierluigi da Palestrina - Missa Viri Galilaei- Gloria.flac 20.5 MB
- CD 08 - Sacred Music of the Renaissance/02 - Josquin Desprez - Missa Pange Lingua- Gloria.flac 20.4 MB
- CD 06 - Ars Nova/12 - Chansons de l'Ars Nova francaise - Guillaume de Machaut, De toute flours.flac 20.4 MB
- CD 07 - Ars subtilior - dawn of the Renaissance/10 - Guillaume Dufay (c.1400-1474), Motets isorythmiques, O gemma, lux et speculum - Sacer pastor Barensium - L'essor de la Polyphonie.flac 20.0 MB
- CD 06 - Ars Nova/16 - Chansons de l'Ars Nova francaise - Anonyme, Deduto sey.flac 20.0 MB
- CD 01 - Music of the Ancient World/07 - Ekleipsis (Music of Ancient Greece).flac 19.9 MB
- CD 04 - Minnesanger and other courtly arts/04 - En Langue d'Oil, Les Trouveres (XIIe-XIIIe siecles) - Volez vous que je vous chant (Anonyme).flac 19.8 MB
- CD 04 - Minnesanger and other courtly arts/09 - En Langue d'Oil, Les Trouveres (XIIe-XIIIe siecles) - Thibaut de Champagne (1201-1253) - Deus est ensi comme li pellicanz.flac 19.8 MB
- CD 03 - Gregorian Chant/11 - Repons- Libera me (The Vast Corpus of Gregorian Chant).flac 19.6 MB
- CD 07 - Ars subtilior - dawn of the Renaissance/12 - Johannes Ockeghem (c.1420-1497), Requiem (extraits), Introit - L'essor de la Polyphonie.flac 19.4 MB
- CD 07 - Ars subtilior - dawn of the Renaissance/07 - Solage (fl.1370-90), Fumeux fume par fumee - L'Ars Subtilior (1370-1410).flac 19.3 MB
- CD 02 - Chant of the early Christians/06 - Chant Vieux-Romain - Alleluia.flac 19.2 MB
- CD 06 - Ars Nova/23 - L'Ars Nova italienne - Paolo da Firenze (1390-1425), Godi Firenze.flac 18.8 MB
- CD 02 - Chant of the early Christians/01 - Chant Ambrosien - Lucernarium - Paravi lucernam Christo meo.flac 18.7 MB
- CD 04 - Minnesanger and other courtly arts/15 - En Allemagne - Les Minnesanger (Empire romain germanique, XIIIe siecle) - Tannhauser (1205-1270) - Ich lobe ein wip.flac 18.6 MB
- CD 09 - Songs of the Renaissance/22 - John Dowland (1562-1626) - Flow, my years.flac 18.5 MB
- CD 04 - Minnesanger and other courtly arts/16 - En Allemagne - Les Minnesanger (Empire romain germanique, XIIIe siecle) - Neidhart von Reuental - Owe dirre not.flac 18.1 MB
- CD 09 - Songs of the Renaissance/04 - Loyset Compere (c.1440-1518) - Nous somems de l'ordre de Saint-Babouyn.flac 18.1 MB
- CD 08 - Sacred Music of the Renaissance/16 - Carlo Gesualdo - Ave dulcissima Maria.flac 18.0 MB
- CD 06 - Ars Nova/19 - L'Ars Nova italienne - Francesco Landini (c.1335-1397), Che pena e quest'al cor.flac 18.0 MB
- CD 09 - Songs of the Renaissance/11 - Guillaume Costeley (1531-1606) - La prise de Calai (Hardis Francoys).flac 17.9 MB
- CD 08 - Sacred Music of the Renaissance/21 - Thomas Tallis - Why fum'th in sight (Thirs tune for Archbishop Parker's Psalter).flac 17.9 MB
- CD 08 - Sacred Music of the Renaissance/12 - Josquin Desprez - Salve Regina.flac 17.6 MB
- CD 03 - Gregorian Chant/07 - Offertoire- Domine Jesu Christe (The Vast Corpus of Gregorian Chant).flac 17.5 MB
- CD 04 - Minnesanger and other courtly arts/12 - En Espagne - Cantigas de Santa Maria (Alphonse le Sage, XIIIe siecle) - Todos los santos.flac 17.3 MB
- CD 05 - The birth of Polyphony/14 - Motets du Manuscrit de Montpellier (XIIIe siecle) - Dame que je n'os noumer.flac 17.1 MB
- CD 04 - Minnesanger and other courtly arts/01 - En Langue d'Oc, Les Troubadours (XIe-XIIe siecles) - A l'entrada del temps clar (Anonyme fin XIIe siecle).flac 17.0 MB
- CD 05 - The birth of Polyphony/20 - Messe Mariale a la Cathedrale de Salisbury (XIIIe-XIVe siecles) - Kyrie - Kyria christifera.flac 16.8 MB
- CD 09 - Songs of the Renaissance/14 - Cipriano de Rore - Schiet's arbuscel a 4 voix.flac 16.8 MB
- CD 08 - Sacred Music of the Renaissance/07 - Giovanni Pierluigi da Palestrina - Missa Viri Galilaei- Agnus Dei I & II.flac 16.6 MB
- CD 07 - Ars subtilior - dawn of the Renaissance/04 - Jacob Senleches (c.1378-1395), La harpe de melodie - L'Ars Subtilior (1370-1410).flac 16.6 MB
- CD 10 - The rise of Instrumental music/13 - Alberto da Ripa (c.1500-1551) - Fantasia XXII (De la musique a jouer).flac 16.3 MB
- CD 04 - Minnesanger and other courtly arts/11 - En Espagne - Cantigas de Santa Maria (Alphonse le Sage, XIIIe siecle) - Bailemos nos ja todas tres.flac 16.3 MB
- CD 07 - Ars subtilior - dawn of the Renaissance/15 - Gilles Binchois (c.1400-1460), Je ne vis onques - L'essor de la Polyphonie.flac 16.0 MB
- CD 03 - Gregorian Chant/18 - Offertoire- Ascendens Ihesus in montem (Codex Calixtinus. Plainchant for Santiago da Compostela).flac 15.7 MB
- CD 09 - Songs of the Renaissance/07 - Clement Janequin (c.1485-1558) - Du beau tetin.flac 15.6 MB
- CD 10 - The rise of Instrumental music/24 - Pierre Attaingnant (1494-1552) - Premiere suytte de Branles (De la musique pour danser).flac 15.6 MB
- CD 05 - The birth of Polyphony/18 - Chansons Mariales du XIIIe siecle - Ave nobilis venerabilis.flac 15.4 MB
- CD 01 - Music of the Ancient World/24 - Alleluia Martinus (Alleluias and Offertories of the Gauls).flac 15.4 MB
- CD 04 - Minnesanger and other courtly arts/17 - Les Manuscrit des Carmina Burana (XIIIe siecle) - Bacche, bene venies.flac 15.4 MB
- CD 06 - Ars Nova/17 - L'Ars Nova italienne - Jacopo da Bologna (c.1340-1360), Aquila altera.flac 15.3 MB
- CD 01 - Music of the Ancient World/22 - Axion esti (Melchite Sacred Chant).flac 15.2 MB
- CD 06 - Ars Nova/05 - A l'heure de la Contestation - Le Roman de Fauvel, Quoniam secta latronum.flac 14.9 MB
- CD 09 - Songs of the Renaissance/19 - Carlo Gesualdo (1561-1613) - Merce grido piangendo.flac 14.9 MB
- CD 01 - Music of the Ancient World/09 - Psaume 24 (The Music of the Bible).flac 14.8 MB
- CD 09 - Songs of the Renaissance/08 - Clemens Non Papa (1510-1555) - Du laid tetin.flac 14.6 MB
- CD 06 - Ars Nova/14 - Chansons de l'Ars Nova francaise - Guillaume de Machaut, Honte, paour, doubtance, version instrumentale.flac 14.3 MB
- CD 09 - Songs of the Renaissance/02 - Claude Lejeune (c.1530-1600) - Une puce.flac 14.3 MB
- CD 10 - The rise of Instrumental music/20 - Giovanni Girolamo Kapsberger (c.1580-1651) - Toccata I (De la musique a jouer).flac 14.2 MB
- CD 06 - Ars Nova/11 - Les premieres messes Polyphoniques - Guillaume de Machaut (c.1300-1377), Messe de Notre Dame, Agnus Dei.flac 14.1 MB
- CD 03 - Gregorian Chant/04 - Graduel- Requiem aeternam (The Vast Corpus of Gregorian Chant).flac 14.1 MB
- CD 06 - Ars Nova/18 - L'Ars Nova italienne - Jacopo da Bologna (c.1340-1360), Io mi son uno che per le frasche.flac 14.0 MB
- CD 01 - Music of the Ancient World/05 - Daktylos amera (Music of Ancient Greece).flac 13.7 MB
- CD 08 - Sacred Music of the Renaissance/10 - Claudio Monteverdi - Messa a quattro voci da cappella- Sanctus.flac 13.6 MB
- CD 08 - Sacred Music of the Renaissance/17 - Paschal de l' Estocart - Reveillez vous chacun fidele.flac 13.6 MB
- CD 09 - Songs of the Renaissance/18 - Luca Marenzio (c.1553-1599) - Crudele acerba.flac 13.3 MB
- CD 04 - Minnesanger and other courtly arts/18 - Les Manuscrit des Carmina Burana (XIIIe siecle) - Deduc Syon uberrimas.flac 13.2 MB
- CD 05 - The birth of Polyphony/21 - Messe Mariale a la Cathedrale de Salisbury (XIIIe-XIVe siecles) - Gloria.flac 13.2 MB
- CD 06 - Ars Nova/13 - Chansons de l'Ars Nova francaise - Guillaume de Machaut, Honte, paour, doubtance.flac 13.1 MB
- CD 08 - Sacred Music of the Renaissance/01 - Josquin Desprez - Missa Pange Lingua- Kyrie.flac 12.9 MB
- CD 10 - The rise of Instrumental music/18 - Alfonso Ferrabosco (1575-1628) - A Pavin (De la musique a jouer).flac 12.6 MB
- CD 03 - Gregorian Chant/13 - Agnus dei- Omnipotens eterne (Mass from the Year 1000 - excerpts).flac 12.5 MB
- CD 08 - Sacred Music of the Renaissance/13 - Thomas Tallis - Salvator Mundi.flac 12.4 MB
- CD 05 - The birth of Polyphony/03 - Polyphonie Aquitaine a Saint-Martial de Limoges (XIIe siecle) - Resonemus hoc natali.flac 12.3 MB
- CD 10 - The rise of Instrumental music/05 - Marco da l'Aquila (c.1480-1538) - La Battaglia (Transcriptions & reductions).flac 12.2 MB
- CD 05 - The birth of Polyphony/17 - Chansons Mariales du XIIIe siecle - Pia mater gratie.flac 12.1 MB
- CD 06 - Ars Nova/21 - L'Ars Nova italienne - Francesco Landini (c.1335-1397), Non do la colp'a te.flac 12.1 MB
- CD 02 - Chant of the early Christians/09 - Chant Mozarabe - Gloria in excelsis Deo.flac 12.0 MB
- CD 10 - The rise of Instrumental music/07 - Enrique de Valderrabano (1500-1557) - Contrapunto sobre el tenor del conde claros (De la musique a jouer).flac 11.6 MB
- CD 01 - Music of the Ancient World/14 - Alleluia, Tropaire de la venue de l' Epoux (Byzantine Chant).flac 11.5 MB
- CD 10 - The rise of Instrumental music/02 - Jacob van Eyck (c.1590-1657) - Questa dolce sirena (Transcriptions & reductions).flac 11.4 MB
- CD 08 - Sacred Music of the Renaissance/03 - Pierre de la Rue - Messe de l' Homme Arme- Kyrie.flac 11.4 MB
- CD 06 - Ars Nova/06 - Les premieres messes Polyphoniques - Messe de Tournai (c.1330-40), Kyrie.flac 11.4 MB
- CD 05 - The birth of Polyphony/23 - Messe Mariale a la Cathedrale de Salisbury (XIIIe-XIVe siecles) - Agnus Dei - Virtute niminis.flac 11.1 MB
- CD 05 - The birth of Polyphony/16 - Chansons Mariales du XIIIe siecle - Ave maria gracia plena.flac 10.9 MB
- CD 04 - Minnesanger and other courtly arts/02 - En Langue d'Oc, Les Troubadours (XIe-XIIe siecles) - Bernart de Ventadorn (1130-1180) - Vida.flac 10.7 MB
- CD 07 - Ars subtilior - dawn of the Renaissance/02 - Johannes Ciconia (c.1335-1411), La flamma del to amor - L'Ars Subtilior (1370-1410).flac 10.7 MB
- CD 10 - The rise of Instrumental music/14 - Alberto da Ripa (c.1500-1551) - L'Eccho (De la musique a jouer).flac 10.6 MB
- CD 09 - Songs of the Renaissance/09 - Claudin de Sermisy (c.1490-1562) - Tant que vivray.flac 10.5 MB
- CD 03 - Gregorian Chant/14 - Psallite Domino (Mass from the Year 1000 - excerpts).flac 10.5 MB
- CD 03 - Gregorian Chant/05 - Trait- Absolve, Domine (The Vast Corpus of Gregorian Chant).flac 10.3 MB
- CD 10 - The rise of Instrumental music/19 - Giovanni Girolamo Kapsberger (c.1580-1651) - Toccata arpeggiata (De la musique a jouer).flac 10.1 MB
- CD 08 - Sacred Music of the Renaissance/08 - William Byrd - Mass for 4 voices- Kyrie.flac 10.1 MB
- CD 04 - Minnesanger and other courtly arts/05 - En Langue d'Oil, Les Trouveres (XIIe-XIIIe siecles) - Gautier de Coincy (1167-1236) - Efforcier m'estuet ma voix.flac 10.0 MB
- CD 05 - The birth of Polyphony/05 - Ecole de Notre-Dame (XIIe siecle) - Messe du jour de Noel- Kyrie.flac 10.0 MB
- CD 02 - Chant of the early Christians/10 - Chant Mozarabe - Ad confractionem panis - Qui venit ad me non esuriet.flac 10.0 MB
- CD 01 - Music of the Ancient World/08 - Psaume 23 (The Music of the Bible).flac 9.9 MB
- CD 01 - Music of the Ancient World/13 - Esther V,1 (The Music of the Bible).flac 9.8 MB
- CD 01 - Music of the Ancient World/20 - Extrait du Canon de Samedi Saint- deuxieme stance (Byzantine Chant).flac 9.8 MB
- CD 09 - Songs of the Renaissance/01 - Josquin Desprez - Faulte d'argent.flac 9.8 MB
- CD 09 - Songs of the Renaissance/13 - Cipriano de Rore (1516-1565) - Anchor che col partire.flac 9.6 MB
- CD 02 - Chant of the early Christians/12 - Chant Mozarabe - Ad accedentes - Gustate et videte.flac 9.6 MB
- CD 02 - Chant of the early Christians/ARTWORK/box0001.png 9.5 MB
- CD 02 - Chant of the early Christians/ARTWORK/box0002.png 9.5 MB
- CD 01 - Music of the Ancient World/23 - Ya walidata-l-ilah (Melchite Sacred Chant).flac 9.4 MB
- CD 04 - Minnesanger and other courtly arts/ARTWORK/box0001.png 9.4 MB
- CD 03 - Gregorian Chant/17 - Repons- Iacobe servorum (Codex Calixtinus. Plainchant for Santiago da Compostela).flac 9.3 MB
- CD 06 - Ars Nova/15 - Chansons de l'Ars Nova francaise - Anonyme, J'ai grant desespoir de ma vie.flac 9.3 MB
- CD 03 - Gregorian Chant/02 - Introit- Requiem Aeternam (The Vast Corpus of Gregorian Chant).flac 9.2 MB
- CD 08 - Sacred Music of the Renaissance/ARTWORK/box0001.png 9.2 MB
- CD 04 - Minnesanger and other courtly arts/ARTWORK/box0002.png 9.2 MB
- CD 10 - The rise of Instrumental music/25 - Pierre Attaingnant (1494-1552) - Premiere suytte de Branles d'Ecosse (De la musique pour danser).flac 9.2 MB
- CD 06 - Ars Nova/ARTWORK/box0002.png 9.2 MB
- CD 09 - Songs of the Renaissance/17 - Luca Marenzio (c.1553-1599) - Vezzosi augelli.flac 9.2 MB
- CD 09 - Songs of the Renaissance/21 - William Byrd (c.1540-1623) - The noble famous Queen.flac 9.2 MB
- CD 07 - Ars subtilior - dawn of the Renaissance/06 - Baude Cordier (fl. debut XVe siecle), Tout par compas - L'Ars Subtilior (1370-1410).flac 9.2 MB
- CD 06 - Ars Nova/ARTWORK/box0001.png 9.1 MB
- CD 10 - The rise of Instrumental music/06 - Marco da l'Aquila (c.14801538) - Ricercar 33 (Transcriptions & reductions).flac 9.1 MB
- CD 09 - Songs of the Renaissance/ARTWORK/box0001.png 9.1 MB
- CD 03 - Gregorian Chant/ARTWORK/box0001.png 9.0 MB
- CD 10 - The rise of Instrumental music/ARTWORK/box0001.png 8.9 MB
- CD 01 - Music of the Ancient World/02 - Melomai (Music of Ancient Greece).flac 8.9 MB
- CD 01 - Music of the Ancient World/ARTWORK/box0001.png 8.9 MB
- CD 05 - The birth of Polyphony/ARTWORK/box0001.png 8.8 MB
- CD 05 - The birth of Polyphony/ARTWORK/box0002.png 8.8 MB
- CD 01 - Music of the Ancient World/ARTWORK/box0002.png 8.8 MB
- CD 09 - Songs of the Renaissance/ARTWORK/box0002.png 8.8 MB
- CD 03 - Gregorian Chant/ARTWORK/box0002.png 8.7 MB
- CD 09 - Songs of the Renaissance/23 - John Dowland (1562-1626) - Come away, sweet love.flac 8.7 MB
- CD 07 - Ars subtilior - dawn of the Renaissance/ARTWORK/box0002.png 8.7 MB
- CD 05 - The birth of Polyphony/15 - Motets du Manuscrit de Montpellier (XIIIe siecle) - S'on me regarde.flac 8.5 MB
- CD 09 - Songs of the Renaissance/05 - Clement Janequin (c.1485-155 - Le chant du rossignol.flac 8.5 MB
- CD 09 - Songs of the Renaissance/16 - Roland de Lassus (1532-1594) - Allala, pia Calia.flac 8.5 MB
- CD 03 - Gregorian Chant/01 - Universi qui te expectant (The Vast Corpus of Gregorian Chant).flac 8.5 MB
- CD 06 - Ars Nova/02 - A l'heure de la Contestation - Le Roman de Fauvel, Vers 149 a 168.flac 8.5 MB
- CD 07 - Ars subtilior - dawn of the Renaissance/ARTWORK/box0001.png 8.4 MB
- CD 10 - The rise of Instrumental music/ARTWORK/box0002.png 8.4 MB
- CD 05 - The birth of Polyphony/12 - Motets du Manuscrit de Montpellier (XIIIe siecle) - Puisque bele dame m'eime.flac 8.4 MB
- CD 08 - Sacred Music of the Renaissance/ARTWORK/box0002.png 8.4 MB
- CD 01 - Music of the Ancient World/19 - Extrait du Canon de Samedi Saint- premiere stance (Byzantine Chant).flac 8.3 MB
- CD 01 - Music of the Ancient World/ARTWORK/livret0002.png 8.3 MB
- CD 10 - The rise of Instrumental music/10 - Francesco da Milano (1497-1543) - Fantasia 30 (De la musique a jouer).flac 8.2 MB
- CD 07 - Ars subtilior - dawn of the Renaissance/ARTWORK/box0004.png 8.1 MB
- CD 05 - The birth of Polyphony/ARTWORK/box0004.png 8.1 MB
- CD 04 - Minnesanger and other courtly arts/ARTWORK/box0004.png 8.1 MB
- CD 01 - Music of the Ancient World/ARTWORK/box0004.png 8.1 MB
- CD 05 - The birth of Polyphony/ARTWORK/livret0002.png 8.1 MB
- CD 09 - Songs of the Renaissance/20 - William Byrd (c.1540-1623) - Constant Penelope.flac 8.1 MB
- CD 02 - Chant of the early Christians/ARTWORK/box0004.png 8.1 MB
- CD 06 - Ars Nova/ARTWORK/box0004.png 8.0 MB
- CD 09 - Songs of the Renaissance/ARTWORK/box0004.png 8.0 MB
- CD 08 - Sacred Music of the Renaissance/ARTWORK/box0004.png 8.0 MB
- CD 07 - Ars subtilior - dawn of the Renaissance/ARTWORK/livret0002.png 8.0 MB
- CD 03 - Gregorian Chant/ARTWORK/box0004.png 7.9 MB
- CD 10 - The rise of Instrumental music/15 - Anonymous tunes (Angleterre, XVIe siecle) - Greensleeves (De la musique a jouer).flac 7.9 MB
- CD 10 - The rise of Instrumental music/ARTWORK/box0004.png 7.9 MB
- CD 07 - Ars subtilior - dawn of the Renaissance/ARTWORK/box0003.png 7.8 MB
- CD 08 - Sacred Music of the Renaissance/ARTWORK/box0003.png 7.8 MB
- CD 06 - Ars Nova/ARTWORK/box0003.png 7.8 MB
- CD 01 - Music of the Ancient World/11 - Lamentations I,1 (The Music of the Bible).flac 7.7 MB
- CD 05 - The birth of Polyphony/ARTWORK/box0003.png 7.7 MB
- CD 02 - Chant of the early Christians/ARTWORK/box0003.png 7.7 MB
- CD 01 - Music of the Ancient World/ARTWORK/box0003.png 7.6 MB
- CD 04 - Minnesanger and other courtly arts/ARTWORK/box0003.png 7.6 MB
- CD 02 - Chant of the early Christians/08 - Chant Mozarabe - Invocation sacerdotale d'introduction - Per gloriam nominis tui.flac 7.5 MB
- CD 08 - Sacred Music of the Renaissance/11 - Claudio Monteverdi - Messa a quattro voci da cappella- Benedictus.flac 7.5 MB
- CD 02 - Chant of the early Christians/ARTWORK/livret0008.png 7.5 MB
- CD 03 - Gregorian Chant/ARTWORK/box0003.png 7.5 MB
- CD 10 - The rise of Instrumental music/ARTWORK/box0003.png 7.5 MB
- CD 09 - Songs of the Renaissance/ARTWORK/box0003.png 7.5 MB
- CD 03 - Gregorian Chant/03 - Kyrie eleison (The Vast Corpus of Gregorian Chant).flac 7.4 MB
- CD 09 - Songs of the Renaissance/ARTWORK/livret0002.png 7.4 MB
- CD 10 - The rise of Instrumental music/ARTWORK/livret0002.png 7.3 MB
- CD 10 - The rise of Instrumental music/12 - Pietro Paolo Borrono (fl.1531-49) - Saltarello (De la musique a jouer).flac 7.3 MB
- CD 08 - Sacred Music of the Renaissance/ARTWORK/livret0002.png 7.3 MB
- CD 04 - Minnesanger and other courtly arts/ARTWORK/livret0002.png 7.2 MB
- CD 01 - Music of the Ancient World/04 - Nomos M (Music of Ancient Greece).flac 7.2 MB
- CD 06 - Ars Nova/ARTWORK/livret0002.png 7.2 MB
- CD 08 - Sacred Music of the Renaissance/ARTWORK/livret0008.png 7.2 MB
- CD 05 - The birth of Polyphony/22 - Messe Mariale a la Cathedrale de Salisbury (XIIIe-XIVe siecles) - Sanctus - Benedictus.flac 7.2 MB
- CD 03 - Gregorian Chant/ARTWORK/livret0002.png 7.2 MB
- CD 10 - The rise of Instrumental music/ARTWORK/livret0005.png 7.2 MB
- CD 01 - Music of the Ancient World/ARTWORK/livret0004.png 7.1 MB
- CD 08 - Sacred Music of the Renaissance/ARTWORK/livret0005.png 7.0 MB
- CD 03 - Gregorian Chant/ARTWORK/livret0008.png 7.0 MB
- CD 06 - Ars Nova/ARTWORK/livret0005.png 7.0 MB
- CD 09 - Songs of the Renaissance/ARTWORK/livret0004.png 6.9 MB
- CD 03 - Gregorian Chant/ARTWORK/livret0004.png 6.9 MB
- CD 05 - The birth of Polyphony/ARTWORK/livret0004.png 6.9 MB
- CD 02 - Chant of the early Christians/ARTWORK/livret0002.png 6.9 MB
- CD 03 - Gregorian Chant/ARTWORK/livret0005.png 6.9 MB
- CD 09 - Songs of the Renaissance/ARTWORK/livret0008.png 6.9 MB
- CD 09 - Songs of the Renaissance/ARTWORK/livret0006.png 6.9 MB
- CD 01 - Music of the Ancient World/ARTWORK/livret0005.png 6.8 MB
- CD 06 - Ars Nova/ARTWORK/livret0007.png 6.8 MB
- CD 09 - Songs of the Renaissance/ARTWORK/livret0007.png 6.8 MB
- CD 08 - Sacred Music of the Renaissance/ARTWORK/livret0004.png 6.8 MB
- CD 02 - Chant of the early Christians/ARTWORK/livret0005.png 6.8 MB
- CD 06 - Ars Nova/ARTWORK/livret0004.png 6.8 MB
- CD 01 - Music of the Ancient World/ARTWORK/livret0006.png 6.7 MB
- CD 06 - Ars Nova/ARTWORK/livret0006.png 6.7 MB
- CD 10 - The rise of Instrumental music/ARTWORK/livret0006.png 6.7 MB
- CD 04 - Minnesanger and other courtly arts/ARTWORK/livret0004.png 6.7 MB
- CD 10 - The rise of Instrumental music/26 - Pierre Attaingnant (1494-1552) - Bransle gay (De la musique pour danser).flac 6.7 MB
- CD 09 - Songs of the Renaissance/ARTWORK/livret0005.png 6.7 MB
- CD 03 - Gregorian Chant/ARTWORK/livret0006.png 6.7 MB
- CD 10 - The rise of Instrumental music/ARTWORK/livret0007.png 6.7 MB
- CD 10 - The rise of Instrumental music/22 - Anonyme (ed. Pierre Phalese 1550-1629) - Almande, Saltarello (De la musique pour danser).flac 6.6 MB
- CD 08 - Sacred Music of the Renaissance/ARTWORK/livret0006.png 6.6 MB
- CD 01 - Music of the Ancient World/ARTWORK/livret0007.png 6.6 MB
- CD 02 - Chant of the early Christians/ARTWORK/livret0004.png 6.6 MB
- CD 05 - The birth of Polyphony/ARTWORK/livret0001.png 6.6 MB
- CD 08 - Sacred Music of the Renaissance/19 - Claude Goudimel - Apres avoir constamment attendu.flac 6.6 MB
- CD 04 - Minnesanger and other courtly arts/ARTWORK/livret0005.png 6.6 MB
- CD 02 - Chant of the early Christians/ARTWORK/livret0007.png 6.6 MB
- CD 07 - Ars subtilior - dawn of the Renaissance/ARTWORK/livret0007.png 6.6 MB
- CD 03 - Gregorian Chant/ARTWORK/livret0001.png 6.6 MB
- CD 06 - Ars Nova/04 - A l'heure de la Contestation - Le Roman de Fauvel, J'ai fait nouveletement.flac 6.6 MB
- CD 05 - The birth of Polyphony/ARTWORK/livret0008.png 6.5 MB
- CD 08 - Sacred Music of the Renaissance/ARTWORK/livret0001.png 6.5 MB
- CD 10 - The rise of Instrumental music/ARTWORK/livret0004.png 6.5 MB
- CD 07 - Ars subtilior - dawn of the Renaissance/ARTWORK/livret0005.png 6.5 MB
- CD 01 - Music of the Ancient World/10 - Cantique des Cantiques I,1 (The Music of the Bible).flac 6.5 MB
- CD 03 - Gregorian Chant/ARTWORK/livret0007.png 6.5 MB
- CD 02 - Chant of the early Christians/02 - Chant Ambrosien - Ingressa - Lux fulgebit hodie super nos.flac 6.5 MB
- CD 07 - Ars subtilior - dawn of the Renaissance/ARTWORK/livret0006.png 6.4 MB
- CD 01 - Music of the Ancient World/ARTWORK/livret0008.png 6.4 MB
- CD 07 - Ars subtilior - dawn of the Renaissance/ARTWORK/livret0004.png 6.4 MB
- CD 06 - Ars Nova/ARTWORK/livret0001.png 6.4 MB
- CD 05 - The birth of Polyphony/ARTWORK/livret0005.png 6.3 MB
- CD 02 - Chant of the early Christians/ARTWORK/livret0006.png 6.3 MB
- CD 07 - Ars subtilior - dawn of the Renaissance/ARTWORK/livret0001.png 6.3 MB
- CD 10 - The rise of Instrumental music/ARTWORK/livret0008.png 6.3 MB
- CD 04 - Minnesanger and other courtly arts/ARTWORK/livret0006.png 6.3 MB
- CD 04 - Minnesanger and other courtly arts/ARTWORK/livret0008.png 6.3 MB
- CD 04 - Minnesanger and other courtly arts/ARTWORK/livret0007.png 6.2 MB
- CD 07 - Ars subtilior - dawn of the Renaissance/ARTWORK/livret0008.png 6.2 MB
- CD 05 - The birth of Polyphony/ARTWORK/livret0006.png 6.2 MB
- CD 09 - Songs of the Renaissance/03 - Claude Lejeune (c.1530-1600) - Autant en emporte le vent.flac 6.2 MB
- CD 10 - The rise of Instrumental music/ARTWORK/livret0003.png 6.2 MB
- CD 01 - Music of the Ancient World/ARTWORK/livret0003.png 6.1 MB
- CD 05 - The birth of Polyphony/01 - Polyphonie Aquitaine a Saint-Martial de Limoges (XIIe siecle) - Domine labia mea aperies - Deus in adjutorium meum.flac 6.1 MB
- CD 05 - The birth of Polyphony/ARTWORK/livret0007.png 6.1 MB
- CD 04 - Minnesanger and other courtly arts/ARTWORK/livret0003.png 6.1 MB
- CD 01 - Music of the Ancient World/ARTWORK/livret0001.png 6.1 MB
- CD 01 - Music of the Ancient World/21 - Extrait du Canon de Samedi Saint- troisieme stance (Byzantine Chant).flac 6.1 MB
- CD 08 - Sacred Music of the Renaissance/ARTWORK/livret0003.png 6.1 MB
- CD 06 - Ars Nova/08 - Les premieres messes Polyphoniques - Messe de Tournai (c.1330-40), Agnus Dei.flac 6.1 MB
- CD 10 - The rise of Instrumental music/ARTWORK/livret0001.png 6.1 MB
- CD 09 - Songs of the Renaissance/ARTWORK/livret0003.png 6.0 MB
- CD 06 - Ars Nova/ARTWORK/livret0003.png 6.0 MB
- CD 08 - Sacred Music of the Renaissance/ARTWORK/livret0007.png 6.0 MB
- CD 05 - The birth of Polyphony/ARTWORK/livret0003.png 5.9 MB
- CD 06 - Ars Nova/03 - A l'heure de la Contestation - Le Roman de Fauvel, Ad solitum vomitum.flac 5.9 MB
- CD 06 - Ars Nova/ARTWORK/livret0008.png 5.9 MB
- CD 05 - The birth of Polyphony/13 - Motets du Manuscrit de Montpellier (XIIIe siecle) - Ne sai, que je die.flac 5.9 MB
- CD 10 - The rise of Instrumental music/09 - Francesco da Milano (1497-1543) - Fantasia 67 (De la musique a jouer).flac 5.8 MB
- CD 07 - Ars subtilior - dawn of the Renaissance/ARTWORK/livret0003.png 5.8 MB
- CD 02 - Chant of the early Christians/ARTWORK/livret0003.png 5.8 MB
- CD 03 - Gregorian Chant/ARTWORK/livret0003.png 5.7 MB
- CD 06 - Ars Nova/20 - L'Ars Nova italienne - Francesco Landini (c.1335-1397), Echo la primavera.flac 5.7 MB
- CD 10 - The rise of Instrumental music/03 - Josquin Desprez (c.1450-55-1521) - Scaramella (Transcriptions & reductions).flac 5.7 MB
- CD 09 - Songs of the Renaissance/ARTWORK/livret0001.png 5.7 MB
- CD 10 - The rise of Instrumental music/21 - Anonyme (ed. Pierre Phalese 1550-1629) - L'Arboscello ballo furlano (De la musique pour danser).flac 5.6 MB
- CD 04 - Minnesanger and other courtly arts/ARTWORK/livret0001.png 5.6 MB
- CD 09 - Songs of the Renaissance/10 - Pierre Passereau (c.1490-1547) - Il est bel et bon.flac 5.5 MB
- CD 08 - Sacred Music of the Renaissance/20 - Claudin de Sermisy - Tant que vivray en aege florissant.flac 5.5 MB
- CD 07 - Ars subtilior - dawn of the Renaissance/03 - Johannes Ciconia (c.1335-1411), Le ray au soleyl - L'Ars Subtilior (1370-1410).flac 5.5 MB
- Boxset/boxset back.png 5.4 MB
- CD 04 - Minnesanger and other courtly arts/10 - En Langue d'Oil, Les Trouveres (XIIe-XIIIe siecles) - Adam de la Halle (1240-1287) - Entre Adan et Anikel - Chies bien seans.flac 5.2 MB
- CD 02 - Chant of the early Christians/ARTWORK/livret0001.png 5.1 MB
- Boxset/boxset front.png 5.1 MB
- CD 01 - Music of the Ancient World/17 - Exapostilarion de l'Office de Mardi Saint- version arabe (Byzantine Chant).flac 5.0 MB
- CD 01 - Music of the Ancient World/16 - Exapostilarion de l'Office de Mardi Saint- version grecque (Byzantine Chant).flac 4.9 MB
- CD 06 - Ars Nova/01 - A l'heure de la Contestation - Le Roman de Fauvel, In mari miserie.flac 4.9 MB
- CD 06 - Ars Nova/25 - Musique sacree dans l'Angleterre du XIVe siecle - Mater ora filium.flac 4.8 MB
- CD 02 - Chant of the early Christians/ARTWORK/front.png 4.8 MB
- CD 04 - Minnesanger and other courtly arts/ARTWORK/front.png 4.7 MB
- CD 03 - Gregorian Chant/12 - Antienne- In paradisum (The Vast Corpus of Gregorian Chant).flac 4.7 MB
- CD 01 - Music of the Ancient World/12 - Psaume 150 ''Alleluia'' (The Music of the Bible).flac 4.6 MB
- CD 05 - The birth of Polyphony/09 - Hoquets du Manuscrit de Bamberg (XIIIe siecle) - In seculum Viellatoris.flac 4.5 MB
- CD 05 - The birth of Polyphony/11 - Hoquets du Manuscrit de Bamberg (XIIIe siecle) - In seculum D'Amiens Longum.flac 4.5 MB
- CD 08 - Sacred Music of the Renaissance/18 - Roland de Lassus - Quand mon mari s'en va dehors.flac 4.4 MB
- CD 03 - Gregorian Chant/10 - Communion- Lux aeterna (The Vast Corpus of Gregorian Chant).flac 4.4 MB
- CD 01 - Music of the Ancient World/ARTWORK/back.png 4.4 MB
- CD 06 - Ars Nova/ARTWORK/back.png 4.4 MB
- CD 10 - The rise of Instrumental music/08 - Alfonso Mudarra (c.1510-1580) - Fantasia del primer tono (De la musique a jouer).flac 4.4 MB
- CD 01 - Music of the Ancient World/15 - Exapostilarion de l'Office de Mardi Saint- version arabe (Byzantine Chant).flac 4.3 MB
- CD 09 - Songs of the Renaissance/ARTWORK/front.png 4.3 MB
- CD 10 - The rise of Instrumental music/ARTWORK/back.png 4.3 MB
- CD 06 - Ars Nova/ARTWORK/front.png 4.3 MB
- CD 08 - Sacred Music of the Renaissance/ARTWORK/back.png 4.3 MB
- CD 08 - Sacred Music of the Renaissance/ARTWORK/front.png 4.3 MB
- CD 03 - Gregorian Chant/ARTWORK/front.png 4.3 MB
- CD 09 - Songs of the Renaissance/ARTWORK/back.png 4.3 MB
- CD 05 - The birth of Polyphony/ARTWORK/back.png 4.3 MB
- CD 04 - Minnesanger and other courtly arts/ARTWORK/back.png 4.3 MB
- CD 03 - Gregorian Chant/ARTWORK/back.png 4.3 MB
- CD 02 - Chant of the early Christians/ARTWORK/back.png 4.2 MB
- CD 10 - The rise of Instrumental music/ARTWORK/front.png 4.2 MB
- CD 07 - Ars subtilior - dawn of the Renaissance/ARTWORK/back.png 4.2 MB
- CD 05 - The birth of Polyphony/ARTWORK/front.png 4.2 MB
- CD 09 - Songs of the Renaissance/12 - Pierre Certon (1512-1572) - La, la, la, je ne l'ose dire.flac 4.1 MB
- CD 06 - Ars Nova/24 - Musique sacree dans l'Angleterre du XIVe siecle - Campanis cum cymbalis - Honoremus Dominan.flac 4.1 MB
- CD 01 - Music of the Ancient World/ARTWORK/front.png 4.1 MB
- CD 04 - Minnesanger and other courtly arts/07 - En Langue d'Oil, Les Trouveres (XIIe-XIIIe siecles) - Gautier de Coincy (1167-1236) - Motet - Hyer matin - Benedicamus Domino.flac 4.1 MB
- CD 05 - The birth of Polyphony/08 - Hoquets du Manuscrit de Bamberg (XIIIe siecle) - In seculum Longum.flac 4.0 MB
- CD 08 - Sacred Music of the Renaissance/22 - Thomas Tallis - Tallis' Canon (Eight tune for Archbishop Parker's Psalter).flac 4.0 MB
- CD 03 - Gregorian Chant/09 - Agnus Dei (The Vast Corpus of Gregorian Chant).flac 3.9 MB
- CD 10 - The rise of Instrumental music/04 - Heinrich Isaac (c.1450-55-1517) - De tous bien plaine (Transcriptions & reductions).flac 3.9 MB
- CD 02 - Chant of the early Christians/ARTWORK/CD.png 3.9 MB
- CD 07 - Ars subtilior - dawn of the Renaissance/ARTWORK/front.png 3.9 MB
- Boxset/boxset rear.png 3.9 MB
- CD 04 - Minnesanger and other courtly arts/ARTWORK/CD.png 3.8 MB
- Boxset/boxset side1 up.png 3.8 MB
- CD 03 - Gregorian Chant/ARTWORK/CD.png 3.7 MB
- CD 06 - Ars Nova/ARTWORK/CD.png 3.7 MB
- CD 10 - The rise of Instrumental music/ARTWORK/CD.png 3.6 MB
- CD 08 - Sacred Music of the Renaissance/ARTWORK/CD.png 3.6 MB
- CD 09 - Songs of the Renaissance/ARTWORK/CD.png 3.6 MB
- CD 05 - The birth of Polyphony/ARTWORK/CD.png 3.6 MB
- CD 07 - Ars subtilior - dawn of the Renaissance/ARTWORK/CD.png 3.5 MB
- CD 10 - The rise of Instrumental music/16 - Anonymous tunes (Angleterre, XVIe siecle) - Packington's Pound (De la musique a jouer).flac 3.5 MB
- CD 01 - Music of the Ancient World/ARTWORK/CD.png 3.5 MB
- CD 05 - The birth of Polyphony/10 - Hoquets du Manuscrit de Bamberg (XIIIe siecle) - In seculum Breve.flac 3.5 MB
- CD 03 - Gregorian Chant/08 - Sanctus (The Vast Corpus of Gregorian Chant).flac 3.5 MB
- CD 01 - Music of the Ancient World/03 - Eros (Music of Ancient Greece).flac 3.4 MB
- CD 10 - The rise of Instrumental music/11 - Pietro Paolo Borrono (fl.1531-49) - Fantasia (De la musique a jouer).flac 3.4 MB
- CD 04 - Minnesanger and other courtly arts/06 - En Langue d'Oil, Les Trouveres (XIIe-XIIIe siecles) - Gautier de Coincy (1167-1236) - Conduit - Hyer matin a l'enjornee.flac 3.3 MB
- CD 03 - Gregorian Chant/16 - Invitatoire- Regem regum dominum (Codex Calixtinus. Plainchant for Santiago da Compostela).flac 3.3 MB
- CD 10 - The rise of Instrumental music/17 - Anonymous tunes (Angleterre, XVIe siecle) - Kemp's Jig (De la musique a jouer).flac 3.2 MB
- CD 02 - Chant of the early Christians/11 - Chant Mozarabe - Pretre - Humiliate vos ad benedictionem!.flac 3.0 MB
- Boxset/boxset side2 down.png 2.6 MB
- CD 02 - Chant of the early Christians/cover.jpg 127.3 KB
- CD 04 - Minnesanger and other courtly arts/cover.jpg 118.8 KB
- CD 06 - Ars Nova/cover.jpg 113.7 KB
- CD 03 - Gregorian Chant/cover.jpg 102.0 KB
- CD 08 - Sacred Music of the Renaissance/cover.jpg 98.4 KB
- CD 10 - The rise of Instrumental music/cover.jpg 98.2 KB
- CD 09 - Songs of the Renaissance/cover.jpg 89.8 KB
- CD 05 - The birth of Polyphony/cover.jpg 89.1 KB
- CD 01 - Music of the Ancient World/cover.jpg 83.3 KB
- cover.jpg 77.5 KB
- CD 07 - Ars subtilior - dawn of the Renaissance/cover.jpg 72.8 KB
- CD 10 - The rise of Instrumental music/various - The Rise of Instrumental Music.log 29.1 KB
- CD 06 - Ars Nova/Various Artists - Le siecle de l'Ars nova.log 26.0 KB
- CD 01 - Music of the Ancient World/Various - Century 1 - Music of the Ancient World.log 25.0 KB
- CD 05 - The birth of Polyphony/various - The Birth of Polyphony.log 24.3 KB
- CD 03 - Gregorian Chant/Various - Gregorian Chant.log 23.6 KB
- CD 08 - Sacred Music of the Renaissance/Various - Messes et motets de la Renaissance (1500-1600).log 23.2 KB
- CD 09 - Songs of the Renaissance/Various Artists - Chansons de la Renaissance.log 23.0 KB
- CD 04 - Minnesanger and other courtly arts/Various - Touveres & Troubadours.log 20.8 KB
- CD 07 - Ars subtilior - dawn of the Renaissance/various - Ars subtilior.log 17.2 KB
- CD 02 - Chant of the early Christians/Ensemble Organum, dir. Marcel Peres - Century 2 - Chant of the Early Christians.log 17.1 KB
- CD 10 - The rise of Instrumental music/The Rise of Instrumental Music.cue 7.5 KB
- CD 06 - Ars Nova/Le siecle de l'Ars nova.cue 6.7 KB
- CD 05 - The birth of Polyphony/The Birth of Polyphony.cue 6.1 KB
- CD 03 - Gregorian Chant/Gregorian Chant.cue 5.9 KB
- CD 04 - Minnesanger and other courtly arts/Touveres & Troubadours.cue 5.8 KB
- CD 01 - Music of the Ancient World/Century 1 - Music of the Ancient World.cue 5.5 KB
- CD 10 - The rise of Instrumental music/various - The Rise of Instrumental Music.m3u 5.1 KB
- CD 09 - Songs of the Renaissance/Chansons de la Renaissance.cue 4.8 KB
- CD 08 - Sacred Music of the Renaissance/Messes et motets de la Renaissance (1500-1600).cue 4.8 KB
- CD 06 - Ars Nova/Various Artists - Le siecle de l'Ars nova.m3u 4.4 KB
- CD 07 - Ars subtilior - dawn of the Renaissance/Ars subtilior.cue 4.3 KB
- CD 04 - Minnesanger and other courtly arts/Various - Touveres & Troubadours.m3u 4.2 KB
- CD 05 - The birth of Polyphony/various - The Birth of Polyphony.m3u 4.0 KB
- CD 02 - Chant of the early Christians/Century 2 - Chant of the Early Christians.cue 3.8 KB
- CD 03 - Gregorian Chant/Various - Gregorian Chant.m3u 3.6 KB
- CD 01 - Music of the Ancient World/Various - Century 1 - Music of the Ancient World.m3u 3.2 KB
- CD 07 - Ars subtilior - dawn of the Renaissance/various - Ars subtilior.m3u 3.0 KB
- CD 08 - Sacred Music of the Renaissance/Various - Messes et motets de la Renaissance (1500-1600).m3u 2.8 KB
- CD 09 - Songs of the Renaissance/Various Artists - Chansons de la Renaissance.m3u 2.8 KB
- CD 02 - Chant of the early Christians/Ensemble Organum, dir. Marcel Peres - Century 2 - Chant of the Early Christians.m3u 2.4 KB
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