Bashar - Books, Transcripts Collection
File List
- Bashar - Transcripts/PDF+/Bashar - Reading Material (3053 pages).pdf 43.1 MB
- Bashar - Recomend this Book's/Book 1 Anastasia.pdf 38.0 MB
- Bashar - Recomend this Book's/Book 2 The Ringing Cedar Of Russia.pdf 28.1 MB
- Bashar - Transcripts/PDF+/Bashar - Q&A (1144 pages).pdf 18.3 MB
- Bashar - Books/Bashar - New Meta Physics/Bashar - New Metaphysics (Intro, 1987).pdf 10.4 MB
- Bashar - Recomend this Book's/Paul Pearsall - The Heart's Code.pdf 7.0 MB
- Bashar - Recomend this Book's/A.D. After Disclosure - The Peoples Guide to Life After Contact PDF.pdf 3.3 MB
- Bashar - Recomend this Book's/Michael Newton - Destiny Ofsouls (2000).pdf 3.3 MB
- Bashar - Recomend this Book's/Cosmic Voyage By Courtney Brown.pdf 2.6 MB
- Bashar - Recomend this Book's/Bashar - Suggest to Read - Conversations With God.mp3 2.2 MB
- Bashar - Transcripts/PDF+/Bashar - The Fundamentals.pdf 1.9 MB
- Bashar - Transcripts/PDF/Bashar - Contact 101.pdf 1.7 MB
- Bashar - Recomend this Book's/Barbara Sher - Wishcraft Complete (How to Get What You Realy Want).pdf 1.6 MB
- Bashar - Books/Bashar - Soul Blueprint/Bashar - Soul Blueprint.pdf 1.2 MB
- Bashar - Recomend this Book's/Michael Newton - Journey Off Souls (2002).pdf 1003.5 KB
- Bashar - Books/Bashar - Blueprint for Change (A Message from Our Future)/Bashar - Blueprint for Change (A Message from Our Future).pdf 989.4 KB
- Bashar - Books/Bashar - Quest for Truth Bashar (100 Insights That Could Change Your Life)/Bashar - Quest for Truth Bashar (100 Insights That Could Change Your Life).pdf 708.4 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/PDF+/Bashar - Vortex Vibrations.pdf 636.0 KB
- Bashar - Recomend this Book's/Whitley Strieber - Communion (A True Story).pdf 628.9 KB
- Bashar - Books/Bashar - New Meta Physics/Bashar - New Metaphysics (Main Text, 1987).pdf 577.0 KB
- Bashar - Books/Bashar - by subject (ongoing project).pdf 538.1 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/PDF/Bashar - Material by subject (ongoing project).pdf 538.1 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - Bashar Files.doc 274.0 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - Friends and Neighbors.doc 234.0 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - The Fundamentals.docx 219.9 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/HTML/Bashar - Taping Into Higher Frequencies.html 215.1 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/HTML/Bashar - try.html 214.0 KB
- Bashar - Books/Bashar - New Meta Physics/Bashar - The New Metaphysics.docx 210.1 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - Monatomics.docx 183.7 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - WORKSHOP Self Empowerment 1986.doc 146.0 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - Self Empowerment Workshop Parts 1 thru 4.doc 141.0 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - Orion Follow-Up.doc 120.0 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - CRYSTALS AND ELECTROMAGNETISM 11 16 87.doc 116.5 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/HTML/Bashar - Reflections From a Golden Tiger.html 110.2 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/HTML/Bashar - Beginning to Channel.html 109.9 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/HTML/Bashar - Seth and Ra and Orion Energies.html 109.7 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/HTML/Bashar - Anunnaki Off Shoots.html 109.7 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/HTML/Bashar - Crystals and Sharing Circle.html 109.7 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/HTML/Bashar - Non Resistance.html 109.6 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/HTML/Bashar - Photon Belt II.html 109.6 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/HTML/Bashar - Handling Negative Energy.html 109.5 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/HTML/Bashar - Physical Aging.html 109.5 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/HTML/Bashar - Contents.html 106.7 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/TXT/Bashar - Bashar Files.txt 101.3 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/TXT/Bashar - Self Empowerment Workshop Parts 1 thru 4.txt 98.8 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - Crystrals edited.doc 96.0 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - Orion.doc 95.0 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - Being the Gift of Yourself.doc 94.5 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - GLOSSARY.doc 94.0 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - Message from Orion.doc 94.0 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - Edited scientific and technical information.doc 93.5 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - Follow Your Excitement.doc 92.5 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - Evolution of Consciousness and Meditations.doc 91.0 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/TXT/Bashar - WORKSHOP Self Empowerment 1986.txt 90.6 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - Thank You.doc 89.0 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - Life on Essassani.doc 86.0 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - Welcome to Fourth Density.doc 86.0 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - List of Transcripts 5 23 00.doc 85.0 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - Consensus Reality.doc 83.0 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - Life Works.doc 82.5 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - Peace in Our Time.doc 82.0 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - UFOs Identified.doc 80.0 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - Jesus Said III of III.doc 79.0 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - Masters of Limitation II.doc 76.5 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - The Paradox Connection.docx 75.1 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - 19880128 Overcoming Inertia Transcript 6300Words.doc 75.0 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - Extraterrestrial Consciousness.doc 74.0 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - Energy Domains Of The Human System Part I And II.doc 73.0 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - TV Interview.doc 72.5 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/PDF/Bashar - The Orchestration.pdf 67.7 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/PDF/Bashar - Robert Tape - No. 7 - 1996.pdf 66.8 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - All IS All That Is.doc 66.0 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - The 21St Century.doc 65.5 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/TXT/Bashar - gggg.txt 65.1 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/PDF/Bashar - THE LIMBO STATE.pdf 65.0 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - Keys Of Ascension.doc 64.0 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - Religion.doc 63.5 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - The Orchestration.doc 63.5 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - Systems of Belief.doc 63.0 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - Releasing Emotion-Evolution of Consciouness WorkShop - Japan.doc 63.0 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - II Releasing Emotion-Evolution of Consciouness WorkShop - Japan.doc 62.5 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - Zeta and the Legacy.doc 62.0 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/PDF/Bashar - Religion.pdf 61.9 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - Living It.doc 61.5 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - THE LIMBO STATE.doc 60.5 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - Change The World By Changing Yourself.doc 60.0 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - Creativity.doc 60.0 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - Energy Domains Of The Human System Part I (1).doc 59.5 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - Energy Domains Of The Human System Part I.doc 59.5 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - Stay Tuned to the Frequency of a Positive Earth.doc 59.5 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - Energy Domains of the Human System Part I.doc 59.5 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - Judging Others.doc 59.0 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - CREATIVIT & ABUNDANCE Part 3 (Self-Empowerment Workshop).doc 59.0 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - Jesus Said II of III.doc 59.0 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - CREATIVITY & ABUNDANCE Part 3 Self-Empowerment Work~1.doc 59.0 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - The 21st Century - Japan.doc 59.0 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - Healing Disease.doc 59.0 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - Expectations About Finding The Ideal Relationship.doc 58.0 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - Field Trip To A Cylindrical Essassani Mothership.doc 58.0 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - Crystal Skulls.doc 58.0 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - The Second Coming.doc 58.0 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/PDF/Bashar - Energy Domains Of The Human System - Part I.pdf 57.5 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/PDF/Bashar - Creativity.pdf 57.4 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - Stretching Your Limits.docx 57.3 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - Ancient Memories.doc 57.0 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - Living on the Edge.doc 57.0 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - Science.doc 57.0 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/PDF/Bashar - Living It.pdf 56.6 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - Spacecraft and Space Travel.doc 56.5 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - Extraterrestrial Contact and Communication.doc 56.5 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/PDF/Bashar - WORKSHOP PART I - Bodily ALignment.pdf 56.4 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/TXT/Bashar - Follow Your Excitement.txt 56.4 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/PDF/Bashar - Zeta And The Legacy.pdf 56.2 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - WORKSHOP PART I Bodily ALignment.doc 56.0 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - New Definitions for Creating a Positive Reality.doc 55.5 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/PDF/Bashar - Jesus Said II Of III.pdf 55.0 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - Meta-Physical Concepts.doc 55.0 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/TXT/Bashar - Evolution of Consciousness and Meditations.txt 54.5 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - Robert Tape No. 7 1996.doc 54.5 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - Giving and Receiving and Your Path of Service.doc 54.5 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/TXT/Bashar - Welcome to Fourth Density.txt 53.0 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - Prime Radiant.doc 53.0 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - Self Discovery In The Here And Now.doc 53.0 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - Reaction And Self Empowerment In A Relationship.doc 53.0 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - Unconditionally Loving And Archetypal Energies.doc 53.0 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - Existence and Consciousness.doc 53.0 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - Transformation and Change.docx 52.8 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - The Messenger.tmd 52.7 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/PDF/Bashar - The Second Coming.pdf 52.0 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - R.S.V.P.doc 52.0 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/PDF/Bashar - Science.pdf 51.5 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - Slippery Tracks.doc 51.5 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - Belief Structures and the Law of One.doc 51.5 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - The Transition of the Thirty-Nine.doc 51.5 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/TXT/Bashar - Life Works.txt 51.3 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - Uncovering Beliefs About Relationships.doc 51.0 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - Growth and the Soul s Purpose.doc 51.0 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - Karmic Template.doc 51.0 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - How To Tell if Channeling is Genuine or Fraudulent.doc 51.0 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/TXT/Bashar - Life on Essassani.txt 50.6 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - ET Contact And Improving The Human Condition.doc 50.5 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - Malibu And Manifestation And Light And Thought.doc 50.5 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - Vibrating in Alignment With Fourth Density Earth.doc 50.5 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - Belief Strutures and the Law of One.doc 50.5 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - Each Idea Creates Its Own Complete Reality.doc 50.0 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - Awakening To All Portions Of Yourself.doc 50.0 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - Needing a Relationship.doc 49.5 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - Diving Into The Unknown.doc 49.5 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - Growth and the Souls Purpose.doc 49.5 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - The Game of Remembering.doc 49.5 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - Alien Feelings.doc 49.5 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/TXT/Bashar - Jesus Said III of III.txt 49.4 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/TXT/Bashar - Edited scientific and technical information.txt 49.3 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/PDF/Bashar - Living On The Edge.pdf 49.2 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/PDF/Bashar - THE ENGINE OF ASCENSION Tunguska Tape II - 7 - 19 - 98.pdf 49.1 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/TXT/Bashar - Friends and Neighbors.txt 49.1 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - 6th Density Sirius Energy.doc 49.0 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - Money From Beyond Belief.doc 49.0 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/PDF/Bashar - Change The World By Changing Yourself.pdf 48.7 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - Telepathy and Psychic Functioning.doc 48.5 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/TXT/Bashar - Orion.txt 48.2 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - The Four Absolutes.doc 48.0 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - An Opportunity To Face More Of Yourself.doc 48.0 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - Meaningful Relationships.doc 48.0 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - The Tapestry of Love.doc 48.0 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/PDF/Bashar - Meta-physical Concepts.pdf 48.0 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - Loving Relationships.doc 47.5 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - Synchronicity and Integrity.doc 47.0 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - Past Lives Symbology and a Hearing Visualization.doc 46.5 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - Complete or Incomplete, That is the Question.doc 46.5 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - Telepathy and Faith and Belief.doc 46.5 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - Hawaii the Heart.doc 46.0 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - Self Judgment And Winning And Losing.doc 46.0 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - Unification Equation and Spacecraft Hyper-Jumps.doc 46.0 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - Death and Timing and Future Self.doc 46.0 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - Out Of Work.doc 46.0 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - Transformation of Disease.doc 46.0 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/PDF/Bashar - SWIRLING PROBABILTIES.pdf 45.8 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - The Universe Always Supports You.doc 45.5 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - Total Excerpts from R.S.V.P - October 20, 2001.doc 45.5 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - Redefining Depression Aloneness.doc 45.5 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - Synchronicity and Meaning.doc 45.5 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - Letting Go Of Old Patterns.doc 45.5 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - Paths And Goals.doc 45.5 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - Tools As Symbols Of Intention.doc 45.5 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - The Cycle Of Integration And Living Your Dreams.doc 45.5 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - Elle's Tapesndex '84 to 87.doc 45.5 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - Oversoul Higher self and Soulmate.doc 45.0 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - Resonating as a Fourth Density Being.doc 45.0 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - Games of Chance and Emotional Dichotomies.doc 45.0 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - Transcripts of Bashar.doc 45.0 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - Unification Equation and Spacecraft Hyperjumps.doc 45.0 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - Healing Techniques.doc 45.0 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/TXT/Bashar - UFOs Identified.txt 45.0 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/All Known Bashar Quotes About Synchronicity.docx 44.9 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - Harmonic Wave.doc 44.5 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - Transforming Fearful Beliefs.doc 44.5 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - Template Meta Physics.doc 44.5 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - Communication and Expectations.doc 44.5 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - Self Empowerment Workshop Part II PSYCHIC SENSITIVITY .doc 44.5 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - Relationship Patterns.doc 44.5 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - Theology Class II Monologue.doc 44.5 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/TXT/Bashar - CRYSTALS AND ELECTROMAGNETISM 11 16 87.txt 44.0 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - Expressing Oversoul Concepts In Physical Life.doc 44.0 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - End of Time.doc 44.0 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - Harmonious Accord Dimensions And Focusing Consciousness.doc 44.0 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - Giving up the Struggle.doc 44.0 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - Polyhedral Structures.doc 44.0 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - Relaxing Into A Peaceful Integration.doc 44.0 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/TXT/Bashar - Crystrals edited.txt 43.8 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - Black Magic.doc 43.5 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - Blending - edit -.doc 43.5 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - Inner Guidance and Creating a State of Balance.doc 43.5 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - Synchronicity And A Master Number.doc 43.5 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - Energy Matrix Dream Symbolism.doc 43.5 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - Integrating Within The Totality Of Your Being.doc 43.5 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/PDF/Bashar - Field Trip To A Cylindrical Essassani Mothership.pdf 43.1 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/PDF/Bashar - Spacecraft And Space Travel.pdf 43.1 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - Robert 6.doc 43.0 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - Master Tape.DOC 43.0 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - Will you share with us the concept of the global brain as.doc 43.0 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - Transition To Fourth Density.doc 43.0 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - Will you share with us the concept of the global brain as ~1.doc 43.0 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - Master Tape List 1 83 3 96.doc 43.0 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - Love And Focus And Walking Your Path.doc 43.0 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - How To Channel.doc 43.0 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/TXT/Bashar - Extraterrestrial Consciousness.txt 42.9 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - Fluctuating Choices For Global Transformation.doc 42.5 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - Dreaming Your Ecstasy.doc 42.5 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - Synchronizing and Harmonizing with the Higher Self.doc 42.5 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - Willingness To Discuss Issues Openly.doc 42.5 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - Master Tape List 1 83 3 96 1 16 01.doc 42.5 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - Resolving Contradictions.doc 42.5 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - Falling in Love.doc 42.0 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - Transcending Negative Orion Cycles.doc 42.0 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - Relationships and Imagination and Dreaming.doc 42.0 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - THE ENGINE OF ASCENSION Tunguska Tape II 7 19 98.doc 42.0 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - Alignment And Enlightenment.doc 42.0 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - Arcturus Connection.doc 42.0 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - Beginning To Channel.doc 42.0 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - The Engine Of Ascension Tunguska Tape II 7 19 98.doc 42.0 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - Choosing Physicality and Higher Self-s Guidance.doc 42.0 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - Dreamers Acting in Service to Each Other.doc 41.5 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - Magical Awareness and A Counterpart’s Reality.doc 41.5 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - What Happened To Adolf Hitler.doc 41.5 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/PDF/Bashar - Total Excerpts From R.S.V.P - October - 20, 2001.pdf 41.3 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - Arcturean Energy.doc 41.0 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - Integrating Earths Galactic Heritage.doc 41.0 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - Trusting Your Abundance One Hundred Percent.doc 41.0 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - Being the Vibration of Christ Consciousness.doc 41.0 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - Feeling Your Oneness With All That Is.doc 41.0 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - Names To Reflect Different Vibrational States.doc 41.0 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - Ancient Times Revisited.doc 41.0 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - Send Love To Negativity.doc 41.0 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - Preference and Judgment.doc 41.0 KB
- Bashar - Books/Bashar - Blueprint for Change (A Message from Our Future)/Bashar - Blueprint for Change.jpg 40.7 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - Pain,Excitement, Abundance, Surrender, and Redefinition.docx 40.7 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - Predictions and Shifts in Historical Cycles.doc 40.5 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - Freewill and the Oversoul.doc 40.5 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - Keys of Ascenson Meditation.doc 40.5 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - Point of View.doc 40.5 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - New Perspectives on Creating Positive Change.doc 40.5 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - Transformation Of Conflict.doc 40.5 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - Sharing Your Ecstasy.doc 40.5 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - SWIRLING PROBABILTIES.doc 40.5 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - Anima and The Facilitators and A Field Trip.doc 40.0 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - Processes and Goals.doc 40.0 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - Empathy And Alternate Realities.doc 40.0 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - Blending Polarities.doc 40.0 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - Choosing a Positive Attitude.doc 40.0 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - Teetering in Uncertainty Sept 12 97.doc 40.0 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - Empathy And Alternate Realities (1).doc 40.0 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - Preparing for Contact Geometric Energy Shells .doc 40.0 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - Alpha Deyo the Reptilian Speaks.doc 40.0 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - Beliefs and Emotions.doc 40.0 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - Learning the difference between, falling in to the illusion.doc 40.0 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - Jesus Said Part I of III.doc 40.0 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - Galactic Energies.doc 40.0 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - UFO Dream, Channeling Chepop and Creating.doc 39.5 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - Abortion.doc 39.5 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - The Preparer of the Way.doc 39.5 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - The Observer.doc 39.5 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - COMMUNICATION.doc 39.5 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - Viewpoints And Interactions.doc 39.5 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - Revelation.doc 39.5 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - Getting the Big C Cancer.doc 39.5 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - The Lessons of the Thirty-Nine.doc 39.5 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/TXT/Bashar - The 21st Century - Japan.txt 39.4 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/TXT/Bashar - THE LIMBO STATE.txt 39.1 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/PDF/Bashar - Money and Abundance.pdf 39.0 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - Abundance II.doc 39.0 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - Perfect Timing.doc 39.0 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - Every Individual Makes a Difference.doc 39.0 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - The Frequency You Radiate.doc 39.0 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - Food And Consciousness.doc 39.0 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - Animal Reflections.doc 39.0 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - Perfect Timing (1).doc 39.0 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - The Ides of March.doc 39.0 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - Being The Red Or Blue Cube Your Choice.doc 39.0 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - Needs.doc 39.0 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - There is No Reality.doc 39.0 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - Being the Red or Blue Cube, your choice.doc 39.0 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - Greys Speak.doc 39.0 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - Inspiration & Individual Impact.doc 39.0 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - The Agenda.doc 38.5 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - Gabriel Energy.doc 38.5 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - Smoking.doc 38.5 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - SPACE SHUTTLE INCIDENT - 1 - 28 - '86.doc 38.5 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - Space Shuttle Incident.doc 38.5 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - ET Human Agendas And Mind Control.doc 38.5 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - Choice and Co Creation.doc 38.5 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - Healing Relationships And Trusting In Your Life.doc 38.5 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - Dream Reality.doc 38.5 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - ET Human Agendas and Mind Control.doc 38.5 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - Trust II.doc 38.5 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/PDF/Bashar - Self Empowerment Workshop Part II - PSYCHIC SENSITIVITY.pdf 38.2 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - League Interaction and A Consciousness Network.doc 38.0 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - Accessing and Sharing Contact With Other Realms.doc 38.0 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - Reading Cards & Stones.doc 38.0 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - Beyond Belief.doc 38.0 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - Theology Class II.doc 38.0 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - Creating Your Reality The Four laws_Denver.doc 38.0 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - HOW LIFE BEGAN ON EARTH AND WHY.doc 38.0 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - Being an Example for Creating Change.doc 38.0 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - Essassani Culture.doc 38.0 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - Choice and Co Creation2.doc 38.0 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - The Experience of the Thirty-Nine.doc 38.0 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/PDF/Bashar - Healing Techniques.pdf 37.8 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/TXT/Bashar - Religion.txt 37.8 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/PDF/Bashar - Basic.pdf 37.8 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - Predictions-Unity-Zero Rest Point.doc 37.5 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - Theology Class III.doc 37.5 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - Facilitating Contact Between Humans and ET’s.doc 37.5 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - Dolphins and Humans Teaching Each Other.doc 37.5 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - Dolphin & Whale Consciousness.doc 37.5 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - Clearing The Way.doc 37.5 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/TXT/Bashar - Peace in Our Time.txt 37.3 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/PDF/Bashar - Self Empowerment.pdf 37.2 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/TXT/Bashar - TV Interview.txt 37.2 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/TXT/Bashar - The Orchestration.txt 37.2 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/PDF/Bashar - Crystal Skulls.pdf 37.1 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - Being Open to Receiving Abundance.doc 37.0 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - Balancing And Redefining Yourself.doc 37.0 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - Being and Happiness.doc 37.0 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - Your eyes and the sun.doc 37.0 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - Learning How Attitude Changes Our Experience.doc 37.0 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - Grey's Frequency.doc 37.0 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - Judgment and Preference and Vulnerability.doc 37.0 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - Densities.doc 37.0 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - A Shifting Perspective.doc 37.0 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - Energy Facilitator Being A Switcher.doc 37.0 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - Energy Facilitator, Being a Switcher.doc 37.0 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - Keying into the Frequencies.doc 37.0 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - Beliefs About Belief and Acting Like It.doc 37.0 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - Focusing on the Timing, not the time.doc 37.0 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - Leaving Your Body.doc 37.0 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - Connecting with Your Guides.doc 37.0 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - Abundance And Believability.doc 37.0 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - Faith as the Mechanism of Creation.doc 37.0 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - Wants and Needs and Absolute Gratitude.doc 37.0 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - Healing Relationships.doc 37.0 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/PDF/Bashar - Robert 6 - Tape 2.pdf 36.7 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - Greys and Humanity and Hybrids.doc 36.5 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - Essassani Society, Pyramids and Energy Vortices.doc 36.5 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - Christmas Bells.doc 36.5 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - LIFE STYLE CHANGES.doc 36.5 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - Responding To Others And Acting On Impulse.doc 36.5 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - New Paradigms Of Behavior.doc 36.5 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - Essassani Society Pyramids And Energy Vortices.doc 36.5 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - Transforming Compulsive Behavior and Beliefs.doc 36.5 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - The Thirteenth Floor.doc 36.5 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - SASSANI ASSISTANCE Malibu.doc 36.5 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - Creating and Healing Disease.doc 36.5 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - Including the Consciousness Factor in Equations.doc 36.5 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - Acting It Out.doc 36.5 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - Traversing the Galaxies.doc 36.0 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - AIDS and Religion and Creation.doc 36.0 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - Space Shuttle Tragedy.doc 36.0 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - Solidifying Synchronicity.doc 36.0 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - Tides of March.doc 36.0 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - Points of Viewedit P 16-22.doc 36.0 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - Accepting Who and Where You Are.doc 36.0 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - Trust Your Medicine.doc 36.0 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - Stability Through Adaptability.doc 36.0 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - Interacting Equally as Teachers and Learners.doc 36.0 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - Shuttle Tragedy.doc 36.0 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - Getting in Touch with Core Beliefs.doc 36.0 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - Transforming the Belief of a Separated Consciousness.doc 36.0 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - Essassani and Earth’s Transformation.doc 36.0 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - Living an Ecstatic Life.doc 36.0 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - Swimming In Time.doc 36.0 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - Polarity Aspects and Lightening Up.doc 36.0 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - The Collective Daydream And ET Interactions.doc 36.0 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/PDF/Bashar - Template Meta Physics.pdf 36.0 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/PDF/Bashar - Growth And The Souls Purpose.pdf 35.8 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/PDF/Bashar - Growth And The Soul S Purpose.pdf 35.7 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - The Mechanics of Metaphysics - Creating Your Reality.docx 35.6 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - Brain Function and Being Supported by All That Is.doc 35.5 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - Sharing and Angels and Legendary Lands.doc 35.5 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - Dolphin and Human Relationships.doc 35.5 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - The Frequency of Your True Self.doc 35.5 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - Atlantean Time Capsule and Contact Agreements.doc 35.5 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - Brain Synchronization and a Relationship.doc 35.5 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - Monatomic Elucidations.doc 35.5 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - IS BODY IN SPIRIT OR SPIRIT IN BODY.doc 35.5 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - Deciding What You Want To Believe.doc 35.5 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - Reptilians Speak Alpha Deyo and Commentary.doc 35.5 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - A Pact and Encounters With ET Aspects of Self.doc 35.5 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - Vision and Creativity.doc 35.5 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - Frequency Acceleration.doc 35.5 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - Atlantis and Pyramids and Death and the Body.doc 35.5 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - Removing the Idea of the Aging Process.doc 35.5 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - Dream Work and Receptivity and Vulnerability.doc 35.5 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - RA.doc 35.0 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - Assistance for Mother and Husband.doc 35.0 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - Visualization and Synchronicity.doc 35.0 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - A New Beginning.doc 35.0 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - Counterpart Civilizations and Healing.doc 35.0 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - TRUSTING THE UNIVERSE.doc 35.0 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - Believing Is Seeing.doc 35.0 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - Curing a Disease by Learning About Trust.doc 35.0 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - Reflecting The Reality You Know Yourself To Be.doc 35.0 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - Discovering Who You Already Are (1).doc 35.0 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - Belief Patterns.doc 35.0 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - Discovering Who You Already Are.doc 35.0 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - Expanding Your Senses Beyond The Physical.doc 35.0 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - Energy Conceptions (1).doc 35.0 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - Boredom And Imagination.doc 35.0 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - Abundance and Being Your Natural Self.doc 35.0 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - Energy Conceptions.doc 35.0 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - Beings Who Assist in Polarity Integration.doc 35.0 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - Male And Female Energies And The Mind.doc 35.0 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - First Realization.doc 35.0 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/TXT/Bashar - Creativity.txt 34.8 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/TXT/Bashar - GLOSSARY.txt 34.7 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - Priorities.doc 34.5 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - Robert 6 Tape 2.doc 34.5 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - Connect to Your Future Self by Living Your Joy.doc 34.5 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - Self Definition and Beyond Polarity.doc 34.5 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - Contact With Past and Future Selves.doc 34.5 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - Past Life Explanation & Health Issues.doc 34.5 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - Breathe, Breathe, Breathe.doc 34.5 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - Child Genius.doc 34.5 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - Childhood and Self Awareness.doc 34.5 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - TRUE CHANGE.doc 34.5 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - Career Direction and Homosexuality.doc 34.5 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - Trusting That New Opportunities Are Always Flowing.doc 34.5 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - Martians Contact.doc 34.5 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - Physical Changes and Mountaintop Vortex.doc 34.5 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - Mars Earth Orion Connection.doc 34.5 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - Loving Yourself and Positive Life Expression.doc 34.5 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - Reptilians Speak.doc 34.5 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - Animals and Hematite and a Generator Device.doc 34.5 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - Interactions_Within_a_Simultaneous_Creation.doc 34.5 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - Physical Profile of Sassanians.doc 34.5 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - Past Life Explation & Health Issues.doc 34.5 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - The Template Universe.doc 34.5 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - Spacecraft and the Holographic Universe.doc 34.5 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/PDF/Bashar - Harmonic Wave.pdf 34.4 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - FIVE FACTIONS OF GREYS .doc 34.0 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - The Civilization In The Barnard Star System.doc 34.0 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - Your Souls Essence.doc 34.0 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - Choosing the Next Life.doc 34.0 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - Fourth Density Transition Dream.doc 34.0 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - Vulnerability III.doc 34.0 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - Reaction and Self-Empowerment in a Relationship.doc 34.0 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - Anunnaki Counterpart.doc 34.0 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - Earthquakes The Future Self.doc 34.0 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - Questions and Answers and Predictions.doc 34.0 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - Earthquakes & The Future Self.doc 34.0 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - Private Session 12 - 03.doc 34.0 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - Trusting Fulfillment to be Fulfillment on All Levels.doc 34.0 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - The Limbo State II.doc 34.0 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - Invalidating.doc 34.0 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - Insights From a Freeway Experience.doc 34.0 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - Terry s Favorites.doc 34.0 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - Preference and Moving Beyond Polarity.doc 34.0 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - Season Greetings.doc 34.0 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - PARANOIA TEST 9.doc 9 12 97.doc 34.0 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - Crystal Skulls and Crystal Sheets.doc 34.0 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - Fiber Optics and Perceptual Choices.doc 34.0 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - The Hearts Code.doc 34.0 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - Conception and Relaxing Into the Infinite Now.doc 34.0 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - Reality.tmd 33.9 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/TXT/Bashar - Living It.txt 33.7 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/TXT/Bashar - WORKSHOP PART I Bodily ALignment.txt 33.5 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/PDF/Bashar - Awakening To All Portions Of Yourself.pdf 33.5 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/TXT/Bashar - Energy Domains of the Human System Part I.txt 33.5 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - Awakening the Inhabitants of Planet Earth.doc 33.5 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - World Peace and Pleiadians and Triangle Symbol.doc 33.5 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - The Universe Comes To You.doc 33.5 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - The Mechanics of Metaphysics.doc 33.5 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - Dolphin Dreams.doc 33.5 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - Children's Channeling.doc 33.5 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - Re-Creating Yourself.doc 33.5 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - Tooth Light Therapy.doc 33.5 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - Always a New Viewpoint and Living or Measuring.doc 33.5 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - Five Factions of Greys.doc 33.5 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - Grounding.doc 33.5 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - Reflections of Infinite Creation.doc 33.5 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - Blasting The Issue.doc 33.5 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - Crystalline Craft and the E-Motion of Light.doc 33.5 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - Interactions Within a Simultaneous Creation.doc 33.5 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - Healing Modalities.doc 33.5 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - Undiscovered Planets and Starlight Perceptions.doc 33.5 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - Unconditional and Conditional Love.doc 33.5 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - Civilizations in Earth’s Neighborhood.doc 33.5 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - Living at Zero Point.doc 33.5 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - The Pyramids And Planetary Visitations.doc 33.5 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/PDF/Bashar - Future Predictions - Combined.pdf 33.3 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/PDF/Bashar - ABUNDANCE II.pdf 33.3 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/TXT/Bashar - Masters of Limitation II.txt 33.3 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/PDF/Bashar - Jesus Said - Part I Of III.pdf 33.1 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - Rewiring Brain Circuitry and Blue Light Technique.doc 33.0 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - Perceiving and Utilizing Energy Vortex Points.doc 33.0 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - Floating Around.doc 33.0 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - Color and Sound and Victims and Victimizers.doc 33.0 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - Get Used to it.doc 33.0 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - All One Mind.doc 33.0 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - Religion and Faith.doc 33.0 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - Transforming Negative Indoctrination and Beliefs.doc 33.0 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - Viewpoints And Interaction1.doc 33.0 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - Musical Expression on Essassani and Earth.doc 33.0 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - Redefining a Block and Synchronistic Meetings.doc 33.0 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - A New Phase of Life.doc 33.0 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - Transforming of Birth Trauma and Belief Systems.doc 33.0 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - Levitation and Crystals.doc 33.0 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - Redefining of Beliefs.doc 33.0 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - Interactions with the Zeta.doc 33.0 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - Dancing and Food.doc 33.0 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - Excitement and Anxiety and Self Image.doc 33.0 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - Healing by Connecting to Your Energy Body.doc 33.0 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - Crashed Craft and Occupants and Governments.doc 33.0 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - Synchronicity II.doc 33.0 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - Deserving and Expressing Unconditional Love.doc 33.0 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - Living 4D.doc 33.0 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - Sirius and Dolphins and Healing.doc 33.0 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/PDF/Bashar - Keys Of Ascenson - Meditation.pdf 32.8 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/PDF/Bashar - Robert - 6.pdf 32.8 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/PDF/Bashar - Master Tape List - 1 83 - 3 96 - 1 16 01.pdf 32.8 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/TXT/Bashar - Zeta and the Legacy.txt 32.8 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/PDF/Bashar - Synchronicity And Meaning.pdf 32.6 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/PDF/Bashar - Inspiration & Individual Impact.pdf 32.6 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - Electromagnetheric Energy Adjustments.doc 32.5 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - Points of View.doc 32.5 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - Focus and Infinite Probabilities.doc 32.5 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - Abundance And Assistance.doc 32.5 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - Planetary Affinities And Space Travel.doc 32.5 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - An Opportunity to Face and Release Fear.doc 32.5 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - Crystals and Water and Wolves and Crows.doc 32.5 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - Unity Through Equality.doc 32.5 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - Essassani and Dolphins and The Association.doc 32.5 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - Excerpt from R.S.V.P - October 20, 2001.doc 32.5 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - Adjustments.doc 32.5 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - Establishing Diplomatic Relations.doc 32.5 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - Right or Wrong and Clarity of Communication.doc 32.5 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - Choosing Your Reality Resonance.doc 32.5 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - Blue Light Energy Resonance Technique.doc 32.5 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - Vulnerability and Influence and It Is Always Now.doc 32.5 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - Vulnerability And Trust.doc 32.5 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - Missing the Train.doc 32.5 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - Devil Worship and Overcoming The System.doc 32.5 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - Made of Ecstasy.doc 32.5 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - Life Choices.doc 32.5 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - Perception and Viewpoint Validation and Sight.doc 32.5 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - 4D Earth and Nature Spirits and Christ Consciousness.doc 32.5 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - Desire and Twelve Pointed Star Symbology.doc 32.5 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - Success and Freedom of Expression.doc 32.5 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - World Peace.doc 32.5 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - Karma and Past Lives.doc 32.5 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - Unlocking with Vibration.doc 32.5 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - Earthquakes (1).doc 32.5 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - Earthquakes.doc 32.5 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - Imagination and Multiple Personality and Autism.doc 32.5 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/PDF/Bashar - Harmonious Accord Dimensions And Focusing Consciousness.pdf 32.4 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/PDF/Bashar - Master Tape List - 1 83 - 3 96.pdf 32.3 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/PDF/Bashar - Will You Share With Us The Concept Of The Global Brain As.pdf 32.2 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - Communicating With All of Yourself.doc 32.0 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - Enjoying the Path of Excitement.doc 32.0 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - Murder.doc 32.0 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - Walk ins.doc 32.0 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - Mirroring Of Vibrations And Orca Symbology.doc 32.0 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - Confusion and Doubt and Reorientation.doc 32.0 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - Eating Habits (1).doc 32.0 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - Tau Ceti & Quetzalcoatl Interactions.doc 32.0 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - There Is No Reality Aside From Your Definition Of It!.doc 32.0 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - Basics.doc 32.0 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - Preordained or Chosen.doc 32.0 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - Answers and Bi-location and Making Choices.doc 32.0 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - ET Children and Human and Dolphin Societies.doc 32.0 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - Waking From The Dream Of Forgetting.doc 32.0 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - Galactic Associates and Reflections From Animals and Earth.doc 32.0 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - Celebration Of Life.doc 32.0 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - Making Conscious Choices to Facilitate Change.doc 32.0 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - Birthing A New Earth.doc 32.0 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - Life Lessons.doc 32.0 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - Resonance of the Land.doc 32.0 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - Cold Fusion and the Unified Field.doc 32.0 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - Equality and Timing for ET Interactions.doc 32.0 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - Eating Habits.doc 32.0 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - Association Eart1.doc 32.0 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - Creating Your Past from Your Present.doc 32.0 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - AWAKENING AND TRANSFORMATION Part IV.doc 32.0 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - All Pain is the Result of Judgment.doc 32.0 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - Paradox.doc 32.0 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - Death and Dying.doc 32.0 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - Crystals as Energy Amplifiers.doc 32.0 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/PDF/Bashar - Third Eye.pdf 31.9 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/PDF/Bashar - Jesus Said.pdf 31.8 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/TXT/Bashar - Releasing Emotion-Evolution of Consciouness WorkShop - Japan.txt 31.6 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - Multilevel Interactions and Oversouls Viewpoint.doc 31.5 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - Orchestrating the Multidimensional Self.doc 31.5 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - Musical Harmonics and Resistance and ET Film.doc 31.5 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - Natures Guides and Sassani Lovemaking.doc 31.5 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - Orca Symbology and Encounter.doc 31.5 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - Belief Systems and Integration.doc 31.5 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - Backwards Déjà Vu and Self-Empowerment.doc 31.5 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - Personal and Planetary Choices for Peace.doc 31.5 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - POINT OF VIEW A New You.doc 31.5 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - An Unexpected Emotional Reaction.doc 31.5 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - The 8 Senses.doc 31.5 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - Self Worth – Accepting The Love of All That Is.doc 31.5 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - Manifestation Methodology.doc 31.5 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - The Indigo Children and the New Culture.doc 31.5 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - Milky Way Stars and Your Focus of Excitement.doc 31.5 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - Validating Your Process.doc 31.5 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - Visualizing What You Want.doc 31.5 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - Embarrassment and Assigning Meaning.doc 31.5 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - Understanding Ideas As Vibrations.doc 31.5 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - Everything Happens For A Reason.doc 31.5 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - Transitory Times Eulogy.doc 31.5 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - Treating Yourself With Respect And Love.doc 31.5 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - Devil Worshipers and Overcoming The System.doc 31.5 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/PDF/Bashar - Transforming Fearful Beliefs.pdf 31.5 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/PDF/Bashar - Freewill And The Oversoul.pdf 31.2 KB
- Bashar - Books/Bashar - Quest for Truth Bashar (100 Insights That Could Change Your Life)/Bashar - Quest for Truth.jpg 31.0 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - Transformational Insights About a Car.doc 31.0 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - The Process Is Life Itself.doc 31.0 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - The Present.doc 31.0 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - Star Gates and Chakras.doc 31.0 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - Densities and Parallel Earths and Nature Spirits.doc 31.0 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - Knowingness and Compassion.doc 31.0 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - Orion Energies Completely Balanced.doc 31.0 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - The Path of Conviction.doc 31.0 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - Creating Abundance.doc 31.0 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - Dream Sharing and Soul Links and Living Now.doc 31.0 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - Christ Consciousnes.doc 31.0 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - Historical Past and Time Travel.doc 31.0 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - Your Vibrational Response To World Events.doc 31.0 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - Hummingbirds and Owls.doc 31.0 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - The Government As You.doc 31.0 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - Channeled Predictions.doc 31.0 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - Tau Cetians .doc 31.0 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - Martians and the Release of ET Information.doc 31.0 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - Getting in Touch.doc 31.0 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - Whats Up from Surrender.doc 31.0 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - Meditation II 2-5-95.doc 31.0 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - Respecting Your Choices.doc 31.0 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - Conscious Awareness of ET Agreements.doc 31.0 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - Orion Energies Completely Balanced (1).doc 31.0 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - All Lives Are One Life.doc 31.0 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - Redesigning Your Life and Train Analogy.doc 31.0 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - Insights on Judgment.doc 31.0 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/TXT/Bashar - Science.txt 30.8 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - Multifaceted Journey.doc 30.5 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - Dispensation of Abundance on Future Earth.doc 30.5 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - Time And Timing.doc 30.5 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - Relationships and Expectations.doc 30.5 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - Being in the Present.doc 30.5 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - ET And Human Contacts.doc 30.5 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - Living As The Higher Self.doc 30.5 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - Sharing As Equals In A Relationship.doc 30.5 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - Random, Paradoxical Contradictions.doc 30.5 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - Responsibility and Experiencing This Moment.doc 30.5 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - Acting on Trust as Eternal Beings.doc 30.5 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - Symbolism of an Habitual Ritual.doc 30.5 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - Chakra Alignment Meditation.doc 30.5 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - Prism Of Consciousness.doc 30.5 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - Refining Your Diet.doc 30.5 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - Frequency Adjustment and Dream Blending.doc 30.5 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - Playing Together As Equals.doc 30.5 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - Energy Balancing and Healing.doc 30.5 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - Saturn and Planetary Gateways.doc 30.5 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - Coincidences and Visions.doc 30.5 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - Chakras and Origin Points and Hierarchies.doc 30.5 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - Space-Time Travel and Sirius Communication.doc 30.5 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - Understanding the Reasons for Creating Disease.doc 30.5 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - Understanding It Is All One Thing.doc 30.5 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - Buffer Zone.doc 30.5 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - Sculpting With Light and Simultaneous Lives.doc 30.5 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - Abortion and Miscarriage.doc 30.5 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - Human and Cetacean Unification and The Holographic Matrix.doc 30.5 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - 30 Points of View.doc 30.5 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - Symbolism of a Habitual Ritual.doc 30.5 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - Rapid Processing And A Language Lesson.doc 30.5 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - Healing With Love.doc 30.5 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - Random Paradoxical Contradictions.doc 30.5 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - Your Mission.doc 30.5 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - Choices in Handling Negativity.doc 30.5 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - Missions of Lov1.doc 30.5 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - Interfacing With ET_s.doc 30.5 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - Density Vibrations from One to Seven (1).doc 30.5 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - Open Lines of Communication and Predictions.doc 30.5 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - Bashar Tape Catalog 1985-1997.doc 30.5 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - Writing the Wrongs.doc 30.5 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - Where do we come from 3 11 95.doc 30.5 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/TXT/Bashar - The Second Coming.txt 30.4 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - Welcome to Fourth Densityr.docx 30.2 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - Crafting and Accessing the Crystal Skull.doc 30.0 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - The Sound.doc 30.0 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - Migraine Headaches.doc 30.0 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - The Universe Supports You.doc 30.0 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - Connecting With Father’s Spirit.doc 30.0 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - Love, The Connective Wavelength.doc 30.0 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - Love The Connective Wavelength.doc 30.0 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - Control and Expectation.doc 30.0 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - Dream of Awakening and Time and Expansion.doc 30.0 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - Transformations and the Personality Construct.doc 30.0 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - Creation Always Supports You and Spirit Service.doc 30.0 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - Cats Reflections About Sleep and Inner Sight.doc 30.0 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - Negative Predictions and Positive Transformation.doc 30.0 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - Creative Reflections from Multidimensional Lives.doc 30.0 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - Kachinatown.doc 30.0 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - Job Choices and Train Analogy and a Spirit Guide.doc 30.0 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - DARKNESS.doc 30.0 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - Mainstream Acceptance of ET Contact.doc 30.0 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - Having the Boldness of Your Convictions.doc 30.0 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - Being the Expression of Your Infinite Creativity.doc 30.0 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - Body and Soul.doc 30.0 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - Rearranging Physical Structure From Within.doc 30.0 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - Hanging In Space.doc 30.0 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - Speeding Up Interactions.doc 30.0 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - Standing Your Ground.doc 30.0 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - Taking Responsibility For The Life You Prefer.doc 30.0 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - Sassani Experiences.doc 30.0 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - Wants and Needs and Abundance.doc 30.0 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - Archetypes and Legends.doc 30.0 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - Other Civilizations.doc 30.0 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - Observer And Secrets.doc 30.0 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - RESONANCE IDENTIFICATION.doc 30.0 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - Film Strip Analogy.doc 30.0 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - Reptilians Greys Anunnaki.doc 30.0 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - Opening Your Astral Eye.doc 30.0 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - Perception and Validating Viewpoints and Sight.doc 30.0 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - Representing a Positive Reality.doc 30.0 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - Essassani Childbirth And Early Years.doc 30.0 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - Reflections Of All That Is.doc 30.0 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - Orion Connection and Blending of Density Levels.doc 30.0 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - Always Be True to Yourself.doc 30.0 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - The Bubble Of Acceptability.doc 30.0 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - Being Mother.doc 30.0 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - Emotions and Spirituality and Peace.doc 30.0 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - Anger As An Opportunity For Alignment.doc 30.0 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - Answers and Bilocation and Making Choices.doc 30.0 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - Backwards Deja Vu and Self-Empowerment.doc 30.0 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - Beginning Sex.doc 30.0 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - Picking Up on Tau Ceti.doc 30.0 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - BEING MOTHER .doc 30.0 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - Being Mother (1).doc 30.0 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - Predictions and Fear and Karmic Choices.doc 30.0 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - Prayer.doc 30.0 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - Positive Methodologies of Expression.doc 30.0 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/PDF/Bashar - Orion and the Black League.pdf 29.9 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/All Bashar Stuff About Monatomic Elements (Gold, Etc).docx 29.7 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - Obligations and Beliefs.doc 29.5 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - Multilevel Interactions and Oversoul's Viewpoint.doc 29.5 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - Parallel Versions of Atlantis.doc 29.5 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - Dream Process for Creating Positive Outcomes.doc 29.5 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - Birth and Children and Dolphins.doc 29.5 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - Before Dinosaurs and Dolphin Pain.doc 29.5 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - More AbsolutesPrime Radiant .doc 29.5 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - The Paradox of Surrender.doc 29.5 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - Overeating.doc 29.5 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - The Cycle Of Remembrance.doc 29.5 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - Trust and Validity.doc 29.5 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - Peace Campaign and the Unexpected and Memory.doc 29.5 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - Energy Flow In Stressful Situations.doc 29.5 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - Joy and Holograms and Christ Consciousness.doc 29.5 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - Experiencing Anger as Judgment or Alignment.doc 29.5 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - Love and Support for a Childs Transformtional Experiences.doc 29.5 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - All Of It.doc 29.5 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - Crop Circles.doc 29.5 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - Masters of Limitation.doc 29.5 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - ASSOCIATION BUSINESS .doc 29.5 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - Simply Being and Allowing Others To Give.doc 29.5 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - B on Surrogation and Psych-K.doc 29.5 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - Suicide and Channeling and Astral Realms.doc 29.5 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - Reflections in Trust and Abundance.doc 29.5 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - Consciousness Shift to a New Reality.doc 29.5 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - Awakening From Forgetfulness.doc 29.5 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - Transforming Our Beliefs to Create a New Reality.doc 29.5 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - Craft and Magnetics and Subjective Realities.doc 29.5 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - Agreements and Transformations Within a Family.doc 29.5 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - The Universe Supports You II .doc 29.5 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - Astral Projection and the Focus of Consciousness.doc 29.5 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - In Your Own Unique Way.doc 29.5 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - Living Completely in Each Moment.doc 29.5 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - Lemuria and Atlantis and the Hopi.doc 29.5 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - ET Communication and Raising Consciousness.doc 29.5 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - Finding Your Voice and Sonic Levitation.doc 29.5 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - List of the transcripts 3-30-00.doc 29.5 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - Creating a Positive Experience from Any Interaction.doc 29.5 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - Energy Flow from ET Systems and Self Identity.doc 29.5 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - Essassani Perspectives.doc 29.5 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - Alternate Probable Realities and Selves.doc 29.5 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - Taking the Middle Road.doc 29.5 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - Validity.doc 29.5 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/PDF/Bashar - Navigation Limitation.pdf 29.4 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/TXT/Bashar - Jesus Said II of III.txt 29.4 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/TXT/Bashar - Stay Tuned to the Frequency of a Positive Earth.txt 29.2 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - Projections of Consciousness.doc 29.0 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - Malachite and Tesla and Consciousness Template.doc 29.0 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - DNA Reconstruction.doc 29.0 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - Communicating With Higher Consciousness Q&A.doc 29.0 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - DNA Beings.doc 29.0 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - Being Reborn Into Another Level.doc 29.0 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - Health.doc 29.0 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - Interfacing With ET’s.doc 29.0 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - Universals, Karma and the Soul.doc 29.0 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - Following Your Timing.doc 29.0 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - Assisting The Association and Life Purpose.doc 29.0 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - EPILEPSY.doc 29.0 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - Electro-Magnatheric Blue.doc 29.0 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - Peyote and Live now! That’s how!.doc 29.0 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - Dream Blueprints and Finding Your Niche.doc 29.0 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - Mars Photos.doc 29.0 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - Hybrids.doc 29.0 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - Blue White Light.doc 29.0 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - Meditation and Imagination.doc 29.0 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - The Inner Voice and Atlantean Connections.doc 29.0 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - Belief Structures About Food.doc 29.0 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - Dimensional Warps and Experiencing the Afterlife.doc 29.0 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - Essassani Counterparts And Humor.doc 29.0 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - Integrating Revelatory Moments Into Your Life.doc 29.0 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - Living Your Philosophy.doc 29.0 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - Orca Symbol and Child’s Health and Life Threads.doc 29.0 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - Vibrational Resonance of Relationships.doc 29.0 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - New Questions from B 10-22-02.doc 29.0 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - Interfacing With ETs.doc 29.0 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - Growth And Support Within A Family.doc 29.0 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - The Path That You Are.doc 29.0 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - Opening Night.doc 29.0 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - Bridging the Time Track.doc 29.0 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - Respecting Your Choices .doc 29.0 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - Timelessness in the Illusion of Time and Space.doc 29.0 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - Conviction II.doc 29.0 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - Societal Perspectives.doc 29.0 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - Expressing Abundance.doc 29.0 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - Teachers and Students and Self-Empowerment.doc 29.0 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - Transformational Reorientation.doc 29.0 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - Sustenance and Truth and Responsibility.doc 29.0 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - Earth Reflections.doc 29.0 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - Brain Function and Migraines and Opportunities.doc 29.0 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - Family Cycles and Channeling and Light Speed.doc 29.0 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - Craft Sighting and Overcoming Fear.doc 29.0 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - Expanding Beyond the Body.doc 29.0 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/PDF/Bashar - Densities.pdf 28.9 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/PDF/Bashar - Loving Relationships.pdf 28.7 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/TXT/Bashar - Living on the Edge.txt 28.5 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/TXT/Bashar - Meta-Physical Concepts.txt 28.5 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - Changes in Sustenance and Sharing and Chepop.doc 28.5 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - Exchanging Concepts.doc 28.5 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - Being An Exception To The Rule.doc 28.5 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - Accepting What Is and Transformation.doc 28.5 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - Being An Exception To The Rule (1).doc 28.5 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - Accessing Your Totality While Physically Focused.doc 28.5 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - Echoes of the One Soul.doc 28.5 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - A Handicapped Child and Treatment for an Ear.doc 28.5 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - Connecting With Father's Spirit.doc 28.5 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - Blending the Seven Rays.doc 28.5 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - Encounter With ETs.doc 28.5 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - Enlightenment Parallel Lives And Counterparts.doc 28.5 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - Enlightenment, Parallel Lives And Counterparts.doc 28.5 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - Depression and Self-Empowerment.doc 28.5 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - You Are Spirit II.doc 28.5 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - Balancing Interactions and Being a Positive Reflective Mirr~1.doc 28.5 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - Crystal Remnants of Atlantis.doc 28.5 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - Balancing Interactions and Being a Positive Reflective Mir~1.doc 28.5 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - A Past Life Reflection.doc 28.5 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - Change Within Mass Consciousness and Animals.doc 28.5 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - Essassani Beings and Gateway Energy.doc 28.5 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - Creating A Blueprint From Your Imagination.doc 28.5 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - Fun Time and Populations of Essassani and Earth.doc 28.5 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - Functioning Within Integrity.doc 28.5 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - Self Awareness.doc 28.5 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - Old Friends and New Friends - edit.doc 28.5 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - Spirit and Consciousness.doc 28.5 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - Trust and a Positive Attitude.doc 28.5 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - Facing Issues Behind Physiological Symptoms.doc 28.5 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - Transforming Our World.doc 28.5 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - Infinite Variations Within All That Is.doc 28.5 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - Schizophrenia.doc 28.5 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - Orion and the Black League .doc 28.5 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - Tau Cetian Revelations.doc 28.5 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - Natural Sleeping Patterns.doc 28.5 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - Spontaneity of Telepathy and Trusting the Timing.doc 28.5 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - Field Tri p- Points of View.doc 28.5 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - Hale Bopp Comet And Object.doc 28.5 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - Field Trip Co-Creation.doc 28.5 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - Is There a Santa Claus.doc 28.5 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - Peace Representative and Healing Sinus Pressure.doc 28.5 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - Self Fulfiiling Prophecy.doc 28.5 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - Gold And Water And Light Balancing.doc 28.5 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - Soul Aspects and Trusting the Timing.doc 28.5 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - Parallel Earths and Ascension.doc 28.5 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - Gateways of Creation.doc 28.5 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - Gambling and Flying and a Cosmic Play.doc 28.5 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - Life's Process and Love's Fulfillment.doc 28.5 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - Shock Wave Photon Belt.doc 28.5 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - Love and Guilt and Free WIll.doc 28.5 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - Planetary Reflections and Accessing Knowledge.doc 28.5 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - Following Your Natural Sleep Cycle.doc 28.5 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - Perspective on Moving to a New Location.doc 28.5 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - Vibrational Gatherings.doc 28.5 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - Overcoming Inertia.doc 28.5 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - Perception Creates Your Reality.doc 28.5 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/PDF/Bashar - The Limbo State II.pdf 28.3 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Imaginary conversation with Bashar, by Dean Pigeon.docx 28.2 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - Belief Creates Physical Reality.doc 28.0 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - Numerical and Crop Circle Symbology.doc 28.0 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - Cetacean Consciousness.doc 28.0 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - Orion Craft and Reincarnational Lessons.doc 28.0 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - Body Consciousness and Spirituality.doc 28.0 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - The Legacy.doc 28.0 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - Acclimatizing To Fourth Density.doc 28.0 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - The Golden Gate - Monolog.doc 28.0 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - Right or Wrong - Final edit - .doc 28.0 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - Eagles and Dolphins and Owls.doc 28.0 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - Conviction.doc 28.0 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - Trusting Your Imagination.doc 28.0 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - Guidance From a Shamanic Life.doc 28.0 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - Earth Spacecraft and Healing a Foot Injury.doc 28.0 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - Patterns and Meanings.doc 28.0 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - Animal Reflections II.doc 28.0 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - Earthly and Musical Resonances.doc 28.0 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - Abundance III.doc 28.0 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - Crystals and A Stepfather and Vibrational Choices.doc 28.0 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - Kachinas and Lemuria and Vortex Energies.doc 28.0 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - Relating To The Observer.doc 28.0 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - Craft and Magnetics and Subjective Realities (1).doc 28.0 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - Dream Integration.doc 28.0 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - Victimhood.doc 28.0 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - Precognition And Responsibility.doc 28.0 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - Dissertations and Channeling and Victimhood.doc 28.0 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - Density Levels and Integration.doc 28.0 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - Creating With Integrity And Unconditional Love.doc 28.0 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - One Eternal Now.doc 28.0 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - Sirius Energy and An Atlantean Metal.doc 28.0 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - Ecstatic Realizations.doc 28.0 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - Planetary Assistants and Different Spiritual Paths.doc 28.0 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - A Cat’s Role in Learning to Face Fears.doc 28.0 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - Creating New Opportunities from the Limbo State.doc 28.0 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - Life does not happen to you.doc 28.0 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - What You Are - edit.doc 28.0 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - You Are Complete.doc 28.0 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - Galactic Interactions.doc 28.0 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - Creating With Sound and Dimensional Doorways.doc 28.0 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - Under Control 6 25 86.doc 28.0 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - Timing of Conception and Taking Words Literally.doc 28.0 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - The Flower of Life and Plutonic Solids.doc 28.0 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/PDF/Bashar - Transcending Negative Orion Cycles.pdf 27.9 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/PDF/Bashar - Transformation Of Conflict.pdf 27.8 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/PDF/Bashar - CLEARING The Way.pdf 27.8 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/PDF/Bashar - Integrating Earths Galactic Heritage.pdf 27.8 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/PDF/Bashar - Arcturean Energy.pdf 27.7 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - Creating Your Reality through Being - You ARE the Idea.docx 27.5 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - Positive Perceptions of Relationship Co-creations.doc 27.5 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - Martian Connections.doc 27.5 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - Skepticism or Trust.doc 27.5 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - Expressing Who You Are.doc 27.5 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - Fourth Density Co Creating With Children.doc 27.5 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - Fourth Density Co-Creating With Children.doc 27.5 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - Media Reflections.doc 27.5 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - Phase Shifting to Other Dimensional Realms.doc 27.5 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - Imagination and Idea.doc 27.5 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - Orca Symbol and Child's Health and Life Threads.doc 27.5 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - Telepathy and Group Reincarnation and The Ego.doc 27.5 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - Increasing Longevity and Pyramid Construction.doc 27.5 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - Solar System Dynamics and Counterpart Planets.doc 27.5 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - Being The Master Crystal.doc 27.5 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - Balancing and The Path of Least Resistance.doc 27.5 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - Traveling and Accelerating in Space Time.doc 27.5 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - Dolphin Folktale.doc 27.5 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - Human and Cetacean Soul Connection.doc 27.5 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - Energy Alignments And The Locale You Prefer.doc 27.5 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - Creating The Human Vehicle and Transmuting Toxicity.doc 27.5 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - Believing That It Is Easier Said Than Done.doc 27.5 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - Reincarnation.doc 27.5 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - Healing Assistance for Eyes.doc 27.5 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - Artistic Expression and Miracles.doc 27.5 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - Relationships and Channeled Reflections.doc 27.5 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - Abundance, Imagination and Cat Symbology.doc 27.5 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - Different Lives.doc 27.5 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - Relating Equally and Attracting Symbiotic Insects.doc 27.5 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - Light Energy and Space Travel.doc 27.5 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - A Cat's Role in Learning to Face Fears.doc 27.5 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - Transformer Device and Electromagnetic Shifts.doc 27.5 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - Fulfilling Your Life's Purpose.doc 27.5 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - Blending the Waking and Dreaming States.doc 27.5 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - Interpretation of a Dream and Landlords.doc 27.5 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - Reincarnation and Suicide and Abortion.doc 27.5 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - Spacecraft Associated With Global Energy Points.doc 27.5 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - Twin Flame and Craft Sighting Experience.doc 27.5 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - Future Predictions Combined.doc 27.5 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - Shifting Your Reality.doc 27.5 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - Rebirthing and Service.doc 27.5 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - Drug Side Effects and Being Self-Empowered.doc 27.5 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - Key of Perception.doc 27.5 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - Dialogues with Future and Past Selves.doc 27.5 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - Transformational Template.doc 27.5 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - Sharing Dreams and Perception Filters.doc 27.5 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - Prime Radiant and Solar System Phenomena.doc 27.5 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - Sustenance.doc 27.5 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - Inter-dimensional Experiences.doc 27.5 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - Unconditional Love and Power.doc 27.5 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - Knowingness and Expressing Equality in Love.doc 27.5 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - Knowledge.doc 27.5 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - Swimming in the Energy Sea.doc 27.5 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - Edit -Field Trip - Points of View .doc 27.5 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - Process and Change.doc 27.5 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - Parallel and Alternate Dimensional Expressions.doc 27.5 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - Integrity and Opportunity.doc 27.5 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - Creating New Projects and Being Married.doc 27.5 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/TXT/Bashar - Change The World By Changing Yourself.txt 27.5 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/PDF/Bashar - Arcturus Connection.pdf 27.4 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/PDF/Bashar - The Agenda.pdf 27.4 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/PDF/Bashar - Communication And Expectations.pdf 27.2 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/TXT/Bashar - Message from Orion.txt 27.0 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - Contact With Extraterrestrial Beings.doc 27.0 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - Lost Love.doc 27.0 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - The Void And The Personality.doc 27.0 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - Star Trek.doc 27.0 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - Assisting Without Judgement.doc 27.0 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - Communicating in Physical Reality.doc 27.0 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - Positive and Negative Integrity.doc 27.0 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - Food.doc 27.0 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - The Paradox Connection.doc 27.0 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - Notes IV.doc 27.0 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - Creating With Joy and Ease.doc 27.0 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - Struggle and Preference in Relationships.doc 27.0 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - Galactic Communications -- Shifting Reality Tracks.doc 27.0 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - Emotions and Stupidity and Judgment.doc 27.0 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - New Rooms Analogy and Conceiving Phsyicality.doc 27.0 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - Future Predictions 4of 4.doc 27.0 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - Self Fulfilling Prophecy.doc 27.0 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - Expressing Yourself as an Integrated Idea.doc 27.0 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - New Rooms Analogy and Conceiving Physicality.doc 27.0 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - Genetic Manipulations.doc 27.0 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - Companions and Measuring Psychic Functioning.doc 27.0 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - Mercury Retrograde and Taking a New Step.doc 27.0 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - Questions and Answers and Labeling Entities.doc 27.0 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - Levitation and Whales.doc 27.0 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - Stepping on Earth.doc 27.0 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - Water Experiment and Illness From Last Life.doc 27.0 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - Wanting To Know It All.doc 27.0 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - Euthanasia and Suicide.doc 27.0 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - Shifting Your Reality 2.doc 27.0 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - Pacific Energies And Kachinas And Dolphins.doc 27.0 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - Paradox and Dolphins.doc 27.0 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - Balancing Yourself.doc 27.0 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - Child and Parent Pre-Birth Agreements.doc 27.0 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - Expressing Integrity and Flow With Clients.doc 27.0 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - Channeling and Continuous Unfoldment.doc 27.0 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - Belief Creates Experience.doc 27.0 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - An Exciting Journey and a Temporal Vortex.doc 27.0 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - Creating a Conducive Atmosphere for ET Contact.doc 27.0 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - Intuition and Intellect.doc 27.0 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - Awakening Each Other.doc 27.0 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - From Illumination Nuclear Probabilities.doc 27.0 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - Past Life Recall and Spirit Guide Communication.doc 27.0 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - Short-Circuiting the Body and Wearing Leather.doc 27.0 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - Prediction And Free Will.doc 27.0 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - Past - Present - Future.doc 27.0 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - Unlimited Energy Beings and Releasing Fear.doc 27.0 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - Profundity in Simplicity.doc 27.0 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - Archetypes and Dolphin Assistance to Humanity.doc 27.0 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - Having Your Cake and Eating it Too .doc 27.0 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - Integrity Check and Pluto's Binary System.doc 27.0 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - Sasquatch as Second Creation of Anunnaki.doc 27.0 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - Transformational Assistance From ET Contact.doc 27.0 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - Healing a Hand and ET and Government Project.doc 27.0 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - Species Creation and Sentiency.doc 27.0 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - Dolphins and Accelerated Energies.doc 27.0 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - Acceleration of Contact with ET Civilizations.doc 27.0 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - Humor and Government and Reincarnation.doc 27.0 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/PDF/Bashar - Redefining Dogma.pdf 27.0 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/PDF/Bashar - Relationship Patterns.pdf 26.5 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - Surrending to Peace.doc 26.5 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - Abundance Scenarios.doc 26.5 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - A Symbol Is What You Make Of It.doc 26.5 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - Abuse.doc 26.5 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - Gravitic Influences.doc 26.5 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - From Weaning.doc 26.5 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - Sassani Society.doc 26.5 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - Energy Domains Of The Human System Part II (1).doc 26.5 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - Experiencing Expanded Awareness.doc 26.5 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - Harvesting.doc 26.5 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - Serving Each Other In A Relationship.doc 26.5 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - Unknown Entities.doc 26.5 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - Energy Gates and The Orion Complex.doc 26.5 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - A Mother and Son Relationship.doc 26.5 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - Sightings And Pleiadian Contacts.doc 26.5 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - Energy Domains of the Human System Part II.doc 26.5 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - Foundational Ideas for Living in Fourth Density.doc 26.5 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - Weather as Emotional Reflection.doc 26.5 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - Ways Of Transition.doc 26.5 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - Victims and Perpetrators and Social Beliefs.doc 26.5 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - Water and Electromagnetics and Auric Fields.doc 26.5 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - ET Impetus For Taking Back Individual Responsibility.doc 26.5 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - Shortening of Process and Effortlessness.doc 26.5 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - Family Energies.doc 26.5 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - Dragon Symbology.doc 26.5 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - Family Associations.doc 26.5 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - Energy Domains Of The Human System Part II.doc 26.5 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - Wake Up and Dream.doc 26.5 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - Integrity and Karma.doc 26.5 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - Travels In A Lucid Dream.doc 26.5 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - The Meaning You Give Defines Your Reality.doc 26.5 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - Bird Symbolism and Committing Suicide.doc 26.5 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - THE NEUTRALS.doc 26.5 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - Notes on RSVP.doc 26.5 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - Body Changes and Murder is Suicide and Beliefs.doc 26.5 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - Reverse Speech.doc 26.5 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - Out of Body States and The Child Within.doc 26.5 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - The Primer.doc 26.5 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - Bashar Descending to Earth.doc 26.5 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - Human and Animal Incarnations.doc 26.5 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - Missions of Love.doc 26.5 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - Teleportation and Flowing With Joy.doc 26.5 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - Humanity's Genetic Restructuring.doc 26.5 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - Mirror of Your Consciousness.doc 26.5 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - Identifying With A Civilization's Vibration.doc 26.5 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - The Grand Canyon and Experiencing Space-Time.doc 26.5 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - Men in Black.doc 26.5 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - Clear Definitions.doc 26.5 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - Awareness and a Channeling Environment.doc 26.5 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - Humor and Past Life Connections to the Present.doc 26.5 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - Manifestation and Telepathy.doc 26.5 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - Plant Reflections and Loving Unconditionally.doc 26.5 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - Remembering -- Not Forgetting.doc 26.5 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - Resonance and Manifestation.doc 26.5 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - The Essassani Lifestyle.doc 26.5 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - Connections To Venus and Completeness.doc 26.5 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - Positive Learning and Integrity and Integration.doc 26.5 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - Afterlife Experiences.doc 26.5 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - Identification and Vulnerability and Spontaneity.doc 26.5 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - The Eight Senses and Interconnectedness.doc 26.5 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - Judgment and Polarity and Train Analogy.doc 26.5 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - Identity Paradox and Abundance.doc 26.5 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - The Ego.doc 26.5 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - Listening To Yourself.doc 26.5 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - Prenatal Communication and Hybrid Plant Forms.doc 26.5 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - Latitudinal Dynamics and Releasing UFO Information.doc 26.5 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - Pyramid Initiations and Rewriting Your Definitions.doc 26.5 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - Answering Yourself and Acting It Out In Dreams.doc 26.5 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - Allowance and Facing Your Fears.doc 26.5 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - Decisions and Synchroncity.doc 26.5 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - Doing What You Love To Do.doc 26.5 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - Interactions.doc 26.5 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - Transformations in Relationships.doc 26.5 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - Integrating Right and Left Brain Hemispheres.doc 26.5 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - AIDS and Diabetes and the End of Disease.doc 26.5 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/PDF/Bashar - Empathy And Alternate Realities.pdf 26.3 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - Riding the Wave of Chaos.docx 26.3 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/PDF/Bashar - SASSANI ASSISTANCE Malibu.pdf 26.3 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/PDF/Bashar - Vision And Creativity.pdf 26.2 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/PDF/Bashar - Creating Your Reality - The Four Laws Denver.pdf 26.2 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/PDF/Bashar - HOW LIFE BEGAN ON EARTH AND WHY.pdf 26.2 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - How To Build A Spaceship.docx 26.1 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - Individuality Within Oneness.doc 26.0 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - Individual and Planetary Energy Shifts.doc 26.0 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - Association Earth.doc 26.0 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - Co-Creation with a Cat and Sleep Patterns.doc 26.0 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - Viewing Events From a Lifetime’s Perspective.doc 26.0 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - Channeling and Enjoying Your Life.doc 26.0 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - Kachina Energy and a Transformational Creature.doc 26.0 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - Coincidence and Decisions and an Interaction.doc 26.0 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - Transitional Experiences in Blending Polarities.doc 26.0 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - Living the Ideas You Create in Your Life.doc 26.0 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - Disease.doc 26.0 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - Discovering a Child’s Motivation to Learn.doc 26.0 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - Excavations at Sphinx.doc 26.0 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - Preference is Choice -- Choice is Not Judgment.doc 26.0 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - LINEAGE AND SPACE & TIME TRAVEL.doc 26.0 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - The Synchronicity of Your Life.doc 26.0 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - Birthday Analogy and Selling a House.doc 26.0 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - Angelic Expressions And Dolphins On Essassani.doc 26.0 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - StayingGroundedWhenExploringHigherRealms.doc 26.0 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - 332233.doc 26.0 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - Reorientation Levels And Interconnectedness.doc 26.0 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - Mystery and Understanding.doc 26.0 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - Moment of Pause.doc 26.0 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - Relationship Reflections.doc 26.0 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - Experiencing and Healing Multiple Sclerosis.doc 26.0 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - Re-Channeling Quake Energies.doc 26.0 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - Contact Agreements.doc 26.0 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - Dolphin Sadness and Fear-Based Books.doc 26.0 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - Determining Earths Future Reality.doc 26.0 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - Tree Spirits.doc 26.0 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - Vibrational Signatures and Location.doc 26.0 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - Gateway Thresholds and Dolphin and ET Contact.doc 26.0 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - Creating A Blueprint From Your Imagination.doc 26.0 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - Essassani Lifespans and Counterparts.doc 26.0 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - Healing Cancer and Feeling Under Attack.doc 26.0 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - Shining Your Inner Light.doc 26.0 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - The Library Analogy.doc 26.0 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - Accelerating to Match the Template.doc 26.0 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - Accelerated Energy Levels and Breathing.doc 26.0 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - Dolphins and Children.doc 26.0 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - Schizophrenia Case and Vortex Points.doc 26.0 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - Sharing Ideas About ET Interactions.doc 26.0 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - A Birthright of Joy and Effortlessness.doc 26.0 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - Action - Reaction.doc 26.0 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - Reflections From Spiders About Overcoming Fear.doc 26.0 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - Becoming the Dimension Itself.doc 26.0 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - Petroglyphs.doc 26.0 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - Frequency Alignment and Relationships.doc 26.0 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - Clearing The Chakra Of Intention.doc 26.0 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - Multiple Relationships.doc 26.0 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - Inventing a Career.doc 26.0 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - Spaceship Earth and Fourth Density Transition.doc 26.0 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - Y2K DENVER.doc 26.0 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - Clearing the Chakra of Intention1.doc 26.0 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - Staying Grounded When Exploring Higher Realms.doc 26.0 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - Spontaneity And Attitude.doc 26.0 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - Subtle Variations in Methods of Communication.doc 26.0 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - Exploring Higher Densities.doc 26.0 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - Cause And Effect Are The Same Event.doc 26.0 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - Redefining Earth Change Prophecies.doc 26.0 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - Redefining Dogma.doc 26.0 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - Planetary Doorway And Unity Consciousness.doc 26.0 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - Record-Keeper Crystals and Child-Like Guides.doc 26.0 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - The Flower of Life and Plutonic Solids (1).doc 26.0 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - Spacecraft Description.doc 26.0 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - Place To Go.doc 26.0 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - Lemurian Rising.doc 26.0 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - Mother Ship Description.doc 26.0 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - Planetary Interconnections.doc 26.0 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - Spirit Guides Are Always Present.doc 26.0 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - Love’s Creation and Imagination.doc 26.0 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - Creating New Templates.doc 26.0 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - A Whole Connective Idea.doc 26.0 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - Unlimited Possibilities.doc 26.0 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - From Moment of Pause.doc 26.0 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - Association Representation and Moon Structures.doc 26.0 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - Association_Earth 3-26-87.doc 26.0 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - 667766.doc 26.0 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - Natural Anger.doc 26.0 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - Thought and Manifestation.doc 26.0 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - Theology Class I.doc 26.0 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - Communication Formations.doc 26.0 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - Facilitating Cetacean and Human Communication.doc 26.0 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - Negative Predictions and Positive Outcomes.doc 26.0 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - Purification Experiences and The Causal Plane.doc 26.0 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - The Experience of Polarity.doc 26.0 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - Self-Judgment and Winning and Losing.doc 26.0 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - Hybrids on Earth.doc 26.0 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/PDF/Bashar - Unlimited Possibilities.pdf 25.9 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/PDF/Bashar - Slippery Tracks.pdf 25.9 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/PDF/Bashar - Resolving Contradictions.pdf 25.7 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/TXT/Bashar - The Tapestry of Love.txt 25.7 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/TXT/Bashar - Hawaii the Heart.txt 25.6 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - Good and Evil and Positive and Negative.doc 25.5 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - Roommates.doc 25.5 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - The Paradox Connection - CD Disk 2 - Question 8 - Track 6.doc 25.5 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - Government Structure Within a Global Village.doc 25.5 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - Self imposed Karma.doc 25.5 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - EGYPTIAN UPDATE 7 19 98.doc 25.5 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - Voices From Within and Acting Out Your Dreams.doc 25.5 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - Sassani Ideas on Relationships and Children.doc 25.5 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - Symbols and Telepathy.doc 25.5 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - Dinosaurs and Trusting Your Lifes Unfoldment.doc 25.5 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - Dissolving Walls of Separation.doc 25.5 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - Exploring a Past Life With Mother and Soulmates.doc 25.5 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - Agreements With Incarnating Souls.doc 25.5 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - Explaining Violence to Children.doc 25.5 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - Redefining Government and All People Are Equal.doc 25.5 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - Experiencing Forgetfulness and Limitation.doc 25.5 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - Redefining Beliefs About War And Technology.doc 25.5 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - Seeing Beyond Limitation.doc 25.5 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - Imagine That - edit - P. 44 - 45.doc 25.5 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - Souls Inhabiting Artificial Intelligence Creations.doc 25.5 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - Preparing for Tau Ceti Interactions.doc 25.5 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - Hawaii and Planetary Transformation.doc 25.5 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - Nikola Tesla And Free Energy.doc 25.5 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - Expressing Your Preferences Without Judgment.doc 25.5 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - Rejection.doc 25.5 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - Definitions of Reality.doc 25.5 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - Interacting With Spirit Guides.doc 25.5 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - Healing of Allergies to Cats and Dogs.doc 25.5 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - Blending of Male and Female Aspects.doc 25.5 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - Suing Others and Abundance and Self-Assertion.doc 25.5 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - Opening Doors of Communication.doc 25.5 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - Tesla and Waste Containment Fields.doc 25.5 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - Accelerating Your Frequency to Access Other Dimensions.doc 25.5 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - Rewarding Disabilities.doc 25.5 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - Selective Reflections of Each Others Totality.doc 25.5 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - Healing Path.doc 25.5 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - Allergies and Dream Processes.doc 25.5 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - Releasing through Sharing.doc 25.5 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - Ascension – Vibrational Acceleration.doc 25.5 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - Planet Earth and Nuclear Annihilation.doc 25.5 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - Paths of Integration and Separation.doc 25.5 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - Humanity's Psychic and Physical Restructuring.doc 25.5 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - Miracles and a Symbol of Support.doc 25.5 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - Living Effortlessly.doc 25.5 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - Contributing To Planetary Awakening.doc 25.5 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - Frequency Domains.doc 25.5 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - Sons of Light and Darkness and Earth History.doc 25.5 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - The Dal Beings.doc 25.5 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - Soul Mates and Expressing Completeness.doc 25.5 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - Living Your Dreams.doc 25.5 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - Perceiving Interactions Within Energy Fields.doc 25.5 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - Looking Your True Age & Buying Into Insurance.doc 25.5 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - Methodology of Karma.doc 25.5 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - Channeling Ability.doc 25.5 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - The Saturn Council and Wavelength Identification.doc 25.5 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - The Golden Gate.doc 25.5 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - Changing Spectrum of Races on Earth.doc 25.5 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - Rising of the Intuitive and Vibrational Orientation.doc 25.5 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - Changing A Belief In Forcing Others.doc 25.5 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - Attitude is Everything.doc 25.5 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - Dream-Weaver and Storyteller.doc 25.5 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - Bringing Negative Scenarios to Light.doc 25.5 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - Positive Transformation.doc 25.5 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - Astral Sex.doc 25.5 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - Signature Vibrations.doc 25.5 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - Accessing Information.doc 25.5 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - Collective Threshold Point.doc 25.5 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - Poltergeist Phenomena and Animal Symbology.doc 25.5 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - The Federation and The Grey Civilization.doc 25.5 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - Assistance For Healing a Child.doc 25.5 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - ET Observation and Assistance.doc 25.5 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - Dolphin Energy Assists a Child’s Vibration.doc 25.5 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - Coming Events from Surrender to World Peace.doc 25.5 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - Commitments and Agreements.doc 25.5 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - Malleability and Daydream Communication.doc 25.5 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - Waiting To Lose Weight.doc 25.5 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - The Spoken Word.doc 25.5 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - Pain and Suffering.doc 25.5 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - Eternal Experience and Seven Levels.doc 25.5 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - Barnard Star and Earth.doc 25.5 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - Compassion II.doc 25.5 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - Simultaneous Multidimensional Experiences.doc 25.5 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - Playing With Words.doc 25.5 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - Trust the Timing.doc 25.5 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - Natural Changes About Food and Energy.doc 25.5 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/PDF/Bashar - Theology Class II Monologue.pdf 25.2 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/PDF/Bashar - Theology Class II.pdf 25.2 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/PDF/Bashar - Healing Relationships And Trusting In Your Life.pdf 25.1 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/PDF/Bashar - IS BODY IN SPIRIT OR SPIRIT IN BODY.pdf 25.1 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/PDF/Bashar - A Shifting Perspective.pdf 25.0 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - Greys Menality.doc 25.0 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - THE COUNTDOWN CONTINUES.doc 25.0 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - Sai Baba.doc 25.0 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - Easter Island and the Connection to Mars.doc 25.0 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - Creative Relationships II.doc 25.0 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - Global Energy Gate and Consciousness Equation.doc 25.0 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - Dolphin Go-Between and Diffusing Of Focus.doc 25.0 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - Communicating With the Departed.doc 25.0 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - Transitional Experiences in Blending Polarities (2).doc 25.0 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - Pure of tone - monolog.doc 25.0 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - Magic of Imagination.doc 25.0 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - Projection And Openness In Communication.doc 25.0 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - Progressive Learning and Free Will.doc 25.0 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - Forming Connections to Other Realties.doc 25.0 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - A Planet-Wide Alphabet.doc 25.0 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - Dissolving Walls of Consciousness.doc 25.0 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - Martians and NASA.doc 25.0 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - Tones of Alignment.doc 25.0 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - Incarnational Scenarios.doc 25.0 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - A Friends Bilocation and A Loving Appreciation.doc 25.0 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - Element 115.doc 25.0 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - Silent Language and Visit From an Energy Being.doc 25.0 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - Transformation of 60s Consciousness.doc 25.0 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - Consciousness Creates Everything.doc 25.0 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - Crystal Keys.doc 25.0 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - Materializing, Insanity and Cognition.doc 25.0 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - A Window For The Cosmos.doc 25.0 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - Seeking a Reunion Years After Child Disappears.doc 25.0 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - Mayan Information on Planetary Awakening.doc 25.0 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - Jennifer's Bashar List Session.doc 25.0 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - Cycles.doc 25.0 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - Agreements Between ETs and Humans.doc 25.0 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - Redefining the Part You Play.doc 25.0 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - Trusting Your Psychic Awareness.doc 25.0 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - Simultaneous Meditations and Motion.doc 25.0 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - Archetypical Reflections.doc 25.0 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - Suicide and Self-Empowerment and Guilt.doc 25.0 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - Interpreting Different Levels Of Consciousness.doc 25.0 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - Equality and Living Your Joy.doc 25.0 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - Abundance in 4th Density and a Sweat Lodge Dream.doc 25.0 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - Artificial Intelligence.doc 25.0 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - Dolphin Encounter.doc 25.0 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - Earth and the Blending of Light in Orion Systems.doc 25.0 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - Descriptions Of Behavioral States.doc 25.0 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - The Gift Of Yourself.doc 25.0 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - Drugs and self-Empowerment.doc 25.0 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - Tetrahedrons.doc 25.0 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - The Dimensional Infusion.doc 25.0 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - Lost Mars Probes.doc 25.0 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - Drugs And Self Empowerment.doc 25.0 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - Energy Expansion and Connecting Into All Levels.doc 25.0 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - Emotions as Key to Manifestation.doc 25.0 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - Crashed Spacecraft and Abundance and Debt.doc 25.0 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - Limbo State Acceleration.doc 25.0 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - The System.doc 25.0 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - Acting On What You Prefer.doc 25.0 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - Friendship And Multidimensionality.doc 25.0 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - Conviction and Lethargy and Acting It Out.doc 25.0 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - Soul Agreements and Dolphin Deaths.doc 25.0 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - Ascension - Vibrational Acceleration.doc 25.0 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - The Great Experiment.doc 25.0 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - Fevers and Scattered Energy.doc 25.0 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - Drugs And Self Empowerment (1).doc 25.0 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - Victims And Perpetrators.doc 25.0 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - Accessing Skills From Simultaneous Lives.doc 25.0 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - Healing Of All Disease.doc 25.0 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - Relationship With Parents and Pleiadian Energy.doc 25.0 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - Integrating a Segregated Consciousness and Nightmares.doc 25.0 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - A Gossamer Wing and AIDS.doc 25.0 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - Money and Being of Service.doc 25.0 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - Many Faces of One Reality.doc 25.0 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - Religions Finding Unity by Granting Equality.doc 25.0 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - More Bi-location and In the Present and ET Activity.doc 25.0 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - SPIRIT.doc 25.0 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - Dreamtime Dichotomies.doc 25.0 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - Communicating With Governments About Change.doc 25.0 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - Asthma.doc 25.0 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - Holistic Healing.doc 25.0 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - Between Lives and Reincarnational Choices.doc 25.0 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - Pain and Blocks and Connecting With All That Is.doc 25.0 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - Out of Body Projection and Indra's Net.doc 25.0 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - The Paradox of Physical Reality.doc 25.0 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - Birthing and the Unexpected.doc 25.0 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - Hopi Dimensional Doorway.doc 25.0 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - Oversouls and Personalities.doc 25.0 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - Soul Mates and Self Completeness.doc 25.0 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - The Role Of Spirit Guides.doc 25.0 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - Eternal and Infinite Beings.doc 25.0 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - Being A Women.doc 25.0 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - Music on Essassani and Interacting with ETs.doc 25.0 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/PDF/Bashar - Extraterrestrial Contact And Communication.pdf 24.9 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/PDF/Bashar - Food And Consciousness.pdf 24.8 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/PDF/Bashar - Galactic Energies.pdf 24.6 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/PDF/Bashar - The Frequency You Radiate.pdf 24.6 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - Meditation And Integration Of Energies For Earth.doc 24.5 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - Energy-Matrix Dream Symbolism.doc 24.5 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - Native American Assistance and Mind Reading.doc 24.5 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - Colors and Crystals.doc 24.5 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - Communicating With Governments About Peace.doc 24.5 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - Infinite Choice.doc 24.5 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - Foundations of the United States.doc 24.5 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - Maintaining Self-Worth.doc 24.5 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - Vibrational Affinities and Self-Empowerment.doc 24.5 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - Compassion.doc 24.5 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - Essassani Creativity and Society.doc 24.5 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - Communication Levels and Geometric Forms.doc 24.5 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - Facets Of The Same Reality.doc 24.5 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - Healing the Fear that Your Path is Blocked.doc 24.5 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - Change in Perspective and Language Reflections.doc 24.5 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - Tree Consciousness.doc 24.5 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - Multidimensional Interactions.doc 24.5 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - The Self.doc 24.5 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - Consciousness Template.doc 24.5 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - Choosing Reincarnational Scenarios.doc 24.5 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - Methodologies of the Grey Agenda.doc 24.5 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - You are made of Light.doc 24.5 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - Brain Function and Orion and Essassani.doc 24.5 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - Conviction and Lethargy and Acting Out.doc 24.5 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - Time Travel.doc 24.5 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - Life Focus.doc 24.5 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - Excitement and Opportunity.doc 24.5 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - Microwave Cooking and Celebrating Birthdays.doc 24.5 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - Understanding Orion Energies.doc 24.5 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - Future Predictions 3 of 4.doc 24.5 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - Creating Less Time.doc 24.5 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - Magical Chants and Crystals and The Template.doc 24.5 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - Eleven Dimensions and The Unified Field.doc 24.5 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - Genetics Mind Control Abductees.doc 24.5 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - Creating The Life You Prefer.doc 24.5 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - The Paradigm of the Essassani.doc 24.5 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - Global Unification and the New World Order.doc 24.5 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - House Meditation and Integrating Negative Experiences.doc 24.5 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - Farmers Who Commit Suicide and Their Reincarnation.doc 24.5 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - Greys Electromagnetheric Frequency 5 2 97.doc 24.5 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - Transcending the Definition of Being Only Human.doc 24.5 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - Earths New Heartbeat 10 20 95.doc 24.5 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - Earths New Heartbeat 10 20 95.doc 24.5 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - Curiosity and Energy Alignment.doc 24.5 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - Jealousy and Loneliness.doc 24.5 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - DARKNESS and Evil.doc 24.5 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - Transforming the World with Unconditional Love.doc 24.5 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - In Tune With All That Is.doc 24.5 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - Everyone Makes A Difference.doc 24.5 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - Brain Function in Dolphins and Humans.doc 24.5 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - Healing On All Levels.doc 24.5 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - Expectation and Trust.doc 24.5 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - Doorway to Self Expression.doc 24.5 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - The Messages You Are Giving Yourself.doc 24.5 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - Direct Inspiration and Essassani Expression of Love.doc 24.5 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - Integrated Behavior.doc 24.5 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - Contact Date with Bashar 8 1 98.doc 24.5 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - Discovering a Child's Motivation to Learn.doc 24.5 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - Living The Way You Prefer.doc 24.5 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - Mother and Daughter’s Past Life Relationships.doc 24.5 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - Recognition of the Self Beyond the Problem.doc 24.5 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - After-Death States and Christ Consciousness.doc 24.5 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - Signature Vibrations and Interactions.doc 24.5 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - Shower Dream and Anasazi Connection.doc 24.5 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - Suicide.doc 24.5 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - Being True to Yourself When Helping Others.doc 24.5 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - The Holy Spirit.doc 24.5 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - Shifting Electromagnetic Fields.doc 24.5 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - Sun Consciousness and A Probable Parallel Earth.doc 24.5 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - Bio-Genetics.doc 24.5 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - A Revelation and Infinite Experiences of Earth.doc 24.5 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - A Transformational Experience.doc 24.5 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - Synchronicity Story.doc 24.5 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - Scientology Structures and Orion Energies.doc 24.5 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - Philosophy and Imagination in Transformation.doc 24.5 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - Attracting a Loving Relationship.doc 24.5 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - Teeth Symbolism.doc 24.5 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - Telepathy and Channeling and Dolphins.doc 24.5 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - Responding to Partners Focus on Conflict.doc 24.5 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - Phsyiological Personality and the Oversoul.doc 24.5 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - Template Dreams and Tonality and Color.doc 24.5 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - Positive Assistance for World Transformation.doc 24.5 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - Planetary Neighbors in Other Dimensions.doc 24.5 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - Awareness of Birth Choices in Parallel Realities.doc 24.5 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - AIDS Patients and Healing Disease.doc 24.5 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - The Anunnaki.doc 24.5 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - Physiology and Vibrational Differentiation.doc 24.5 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - Atlantean Crystals and Counterpart Energies.doc 24.5 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - An Effortless State and Defining Autism.doc 24.5 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - Spirit Guidance During Transition.doc 24.5 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - Analogies of Dimensional Realities.doc 24.5 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - The Elevator Analogy.doc 24.5 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - Positive Choices and Fine-Tuning.doc 24.5 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - The Fabric Of Existence Is Love And Light.doc 24.5 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - Quetzalcoatl Returns.doc 24.5 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - The Infinite Particle Circa 1995.doc 24.5 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - Archangel Michael.doc 24.5 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - Artificial Shells of Emotionality.doc 24.5 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - Astral Interactions.doc 24.5 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - Politics and Reality Levels.doc 24.5 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/PDF/Bashar - Meaningful Relationships.pdf 24.5 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/PDF/Bashar - Money From Beyond Belief.pdf 24.5 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/PDF/Bashar - Predictions-unity-zero Rest Point.pdf 24.4 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/PDF/Bashar - Trust The Timing.pdf 24.2 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/PDF/Bashar - Learning How Attitude Changes Our Experience.pdf 24.2 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - Empathy and Alternate Realities.docx 24.1 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - The Reflectors.doc 24.0 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - Camelot and Atlantean Connections.doc 24.0 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - Being Open to Each Other’s Truth in Relationship.doc 24.0 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - Being Mirrors For Each Other.doc 24.0 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - The Key of Excitement.doc 24.0 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - Being in the Mu.doc 24.0 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - Out of Body Projection and Indra’s Net.doc 24.0 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - The Process of Channeling.doc 24.0 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - The League Consciousness on Earth.doc 24.0 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - Being Unlimited and Acting as a Catalyst.doc 24.0 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - Nuclear Testing, Weather and Teleportation.doc 24.0 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - Becoming the Alchemist.doc 24.0 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - The Number Thirteen.doc 24.0 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - Motivating Teenagers.doc 24.0 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - Changes In Energy Flow.doc 24.0 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - Bloodtypes And Sustenance.doc 24.0 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - Birth Agreements With Other Dimensional Realms.doc 24.0 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - It Is All One Spontaneous Event.doc 24.0 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - Diseases, Cures and Belief Systems.doc 24.0 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - Channeling Levels and A Fourth Density Joke.doc 24.0 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - Free Will and Choice.doc 24.0 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - Childlikeness and Redefining Failure.doc 24.0 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - Positive and Negative Good and Evil.doc 24.0 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - Barnard Star and Channeling and Global Choices.doc 24.0 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - Mirrors of Crystal Consciousness.doc 24.0 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - Sculpting Your Signature Vibration.doc 24.0 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - Growing Crystals.doc 24.0 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - Scepticism.doc 24.0 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - Willingness to Create a Unified World.doc 24.0 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - Vortex Gates and Karma and Healing.doc 24.0 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - 4th Density Children.doc 24.0 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - Yardsticks.doc 24.0 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - Perceiving the Essence.doc 24.0 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - Transformational Choices And World Peace.doc 24.0 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - Sassani Sexual Expression.doc 24.0 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - Accelerating Your Frequency to Access Higher Dimensions.doc 24.0 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - Teaching Children Without Imprinting Fear.doc 24.0 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - Group Dynamics And The Association's Example.doc 24.0 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - Earth Energy Shifts and Ecstasy is Your Birthright.doc 24.0 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - The Titanic.doc 24.0 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - Melting Away Pain and Resistance.doc 24.0 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - Resonance and Christ Consciousness and Guilt.doc 24.0 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - Dream Reflection Of Mass Consciousness Reality.doc 24.0 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - Realizations.doc 24.0 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - Friendships in the Time of Transformation.doc 24.0 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - Fourth Density Transition Symptoms.doc 24.0 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - Transformation of 60's Consciousness.doc 24.0 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - Vortex Alignments.doc 24.0 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - Soul and Enlightenment.doc 24.0 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - Experimental Societies and Planetary Concepts.doc 24.0 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - Helping Othes By Being True to Yourself.doc 24.0 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - You Are Your Government.doc 24.0 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - Self Empowerment from 8 Senses 5 15 88 Workshop.doc 24.0 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - Holy Spirit and the Infinite Creator.doc 24.0 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - ANAMATHA.doc 24.0 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - Greys and UFOs and Nuclear Silos.doc 24.0 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - Troubled Relationship.doc 24.0 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - Expressing Emotion.doc 24.0 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - Crystals as Triggers and Catalysts.doc 24.0 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - Responsibility and Belief Structure.doc 24.0 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - An Experience of Integration and Alignment.doc 24.0 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - Co-creating a Fourth Density Reality.doc 24.0 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - ET Movie and Crystals and Integrity Alignment.doc 24.0 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - Cockroaches & Dolphins.doc 24.0 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - Birthing and Water.doc 24.0 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - Letter Z and The Tetrahedron.doc 24.0 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - The Crucible Meditation.doc 24.0 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - ddddddddd.doc 24.0 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - Pure of Tone Edit. P. 10-12.doc 24.0 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - Defining the Universe and Time and Evolution.doc 24.0 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - Psychic Functioning.doc 24.0 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - Planetary Service and ET Connections.doc 24.0 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - ET Encounters.doc 24.0 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - Unconditional Love II.doc 24.0 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - Diseases Cures And Belief Systems.doc 24.0 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - Predicting the Future.doc 24.0 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - World Events and The Doorway of March 15th.doc 24.0 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - Equable Conditions, Digital Sound and Implosion.doc 24.0 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - Learning as Remembering.doc 24.0 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - Poems From The Heart.doc 24.0 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - Gaining Weight.doc 24.0 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - Conceiving and Manifesting and The Natural You.doc 24.0 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - Afterlife Communication and Relocating.doc 24.0 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - Dolphin Energy Assists a Child's Vibration.doc 24.0 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - Deserving Ecstasy.doc 24.0 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - Polarity and Neutrality and Everything is Relative.doc 24.0 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - Archetypes and Co-Creating.doc 24.0 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - Gravity.doc 24.0 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - Time Perceptions and Channeling Your Totality.doc 24.0 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - The Ability To Love.doc 24.0 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - Relationships and Families.doc 24.0 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - Library Fire and Nature Contact and Sleep Work.doc 24.0 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - Whales and Dolphins and Sirius Connections.doc 24.0 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - Releasing the Idea of Separation.doc 24.0 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - Positive And Negative Methodologies.doc 24.0 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - Integration of Fears and A Continuous Flow.doc 24.0 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - Electromagnetic Energy Healing.doc 24.0 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - Difficult Personal Relationship.doc 24.0 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - Remembering Who We Are.doc 24.0 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - Assistance for a Blurry Eye and Sinus Pressure.doc 24.0 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - Craft Propulsion and Templates.doc 24.0 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - Love Making.doc 24.0 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - Sleep Cycles and Dream Communications.doc 24.0 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - Live Your Dreams and Self Integration.doc 24.0 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/PDF/Bashar - Childhood And Self Awareness.pdf 23.9 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/PDF/Bashar - Preference And Judgment.pdf 23.9 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/TXT/Bashar - Spacecraft and Space Travel.txt 23.8 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/PDF/Bashar - 6Th Density Sirius Energy.pdf 23.8 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/TXT/Bashar - Existence and Consciousness.txt 23.7 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/TXT/Bashar - Field Trip to a Cylindrical Essassani Mothership.txt 23.7 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/PDF/Bashar - Swimming In Time.pdf 23.7 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/PDF/Bashar - Karmic Template.pdf 23.7 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/PDF/Bashar - The Infinite Particle - Circa 1995.pdf 23.6 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - Love, Guilt, Freewill, and Choosing the Positive Path.docx 23.6 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - Arabic Culture.doc 23.5 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - Assigning Meaning.doc 23.5 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - Lost Time And Fourth Density Blending.doc 23.5 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - Power Spots.doc 23.5 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - Potential Earth Realities.doc 23.5 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - Time Out.doc 23.5 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - Time and The Primary Frequency.doc 23.5 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - Preferring To Have Positive Beliefs.doc 23.5 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - Light.doc 23.5 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - Creating an Interstellar Guidebook.doc 23.5 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - Perceiving UFOs and Being in the Spirit World.doc 23.5 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - Methods of Procreation and Birth.doc 23.5 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - Wavelengths and Fourth Density.doc 23.5 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - Creating Mistakes and Using a Pendulum.doc 23.5 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - A Continuing Exploration of Consciousness.doc 23.5 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - Time and Process.doc 23.5 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - Vibrational Response to Negative Scenarios.doc 23.5 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - Subjectivity.doc 23.5 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - Sirius Energy Connection.doc 23.5 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - Threads in the Tapestry.doc 23.5 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - Vibrations Of The Spoken Word.doc 23.5 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - The Key to Finding Your Path of Service.doc 23.5 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - Completeness and Simultaneous Evolution.doc 23.5 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - Enjoying The Flow Of Creativity.doc 23.5 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - First Question Points of View.doc 23.5 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - Parallel Life Synchronicity and Orgone Energy.doc 23.5 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - Utilizing the Solar Plexus Chakra.doc 23.5 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - Male and Female Energies Integrated in the Soul.doc 23.5 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - Being Fully Who You Are.doc 23.5 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - Communicating with Trees and Earth Service.doc 23.5 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - Knowingness and Not Judging Your Judgment.doc 23.5 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - The Crystal Planet and Contact.doc 23.5 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - Communicating With Other Planets.doc 23.5 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - Mars, Earth, Orion Connection.doc 23.5 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - Atlantean Connections to Ancient Britain.doc 23.5 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - Color Symbology in ET Contact.doc 23.5 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - Walking the Talk and Having Faith.doc 23.5 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - Parallel Time tracks and The Grandfather Paradox.doc 23.5 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - CLOSE RELATIONS.doc 23.5 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - Peyote as Only a Symbol of Power That You Create.doc 23.5 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - AUTOMATIC TUNING.doc 23.5 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - Anunnaki and Gold.doc 23.5 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - Meeting of Scientists and Quasi-Planar Realities.doc 23.5 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - Clearing and Accelerating Into Fourth Density.doc 23.5 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - The Gathering of Consciousness.doc 23.5 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - THE TESSERACT AND REMOTE VIEWING.doc 23.5 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - Spiritual Manipulation.doc 23.5 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - Animal Reincarnation.doc 23.5 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - Karmic Connections and A Collective Awakening.doc 23.5 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - Whale Songs And Solar Rays.doc 23.5 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - Higher Self Contact and a Channels Memory.doc 23.5 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - A Wonderful Realization.doc 23.5 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - Friends Above and Incarnational Links.doc 23.5 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - The Mechanism of Manifestation.doc 23.5 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - Group Dynamics And The Associations Example.doc 23.5 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - Trusting the Unknown.doc 23.5 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - Group Dynamics And The Associations Example 2.doc 23.5 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - Trusting in Your Capabilities.doc 23.5 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - Judgment and Pain.doc 23.5 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - Healing Pain by Expressing Who You Truly Are.doc 23.5 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - Sassani Assistance Venice I.doc 23.5 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - Overcoming the Fear of Sharing Emotions.doc 23.5 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - Acceptance and Denail of ET Information.doc 23.5 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - Telepathic Assistance and Perceptual Shifts.doc 23.5 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - Now is the Only Substantial Reality to Existence.doc 23.5 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - RSVP.doc 23.5 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - Energy Balancing and Self-Regulation.doc 23.5 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - An Unbroken Wholeness.doc 23.5 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - Crystals and Spacecraft.doc 23.5 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - Rotational Speeds And Transformational Incarnations.doc 23.5 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - Trusting and No Fixed Symbols.doc 23.5 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - Accepting Your Inherent Deservability.doc 23.5 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - THE PHOTON BELT.doc 23.5 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - Uluru.doc 23.5 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - Empathic Identification.doc 23.5 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - A Unified World.doc 23.5 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - Patience.doc 23.5 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - Out of Body Excursions and Alternative Energy.doc 23.5 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - Holographic Crucifixion.doc 23.5 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - How The Association Interacts With Earth.doc 23.5 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - Acclimatizing to Higher Vibrations.doc 23.5 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - Altair.doc 23.5 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - Restoring Sensitive Hearing.doc 23.5 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - Regeneration and Selling a House.doc 23.5 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - Dolphin Guides and Reflections from Animals.doc 23.5 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - Action Is Also Meditation.doc 23.5 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - Action-Reaction And Mass Landings.doc 23.5 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - Future Self Is Completely Present Self.doc 23.5 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - A Joyful Life.doc 23.5 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - Relationship Expectations.doc 23.5 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - Traveling Cities and Sassani Signature Vibration.doc 23.5 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - Willingness.doc 23.5 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - Transparency, Voting and Speeding Symbolism.doc 23.5 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - Agreements and Pleiadian Connections.doc 23.5 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - Earth Energy and Variations of Greys.doc 23.5 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - Aligning Crystals (1).doc 23.5 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - Elevating Of Resonance (1).doc 23.5 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - Allergies.doc 23.5 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - A Loving Society.doc 23.5 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - Releasing Judgment and Fear.doc 23.5 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - Aligning Crystals.doc 23.5 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - Elevating Of Resonance.doc 23.5 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/PDF/Bashar - Healing Disease.pdf 23.4 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/PDF/Bashar - Essassani Society, Pyramids And Energy Vortices.pdf 23.3 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/PDF/Bashar - SPIRIT.pdf 23.3 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/PDF/Bashar - Writing The Wrongs.pdf 23.2 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/PDF/Bashar - Alien Feelings.pdf 23.1 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/TXT/Bashar - Giving and Receiving and Your Path of Service.txt 23.1 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - Aspects Of The Same Whole Soul.doc 23.0 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - Potentiality of Creation.doc 23.0 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - Predictions Scallion.doc 23.0 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - Love and Experiential Versions of the Universe.doc 23.0 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - All Ideas Come Complete.doc 23.0 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - Counterparts, and Nutrients in Broccoli.doc 23.0 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - Natural Brain Acceleration.doc 23.0 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - Palm Tree Symbology.doc 23.0 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - Initiating Change In Education.doc 23.0 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - The Purpose Of The Path.doc 23.0 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - Imaginative Ways to Contact Spirit Guides.doc 23.0 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - Loving and Creating.doc 23.0 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - Thought Discernment and Inner Earth.doc 23.0 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - Insights Into Healing Migraine Headaches.doc 23.0 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - Instantaneous Manifestation.doc 23.0 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - Thinking in New Ways and Integration and Time.doc 23.0 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - Catastrophic Events and ET Physiques.doc 23.0 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - Pleaidian and Earth Families.doc 23.0 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - Creating So-called Solutons.doc 23.0 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - Making a Difference.doc 23.0 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - Relationships and Birth Agreements on Essassani.doc 23.0 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - Resonance With a Child’s Soul Before Birth.doc 23.0 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - Astrology and Non-Physical Reality.doc 23.0 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - Laying the Groundwork for ET Interactions.doc 23.0 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - Blending the Facets of Your Unique Totality.doc 23.0 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - Lasers, H2O2 and Energizing With Blue-White Light.doc 23.0 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - Trade Patterns and The Artificial Intelligence Program.doc 23.0 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - Acting on Your Joy and Perfect Timing.doc 23.0 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - Beings Of Spirit.doc 23.0 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - Mayan Pictographs and Ancient Connections.doc 23.0 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - Preparing for Ascension.doc 23.0 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - Allowing Universal Abundance to Support You.doc 23.0 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - Dolphin Sacrifice to Awaken Humanity.doc 23.0 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - Physiological Personality and the Oversoul.doc 23.0 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - Amplification Module and Your Creation Tools.doc 23.0 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - Expanding The Transformational Life.doc 23.0 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - Changing Factors in Manifestation.doc 23.0 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - Meditation.doc 23.0 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - Pyramids And Atlantis.doc 23.0 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - Moving Beyond the Us Versus Them Mentality.doc 23.0 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - An Affinity With The Council of Nine.doc 23.0 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - The Black League's Service to All That Is.doc 23.0 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - Pyramids and Expanding the Auric Field.doc 23.0 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - Past Annunaki Connections.doc 23.0 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - Creative Diversity in Your Career.doc 23.0 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - Accepting the Love of All That Is.doc 23.0 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - Quasi-Planar Realities.doc 23.0 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - Hearing and Interacting and Copper Disc.doc 23.0 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - Root Races.doc 23.0 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - Crystals as Transformational Tools.doc 23.0 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - An Uncertain Birth Date.doc 23.0 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - The Higher Selfs Dream.doc 23.0 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - Acceptance and Shared Creativity on Essassani.doc 23.0 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - Joining the Interstellar Alliance.doc 23.0 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - Christ Light and the Ashtar Command.doc 23.0 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - The Bond of Love.doc 23.0 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - Bringing Spiritual Awareness into the Physical.doc 23.0 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - Keying In.doc 23.0 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - The Original Physical Inception.doc 23.0 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - Dreaming.doc 23.0 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - Crystalline Transformation.doc 23.0 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - Anunnaki Connections.doc 23.0 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - Choosing Your Reality and Fear of Heights.doc 23.0 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - Motion Sickness and Telepathy and Densities.doc 23.0 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - Intermingling of Realities.doc 23.0 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - Ra and Sirius and Altair.doc 23.0 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - Healing by Letting Go.doc 23.0 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - Choosing to Create an Attitude of Enjoyment.doc 23.0 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - Choosing a Stage Name.doc 23.0 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - Ants Invading the Kitchen.doc 23.0 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - Crying and Laughing and Craft Sightings.doc 23.0 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - Accelerated Energy Doorway and Memory Loss.doc 23.0 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - Miracles.doc 23.0 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - Raising of Consciousness and Atlantean Lessons.doc 23.0 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - Consciousness and Dying.doc 23.0 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - Cetaceans and Sirius Energy and Music.doc 23.0 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - ABUNDANCE.doc 23.0 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - Channeling Assistance, Imagineering and Humor.doc 23.0 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - Suicide and Reincarnation.doc 23.0 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - Trusting Your Lifes Unfoldment.doc 23.0 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - Haley’s Comet and Craft Sightings.doc 23.0 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - Taking It In Stride.doc 23.0 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - Earths Chakra Points Are Blending.doc 23.0 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - The Mayans and the Wheel.doc 23.0 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - Experiencing What We Believe the Universe To Be.doc 23.0 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - Experiencing Less Time by Living in the Moment.doc 23.0 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - The Methodology of Beliefs.doc 23.0 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - Star People of Earth.doc 23.0 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - Sirius and Dimensional Blending.doc 23.0 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - Eating And Getting Fat (1).doc 23.0 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - Soul Mates and Interdimensional Communication.doc 23.0 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - Fearing Abundance.doc 23.0 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - Existence and Non-Existence.doc 23.0 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - ET Encounters and Being in a Relationship.doc 23.0 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - Essassani Connections and Oneness and Ecstasy.doc 23.0 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - Eating And Getting Fat.doc 23.0 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - Stepping Up Your Vibration to the Blueprint Stage.doc 23.0 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - Epilepsy and Choosing Affliction.doc 23.0 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - Weather Patterns and The Observer.doc 23.0 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - Enjoying the Transition.doc 23.0 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - Future Predictions 4 of 4.doc 23.0 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - Space Time Origin Points.doc 23.0 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - Whale Dolphin Communication.doc 23.0 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - Energy Cleansing and Acting on Your Intuition.doc 23.0 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - Electromagnetism and Water.doc 23.0 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - Experiencing Fourth Density Energy.doc 23.0 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - Experience is Destiny.doc 23.0 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - A Methodology Attuned to Your Vibration.doc 23.0 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - Optional Ideas and Body Cohabitation.doc 23.0 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - Galactic Societies.doc 23.0 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - Sharing of Knowledge.doc 23.0 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - A Joyous Discovery.doc 23.0 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - Shared Realities.doc 23.0 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/PDF/Bashar - FIVE FACTIONS OF GREYS -.pdf 23.0 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/PDF/Bashar - New Paradigms Of Behavior.pdf 23.0 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/TXT/Bashar - New Definitions for Creating a Positive Reality.txt 23.0 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/PDF/Bashar - Prime Radiant.pdf 22.9 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/TXT/Bashar - Telepathy and Psychic Functioning.txt 22.8 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/PDF/Bashar - Out Of Work.pdf 22.8 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - Definitions And The 33 Second Technique.doc 22.5 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - A Guided Meditation.doc 22.5 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - Offering a Positive Vibration.doc 22.5 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - Black Holes - Dimensional Doorways.doc 22.5 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - New Friends.doc 22.5 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - Releasing Pressure and Balancing.doc 22.5 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - Empathy for an Entity Assisting in Integration.doc 22.5 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - Crystals and Accelerating Consciousness.doc 22.5 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - Aligning With Oversoul Consciousness.doc 22.5 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - Future Predictions 1 of 4.doc 22.5 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - From Dark To Light.doc 22.5 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - Realizing There are No Interruptions in Your Life.doc 22.5 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - Crop Circles as Multidimensional Keys.doc 22.5 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - A Heightened Sense of Information Transference.doc 22.5 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - Inner Earth Connections and Mafu and Merlin.doc 22.5 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - Having a Multi-leveled Approach to Each Situation.doc 22.5 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - DNA Energy.doc 22.5 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - A New Template for World Peace.doc 22.5 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - AIDS and Masculine and Feminine Energies.doc 22.5 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - Opportunities to Transform Habitual Patterns.doc 22.5 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - Nutrients Transmuted From Earth’s Energy Field.doc 22.5 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - Incarnational Migration from Other Planets.doc 22.5 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - Anunnaki Off-Shoots.doc 22.5 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - Fourth Density and The Fourth Dimension.doc 22.5 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - DNA Is Within You.doc 22.5 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - Energy Work To Ease Transition.doc 22.5 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - A Continuing Relationship Over Many Lives.doc 22.5 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - Creating the Idea of Separation from All That Is.doc 22.5 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - Private Alta Dena.doc 22.5 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - Definitions and The 33 Second Technique.doc 22.5 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - Lessons From an Ear Infection.doc 22.5 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - Imaginary Friends and Spirit Guides.doc 22.5 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - Orion Transformation.doc 22.5 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - Letting the Details Take Care of Themselves.doc 22.5 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - Ascended Masters and Our Higher Selves.doc 22.5 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - Sleep Patterns and Personal and Planetary Shifts.doc 22.5 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - Adjusting to Planetary Fluctuations.doc 22.5 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - A Conducive Atmosphere for The Association.doc 22.5 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - Slipping Through Dimensional Veils.doc 22.5 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - Predicting the Future II.doc 22.5 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - Black Holes Dimensional Doorways.doc 22.5 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - Living the Vibration of Peace.doc 22.5 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - Oversoul Expressions and Gateways.doc 22.5 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - Connections.doc 22.5 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - In the Groove.doc 22.5 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - Acknowledging the Message Behind Your Fear.doc 22.5 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - Holographic Thinking.doc 22.5 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - Communication From a Guiding Soul.doc 22.5 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - Rising Energies and Symbolic Tools.doc 22.5 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - Matrix Infusion.doc 22.5 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - Dream Assistance.doc 22.5 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - ET Observation And Assistance Of Earths Transition.doc 22.5 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - Healing With Unconditional Love.doc 22.5 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - Being a Creative Team.doc 22.5 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - Soulmates.doc 22.5 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - Excitement and Trust.doc 22.5 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - Existence Always Exists.doc 22.5 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - Healing Conflict .doc 22.5 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - Exploring the Idea of Abundance.doc 22.5 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - Australian Vortex and Towards World Peace.doc 22.5 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - A Bilocation Experience (1).doc 22.5 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - Earth Chakras and a Body as a Reflective Matrix.doc 22.5 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - Experiment in Perception.doc 22.5 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - 888333.doc 22.5 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - Being Open to the Energy of Your Higher Self.doc 22.5 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - Karma as a Self-Imposed Balancing of Energy.doc 22.5 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - Meeting ETs Halfway.doc 22.5 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - Earth Grid and Orion Energies.doc 22.5 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - Awareness of Counterpart's Lives.doc 22.5 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - Awareness of Counterpart’s Lives.doc 22.5 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - Raising the Body’s Vibratory Rate.doc 22.5 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - Methodologies of Healing.doc 22.5 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - Frames of Reference.doc 22.5 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - Experiencing 4th Density and Beyond.doc 22.5 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - Birthing.doc 22.5 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - Payoffs and Generating Your Reality.doc 22.5 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - Relieving Eye Pressure and Being Multi-Cultural.doc 22.5 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - Invalidation and Judgment.doc 22.5 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - Expansion of Self Discovery.doc 22.5 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - Repairing the Earth and Electromagnetic Energy.doc 22.5 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - The Essence of Love.doc 22.5 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - Your HIgher Self.doc 22.5 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - The Internal Camera.doc 22.5 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - The Strength To Love.doc 22.5 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - Switching to a Different Reality.doc 22.5 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - The Greys The Galactic Ferderation and the Association of ~1.doc 22.5 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - Vulnerability II.doc 22.5 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - World Awakening.doc 22.5 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - The Dryad Beings.doc 22.5 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - Surrounded By Love.doc 22.5 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - Translating Tesla's Ideas.doc 22.5 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - Time and the Oversoul.doc 22.5 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - The Age of Aquarius.doc 22.5 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - The Association s Purpose.doc 22.5 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - The Big Dipper Constellation and Connections.doc 22.5 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - The Experience That You Are.doc 22.5 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - Vibrational Changes in Relationships.doc 22.5 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - Time and the Orchestration of Events.doc 22.5 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - Synchronicity.doc 22.5 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - Transmitting the Vibration of Vortex Points.doc 22.5 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/TXT/Bashar - Self Empowerment Workshop Part II PSYCHIC SENSITIVITY .txt 22.4 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/PDF/Bashar - Ancient Times Revisited.pdf 22.4 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/TXT/Bashar - Healing Techniques.txt 22.3 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/PDF/Bashar - The Four Laws.pdf 22.2 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - Utilization of Spacecraft.doc 22.0 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - Star People and Sedona.doc 22.0 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - Stone Ritual and Fetish Symbology.doc 22.0 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - Sleep Patterns.doc 22.0 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - Fire Ceremony and Strength.doc 22.0 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - Signature Vibration and Geometric Building Blocks.doc 22.0 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - 11 11 666.doc 22.0 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - Brothers Attitude to Education.doc 22.0 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - Verbal Responses and Nicknames.doc 22.0 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - Sun Beings.doc 22.0 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - Future Earth Experiences.doc 22.0 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - A Birth Agreement.doc 22.0 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - Eyesight Symbol.doc 22.0 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - Assistance for a Bored Brother.doc 22.0 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - Energy Guide and Mt Shasta.doc 22.0 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - Sharing Foreve edit Monolog - 1st Q.doc 22.0 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - Arcturus, Children and the Crown Chakra.doc 22.0 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - Energy Vortices and Government.doc 22.0 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - ET Contact Experiences.doc 22.0 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - Animal Consciousness.doc 22.0 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - Service With Joy.doc 22.0 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - Utensils and Kivas and Trepanning.doc 22.0 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - Sirius Energy.doc 22.0 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - Frequency Correspondences and Effects.doc 22.0 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - Brain Chemistry and Making Choices.doc 22.0 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - Symbology of a Childs Name.doc 22.0 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - Dreamer Dolphin Consciousness.doc 22.0 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - Self-Completeness Reflected in a Relationship.doc 22.0 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - Integrating Atlantis and Fate and Free Will.doc 22.0 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - Timing of Events.doc 22.0 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - A Cat Like Race Of Beings.doc 22.0 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - Connections to Mars.doc 22.0 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - Remembering Your Dreams.doc 22.0 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - Harmoniously Reflecting Individual Truths.doc 22.0 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - Ancient Knowledge and Amalgams.doc 22.0 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - Seeing Beyond the Vision.doc 22.0 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - Notes II on RSVP.doc 22.0 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - A Transitional Doorway.doc 22.0 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - Nostalgia and the Now.doc 22.0 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - Aging and Life Review.doc 22.0 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - Barnard’s Star Civilization.doc 22.0 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - Healing Energies For Spine And Back.doc 22.0 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - Choosing a Positive Reality.doc 22.0 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - Cosmic Credentials.doc 22.0 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - Copy of Letting the Details Take Care of Themselves.doc 22.0 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - Your Point of Focus.doc 22.0 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - Trust and Love and Guilt.doc 22.0 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - CREATOR AND CREATION.doc 22.0 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - Holograms and Consciousness.doc 22.0 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - Triangles and Dolphins.doc 22.0 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - Clearing Negative Beliefs By Living Your Joy.doc 22.0 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - Blooming Roses and Nature Spirits.doc 22.0 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - Hybrids and Living in Harmony.doc 22.0 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - Zeta Reticulum and Association Membership.doc 22.0 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - Parallel Incarnational Aspects and Energy Band.doc 22.0 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - Atlantean Connections.doc 22.0 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - Crystals and Sharing Circle.doc 22.0 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - Parallel Worlds and Identities.doc 22.0 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - Translating Tesla’s Ideas.doc 22.0 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - 11 11 666.doc 22.0 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - Rogue Greys.doc 22.0 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - Identifying a Spacecraft.doc 22.0 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - Atlantean Destruction and Lemurian Connections.doc 22.0 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - More Dragon Symbology.doc 22.0 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - Resort Activities and Creating Positive Effects.doc 22.0 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - In The Flow.doc 22.0 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - Temple of the Dolphins.doc 22.0 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - Individual And Global Choices.doc 22.0 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - Blending Realities and Releasing Suffering.doc 22.0 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - Crop Circles as Doorways Into Different Realities.doc 22.0 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - An Honest Self-Assessment.doc 22.0 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - Middle East and The Presidency.doc 22.0 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - Manifesting and Integrity.doc 22.0 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - Intention and Experiential Knowing.doc 22.0 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - Black Hole Gateways.doc 22.0 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - Merlin Energy and Pleaidian Interactions.doc 22.0 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - Religion and Excitement.doc 22.0 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - Interacting with Governments and Newspapers.doc 22.0 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - Balanced Souls and Sassani Relationships.doc 22.0 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - Automatic Unfoldment and A Reality Shift.doc 22.0 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - Reflections From a Dog.doc 22.0 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - Anima and Energy Exchanges.doc 22.0 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - Perceptions.doc 22.0 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - Transformation Symbology.doc 22.0 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - Time Variances.doc 22.0 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - It Is Always Now.doc 22.0 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - Disclosures 6 6 97.doc 22.0 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - DISCLO 1.doc 22.0 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - Crop Circle Templates.doc 22.0 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - Receiving with Grace.doc 22.0 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - Knowing the Universe Supports You.doc 22.0 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - Density and Dimensions and Irregular Periods.doc 22.0 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - The Three Absolutes 12 May 91 .doc 22.0 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - Big Dipper.doc 22.0 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - Memory And Living In The Moment.doc 22.0 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - A Dog Who Mirrors Anxiety and Skin Disorders.doc 22.0 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - Numerology.doc 22.0 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - Predicting a Future.doc 22.0 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - A Conducive Atmosphere for The Association Interacting Wit~1.doc 22.0 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - The Function of a Guide.doc 22.0 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - Life Is A Meditation.doc 22.0 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - Being the Feeling of Who You Are.doc 22.0 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - Beliefs About Food.doc 22.0 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - The Front.doc 22.0 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - Physical Aging.doc 22.0 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - A Cat-Like Race of Beings.doc 22.0 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - Attracting Your Soul Mate Through Completeness.doc 22.0 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - Alternatives to Government.doc 22.0 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - A Chattering Mind.doc 22.0 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - Playing as Dolphins and Expectations.doc 22.0 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/PDF/Bashar - Monatomic Elucidations.pdf 21.9 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/PDF/Bashar - Greys Speak.pdf 21.9 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/PDF/Bashar - Belief Patterns.pdf 21.7 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/PDF/Bashar - Tools As Symbols Of Intention.pdf 21.7 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/PDF/Bashar - World Peace.pdf 21.6 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/PDF/Bashar - Past Life Explanation & Health Issues.pdf 21.6 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - Expanding - The Heart's Code.docx 21.6 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/TXT/Bashar - Total Excerpts from R.txt 21.5 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/PDF/Bashar - The Four Absolutes.pdf 21.5 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/PDF/Bashar - Excerpt From R.S.V.P - October - 20, 2001.pdf 21.5 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/PDF/Bashar - Choice And Co Creation2.pdf 21.5 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/PDF/Bashar - Counterpart Civilizations And Healing.pdf 21.5 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - The Founders.doc 21.5 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - Potential Future Earth.doc 21.5 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - The Elevation Of Your Vibration.doc 21.5 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - Spacecraft as Extensions of Consciousness.doc 21.5 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - The Fortieth Orbit.doc 21.5 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - Picking Apart the Tapestry.doc 21.5 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - Allowing Your Life to Unfold.doc 21.5 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - Prayer and Trust.doc 21.5 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - A New View of Ourselves and Christmas Energy.doc 21.5 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - Being on an Even Keel.doc 21.5 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - Sunday Service.doc 21.5 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/TXT/Bashar - Copy of Spacecraft as Extensions of Consciousness.doc 21.5 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - Reflections From a Golden Tiger.doc 21.5 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - Pyramid And Cone Shapes.doc 21.5 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - Creating a Healthy Diet.doc 21.5 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - A Realization and a Treatment for Eyes.doc 21.5 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - Silver and Oxygenation.doc 21.5 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - Spaceport and Astrology.doc 21.5 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - Reticulum Energy and Using Your Imagination.doc 21.5 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - Breathing.doc 21.5 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - Craft Sightings and Multidimensional Awareness.doc 21.5 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - Acting As You Are.doc 21.5 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - Telempathy.doc 21.5 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - Sassani Dialect.doc 21.5 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - Tau Ceti Transmissions and the Starlight Coalition.doc 21.5 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - A Visualization for Aligning the Body.doc 21.5 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - Seth, Ra, Lazaris and The White Brotherhood.doc 21.5 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - Tapping Into Higher Frequencies.doc 21.5 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - Sensitivity to Earth’s Electromagnetic Shifts.doc 21.5 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - Orion, Earth and Pleiadies - Full Cycle.doc 21.5 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - Sky Symbology.doc 21.5 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - Strong Enough To Love.doc 21.5 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - An Evolving Triad Consciousness.doc 21.5 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - Orca Communications.doc 21.5 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - Seeing Beyond the Perception.doc 21.5 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - Synchronizing Frequencies.doc 21.5 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - Blending (Integrating) Intellect and Emotion.doc 21.5 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - The Mantis 7 10 98.doc 21.5 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - Seismic Sensitivity.doc 21.5 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - Self Validation.doc 21.5 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - One Complete Idea Reflecting on Itself.doc 21.5 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - Blending Integrating Intellect And Emotion.doc 21.5 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - Be Your Own Dance to Health and Ecstasy.doc 21.5 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - MYTHOLOGY.doc 21.5 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - Integrating The Ten Dimensions Into Your Energy Field.doc 21.5 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - Be Your Higher Self Now.doc 21.5 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - An Out of Body Perspective on Making Choices.doc 21.5 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - Trust in the Positive.doc 21.5 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - Enjoying Being Here.doc 21.5 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - Interdimensional Interface.doc 21.5 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - Interdimensional Tools for Communication.doc 21.5 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - Hybrids and Shakana.doc 21.5 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - ET Interactions And The Aura.doc 21.5 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - Communication Higher Consciousness Mono....doc 21.5 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - Waking From Limitation.doc 21.5 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - Crossing Paths With ET Visitors.doc 21.5 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - Wabi Farm.doc 21.5 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - Vulnerability.doc 21.5 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - Whale Strandings and Voids.doc 21.5 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - Experiencing Earth Changes.doc 21.5 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - A Crystalline World.doc 21.5 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - Energy Rings and Process In Fourth Density.doc 21.5 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - Hummingbirds and Unicorns.doc 21.5 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - Copy of Spacecraft as Extensions of Consciousness.doc 21.5 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - Exploring the Idea of Limitation and Separation.doc 21.5 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - Destiny and Belief Systems.doc 21.5 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - 4th Dimension vrs 4 Density.doc 21.5 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - Visualization and Allowance of Synchronicity.doc 21.5 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - Hummingbird Symbology.doc 21.5 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - Knowledge Embodied In Ancient Structures.doc 21.5 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - Darryl Dream - P. 9.doc 21.5 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - Music on Essassani.doc 21.5 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - Tools of Awareness.doc 21.5 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - Family Agreements.doc 21.5 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - Viewpoint of a Viewpoint.doc 21.5 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - Dolphin Interchanges With Other Civilizations.doc 21.5 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - Unconditional Love and Faith.doc 21.5 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - The Solar System’s Multidimensional Inhabitants.doc 21.5 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - What The World Can Be.doc 21.5 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - Love and Synchronicity and Being Safe.doc 21.5 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - Crystal Skulls and Dimensional Doorways.doc 21.5 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - Finding an Even Keel.doc 21.5 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - Barnard's Star Civilization.doc 21.5 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - Finding Positive Solutions to Seeming Conflicts.doc 21.5 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - Love's Infinite Creation.doc 21.5 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - Food and Sleep.doc 21.5 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - Fourth Density Balancing Act.doc 21.5 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - Healing Through Reconfiguration.doc 21.5 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - Archetypal Reflections.doc 21.5 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - Universal Template.doc 21.5 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - Understanding Why People Fight.doc 21.5 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - Memory Transcended by Living in the Now.doc 21.5 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - Animal Reflections And Guidance.doc 21.5 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - Word Harmonics and Channeling.doc 21.5 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - Melchizedek and Trusting the Path You Take.doc 21.5 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - At Ease With Yourself and Making Connections.doc 21.5 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - Assisting Children in Remembering Their Purpose.doc 21.5 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - Loving Unconditionally.doc 21.5 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - Inspiration.doc 21.5 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - Dream World Tutoring and an ET Friend.doc 21.5 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - Manifestation Of Counterpart Selves.doc 21.5 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - A Birds Reflection and Liquid Consciousness.doc 21.5 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - Global Unity Through the Allowance of Diversity.doc 21.5 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - Go Within.doc 21.5 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/PDF/Bashar - Points Of View.pdf 21.4 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/PDF/Bashar - Smoking.pdf 21.3 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/PDF/Bashar - Healing Relationships.pdf 21.3 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/PDF/Bashar - Whats Up - From Surrender.pdf 21.2 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/PDF/Bashar - Choice And Co Creation.pdf 21.1 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/TXT/Bashar - Vibrating in Alignment With Fourth Density Earth.txt 21.1 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/PDF/Bashar - Past Life Explation & Health Issues.pdf 21.1 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/PDF/Bashar - Awakening The Inhabitants Of Planet Earth.pdf 21.0 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - Love is All That Is.doc 21.0 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - Piloting a Ship by Frequency Identification.doc 21.0 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - Physical Reality is an Extension of Dream Reality.doc 21.0 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - LOVE.doc 21.0 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - Lunar Deposits and Aligningwith your Truth.doc 21.0 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - Centering Through Laughter and Crying.doc 21.0 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - Male Sexual Balance.doc 21.0 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - Pi.doc 21.0 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - The Essence of Fourth Dimensionality.doc 21.0 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - Losing Eyesight.doc 21.0 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - The Solar System's Multidimensional Inhabitants.doc 21.0 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - The Didgeridoo.doc 21.0 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - Atlantis Remembered.doc 21.0 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - Levels Of Consciousness.doc 21.0 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - Being the Total Consciousness that You Are.doc 21.0 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - The Hardest Question of All.doc 21.0 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - Magnitudes of Eleven.doc 21.0 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - Believability.doc 21.0 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - Tonality.doc 21.0 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - Times Flexibility and Precise Communications.doc 21.0 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - Projected Illusions.doc 21.0 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - Multiple Connections and Nutrition.doc 21.0 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - Oxygen, Gold and AIDS.doc 21.0 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - Death as a Symbol.doc 21.0 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - The Language of Light.doc 21.0 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - Receiving a New Name.doc 21.0 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - Orion Separation and A Forewarning Energy.doc 21.0 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - Dimensional Transitions.doc 21.0 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - Disappearing Objects.doc 21.0 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - Karma as a Self-Imposed Balancing of Energy (1).doc 21.0 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - Reconnecting to Lemuria's Path of the Heart.doc 21.0 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - Cellular Electromagnetic Reprogramming.doc 21.0 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - New Sleep Patterns.doc 21.0 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - Nuclear War Silos.doc 21.0 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - The Astral Form.doc 21.0 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - Timing for Release of Information.doc 21.0 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - Left and Right Brain Symbology.doc 21.0 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - The Master Within.doc 21.0 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - The Modality of Your Mentality.doc 21.0 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - Pleiadean Memories Awakening.doc 21.0 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - Playing with Dolphins.doc 21.0 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - Zeta Reticulum Inhabitants.doc 21.0 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - Wise Owl.doc 21.0 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - Cohesive Participation In The Transformation.doc 21.0 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - Dolphin Assistance for a Birth.doc 21.0 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - Gateway Worlds.doc 21.0 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - Spacecraft Template.doc 21.0 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - Inner Earth.doc 21.0 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - Everything Is Its Own Frequency.doc 21.0 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - Blending the Sense of Time and Non-Time.doc 21.0 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - Increasing Brain Power.doc 21.0 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - Resonance.doc 21.0 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - Enzymatic Encoding.doc 21.0 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - Surrendering to World Peace.doc 21.0 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - Creating A Limited Focus.doc 21.0 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - Revelation of Ancient Records.doc 21.0 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - Vibrational Affinities to Parallel Universes.doc 21.0 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - Spacecraft Identification and Ascension.doc 21.0 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - Expectancy not expectations.doc 21.0 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - Transmuting Earthquake Energies.doc 21.0 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - Sirius Energy Manifestations.doc 21.0 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - Expectancy Not Expectations (1).doc 21.0 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - Expectancy Not Expectations.doc 21.0 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - Taping Into Higher Frequencies.doc 21.0 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - Accelerating Interactions.doc 21.0 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - Stars.doc 21.0 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - Father in Dream Symbology.doc 21.0 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - Body Cleansing.doc 21.0 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - Teaching and Learning Together.doc 21.0 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - Soul Self and Cycle Fluctuations and Religion.doc 21.0 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - Honesty.doc 21.0 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - Alchemy - Spriitual Transformation.doc 21.0 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - Finding a Positive Reflection.doc 21.0 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - Your True Place.doc 21.0 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - Fire as a Symbol of Purification.doc 21.0 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - Trust III.doc 21.0 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - Soul Mate Reflections.doc 21.0 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - Hemophite and Energy Gates.doc 21.0 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - Flash Patterns.doc 21.0 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - Vibrational Alignment with Other Beings.doc 21.0 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - Dolphins and Humans as Co-Parallel Species.doc 21.0 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - Send To World Leaders - Feb – 1991 Gulf War.doc 21.0 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - Strawberries and Huweya.doc 21.0 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - Connecting To What Is Always There.doc 21.0 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - Second Dimension and Allowing Things to Unfold.doc 21.0 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - Frequency Representations.doc 21.0 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - Talking With a Hospice Patient.doc 21.0 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - Emotions and Judgment.doc 21.0 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - Seeing The Purpose Behind Our Creations.doc 21.0 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - Handling Negative Energy.doc 21.0 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - Urantia Viewpoint.doc 21.0 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - Body Recuperation Technique.doc 21.0 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - Tuning to the Background Signal and A Spider.doc 21.0 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - Freeway Symbology.doc 21.0 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - Effortless Ease.doc 21.0 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - Seth and Ra and Orion Energies.doc 21.0 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - Whale Deaths.doc 21.0 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - Greys Disconnection from Source Energy.doc 21.0 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - Sharing Information About The ET Presence.doc 21.0 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - Aspartame.doc 21.0 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - Comments on Self Empowerment Workshop.doc 21.0 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/TXT/Bashar - Unification Equation and Spacecraft Hyper-Jumps.txt 21.0 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/PDF/Bashar - Basics.pdf 20.9 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/TXT/Bashar - Unification Equation and Spacecraft Hyperjumps.txt 20.9 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/PDF/Bashar - AWAKENING AND TRANSFORMATION - Part IV.pdf 20.8 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/TXT/Bashar - Template Meta Physics.txt 20.7 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/PDF/Bashar - Reptilians Speak - Alpha Deyo And Commentary.pdf 20.7 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - On Guilt.docx 20.7 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/TXT/Bashar - Crystal Skulls.txt 20.5 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - The Association and Inhabited Worlds.doc 20.5 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - The Galactic.doc 20.5 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - Attracting Dolphins by Visualizing.doc 20.5 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - Making Contact and Harmonious Navigation.doc 20.5 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - The Adolescent Stage.doc 20.5 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - Making Contact 7 10 98.doc 20.5 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - Suicide and Reincarnation of a Son.doc 20.5 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - Point of View 2.doc 20.5 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - Separation.doc 20.5 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - Peace Meditation And Planetary Changes.doc 20.5 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - Lunar Symbology.doc 20.5 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - Astral Realm Assistance.doc 20.5 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - Sirius and Sassani Interaction.doc 20.5 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - Lunar Deposits and Aligning with your Truth.doc 20.5 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - Guilt and Love and Deservability.doc 20.5 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - Healing Field For Body Realignment.doc 20.5 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - Sleep Connections and Dinner Companions.doc 20.5 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - The Haleakala Vortex.doc 20.5 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - Food on Essassani.doc 20.5 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - Food on Essassani .doc 20.5 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - Love’s Infinite Creation.doc 20.5 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - Citrus in Hot Weather.doc 20.5 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - Focusing On Earth.doc 20.5 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - Scientists And Children And ET Communication.doc 20.5 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - TRUST.doc 20.5 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - Solar Energies.doc 20.5 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - Politics on Future Earth.doc 20.5 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - Atlantis HOLLOWEEN1.doc 20.5 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - Higher Frequencies.doc 20.5 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - Being Fearless.doc 20.5 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - Children .doc 20.5 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - Saving the Lions.doc 20.5 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - Learning Opportunity and Wolf Symbology.doc 20.5 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - Choosing Classroom Earth.doc 20.5 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - Jesus and Expressing Christ Consciousness.doc 20.5 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - The Song That You Are.doc 20.5 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - Multidimensional Access.doc 20.5 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - Multidimensional Communications.doc 20.5 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - Sassani Interactions.doc 20.5 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - Hybrids Future Selves and Black Helicopters.doc 20.5 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - Sovereignty of Individuality.doc 20.5 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - Bashar Transcripts List.doc 20.5 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - Extraterrestrial Contact.doc 20.5 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - Cat Allergies And The Panther.doc 20.5 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - Experiencing Unity.doc 20.5 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - Bashar's Departing Delivery.doc 20.5 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - Non Resistance (1).doc 20.5 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - Non Resistance.doc 20.5 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - Reflecting a Loving Reality.doc 20.5 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - Spacecraft Hyper jumps.doc 20.5 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - Teenager Help.doc 20.5 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - The DNA Helix and the Twelve Strands.doc 20.5 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - Opportunity for Blatant Interactions Coming Up.doc 20.5 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - Sassani Assistance Venice II.doc 20.5 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - Santa Fe as as Frequency Doorway.doc 20.5 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - The Lineage of King David and Cultural Factions.doc 20.5 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - Interdimensional Tonality.doc 20.5 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - SURRENDER.doc 20.5 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - Transformations of Animal Consciousness.doc 20.5 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - THE MACHINE.doc 20.5 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - Photon Belt II.doc 20.5 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - Nuclear Probabilities From Illumination 2 6 98.doc 20.5 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - Spiritual and Physical Creation.doc 20.5 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - One Being and Channeling to Parallel Worlds.doc 20.5 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - Imagination and The Next Octave.doc 20.5 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - Kachina Energy.doc 20.5 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - A Feeling of Love and Connectedness.doc 20.5 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - Contacting Extraterrestrials.doc 20.5 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - Eating Animals, and Dolphin and Human Incarnations.doc 20.5 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - Essassani and Earth’s Relative Time Frames.doc 20.5 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - Earth Servers.doc 20.5 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - Dolphin Enclaves 1 9 91.doc 20.5 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - Your Physical Reality is a Dream.doc 20.5 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - Energy Transformer.doc 20.5 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - Eating Animals And Dolphin And Human Incarnations (1).doc 20.5 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - Energy Transformer (1).doc 20.5 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - Dolphins Intertwined with Humanity.doc 20.5 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - Eating Animals And Dolphin And Human Incarnations.doc 20.5 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - A Story About The Physical Universe.doc 20.5 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - Cosmic Interactions.doc 20.5 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - Earthquake Energies.- AKA Transmuting... doc.doc 20.5 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - Diversity and Unification.doc 20.5 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - Cranial Alignment.doc 20.5 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - Amplifying Telepathic Communication with Dolphins.doc 20.5 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - A Highly Resonating Metal.doc 20.5 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - FUTURE MEMORY .doc 20.5 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/PDF/Bashar - Black Magic.pdf 20.4 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/PDF/Bashar - Keys Of Ascension.pdf 20.4 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/PDF/Bashar - Responding To Others And Acting On Impulse.pdf 20.3 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/TXT/Bashar - Belief Structures and the Law of One.txt 20.3 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/PDF/Bashar - There is no Good; there is no Bad.pdf 20.2 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/TXT/Bashar - Belief Strutures and the Law of One.txt 20.2 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/PDF/Bashar - Reptilians Speak.pdf 20.2 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/PDF/Bashar - Transforming The Belief Of A Separated Consciousness.pdf 20.2 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/PDF/Bashar - How To Tell If Channeling Is Genuine Or Fraudulent.pdf 20.1 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/PDF/Bashar - Celebration Of Life.pdf 20.1 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/TXT/Bashar - Synchronicity and Integrity.txt 20.1 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/PDF/Bashar - Dolphin And Human Relationships.pdf 20.1 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/PDF/Bashar - Learning The Difference Between, Falling In To The Illusion.pdf 20.0 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - Friend’s Disappearance.doc 20.0 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - What is Gandhi energy.doc 20.0 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - Friend's Disappearance.doc 20.0 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - Whales As Symbols Of Conviction.doc 20.0 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - Experiencing The You That Is You.doc 20.0 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - Who Wrote the Shakespearian Plays.doc 20.0 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - Effects from Peace Meditations.doc 20.0 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - Confusion and Centering.doc 20.0 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - Guardian Angels.doc 20.0 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - Connection Points.doc 20.0 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - Essassani Mathematics.doc 20.0 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - Harmonic Convergence Gateway.doc 20.0 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - Expectations.doc 20.0 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - Hawaiian Heart Chakra and Arcturus Energy.doc 20.0 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - Genetic Heredity.doc 20.0 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - Everything.doc 20.0 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - Guides.doc 20.0 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - Under the Sphinx.doc 20.0 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - Tunguska, Siberia 1908.doc 20.0 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - Communication Link Through the Solar Plexus.doc 20.0 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - Essassani Solar System and Astrology.doc 20.0 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - Zeta Reticulum and Artificial Intelligence.doc 20.0 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - Essassani Channeling and Earth.doc 20.0 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - Closing Comments.doc 20.0 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - Integrating Negative Patterns & Cycles.doc 20.0 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - Atlantis.doc 20.0 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - Interaction With Cat Consciousness.doc 20.0 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - Shamballa.doc 20.0 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - Spent Plutonium.doc 20.0 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - A Vision From Another Life.doc 20.0 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - Atlantis Location.doc 20.0 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - Sedona Vortex Energies and Becoming More Aware So Change C~1.doc 20.0 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - The Ozone Layer as a Frequency Lens.doc 20.0 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - Sovereignity of Individuality.doc 20.0 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - Perceiving Sirius B2.doc 20.0 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - Perceiving Sirius B.doc 20.0 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - Angels, Ascended Masters And ETs.doc 20.0 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - Perceiving Sirius B (1).doc 20.0 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - Las Vegas Closing Comments 8 1 98.doc 20.0 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - Wavelengths and Densities.doc 20.0 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - Time The Organizing Principle.doc 20.0 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - Past Life Reminder.doc 20.0 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - A Vision From Another Life (1).doc 20.0 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - Calendar Cycles.doc 20.0 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - Accelerating Towards Fourth Density.doc 20.0 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - Always Connected To All That Is.doc 20.0 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - The Sphere of Reality That You Are.doc 20.0 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - SHIVAI.doc 20.0 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - SHIVAI II.doc 20.0 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - Angels Ascended Masters And ETs.doc 20.0 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - 4D Earth & the Association.doc 20.0 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - New Every Moment.doc 20.0 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - No Nuclear Annihilation on Earth.doc 20.0 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - Notes III.doc 20.0 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - Being Perfectly Still and Everywhere At Once.doc 20.0 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - Be Your Own Master.doc 20.0 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - Religion On Earth.doc 20.0 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - Remains of Atlantis and Lemuria.doc 20.0 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - Talking to Yourself.doc 20.0 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - Tau Cetians On The Dream Level.doc 20.0 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - Ancient Civilizations.doc 20.0 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - Sassani Life Span.doc 20.0 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - Sassani Channeling and Earth.doc 20.0 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - Photosphere of the Sun.doc 20.0 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - The Gandhi Energy.doc 20.0 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - Be Yourself 12 1 96.doc 20.0 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - Recognizing Connections.doc 20.0 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - The Consciousness Factor in Mathematical Equations.doc 20.0 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - Pain & Death.doc 20.0 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - Polarity Paradox.doc 20.0 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/TXT/Bashar - Harmonic Wave.txt 20.0 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/PDF/Bashar - Other Civilizations.pdf 19.9 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/PDF/Bashar - Polarity Aspects And Lightening Up.pdf 19.9 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/PDF/Bashar - Season Greetings.pdf 19.8 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/PDF/Bashar - Respecting Your Choices.pdf 19.8 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - Expand Your Energy Bubble To Manifest.docx 19.8 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/PDF/Bashar - Murder.pdf 19.7 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/PDF/Bashar - Ancient Memories.pdf 19.7 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/PDF/Bashar - Acting It Out.pdf 19.7 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/TXT/Bashar - Growth and the Soul s Purpose.txt 19.7 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/TXT/Bashar - Growth and the Souls Purpose.txt 19.7 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/TXT/Bashar - ABUNDANCE II.txt 19.7 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/PDF/Bashar - Religion And Faith.pdf 19.6 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - Ecstasy And Knowingness 2 4 86.doc 19.5 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - Gratitude for Sharing.doc 19.5 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - Integration.doc 19.5 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - Friends Disappearance.doc 19.5 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - A Brief Experience of Physical Reality.doc 19.5 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - Origins of Alchemy.doc 19.5 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - Order of Solidification.doc 19.5 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - Ecstasy and Knowingness 2 4 86.doc 19.5 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - A Bestowal of Love.doc 19.5 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - Telepathy and Written Word.doc 19.5 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - Whales as Dolphin Oversoul.doc 19.5 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - Santa Fe Sedona Energy.doc 19.5 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - Off World Colonization.doc 19.5 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - Drugs.doc 19.5 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - Viewing of Ideas.doc 19.5 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - Trusting Each Other.doc 19.5 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - Heart Sensitivity to Electromagnetic Fluctuations.doc 19.5 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - Seeds.doc 19.5 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - Humans Coexisting with Hybrids.doc 19.5 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - Dolphins and Toxic Poisoning.doc 19.5 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - Motivation.doc 19.5 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - The Sphnix.doc 19.5 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - Merlin.doc 19.5 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - Mayan Connection.doc 19.5 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - Maitreya and the Second Coming.doc 19.5 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - Magnetic Fields, ET Civilizations & Moths.doc 19.5 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - Dental Care.doc 19.5 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - Kings Chamber Revelations.doc 19.5 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - Imagining Your Reality.doc 19.5 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - Ecstasy And Knowingness 2 4 86 (1).doc 19.5 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - Choosing to Grow Though Love Not Suffering.doc 19.5 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - Spirit of Play.doc 19.5 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - Caroline Myss.doc 19.5 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - Alleviating Worry.doc 19.5 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - Ancient Of Days.doc 19.5 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - Bermuda Triangle.doc 19.5 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - Activation of the Channeling Chakra.doc 19.5 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - Being a Conduit.doc 19.5 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/PDF/Bashar - Chakra Alignment Meditation.pdf 19.4 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/PDF/Bashar - The Three Absolutes 12 May 91.pdf 19.4 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/TXT/Bashar - Uncovering Beliefs About Relationships.txt 19.4 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/PDF/Bashar - Preference And Moving Beyond Polarity.pdf 19.4 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/PDF/Bashar - Viewpoints And Interactions.pdf 19.3 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/PDF/Bashar - Falling In Love.pdf 19.3 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/TXT/Bashar - Needing a Relationship.txt 19.2 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/PDF/Bashar - Viewpoints And Interaction1.pdf 19.2 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/TXT/Bashar - The Universe Always Supports You.txt 19.1 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/PDF/Bashar - Energy Conceptions.pdf 19.1 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/TXT/Bashar - Synchronicity and Meaning.txt 19.1 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - Self Fulfilling Prophecy.docx 19.0 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - Activating The Eight Sense Of Knowingness.doc 19.0 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - Feeling the Shift.doc 19.0 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - Pyramid Power.doc 19.0 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - Bashar's Agenda.doc 19.0 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - WANDERERS.doc 19.0 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - Monatomic Explications.doc 19.0 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - The Unknown.doc 19.0 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - KARMA.doc 19.0 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - Perceptual Paradox.doc 19.0 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - Stars and Black Holes in the Milky Way Galaxy.doc 19.0 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - Time and Aging.doc 19.0 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - Permission Protocol No. 1.doc 19.0 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - Toxins and Agendas.doc 19.0 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - 7 Rs.doc 19.0 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - Planet X.doc 19.0 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - Essassani Lifespans.doc 19.0 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - Hitler s Death.doc 19.0 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - UFO Presence in Solar System.doc 19.0 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/PDF/Bashar - Abundance And Believability.pdf 19.0 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/PDF/Bashar - All One Mind.pdf 19.0 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/PDF/Bashar - PARANOIA TEST - 9.Doc - 9 12 97.pdf 19.0 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/PDF/Bashar - Polyhedral Structures.pdf 18.9 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/PDF/Bashar - Expanding Your Senses Beyond The Physical.pdf 18.8 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/PDF/Bashar - Planetary Affinities And Space Travel.pdf 18.8 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/PDF/Bashar - Crystal Skulls And Crystal Sheets.pdf 18.8 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/PDF/Bashar - Meditation II - 2-5-95.pdf 18.8 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/PDF/Bashar - Made Of Ecstasy.pdf 18.8 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/PDF/Bashar - Energy Facilitator, Being A Switcher.pdf 18.8 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/PDF/Bashar - Validity.pdf 18.7 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/TXT/Bashar - Giving up the Struggle.txt 18.7 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/PDF/Bashar - Playing Together As Equals.pdf 18.6 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/TXT/Bashar - Inspiration & Individual Impact.txt 18.6 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/TXT/Bashar - Keys of Ascenson Meditation.txt 18.5 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - Beginning the End.doc 18.5 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - A New Habit.doc 18.5 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - Future Earth.doc 18.5 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - EARTH HISTORY.doc 18.5 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/PDF/Bashar - Surrendering To World Peace.pdf 18.5 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/TXT/Bashar - Harmonious Accord Dimensions and Focusing Consciousness.txt 18.5 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/PDF/Bashar - Life Lessons.pdf 18.4 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/PDF/Bashar - Resonance Of The Land.pdf 18.4 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/PDF/Bashar - Balancing And Redefining Yourself.pdf 18.3 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - Navigation Limitation.docx 18.3 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/TXT/Bashar - Will you share with us the concept of the global brain as ~1.txt 18.3 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/PDF/Bashar - Redefining Of Beliefs.pdf 18.3 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - The Third Eye.docx 18.3 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/PDF/Bashar - Complete Or Incomplete, That Is The Question.pdf 18.2 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/PDF/Bashar - Boredom And Imagination.pdf 18.1 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/TXT/Bashar - Telepathy and Faith and Belief.txt 18.1 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - Download.docx 18.1 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/PDF/Bashar - Knowingness And Compassion.pdf 18.1 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - On Being.docx 18.1 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/PDF/Bashar - Traversing The Galaxies.pdf 18.0 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - Observers and Visionaries.doc 18.0 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - Eye of the Beholder.doc 18.0 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - Water Fuel Cell Technology 7 19 98.doc 18.0 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/PDF/Bashar - Respecting Your Choices1.pdf 17.9 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/PDF/Bashar - Trusting That New Opportunities Are Always Flowing.pdf 17.9 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/PDF/Bashar - HEALTH.pdf 17.9 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/PDF/Bashar - The Preparer Of The Way.pdf 17.9 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/PDF/Bashar - Male And Female Energies And The Mind.pdf 17.9 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/TXT/Bashar - Awakening To All Portions Of Yourself.txt 17.8 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/PDF/Bashar - Paradox.pdf 17.8 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/TXT/Bashar - Transformation of Disease.txt 17.8 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/PDF/Bashar - Rapid Processing And A Language Lesson.pdf 17.6 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/PDF/Bashar - Every Individual Makes A Difference.pdf 17.6 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/TXT/Bashar - Extraterrestrial Contact and Communication.txt 17.6 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/TXT/Bashar - Transforming Fearful Beliefs.txt 17.6 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/PDF/Bashar - Believing Is Seeing.pdf 17.6 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/PDF/Bashar - Getting The Big C - Cancer.pdf 17.5 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - ILLUMINATION.doc 17.5 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - THE 3D PERSPECTIVE.doc 17.5 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - DNA.doc 17.5 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - Parallel Earths.doc 17.5 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - PRINCESS DI.doc 17.5 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - Ecstatic Transformation (1).doc 17.5 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - Ecstatic Transformation.doc 17.5 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/TXT/Bashar - Anima and The Facilitators and A Field Trip.txt 17.5 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/PDF/Bashar - Shifting Your Reality 2.pdf 17.4 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/TXT/Bashar - Death and Timing and Future Self.txt 17.4 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/PDF/Bashar - Vulnerability III.pdf 17.3 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/TXT/Bashar - Being the Gift of Yourself.txt 17.3 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/PDF/Bashar - The Collective Daydream And ET Interactions.pdf 17.2 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/TXT/Bashar - Each Idea Creates Its Own Complete Reality.txt 17.2 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/PDF/Bashar - Abundance And Assistance.pdf 17.2 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/PDF/Bashar - Essassani Counterparts And Humor.pdf 17.2 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/PDF/Bashar - Electromagnetheric Energy Adjustments.pdf 17.2 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/PDF/Bashar - Prism Of Consciousness.pdf 17.1 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - Diving into the Unknown.docx 17.1 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/PDF/Bashar - Synchronicity II.pdf 17.1 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/TXT/Bashar - Inner Guidance and Creating a State of Balance.txt 17.1 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - Choice and Co-Creation (Good Advice From Bashar).docx 17.0 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - from The Thirteenth Floor.doc 17.0 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - Tectonic & Nuclear Stabalization.doc 17.0 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - Parallel Realities.doc 17.0 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - Post Technological Advancements.doc 17.0 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - On Neutrality and Judgment.docx 17.0 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/PDF/Bashar - The Ides Of March.pdf 16.9 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - Merkaba.docx 16.9 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - The Blue Light Technique - Meditation - Restructuring Yourself.docx 16.9 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/TXT/Bashar - Densities.txt 16.9 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/PDF/Bashar - Discovering Who You Already Are.pdf 16.9 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/PDF/Bashar - The Mechanics Of Metaphysics.pdf 16.8 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/PDF/Bashar - Mars Photos.pdf 16.8 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/PDF/Bashar - Alpha Deyo The Reptilian Speaks.pdf 16.8 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/PDF/Bashar - Communicating With Higher Consciousness Q&a.pdf 16.8 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/PDF/Bashar - Karma And Past Lives.pdf 16.7 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/PDF/Bashar - Christ Consciousnes.pdf 16.7 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - Technique - Golden Liquid Light.docx 16.7 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/PDF/Bashar - Communication Higher Consciousness Mono....pdf 16.7 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/PDF/Bashar - All Lives Are One Life.pdf 16.7 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/TXT/Bashar - Freewill and the Oversoul.txt 16.6 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/PDF/Bashar - Body And Soul.pdf 16.6 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/PDF/Bashar - What Happened To Adolf Hitler.pdf 16.6 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/PDF/Bashar - Treating Yourself With Respect And Love.pdf 16.6 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/PDF/Bashar - Self Awareness.pdf 16.5 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - Remmembering-from 8 Senses 5 15 88.doc 16.5 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - The Ouija Board.doc 16.5 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - From Gravity.doc 16.5 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - Excitement.doc 16.5 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - The Edge of the Coin.doc 16.5 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/PDF/Bashar - 4D Earth And Nature Spirits And Christ Consciousness.pdf 16.5 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/PDF/Bashar - Everything Happens For A Reason.pdf 16.5 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/PDF/Bashar - Pain & Death.pdf 16.5 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/PDF/Bashar - There Is No Reality Aside From Your Definition Of It!.pdf 16.4 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/PDF/Bashar - The Observer.pdf 16.4 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/TXT/Bashar - Games of Chance and Emotional Dichotomies.txt 16.3 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - Creating Your Reality.docx 16.3 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/PDF/Bashar - Levitation And Crystals.pdf 16.3 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/PDF/Bashar - Is There A Santa Claus.pdf 16.2 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/TXT/Bashar - Letting Go Of Old Patterns.txt 16.2 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/PDF/Bashar - Beyond Belief.pdf 16.1 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/PDF/Bashar - The Game Of Remembering.pdf 16.1 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - Change 9 12 98.doc 16.0 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - 666 And Crop Circles Frequency Vibrations.doc 16.0 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - Change 9 12 98.doc 16.0 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/PDF/Bashar - Shock Wave - Photon Belt.pdf 16.0 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/PDF/Bashar - Relationships And Expectations.pdf 15.9 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/PDF/Bashar - The Cycle Of Remembrance.pdf 15.9 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/PDF/Bashar - Theology Class III.pdf 15.9 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/PDF/Bashar - Trust And Validity.pdf 15.8 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/PDF/Bashar - Integrity And Opportunity.pdf 15.8 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/PDF/Bashar - Dolphin Dreams.pdf 15.8 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/TXT/Bashar - Choosing a Positive Attitude.txt 15.8 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/TXT/Bashar - Transcending Negative Orion Cycles.txt 15.8 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/PDF/Bashar - Overcoming Inertia.pdf 15.8 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/PDF/Bashar - The Sound.pdf 15.7 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/PDF/Bashar - The Thirteenth Floor.pdf 15.7 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/TXT/Bashar - Space Shuttle Incident.txt 15.7 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/PDF/Bashar - There Is No Reality.pdf 15.7 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/TXT/Bashar - Dolphin & Whale Consciousness.txt 15.7 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/PDF/Bashar - Gateways Of Creation.pdf 15.7 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/PDF/Bashar - Healing With Love.pdf 15.7 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/PDF/Bashar - Focus And Infinite Probabilities.pdf 15.6 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/PDF/Bashar - Your Vibrational Response To World Events.pdf 15.6 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/PDF/Bashar - The Process Is Life Itself.pdf 15.6 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/PDF/Bashar - Mirroring Of Vibrations And Orca Symbology.pdf 15.6 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/PDF/Bashar - Schizophrenia.pdf 15.6 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/PDF/Bashar - Observer And Secrets.pdf 15.6 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/TXT/Bashar - SPACE SHUTTLE INCIDENT - 1 - 28 - '86.txt 15.6 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/PDF/Bashar - Christmas Bells.pdf 15.6 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/PDF/Bashar - Tides Of March.pdf 15.5 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/PDF/Bashar - Trust Your Medicine.pdf 15.5 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - Anima Speaks 4 16 87.doc 15.5 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - Kachinas--Extraterrestrials Extraterrestrial 4 16 87.doc 15.5 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - Anima Speaks 4 16 87.doc 15.5 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/PDF/Bashar - Essassani Culture.pdf 15.5 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - Definitions.docx 15.5 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/TXT/Bashar - Loving Relationships.txt 15.5 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/PDF/Bashar - Anger As An Opportunity For Alignment.pdf 15.4 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - Time, There Is Only The Eternal Now.docx 15.4 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/TXT/Bashar - The Agenda.txt 15.4 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/PDF/Bashar - Saturn And Planetary Gateways.pdf 15.4 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/PDF/Bashar - Time And Timing.pdf 15.4 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/PDF/Bashar - EGYPTIAN UPDATE 7 - 19 - 98.pdf 15.4 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/TXT/Bashar - Relationships and Imagination and Dreaming.txt 15.3 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/PDF/Bashar - Essassani And Dolphins And The Association.pdf 15.3 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/PDF/Bashar - Galactic Associates And Reflections From Animals And Earth.pdf 15.3 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/TXT/Bashar - 6th Density Sirius Energy.txt 15.2 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/TXT/Bashar - SASSANI ASSISTANCE Malibu.txt 15.2 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/PDF/Bashar - The Path That You Are.pdf 15.1 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/PDF/Bashar - Abundance III.pdf 15.1 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/TXT/Bashar - Beliefs and Emotions.txt 15.1 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/PDF/Bashar - Animals And Hematite And A Generator Device.pdf 15.1 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/PDF/Bashar - Revelation.pdf 15.1 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/TXT/Bashar - Arcturean Energy.txt 15.1 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/PDF/Bashar - Self Fulfilling Prophecy.pdf 15.0 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - CREATIVE CONFLICT .doc 15.0 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - Future Predictions 2 of 4 .doc 15.0 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - Collective Weather Control.doc 15.0 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/PDF/Bashar - Transformational Template.pdf 15.0 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/TXT/Bashar - HOW LIFE BEGAN ON EARTH AND WHY.txt 15.0 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/PDF/Bashar - Martians And The Release Of ET Information.pdf 14.9 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/TXT/Bashar - Wants and Needs and Absolute Gratitude.txt 14.9 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/PDF/Bashar - Shifting Your Reality.pdf 14.9 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/PDF/Bashar - Sharing As Equals In A Relationship.pdf 14.9 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/TXT/Bashar - Arcturus Connection.txt 14.8 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/PDF/Bashar - Self Fulfiiling Prophecy.pdf 14.8 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/TXT/Bashar - Resonating as a Fourth Density Being.txt 14.8 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/TXT/Bashar - Being the Vibration of Christ Consciousness.txt 14.8 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/TXT/Bashar - Slippery Tracks.txt 14.8 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/TXT/Bashar - Empathy And Alternate Realities.txt 14.8 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/TXT/Bashar - AIDS and Religion and Creation.txt 14.7 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/PDF/Bashar - Vulnerability And Trust.pdf 14.7 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/PDF/Bashar - Orion And The Black League (2).pdf 14.7 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/TXT/Bashar - Theology Class II Monologue.txt 14.7 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/PDF/Bashar - Love And Support For A Childs Transformtional Experiences.pdf 14.7 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - 15 Second Rule.docx 14.7 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/TXT/Bashar - Communication and Expectations.txt 14.7 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/TXT/Bashar - Theology Class II.txt 14.7 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/PDF/Bashar - Opening Night.pdf 14.7 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/TXT/Bashar - Integrating Earths Galactic Heritage.txt 14.6 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - You Always Have Free Will.docx 14.6 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/TXT/Bashar - Synchronizing and Harmonizing with the Higher Self.txt 14.6 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/PDF/Bashar - Reincarnation.pdf 14.6 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/PDF/Bashar - Numerical And Crop Circle Symbology.pdf 14.6 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/TXT/Bashar - Galactic Energies.txt 14.6 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/PDF/Bashar - Victimhood.pdf 14.5 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/PDF/Bashar - RA.pdf 14.5 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - Neutral Interaction.doc 14.5 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - Egypt and Atlantis Updates 5 2 97 Tape 1 Side 1.doc 14.5 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - Future Predictions 2 of 4.doc 14.5 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - Grey Speaks 4 16 87.doc 14.5 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/PDF/Bashar - I have three fears.pdf 14.5 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/TXT/Bashar - The Limbo State II.txt 14.5 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/TXT/Bashar - Vision and Creativity.txt 14.5 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/TXT/Bashar - Relationship Patterns.txt 14.5 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/TXT/Bashar - IS BODY IN SPIRIT OR SPIRIT IN BODY.txt 14.4 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/PDF/Bashar - Enlightenment Parallel Lives And Counterparts.pdf 14.3 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/PDF/Bashar - Enlightenment, Parallel Lives And Counterparts.pdf 14.3 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/PDF/Bashar - You Are Spirit II.pdf 14.3 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/PDF/Bashar - Essassani Perspectives.pdf 14.3 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/PDF/Bashar - Systems Of Belief.pdf 14.3 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/PDF/Bashar - Terry S Favorites.pdf 14.3 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/TXT/Bashar - The Transition of the Thirty-Nine.txt 14.3 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/TXT/Bashar - The Lessons of the Thirty-Nine.txt 14.3 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/PDF/Bashar - The Frequency Of Your True Self.pdf 14.2 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/TXT/Bashar - Predictions and Shifts in Historical Cycles.txt 14.2 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/PDF/Bashar - Tooth Light Therapy.pdf 14.2 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/PDF/Bashar - Energy Domains Of The Human System - Part II.pdf 14.2 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/PDF/Bashar - TRUE CHANGE.pdf 14.2 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/PDF/Bashar - Astral Projection And The Focus Of Consciousness.pdf 14.1 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/TXT/Bashar - Blending - edit -.txt 14.1 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/PDF/Bashar - Child Genius.pdf 14.1 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/PDF/Bashar - Orion Energies Completely Balanced.pdf 14.1 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/PDF/Bashar - All Of It.pdf 14.1 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/TXT/Bashar - The Experience of the Thirty-Nine.txt 14.1 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/PDF/Bashar - Creating With Integrity And Unconditional Love.pdf 14.0 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - Amalgam Removal.doc 14.0 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - Crystal Skull Encoding and Dolphin Communication.doc 14.0 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - Y2K & Stock Market Toronto II.doc 14.0 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - Reptilian Freqency.doc 14.0 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - Sign Off.doc 14.0 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - Doing it.doc 14.0 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - Q & A From the Tides of March.doc 14.0 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/PDF/Bashar - Communicating In Physical Reality.pdf 14.0 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/TXT/Bashar - List of Transcripts 5 23 00.txt 14.0 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/TXT/Bashar - Past Lives Symbology and a Hearing Visualization.txt 14.0 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/PDF/Bashar - Blue White Light.pdf 13.9 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/TXT/Bashar - Shuttle Tragedy.txt 13.9 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/TXT/Bashar - Swimming In Time.txt 13.9 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/PDF/Bashar - DNA Reconstruction.pdf 13.9 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/PDF/Bashar - Patterns And Meanings.pdf 13.9 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/TXT/Bashar - Space Shuttle Tragedy.txt 13.9 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - Surrender to Peace.docx 13.9 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/PDF/Bashar - The Paradox Of Surrender.pdf 13.8 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/PDF/Bashar - The Hearts Code.pdf 13.8 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/TXT/Bashar - Resolving Contradictions.txt 13.8 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/PDF/Bashar - Reflections Of All That Is.pdf 13.8 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/TXT/Bashar - Dreamers Acting in Service to Each Other.txt 13.8 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/PDF/Bashar - Re-creating Yourself.pdf 13.8 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/PDF/Bashar - A New Habit.pdf 13.7 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/TXT/Bashar - New Perspectives on Creating Positive Change.txt 13.7 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/PDF/Bashar - Eye Of The Beholder.pdf 13.7 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/PDF/Bashar - Dreaming Your Ecstasy.pdf 13.7 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/PDF/Bashar - Trust II.pdf 13.7 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/PDF/Bashar - Validating Your Process.pdf 13.7 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - Arcturus Connection.docx 13.6 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/PDF/Bashar - The Legacy.pdf 13.6 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/TXT/Bashar - Karmic Template.txt 13.6 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/PDF/Bashar - Kachinatown.pdf 13.5 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - Workshop NM Side II.doc 13.5 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - THE VISIBLE AND THE INVISIBLE.doc 13.5 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - ONTOLOGICAL RUMINATIONS.doc 13.5 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/PDF/Bashar - Symbolism Of A Habitual Ritual.pdf 13.5 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/TXT/Bashar - Transformation Of Conflict.txt 13.5 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/PDF/Bashar - Children's - Channeling.pdf 13.5 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/PDF/Bashar - Creating A Positive Experience From Any Interaction.pdf 13.4 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/PDF/Bashar - Hale Bopp Comet And Object.pdf 13.4 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/TXT/Bashar - Food and Consciousness.txt 13.4 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/TXT/Bashar - Childhood and Self Awareness.txt 13.4 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/PDF/Bashar - Crop Circles.pdf 13.4 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/TXT/Bashar - UFO Dream, Channeling Chepop and Creating.txt 13.4 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/PDF/Bashar - Your Souls Essence.pdf 13.4 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/TXT/Bashar - Feeling Your Oneness With All That Is.txt 13.4 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/TXT/Bashar - Grounding.txt 13.4 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/TXT/Bashar - Meaningful Relationships.txt 13.3 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/PDF/Bashar - Symbolism Of An Habitual Ritual.pdf 13.3 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/PDF/Bashar - Beginning The End.pdf 13.3 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/PDF/Bashar - Earthly And Musical Resonances.pdf 13.3 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/TXT/Bashar - Learning How Attitude Changes Our Experience.txt 13.3 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/PDF/Bashar - Essassani Childbirth And Early Years.pdf 13.3 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/PDF/Bashar - Growth And Support Within A Family.pdf 13.3 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/PDF/Bashar - Vibrational Gatherings.pdf 13.3 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/TXT/Bashar - Consensus Reality.txt 13.3 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/PDF/Bashar - COMMUNICATION.pdf 13.2 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/TXT/Bashar - The Frequency You Radiate.txt 13.2 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/PDF/Bashar - Opening Your Astral Eye.pdf 13.2 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/TXT/Bashar - League Interaction and A Consciousness Network.txt 13.2 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/PDF/Bashar - Ecstatic Transformation.pdf 13.2 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/PDF/Bashar - ET And Human Contacts.pdf 13.2 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/TXT/Bashar - Healing Disease.txt 13.2 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/TXT/Bashar - Out of Work.txt 13.1 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/PDF/Bashar - Abuse.pdf 13.1 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/PDF/Bashar - POINT OF VIEW - A New You.pdf 13.1 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/PDF/Bashar - Belief Structures About Food.pdf 13.1 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/PDF/Bashar - Belief Creates Physical Reality.pdf 13.1 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/PDF/Bashar - THE 3D PERSPECTIVE.pdf 13.1 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/PDF/Bashar - EARTH HISTORY.pdf 13.0 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/PDF/Bashar - Levitation And Whales.pdf 13.0 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - Hyperconductive and Superconductive States of Being.doc 13.0 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - Infinite Futures Ca 1995.doc 13.0 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - Positive Manifestation.doc 13.0 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - STAYING WITHIN.doc 13.0 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - More Egypt 7 19 98.doc 13.0 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - Creative Relationsips.doc 13.0 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/TXT/Bashar - Creating Your Reality The Four laws_Denver.txt 13.0 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - VIision & Creativity .doc 13.0 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - BALANCING ENERGIES II.Sept 5 97.doc 13.0 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - Terri iii.doc 13.0 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/PDF/Bashar - Cetacean Consciousness.pdf 13.0 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/PDF/Bashar - Living As The Higher Self.pdf 12.9 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/TXT/Bashar - Including the Consciousness Factor in Equations.txt 12.9 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/PDF/Bashar - Living Your Philosophy.pdf 12.9 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/TXT/Bashar - Civilizations in Earth’s Neighborhood.txt 12.9 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/TXT/Bashar - Points of View.txt 12.8 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/PDF/Bashar - Disease.pdf 12.8 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/PDF/Bashar - From Gravity.pdf 12.8 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/TXT/Bashar - Belief Patterns.txt 12.8 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/PDF/Bashar - ILLUMINATION.pdf 12.8 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/PDF/Bashar - Redefining Depression - Aloneness.pdf 12.8 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/TXT/Bashar - Season Greetings.txt 12.8 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/PDF/Bashar - Traveling And Accelerating In Space - Time.pdf 12.7 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/TXT/Bashar - Five Factions of Greys.txt 12.7 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/PDF/Bashar - Rebirthing And Service.pdf 12.7 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/TXT/Bashar - Magical Awareness and A Counterpart’s Reality.txt 12.7 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/PDF/Bashar - Preparing For Contact Geometric Energy Shells.pdf 12.7 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/PDF/Bashar - Projections Of Consciousness.pdf 12.7 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/TXT/Bashar - Choosing Physicality and Higher Self-s Guidance.txt 12.7 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/PDF/Bashar - Missing The Train.pdf 12.6 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/PDF/Bashar - Acclimatizing To Fourth Density.pdf 12.6 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/PDF/Bashar - Action - Reaction.pdf 12.5 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - Dragons Feng Shui.doc 12.5 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - Be Happy.doc 12.5 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - Sending Love to Negativity.doc 12.5 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - Neutrals update.doc 12.5 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - Greys.doc 12.5 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - Neutral Situations.doc 12.5 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - Manifesting.doc 12.5 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/TXT/Bashar - Brain Function and Being Supported by All That Is.txt 12.5 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/PDF/Bashar - Perfect Timing.pdf 12.4 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/PDF/Bashar - Adjustments.pdf 12.4 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/TXT/Bashar - FUTURE MEMORY .txt 12.4 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/TXT/Bashar - Grey's Frequency.txt 12.4 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/TXT/Bashar - Preference and Judgment.txt 12.4 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/PDF/Bashar - Interactions.pdf 12.4 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/PDF/Bashar - From Illumination - Nuclear Probabilities.pdf 12.4 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/PDF/Bashar - Channeled Predictions.pdf 12.3 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/TXT/Bashar - Orchestrating the Multidimensional Self.txt 12.3 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/PDF/Bashar - Pacific Energies And Kachinas And Dolphins.pdf 12.3 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/PDF/Bashar - Prime Radiant And Solar System Phenomena.pdf 12.3 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/TXT/Bashar - Trusting Your Abundance One Hundred Percent.txt 12.3 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/PDF/Bashar - The Bubble Of Acceptability.pdf 12.3 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/PDF/Bashar - The Inner Voice And Atlantean Connections.pdf 12.3 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/PDF/Bashar - Y2k - DENVER.pdf 12.2 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/TXT/Bashar - Predictions-Unity-Zero Rest Point.txt 12.2 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/PDF/Bashar - Death And Dying.pdf 12.2 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/TXT/Bashar - Right or Wrong and Clarity of Communication.txt 12.2 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/PDF/Bashar - Blending Polarities.pdf 12.2 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/PDF/Bashar - Notes IV.pdf 12.2 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/PDF/Bashar - Past - Present - Future.pdf 12.2 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/TXT/Bashar - Creating and Healing Disease.txt 12.2 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/PDF/Bashar - Tau Cetian Revelations.pdf 12.1 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/TXT/Bashar - A Shifting Perspective.txt 12.1 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/PDF/Bashar - Hawaii And Planetary Transformation.pdf 12.1 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/PDF/Bashar - Establishing Diplomatic Relations.pdf 12.1 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/TXT/Bashar - Prime Radiant.txt 12.1 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/PDF/Bashar - The 8 Senses.pdf 12.1 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/PDF/Bashar - Water Fuel Cell Technology 7 19 98.pdf 12.1 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/PDF/Bashar - PRINCESS DI.pdf 12.1 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/TXT/Bashar - Excerpt from R.txt 12.1 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/PDF/Bashar - Planet Earth And Nuclear Annihilation.pdf 12.1 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/PDF/Bashar - Going Back into my Past.pdf 12.1 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/TXT/Bashar - Focusing on the Timing, not the time.txt 12.0 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/PDF/Bashar - Representing A Positive Reality.pdf 12.0 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/PDF/Bashar - Walk Ins.pdf 12.0 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - MARTIANS.doc 12.0 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - Soul Mates.doc 12.0 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - UNCONDITONAL LOVE 7 19 98.doc 12.0 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - BASHAR AS SHIP.doc 12.0 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - I Resist Nothing. 3-20-98.doc 12.0 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - You are Spirit.doc 12.0 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - Association Ontology.doc 12.0 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/PDF/Bashar - Energy Flow In Stressful Situations.pdf 12.0 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/PDF/Bashar - Dream Blueprints And Finding Your Niche.pdf 12.0 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/PDF/Bashar - The Universe Comes To You.pdf 12.0 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/PDF/Bashar - Relating To The Observer.pdf 12.0 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/PDF/Bashar - Get Used To It.pdf 12.0 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/TXT/Bashar - Ancient Times Revisited.txt 12.0 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/PDF/Bashar - Dolphin Folktale.pdf 12.0 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/PDF/Bashar - Judging Others.pdf 12.0 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/TXT/Bashar - Points of Viewedit P 16-22.txt 12.0 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/PDF/Bashar - Conviction II.pdf 12.0 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/PDF/Bashar - Past, Present and Future.pdf 12.0 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/PDF/Bashar - Balancing Yourself.pdf 12.0 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/TXT/Bashar - Abundance and Being Your Natural Self.txt 12.0 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/TXT/Bashar - Alien Feelings.txt 12.0 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/TXT/Bashar - Transforming Compulsive Behavior and Beliefs.txt 11.9 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/TXT/Bashar - Smoking.txt 11.9 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/PDF/Bashar - Men In Black.pdf 11.9 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/PDF/Bashar - Transforming Our World.pdf 11.9 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/TXT/Bashar - World Peace.txt 11.8 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/TXT/Bashar - Celebration of Life.txt 11.8 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/PDF/Bashar - Allowance And Facing Your Fears.pdf 11.8 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/PDF/Bashar - Coming Events - From - Surrender To World Peace.pdf 11.8 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/PDF/Bashar - Prediction And Free Will.pdf 11.8 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/PDF/Bashar - Transitory Times Eulogy.pdf 11.8 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/PDF/Bashar - Afterlife Experiences.pdf 11.8 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/TXT/Bashar - Greys Speak.txt 11.8 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/PDF/Bashar - Planetary Reflections And Accessing Knowledge.pdf 11.8 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/TXT/Bashar - Past Life Explation & Health Issues.txt 11.8 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/PDF/Bashar - Mystery And Understanding.pdf 11.8 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/TXT/Bashar - Monatomic Elucidations.txt 11.8 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/PDF/Bashar - Parallel Realities.pdf 11.8 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/TXT/Bashar - Past Life Explanation & Health Issues.txt 11.8 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/PDF/Bashar - Gold And Water And Light Balancing.pdf 11.8 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/PDF/Bashar - The Essassani Lifestyle.pdf 11.7 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/PDF/Bashar - THE COUNTDOWN CONTINUES.pdf 11.7 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/PDF/Bashar - Genetic Manipulations.pdf 11.7 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/TXT/Bashar - AWAKENING AND TRANSFORMATION Part IV.txt 11.7 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/TXT/Bashar - Tools as Symbols of Intention.txt 11.7 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/PDF/Bashar - Bridging The Time Track.pdf 11.7 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/PDF/Bashar - Soul Aspects And Trusting The Timing.pdf 11.7 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/PDF/Bashar - Having Your Cake And Eating It Too.pdf 11.7 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/TXT/Bashar - The Four Absolutes.txt 11.6 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/PDF/Bashar - Fourth Density Co Creating With Children.pdf 11.6 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/PDF/Bashar - Meditation And Imagination.pdf 11.6 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/PDF/Bashar - Galactic Interactions.pdf 11.6 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/PDF/Bashar - Troubled Relationship.pdf 11.6 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/TXT/Bashar - Brain Synchronization and a Relationship.txt 11.6 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/TXT/Bashar - New Paradigms Of Behavior.txt 11.6 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/PDF/Bashar - Integrity And Karma.pdf 11.6 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/TXT/Bashar - Basics.txt 11.5 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/PDF/Bashar - Gravitic Influences.pdf 11.5 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - Patent And Copyright Laws.doc 11.5 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - Number 6.doc 11.5 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - NO Secrets.doc 11.5 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - Knowing Your Own Truth.doc 11.5 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - Final Public Message.doc 11.5 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - Patent And Copyright Laws (1).doc 11.5 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - THE SPIRAL.doc 11.5 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - CONTACT.doc 11.5 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - Hurricanes, Atomic Blasts, Volcanoes, Colonizing Mars .doc 11.5 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/TXT/Bashar - Blue Light Energy Resonance Technique.txt 11.5 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/PDF/Bashar - Positive And Negative Integrity.pdf 11.5 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/PDF/Bashar - Identifying With A Civilization's Vibration.pdf 11.5 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/PDF/Bashar - Fourth Density Co-creating With Children.pdf 11.5 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/PDF/Bashar - Holistic Healing.pdf 11.5 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/PDF/Bashar - Key Of Perception.pdf 11.4 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/PDF/Bashar - Martian Connections.pdf 11.4 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/PDF/Bashar - LIFE STYLE CHANGES.pdf 11.4 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/PDF/Bashar - Creating The Human Vehicle And Transmuting Toxicity.pdf 11.4 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/PDF/Bashar - Weather As Emotional Reflection.pdf 11.4 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/PDF/Bashar - Expressing Who You Are.pdf 11.4 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/PDF/Bashar - Contact With Extraterrestrial Beings.pdf 11.4 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/PDF/Bashar - Harvesting.pdf 11.4 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/PDF/Bashar - The Ego.pdf 11.4 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/TXT/Bashar - Redefining a Block and Synchronistic Meetings.txt 11.4 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/TXT/Bashar - Keys of Ascension.txt 11.4 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/TXT/Bashar - Processes and Goals.txt 11.4 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/TXT/Bashar - Healing Relationships.txt 11.4 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/PDF/Bashar - Mother Ship Description.pdf 11.4 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/PDF/Bashar - Creating - A Blueprint From Your Imagination.pdf 11.3 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/TXT/Bashar - Healing Relationships And Trusting In Your Life.txt 11.3 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/PDF/Bashar - Dolphins And Children.pdf 11.3 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/PDF/Bashar - The Ouija Board.pdf 11.3 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/PDF/Bashar - Gabriel Energy.pdf 11.3 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/PDF/Bashar - Intuition And Intellect.pdf 11.3 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/TXT/Bashar - Essassani Society, Pyramids and Energy Vortices.txt 11.3 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/PDF/Bashar - Waking From The Dream Of Forgetting.pdf 11.3 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/TXT/Bashar - Choice and Co Creation.txt 11.3 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/TXT/Bashar - Facilitating Contact Between Humans and ET’s.txt 11.3 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/TXT/Bashar - Choice and Co Creation2.txt 11.3 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/PDF/Bashar - Spacecraft Description.pdf 11.3 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/TXT/Bashar - Awakening the Inhabitants of Planet Earth.txt 11.3 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/PDF/Bashar - Galactic Communications -- Shifting Reality Tracks.pdf 11.2 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/TXT/Bashar - Deciding What You Want To Believe.txt 11.2 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/PDF/Bashar - Creating A Blueprint From Your Imagination.pdf 11.2 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/PDF/Bashar - RESONANCE IDENTIFICATION.pdf 11.2 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/TXT/Bashar - Dolphins and Humans Teaching Each Other.txt 11.2 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/TXT/Bashar - Dream Work and Receptivity and Vulnerability.txt 11.2 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/PDF/Bashar - From The Thirteenth Floor.pdf 11.2 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/PDF/Bashar - Paradox And Dolphins.pdf 11.1 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/TXT/Bashar - How To Tell if Channeling is Genuine or Fraudulent.txt 11.1 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/PDF/Bashar - The Indigo Children And The New Culture.pdf 11.1 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/PDF/Bashar - Dolphins And Accelerated Energies.pdf 11.1 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/PDF/Bashar - Keying Into The Frequencies.pdf 11.1 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/PDF/Bashar - In Your Own Unique Way.pdf 11.1 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/TXT/Bashar - Chakra Alignment Meditation.txt 11.1 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/PDF/Bashar - Parallel Versions Of Atlantis.pdf 11.1 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/PDF/Bashar - Archetypes And Dolphin Assistance To Humanity.pdf 11.0 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/TXT/Bashar - Reflecting The Reality You Know Yourself To Be.txt 11.0 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/TXT/Bashar - Accessing and Sharing Contact With Other Realms.txt 11.0 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/PDF/Bashar - The Role Of Spirit Guides.pdf 11.0 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - Greys Emotionality.doc 11.0 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - Reptilians .doc 11.0 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - Seeing the Electromagnetic Field.doc 11.0 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - Neutral Negotiations..doc 11.0 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - Healing Energies.doc 11.0 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - Arcturus Gateway.doc 11.0 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/PDF/Bashar - The Path Of Conviction.pdf 11.0 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/TXT/Bashar - Reptilians Speak Alpha Deyo and Commentary.txt 11.0 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/PDF/Bashar - Film Strip Analogy.pdf 11.0 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/TXT/Bashar - Acting It Out.txt 10.9 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/TXT/Bashar - Other Civilizations.txt 10.9 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/TXT/Bashar - Birthing A New Earth.txt 10.9 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/TXT/Bashar - Meditation II 2-5-95.txt 10.9 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/PDF/Bashar - Where Do We Come From 3 11 95.pdf 10.9 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/TXT/Bashar - Murder.txt 10.9 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/TXT/Bashar - Judgment and Preference and Vulnerability.txt 10.9 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/PDF/Bashar - The Elevator Analogy.pdf 10.9 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/PDF/Bashar - DARKNESS.pdf 10.9 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/PDF/Bashar - 30 Points Of View.pdf 10.9 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/TXT/Bashar - Responding To Others and Acting On Impulse.txt 10.9 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/PDF/Bashar - Yardsticks.pdf 10.8 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/PDF/Bashar - You Are Made Of Light.pdf 10.8 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/TXT/Bashar - Frequency Acceleration.txt 10.8 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/PDF/Bashar - Gravity.pdf 10.8 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/TXT/Bashar - Stability Through Adaptability.txt 10.8 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/TXT/Bashar - Self Definition and Beyond Polarity.txt 10.8 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/PDF/Bashar - Petroglyphs.pdf 10.8 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/TXT/Bashar - Resonance of the Land.txt 10.8 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/TXT/Bashar - Atlantis and Pyramids and Death and the Body.txt 10.8 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/PDF/Bashar - Star Trek.pdf 10.8 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/PDF/Bashar - The Paradigm Of The Essassani.pdf 10.8 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/PDF/Bashar - SURRENDER.pdf 10.8 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/TXT/Bashar - Fiber Optics and Perceptual Choices.txt 10.8 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/TXT/Bashar - Validity.txt 10.8 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/TXT/Bashar - Transforming the Belief of a Separated Consciousness.txt 10.8 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/PDF/Bashar - Sightings And Pleiadian Contacts.pdf 10.7 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/PDF/Bashar - Bashar Tape Catalog 1985-1997.pdf 10.7 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/TXT/Bashar - Falling in Love.txt 10.7 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/PDF/Bashar - Latitudinal Dynamics And Releasing UFO Information.pdf 10.7 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/TXT/Bashar - Reptilians Speak.txt 10.7 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/TXT/Bashar - Polyhedral Structures.txt 10.7 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/TXT/Bashar - The Template Universe.txt 10.7 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/PDF/Bashar - BEING MOTHER.pdf 10.7 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/PDF/Bashar - Accelerating To Match The Template.pdf 10.7 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/TXT/Bashar - Interactions with the Zeta.txt 10.7 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/TXT/Bashar - World Peace and Pleiadians and Triangle Symbol.txt 10.7 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/PDF/Bashar - Animal Reflections.pdf 10.7 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/PDF/Bashar - Earths New Heartbeat - 10 20 95.pdf 10.6 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/TXT/Bashar - Ancient Memories.txt 10.6 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/PDF/Bashar - Asthma.pdf 10.6 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/TXT/Bashar - Learning the difference between, falling in to the illusion.txt 10.6 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/PDF/Bashar - Ways Of Transition.pdf 10.6 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/PDF/Bashar - The Fabric Of Existence Is Love And Light.pdf 10.6 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/PDF/Bashar - Awakening Each Other.pdf 10.6 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/PDF/Bashar - Hanging In Space.pdf 10.6 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/PDF/Bashar - The Edge Of The Coin.pdf 10.6 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/TXT/Bashar - Connect to Your Future Self by Living Your Joy.txt 10.5 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/TXT/Bashar - Preference and Moving Beyond Polarity.txt 10.5 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/PDF/Bashar - Lost Love.pdf 10.5 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/PDF/Bashar - Hummingbirds And Owls.pdf 10.5 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/PDF/Bashar - Collective Threshold Point.pdf 10.5 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/PDF/Bashar - Frequency Alignment And Relationships.pdf 10.5 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/PDF/Bashar - Acting On What You Prefer.pdf 10.5 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/TXT/Bashar - Made of Ecstasy.txt 10.5 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/PDF/Bashar - Redefining Earth Change Prophecies.pdf 10.5 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/TXT/Bashar - Dolphin and Human Relationships.txt 10.5 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/PDF/Bashar - ET - Human Agendas And Mind Control.pdf 10.5 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - Karma Fate and Free Will.docx 10.4 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/PDF/Bashar - Agreements Between ETs And Humans.pdf 10.4 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/TXT/Bashar - Natures Guides and Sassani Lovemaking.txt 10.4 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/TXT/Bashar - Religion and Faith.txt 10.4 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/TXT/Bashar - The Preparer of the Way.txt 10.4 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/PDF/Bashar - Hybrids On Earth.pdf 10.4 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/PDF/Bashar - Pain And Suffering.pdf 10.4 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/TXT/Bashar - Playing Together as Equals.txt 10.4 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/TXT/Bashar - Living an Ecstatic Life.txt 10.4 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/TXT/Bashar - Transforming Negative Indoctrination and Beliefs.txt 10.4 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/TXT/Bashar - Counterpart Civilizations and Healing.txt 10.3 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/PDF/Bashar - Colors And Crystals.pdf 10.3 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/PDF/Bashar - Earthquakes & The Future Self.pdf 10.3 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/TXT/Bashar - Polarity Aspects and Lightening Up.txt 10.3 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/PDF/Bashar - Private Alta Dena.pdf 10.3 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/TXT/Bashar - Creating Abundance.txt 10.3 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/TXT/Bashar - Being an Example for Creating Change.txt 10.3 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/TXT/Bashar - Healing Modalities.txt 10.3 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/TXT/Bashar - Assistance for Mother and Husband.txt 10.3 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/TXT/Bashar - Loving Yourself and Positive Life Expression.txt 10.2 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/PDF/Bashar - ET Impetus For Taking Back Individual Responsibility.pdf 10.2 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/PDF/Bashar - Future Predictions - 2 Of 4 -.pdf 10.2 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/PDF/Bashar - Cycles.pdf 10.2 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/PDF/Bashar - Reptilians - Greys - Anunnaki.pdf 10.2 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/PDF/Bashar - Diseases, Cures And Belief Systems.pdf 10.2 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/PDF/Bashar - Serving Each Other In A Relationship.pdf 10.2 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/PDF/Bashar - Change - 9 - 12 - 98.pdf 10.2 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/PDF/Bashar - Self Empowerment From 8 Senses 5 - 15 - 88 Workshop.pdf 10.2 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/TXT/Bashar - Questions and Answers and Predictions.txt 10.2 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/TXT/Bashar - Private Session 12 - 03.txt 10.2 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/TXT/Bashar - Crystal Skulls and Crystal Sheets.txt 10.1 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/TXT/Bashar - The Ides of March.txt 10.1 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/PDF/Bashar - Understanding It Is All One Thing.pdf 10.1 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/PDF/Bashar - Overeating.pdf 10.1 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/TXT/Bashar - Color and Sound and Victims and Victimizers.txt 10.1 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/TXT/Bashar - Energy Conceptions.txt 10.1 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/TXT/Bashar - Removing the Idea of the Aging Process.txt 10.1 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/TXT/Bashar - Redefining of Beliefs.txt 10.0 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/TXT/Bashar - Enjoying the Path of Excitement.txt 10.0 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/PDF/Bashar - ASSOCIATION BUSINESS.pdf 10.0 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/PDF/Bashar - How he is on other side.pdf 10.0 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/TXT/Bashar - Reaction and Self-Empowerment in a Relationship.txt 10.0 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/PDF/Bashar - Incarnational Scenarios.pdf 10.0 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/TXT/Bashar - Wants and Needs and Abundance.txt 10.0 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/TXT/Bashar - Equality and Timing for ET Interactions.txt 10.0 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/PDF/Bashar - Remmembering-from 8 Senses 5 15 88.pdf 10.0 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/TXT/Bashar - Rewiring Brain Circuitry and Blue Light Technique.txt 10.0 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/PDF/Bashar - Roommates.pdf 10.0 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/TXT/Bashar - Human and Cetacean Unification and The Holographic Matrix.txt 10.0 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/TXT/Bashar - Redesigning Your Life and Train Analogy.txt 10.0 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/PDF/Bashar - Positive And Negative - Good And Evil.pdf 10.0 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/TXT/Bashar - Abundance and Believability.txt 9.9 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/TXT/Bashar - Being in the Present.txt 9.9 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/PDF/Bashar - The Hardest Question Of All.pdf 9.9 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/PDF/Bashar - The Crucible Meditation.pdf 9.9 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/PDF/Bashar - Positive Transformation.pdf 9.9 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/TXT/Bashar - Paradox.txt 9.9 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/PDF/Bashar - The Library Analogy.pdf 9.9 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/TXT/Bashar - Always Be True to Yourself.txt 9.9 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/TXT/Bashar - Life Lessons.txt 9.9 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/TXT/Bashar - Densities and Parallel Earths and Nature Spirits.txt 9.9 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/PDF/Bashar - The Number Thirteen.pdf 9.9 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/PDF/Bashar - Frequency Domains.pdf 9.9 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/PDF/Bashar - Creating With Joy And Ease.pdf 9.9 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/TXT/Bashar - Respecting Your Choices .txt 9.9 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - Heaven and Hell.doc 9.9 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/TXT/Bashar - The Government As You.txt 9.9 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/TXT/Bashar - Beings Who Assist in Polarity Integration.txt 9.9 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/PDF/Bashar - Leaving Your Body.pdf 9.8 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/TXT/Bashar - Self Awareness.txt 9.8 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/TXT/Bashar - Beliefs About Belief and Acting Like It.txt 9.8 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/TXT/Bashar - Interacting Equally as Teachers and Learners.txt 9.8 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/TXT/Bashar - ET Contact and Improving the Human Condition.txt 9.8 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/TXT/Bashar - Body and Soul.txt 9.8 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/PDF/Bashar - Abundance Scenarios.pdf 9.8 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/TXT/Bashar - Complete or Incomplete, That is the Question.txt 9.8 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/TXT/Bashar - Unconditional and Conditional Love.txt 9.8 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/PDF/Bashar - Martians Contact.pdf 9.8 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/TXT/Bashar - Sharing and Angels and Legendary Lands.txt 9.8 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/TXT/Bashar - Essassani and Earth’s Transformation.txt 9.8 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/TXT/Bashar - Every Individual Makes a Difference.txt 9.8 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/PDF/Bashar - Oversoul - Higher Self And Soulmate.pdf 9.8 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/PDF/Bashar - Under Control 6 - 25 - 86.pdf 9.7 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/TXT/Bashar - Being and Happiness.txt 9.7 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/PDF/Bashar - Time Travel.pdf 9.7 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/PDF/Bashar - Healing With Unconditional Love.pdf 9.7 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/PDF/Bashar - Taking The Middle Road.pdf 9.7 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/TXT/Bashar - Energy Facilitator, Being a Switcher.txt 9.7 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/TXT/Bashar - Reflections of Infinite Creation.txt 9.7 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/TXT/Bashar - All One Mind.txt 9.7 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/TXT/Bashar - Unconditionally Loving and Archetypal Energies.txt 9.7 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/PDF/Bashar - DARKNESS And Evil.pdf 9.7 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/TXT/Bashar - Balancing and Redefining Yourself.txt 9.7 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/TXT/Bashar - Vulnerability and Influence and It Is Always Now.txt 9.7 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/TXT/Bashar - Spacecraft and the Holographic Universe.txt 9.7 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/PDF/Bashar - More AbsolutesPrime Radiant.pdf 9.6 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/PDF/Bashar - Methodology Of Karma.pdf 9.6 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/PDF/Bashar - Transformational Choices And World Peace.pdf 9.6 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/TXT/Bashar - There Is No Reality Aside From Your Definition Of It!.txt 9.6 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/TXT/Bashar - A Pact and Encounters With ET Aspects of Self.txt 9.6 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/PDF/Bashar - Expanding Beyond The Body.pdf 9.6 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/TXT/Bashar - Atlantean Time Capsule and Contact Agreements.txt 9.6 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/TXT/Bashar - Christ Consciousnes.txt 9.6 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/PDF/Bashar - Universals, Karma And The Soul.pdf 9.6 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/TXT/Bashar - Getting the Big C Cancer.txt 9.6 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/PDF/Bashar - The Experience Of Polarity.pdf 9.6 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/TXT/Bashar - Vulnerability III.txt 9.6 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/PDF/Bashar - EPILEPSY.pdf 9.6 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/PDF/Bashar - Societal Perspectives.pdf 9.6 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/PDF/Bashar - CREATOR AND CREATION.pdf 9.6 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/TXT/Bashar - Physical Changes and Mountaintop Vortex.txt 9.6 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/PDF/Bashar - Species Creation And Sentiency.pdf 9.5 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/TXT/Bashar - Beyond Belief.txt 9.5 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/TXT/Bashar - Respecting Your Choices.txt 9.5 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/PDF/Bashar - Future Predictions 3 Of 4.pdf 9.5 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/PDF/Bashar - Being An Exception To The Rule.pdf 9.5 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/TXT/Bashar - Knowingness and Compassion.txt 9.5 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/TXT/Bashar - Planetary Affinities And Space Travel.txt 9.5 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/TXT/Bashar - There is No Reality.txt 9.5 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/PDF/Bashar - Dream Place.pdf 9.5 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/TXT/Bashar - Trusting That New Opportunities Are Always Flowing.txt 9.5 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/PDF/Bashar - Suicide.pdf 9.5 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/TXT/Bashar - Transforming Our Beliefs to Create a New Reality.txt 9.5 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/TXT/Bashar - Open Lines of Communication and Predictions.txt 9.5 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/TXT/Bashar - An Opportunity to Face and Release Fear.txt 9.5 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/TXT/Bashar - Visualization and Synchronicity.txt 9.5 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/PDF/Bashar - Victims And Perpetrators.pdf 9.5 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/TXT/Bashar - Answers and Bi-location and Making Choices.txt 9.5 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/TXT/Bashar - Rapid Processing And A Language Lesson.txt 9.5 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/TXT/Bashar - The Game of Remembering.txt 9.5 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/TXT/Bashar - Personal and Planetary Choices for Peace.txt 9.5 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/PDF/Bashar - Anima Speaks 4 - 16 - 87.pdf 9.5 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/TXT/Bashar - Traversing the Galaxies.txt 9.5 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/TXT/Bashar - Multilevel Interactions and Oversouls Viewpoint.txt 9.4 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/TXT/Bashar - Answers and Bilocation and Making Choices.txt 9.4 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/TXT/Bashar - Male and Female Energies and The Mind.txt 9.4 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/PDF/Bashar - Notes On RSVP.pdf 9.4 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/TXT/Bashar - Rearranging Physical Structure From Within.txt 9.4 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/TXT/Bashar - Is There a Santa Claus.txt 9.4 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/PDF/Bashar - Many Faces Of One Reality.pdf 9.4 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/TXT/Bashar - Multilevel Interactions and Oversoul's Viewpoint.txt 9.4 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/PDF/Bashar - RSVP.pdf 9.4 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/PDF/Bashar - Creative Relationships II.pdf 9.4 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/PDF/Bashar - Anunnaki Connections.pdf 9.4 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/PDF/Bashar - Quetzalcoatl Returns.pdf 9.4 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/TXT/Bashar - Believing Is Seeing.txt 9.4 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/TXT/Bashar - Excitement and Anxiety and Self Image.txt 9.4 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/PDF/Bashar - Predicting The Future.pdf 9.4 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/PDF/Bashar - Music On Essassani And Interacting With ETs.pdf 9.3 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/PDF/Bashar - Changing A Belief In Forcing Others.pdf 9.3 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/PDF/Bashar - The Federation And The Grey Civilization.pdf 9.3 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/TXT/Bashar - Accessing Your Totality While Physically Focused.txt 9.3 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/TXT/Bashar - Abundance And Assistance.txt 9.3 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/TXT/Bashar - Prism Of Consciousness.txt 9.3 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/TXT/Bashar - The Observer.txt 9.3 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/PDF/Bashar - Artificial Intelligence.pdf 9.3 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/PDF/Bashar - Genetics - Mind Control - Abductees.pdf 9.3 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/PDF/Bashar - Multiple Relationships.pdf 9.2 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/PDF/Bashar - Crystal Keys.pdf 9.2 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/PDF/Bashar - DNA Beings.pdf 9.2 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/PDF/Bashar - Past Annunaki Connections.pdf 9.2 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/PDF/Bashar - The Gift Of Yourself.pdf 9.2 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/PDF/Bashar - Descriptions Of Behavioral States.pdf 9.2 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/PDF/Bashar - Greys Electromagnetheric Frequency 5 - 2 - 97.pdf 9.2 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/TXT/Bashar - Crashed Craft and Occupants and Governments.txt 9.2 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/TXT/Bashar - Density Vibrations from One to Seven (1).txt 9.2 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/TXT/Bashar - Shock Wave Photon Belt.txt 9.2 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/PDF/Bashar - The Self.pdf 9.2 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/PDF/Bashar - Earth Reflections.pdf 9.2 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/TXT/Bashar - What happened to Adolf Hitler.txt 9.2 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/PDF/Bashar - Clearing The Chakra Of Intention1.pdf 9.2 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/PDF/Bashar - In Tune With All That Is.pdf 9.2 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/TXT/Bashar - Interactions_Within_a_Simultaneous_Creation.txt 9.1 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/TXT/Bashar - The Golden Gate - Monolog.txt 9.1 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/PDF/Bashar - Global Unification And The New World Order.pdf 9.1 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/TXT/Bashar - Milky Way Stars and Your Focus of Excitement.txt 9.1 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/PDF/Bashar - Clearing The Chakra Of Intention.pdf 9.1 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/PDF/Bashar - Bio-genetics.pdf 9.1 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/PDF/Bashar - Future Predictions 4 Of 4.pdf 9.1 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/TXT/Bashar - All Pain is the Result of Judgment.txt 9.1 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/TXT/Bashar - Interactions Within a Simultaneous Creation.txt 9.1 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/TXT/Bashar - Viewpoints And Interaction1.txt 9.1 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/PDF/Bashar - Signature Vibrations.pdf 9.1 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/TXT/Bashar - Choosing Your Reality Resonance.txt 9.1 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/PDF/Bashar - Lost Mars Probes.pdf 9.1 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/TXT/Bashar - Viewpoints And Interactions.txt 9.1 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/TXT/Bashar - Expanding Your Senses Beyond The Physical.txt 9.1 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/TXT/Bashar - Perception Creates Your Reality.txt 9.0 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/TXT/Bashar - Crystals and Water and Wolves and Crows.txt 9.0 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/TXT/Bashar - Theology Class III.txt 9.0 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/TXT/Bashar - Trusting Fulfillment to be Fulfillment on All Levels.txt 9.0 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/TXT/Bashar - The Mechanics of Metaphysics.txt 9.0 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/TXT/Bashar - Negative Predictions and Positive Transformation.txt 9.0 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/TXT/Bashar - The Pyramids And Planetary Visitations.txt 9.0 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/PDF/Bashar - Energy Alignments And The Locale You Prefer.pdf 9.0 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/PDF/Bashar - Rewarding Disabilities.pdf 9.0 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/TXT/Bashar - Christmas Bells.txt 9.0 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/PDF/Bashar - Relationship Reflections.pdf 9.0 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/TXT/Bashar - Understanding Ideas As Vibrations.txt 9.0 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/TXT/Bashar - The Collective Daydream and ET Interactions.txt 9.0 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/PDF/Bashar - Explaining Violence To Children.pdf 9.0 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/PDF/Bashar - Knowledge.pdf 8.9 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/TXT/Bashar - Musical Harmonics and Resistance and ET Film.txt 8.9 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/PDF/Bashar - Alternate Universe.pdf 8.9 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/TXT/Bashar - Electromagnetheric Energy Adjustments.txt 8.9 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/PDF/Bashar - Being The Master Crystal.pdf 8.9 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/TXT/Bashar - Fourth Density Transition Dream.txt 8.9 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/TXT/Bashar - Integrity and Opportunity.txt 8.9 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/TXT/Bashar - The Cycle Of Remembrance.txt 8.9 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/PDF/Bashar - Collective Weather Control.pdf 8.9 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/TXT/Bashar - The Thirteenth Floor.txt 8.9 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/TXT/Bashar - Suicide and Channeling and Astral Realms.txt 8.9 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/PDF/Bashar - Redefining Beliefs About War And Technology.pdf 8.9 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/PDF/Bashar - Willingness.pdf 8.9 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/TXT/Bashar - The Sound.txt 8.9 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/TXT/Bashar - Gateways of Creation.txt 8.9 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/PDF/Bashar - Gaining Weight.pdf 8.9 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/PDF/Bashar - Life Does Not Happen To You.pdf 8.9 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/TXT/Bashar - Everything Happens For A Reason.txt 8.9 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/TXT/Bashar - Awakening From Forgetfulness.txt 8.9 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/TXT/Bashar - Perception and Viewpoint Validation and Sight.txt 8.9 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/TXT/Bashar - Heaven and Hell.txt 8.9 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/PDF/Bashar - Scepticism.pdf 8.8 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/TXT/Bashar - Being Open to Receiving Abundance.txt 8.8 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/TXT/Bashar - Transforming of Birth Trauma and Belief Systems.txt 8.8 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/TXT/Bashar - An Opportunity to Face More of Yourself.txt 8.8 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/PDF/Bashar - Travels In A Lucid Dream.pdf 8.8 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/PDF/Bashar - Astral Interactions.pdf 8.8 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/TXT/Bashar - Perception and Validating Viewpoints and Sight.txt 8.8 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/PDF/Bashar - Future Predictions - 2 Of 4.pdf 8.8 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/PDF/Bashar - Cause And Effect Are The Same Event.pdf 8.8 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/PDF/Bashar - Angelic Expressions And Dolphins On Essassani.pdf 8.8 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/TXT/Bashar - Tides of March.txt 8.8 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/TXT/Bashar - Karma and Past Lives.txt 8.8 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/TXT/Bashar - 4D Earth and Nature Spirits and Christ Consciousness.txt 8.8 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/TXT/Bashar - Contact With Past and Future Selves.txt 8.8 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/PDF/Bashar - Reorientation Levels And Interconnectedness.pdf 8.8 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/PDF/Bashar - The Dal Beings.pdf 8.8 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/PDF/Bashar - Future Predictions 1 Of 4.pdf 8.8 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/TXT/Bashar - An Unexpected Emotional Reaction.txt 8.8 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/PDF/Bashar - Whale Songs And Solar Rays.pdf 8.7 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/PDF/Bashar - An Unbroken Wholeness.pdf 8.7 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/TXT/Bashar - All IS All That Is.txt 8.7 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/TXT/Bashar - Transformations and the Personality Construct.txt 8.7 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/TXT/Bashar - Conception and Relaxing Into the Infinite Now.txt 8.7 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/PDF/Bashar - Everyone Makes A Difference.pdf 8.7 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/TXT/Bashar - Making Conscious Choices to Facilitate Change.txt 8.7 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/PDF/Bashar - Different Lives.pdf 8.7 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/TXT/Bashar - Curing a Disease by Learning About Trust.txt 8.7 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/TXT/Bashar - Peyote and Live now! That’s how!.txt 8.7 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/TXT/Bashar - The Universe Supports You.txt 8.7 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/PDF/Bashar - Brain Function And Orion And Essassani.pdf 8.7 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/TXT/Bashar - Overcoming Inertia.txt 8.7 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/TXT/Bashar - ET Children and Human and Dolphin Societies.txt 8.7 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/TXT/Bashar - Greys and Humanity and Hybrids.txt 8.7 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/TXT/Bashar - The Universe Supports You II .txt 8.7 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/PDF/Bashar - Contributing To Planetary Awakening.pdf 8.7 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/PDF/Bashar - The Anunnaki.pdf 8.7 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/PDF/Bashar - Reading Cards & Stones.pdf 8.7 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/TXT/Bashar - Trust and Validity.txt 8.7 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/PDF/Bashar - Preparing For Tau Ceti Interactions.pdf 8.6 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/TXT/Bashar - Synchronicity II.txt 8.6 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/PDF/Bashar - Sunday Service.pdf 8.6 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/PDF/Bashar - Out Of Body States And The Child Within.pdf 8.6 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/TXT/Bashar - Boredom And Imagination.txt 8.6 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/PDF/Bashar - Crystal Remnants Of Atlantis.pdf 8.6 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/TXT/Bashar - Consciousness Shift to a New Reality.txt 8.6 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/PDF/Bashar - Creating So-called Solutons.pdf 8.6 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/PDF/Bashar - Sai Baba.pdf 8.6 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/TXT/Bashar - Trust Your Medicine.txt 8.6 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/PDF/Bashar - Letter Z And The Tetrahedron.pdf 8.6 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/TXT/Bashar - Migraine Headaches.txt 8.6 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/TXT/Bashar - All Lives Are One Life.txt 8.6 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/TXT/Bashar - Discovering Who You Already Are.txt 8.6 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/PDF/Bashar - Self Imposed Karma.pdf 8.5 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/PDF/Bashar - Changing Spectrum Of Races On Earth.pdf 8.5 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/PDF/Bashar - You Are Complete.pdf 8.5 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/TXT/Bashar - Crystals as Energy Amplifiers.txt 8.5 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/PDF/Bashar - Crystalline Craft And The E-motion Of Light.pdf 8.5 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/PDF/Bashar - Media Reflections.pdf 8.5 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/TXT/Bashar - Abortion and Miscarriage.txt 8.5 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/PDF/Bashar - Astral Sex.pdf 8.5 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/TXT/Bashar - Abundance III.txt 8.5 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/PDF/Bashar - Crystal Skull Encoding And Dolphin Communication.pdf 8.5 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/TXT/Bashar - Backwards Déjà Vu and Self-Empowerment.txt 8.5 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/PDF/Bashar - Clear Definitions.pdf 8.5 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/TXT/Bashar - Schizophrenia.txt 8.5 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/PDF/Bashar - Friendship And Multidimensionality.pdf 8.5 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/TXT/Bashar - Field Tri p- Points of View.txt 8.5 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/TXT/Bashar - Imagination and Multiple Personality and Autism.txt 8.5 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/TXT/Bashar - Self Worth – Accepting The Love of All That Is.txt 8.5 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - On Positivity.docx 8.4 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/TXT/Bashar - Backwards Deja Vu and Self-Empowerment.txt 8.4 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/PDF/Bashar - Equable Conditions, Digital Sound And Implosion.pdf 8.4 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/TXT/Bashar - Relationships and Expectations.txt 8.4 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/TXT/Bashar - Levitation and Crystals.txt 8.4 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/TXT/Bashar - Edit -Field Trip - Points of View .txt 8.4 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/PDF/Bashar - Childlikeness And Redefining Failure.pdf 8.4 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/PDF/Bashar - Choosing Reincarnational Scenarios.pdf 8.4 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/PDF/Bashar - A Guided Meditation.pdf 8.4 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/TXT/Bashar - Opening Night.txt 8.4 KB
- ~ Thank you.docx 8.4 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/PDF/Bashar - Definitions Of Reality.pdf 8.4 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/PDF/Bashar - From Weaning.pdf 8.4 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/TXT/Bashar - Understanding the Reasons for Creating Disease.txt 8.4 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/TXT/Bashar - Revelation.txt 8.4 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/TXT/Bashar - Timelessness in the Illusion of Time and Space.txt 8.4 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/TXT/Bashar - Always a New Viewpoint and Living or Measuring.txt 8.4 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/TXT/Bashar - Healing With Love.txt 8.3 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/PDF/Bashar - Assigning Meaning.pdf 8.3 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/PDF/Bashar - You Are Your Government.pdf 8.3 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/PDF/Bashar - Learning As Remembering.pdf 8.3 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/PDF/Bashar - Time Out.pdf 8.3 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/PDF/Bashar - Root Races.pdf 8.3 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/TXT/Bashar - Historical Past and Time Travel.txt 8.3 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/TXT/Bashar - Mars Photos.txt 8.3 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/TXT/Bashar - Alpha Deyo the Reptilian Speaks.txt 8.3 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/TXT/Bashar - Shifting Your Reality.txt 8.3 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/TXT/Bashar - Predictions and Fear and Karmic Choices.txt 8.3 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/TXT/Bashar - Insights on Judgment.txt 8.3 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/PDF/Bashar - Relationships And Birth Agreements On Essassani.pdf 8.3 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/PDF/Bashar - Animal Reflections II.pdf 8.3 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/TXT/Bashar - Self Fulfiiling Prophecy.txt 8.2 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/PDF/Bashar - The Primer.pdf 8.2 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/PDF/Bashar - Easter Island And The Connection To Mars.pdf 8.2 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/TXT/Bashar - Sirius and Dolphins and Healing.txt 8.2 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/PDF/Bashar - Responsibility And Belief Structure.pdf 8.2 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/PDF/Bashar - Food.pdf 8.2 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/TXT/Bashar - Insights From a Freeway Experience.txt 8.2 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/TXT/Bashar - Healing by Connecting to Your Energy Body.txt 8.2 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/TXT/Bashar - Shifting Your Reality 2.txt 8.2 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/PDF/Bashar - Martians And NASA.pdf 8.2 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/TXT/Bashar - Dolphin Dreams.txt 8.2 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/PDF/Bashar - Sassani Assistance Venice I.pdf 8.2 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/TXT/Bashar - Victimhood.txt 8.2 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/TXT/Bashar - Reflections in Trust and Abundance.txt 8.2 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/PDF/Bashar - Sustenance.pdf 8.2 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/PDF/Bashar - Dreaming.pdf 8.2 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/PDF/Bashar - Wavelengths And Fourth Density.pdf 8.2 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/PDF/Bashar - Agreements And Pleiadian Connections.pdf 8.2 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/PDF/Bashar - Assisting Without Judgement.pdf 8.2 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/PDF/Bashar - Reverse Speech.pdf 8.2 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/PDF/Bashar - After-death States And Christ Consciousness.pdf 8.2 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/PDF/Bashar - Process And Change.pdf 8.2 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/PDF/Bashar - Healing Path.pdf 8.2 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/TXT/Bashar - Systems of Belief.txt 8.1 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/TXT/Bashar - Cold Fusion and the Unified Field.txt 8.1 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/PDF/Bashar - Surrending To Peace.pdf 8.1 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/PDF/Bashar - Being Mirrors For Each Other.pdf 8.1 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/TXT/Bashar - Agreements and Transformations Within a Family.txt 8.1 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/PDF/Bashar - Compassion II.pdf 8.1 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/PDF/Bashar - A New Template For World Peace.pdf 8.1 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/TXT/Bashar - Echoes of the One Soul.txt 8.1 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/TXT/Bashar - Focus and Infinite Probabilities.txt 8.1 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/TXT/Bashar - Following Your Natural Sleep Cycle.txt 8.1 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/PDF/Bashar - Future Predictions 4Of 4.pdf 8.1 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/PDF/Bashar - Egypt And Atlantis Updates 5 - 2 - 97 - Tape 1 Side 1.pdf 8.1 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/PDF/Bashar - Rotational Speeds And Transformational Incarnations.pdf 8.1 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/PDF/Bashar - Living The Way You Prefer.pdf 8.1 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/TXT/Bashar - Your Vibrational Response To World Events.txt 8.1 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/TXT/Bashar - Desire and Twelve Pointed Star Symbology.txt 8.1 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/TXT/Bashar - Frequency Adjustment and Dream Blending.txt 8.1 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/TXT/Bashar - Field Trip Co-Creation.txt 8.1 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/PDF/Bashar - Potential Earth Realities.pdf 8.1 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/TXT/Bashar - Essassani Culture.txt 8.1 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/TXT/Bashar - Reincarnation.txt 8.1 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/PDF/Bashar - Parallel Time Tracks And The Grandfather Paradox.pdf 8.1 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/TXT/Bashar - Time And Timing.txt 8.1 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/PDF/Bashar - Thought Discernment And Inner Earth.pdf 8.1 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/TXT/Bashar - Natural Sleeping Patterns.txt 8.1 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/TXT/Bashar - Association Eart1.txt 8.1 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/PDF/Bashar - Healing Conflict.pdf 8.1 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/PDF/Bashar - Resonance And Manifestation.pdf 8.1 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/TXT/Bashar - Mirroring Of Vibrations And Orca Symbology.txt 8.1 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/TXT/Bashar - Observer And Secrets.txt 8.1 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/PDF/Bashar - Helping Othes By Being True To Yourself.pdf 8.0 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/PDF/Bashar - Pleaidian And Earth Families.pdf 8.0 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/PDF/Bashar - Miracles.pdf 8.0 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/PDF/Bashar - Altair.pdf 8.0 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/PDF/Bashar - Arabic Culture.pdf 8.0 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/TXT/Bashar - Devil Worship and Overcoming The System.txt 8.0 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/PDF/Bashar - Nikola Tesla And Free Energy.pdf 8.0 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/TXT/Bashar - Sharing As Equals In A Relationship.txt 8.0 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/PDF/Bashar - Bloodtypes And Sustenance.pdf 8.0 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/PDF/Bashar - Decisions And Synchroncity.pdf 8.0 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/PDF/Bashar - Perceiving The Essence.pdf 8.0 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/TXT/Bashar - New Rooms Analogy and Conceiving Physicality.txt 8.0 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/PDF/Bashar - Projection And Openness In Communication.pdf 8.0 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/TXT/Bashar - Essassani and Dolphins and The Association.txt 8.0 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/PDF/Bashar - AUTOMATIC TUNING.pdf 8.0 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/PDF/Bashar - Restoring Sensitive Hearing.pdf 7.9 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/TXT/Bashar - Devil Worshipers and Overcoming The System.txt 7.9 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/PDF/Bashar - Career Direction And Homosexuality.pdf 7.9 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/TXT/Bashar - Transformational Template.txt 7.9 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/PDF/Bashar - Methodologies Of The Grey Agenda.pdf 7.9 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/PDF/Bashar - Galactic Societies.pdf 7.9 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/TXT/Bashar - Saturn and Planetary Gateways.txt 7.9 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/TXT/Bashar - Treating Yourself With Respect And Love.txt 7.9 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/PDF/Bashar - Excavations At Sphinx.pdf 7.9 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/TXT/Bashar - New Rooms Analogy and Conceiving Phsyicality.txt 7.9 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/TXT/Bashar - Love and Support for a Childs Transformtional Experiences.txt 7.9 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/PDF/Bashar - Stepping On Earth.pdf 7.9 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/PDF/Bashar - Tetrahedrons.pdf 7.9 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/TXT/Bashar - Visualizing What You Want.txt 7.9 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/TXT/Bashar - You Are Spirit II.txt 7.9 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/PDF/Bashar - Light.pdf 7.9 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/TXT/Bashar - Peace Representative and Healing Sinus Pressure.txt 7.8 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/PDF/Bashar - Group Dynamics And The Associations Example.pdf 7.8 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/PDF/Bashar - Teetering In Uncertainty - Sept 12 97.pdf 7.8 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/TXT/Bashar - Anger As An Opportunity For Alignment.txt 7.8 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/TXT/Bashar - Perceiving and Utilizing Energy Vortex Points.txt 7.8 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/PDF/Bashar - The Titanic.pdf 7.8 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/PDF/Bashar - Unknown Entities.pdf 7.8 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/PDF/Bashar - Group Dynamics And The Association's Example.pdf 7.8 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/PDF/Bashar - Cockroaches & Dolphins.pdf 7.8 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/PDF/Bashar - Tree Spirits.pdf 7.8 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/PDF/Bashar - Time And The Primary Frequency.pdf 7.8 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/PDF/Bashar - THE NEUTRALS.pdf 7.8 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/PDF/Bashar - Future Earth.pdf 7.8 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/PDF/Bashar - Element 115.pdf 7.8 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/PDF/Bashar - Birthing.pdf 7.8 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/PDF/Bashar - Souls Inhabiting Artificial Intelligence Creations.pdf 7.8 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/PDF/Bashar - Group Dynamics And The Associations Example 2.pdf 7.8 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/PDF/Bashar - Motivating Teenagers.pdf 7.8 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/PDF/Bashar - From Moment Of Pause.pdf 7.8 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/TXT/Bashar - Animals and Hematite and a Generator Device.txt 7.8 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/PDF/Bashar - Meditation And Integration Of Energies For Earth.pdf 7.7 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/PDF/Bashar - Changes In Energy Flow.pdf 7.7 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/PDF/Bashar - Moment Of Pause.pdf 7.7 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/TXT/Bashar - Orca Symbol and Child’s Health and Life Threads.txt 7.7 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/PDF/Bashar - Family Energies.pdf 7.7 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/TXT/Bashar - Martians and the Release of ET Information.txt 7.7 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/TXT/Bashar - All of It.txt 7.7 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/PDF/Bashar - Holographic Crucifixion.pdf 7.7 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/PDF/Bashar - Conviction.pdf 7.7 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/TXT/Bashar - Vulnerability And Trust.txt 7.7 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/TXT/Bashar - Manifestation Methodology.txt 7.7 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/TXT/Bashar - Emotions and Spirituality and Peace.txt 7.7 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/TXT/Bashar - Terry s Favorites.txt 7.7 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/PDF/Bashar - ONTOLOGICAL - RUMINATIONS.pdf 7.7 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/PDF/Bashar - Channeling Ability.pdf 7.7 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/TXT/Bashar - Malibu and Manifestation and Light and Thought.txt 7.7 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/TXT/Bashar - Patterns and Meanings.txt 7.7 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/TXT/Bashar - Deserving and Expressing Unconditional Love.txt 7.7 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/TXT/Bashar - Orca Symbol and Child's Health and Life Threads.txt 7.7 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/PDF/Bashar - DNA Energy.pdf 7.7 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/TXT/Bashar - Orion and the Black League .txt 7.7 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/TXT/Bashar - Euthanasia and Suicide.txt 7.7 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/PDF/Bashar - Shifting Electromagnetic Fields.pdf 7.7 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/PDF/Bashar - Earths Chakra Points Are Blending.pdf 7.6 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/TXT/Bashar - Multifaceted Journey.txt 7.6 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/PDF/Bashar - The Crystal Planet And Contact.pdf 7.6 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/TXT/Bashar - Trust II.txt 7.6 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/TXT/Bashar - Buffer Zone.txt 7.6 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/PDF/Bashar - Elevating Of Resonance.pdf 7.6 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/PDF/Bashar - Fevers And Scattered Energy.pdf 7.6 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/TXT/Bashar - The Frequency of Your True Self.txt 7.6 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/TXT/Bashar - The Hearts Code.txt 7.6 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/PDF/Bashar - Compassion.pdf 7.6 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/TXT/Bashar - RA.txt 7.6 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/PDF/Bashar - A Joyous Discovery.pdf 7.6 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/PDF/Bashar - Fearing Abundance.pdf 7.6 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/PDF/Bashar - Action-reaction And Mass Landings.pdf 7.6 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/TXT/Bashar - Crafting and Accessing the Crystal Skull.txt 7.6 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/TXT/Bashar - Dispensation of Abundance on Future Earth.txt 7.6 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/TXT/Bashar - A New Phase of Life.txt 7.6 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/TXT/Bashar - TRUE CHANGE.txt 7.6 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/TXT/Bashar - Communicating in Physical Reality.txt 7.6 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/TXT/Bashar - Undiscovered Planets and Starlight Perceptions.txt 7.6 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/PDF/Bashar - Positive And Negative Methodologies.pdf 7.6 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/TXT/Bashar - COMMUNICATION.txt 7.6 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/TXT/Bashar - Acting on Trust as Eternal Beings.txt 7.5 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/TXT/Bashar - The Process Is Life Itself.txt 7.5 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/PDF/Bashar - The Higher Selfs Dream.pdf 7.5 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/PDF/Bashar - Lost Time And Fourth Density Blending.pdf 7.5 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/PDF/Bashar - It Is All One Spontaneous Event.pdf 7.5 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/TXT/Bashar - Essassani Perspectives.txt 7.5 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/TXT/Bashar - DNA Reconstruction.txt 7.5 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/TXT/Bashar - Transformer Device and Electromagnetic Shifts.txt 7.5 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/PDF/Bashar - The Methodology Of Beliefs.pdf 7.5 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/PDF/Bashar - Planetary Service And ET Connections.pdf 7.5 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/TXT/Bashar - Dancing and Food.txt 7.5 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/PDF/Bashar - Grey Speaks 4 16 87.pdf 7.5 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/PDF/Bashar - Natural Anger.pdf 7.5 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/TXT/Bashar - Creating With Integrity And Unconditional Love.txt 7.5 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/TXT/Bashar - Finding Your Voice and Sonic Levitation.txt 7.4 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/TXT/Bashar - Dream of Awakening and Time and Expansion.txt 7.4 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/TXT/Bashar - Your Souls Essence.txt 7.4 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/TXT/Bashar - Lemuria and Atlantis and the Hopi.txt 7.4 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/PDF/Bashar - Living At Zero Point.pdf 7.4 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/TXT/Bashar - Numerical and Crop Circle Symbology.txt 7.4 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/TXT/Bashar - The Path That You Are.txt 7.4 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/TXT/Bashar - Fulfilling Your Life's Purpose.txt 7.4 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/PDF/Bashar - Accepting Who And Where You Are.pdf 7.4 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/TXT/Bashar - Creation Always Supports You and Spirit Service.txt 7.4 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/TXT/Bashar - Integrating Revelatory Moments Into Your Life.txt 7.4 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/PDF/Bashar - LINEAGE AND SPACE - & TIME TRAVEL.pdf 7.4 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/TXT/Bashar - Parallel Earths and Ascension.txt 7.4 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/PDF/Bashar - Crop Circles As Multidimensional Keys.pdf 7.4 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/PDF/Bashar - THE VISIBLE AND THE INVISIBLE.pdf 7.4 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/PDF/Bashar - In The Groove.pdf 7.4 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/PDF/Bashar - Needs.pdf 7.4 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/TXT/Bashar - Assisting The Association and Life Purpose.txt 7.4 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/TXT/Bashar - Love and Guilt and Free WIll.txt 7.4 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/PDF/Bashar - The Key Of Excitement.pdf 7.4 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/TXT/Bashar - Energy Domains of the Human System Part II.txt 7.4 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/TXT/Bashar - Coincidences and Visions.txt 7.3 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/TXT/Bashar - The Paradox of Surrender.txt 7.3 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/TXT/Bashar - Child Genius.txt 7.3 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/PDF/Bashar - Beings Of Spirit.pdf 7.3 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/TXT/Bashar - Depression and Self-Empowerment.txt 7.3 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/TXT/Bashar - The Legacy.txt 7.3 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/TXT/Bashar - Re-Creating Yourself.txt 7.3 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/PDF/Bashar - Time And Process.pdf 7.3 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/PDF/Bashar - Dream Reality.pdf 7.3 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/TXT/Bashar - Mainstream Acceptance of ET Contact.txt 7.3 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/TXT/Bashar - Astral Projection and the Focus of Consciousness.txt 7.3 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/TXT/Bashar - Tooth Light Therapy.txt 7.2 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/PDF/Bashar - Transmitting The Vibration Of Vortex Points.pdf 7.2 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/TXT/Bashar - Energy Flow from ET Systems and Self Identity.txt 7.2 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/TXT/Bashar - Living as the Higher Self.txt 7.2 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/PDF/Bashar - Limbo state.pdf 7.2 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/TXT/Bashar - Sustenance and Truth and Responsibility.txt 7.2 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/PDF/Bashar - Theology - Class I.pdf 7.2 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/PDF/Bashar - Shared Realities.pdf 7.2 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/PDF/Bashar - Allergies.pdf 7.2 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/TXT/Bashar - Dreaming Your Ecstasy.txt 7.2 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/PDF/Bashar - Imaginary Friends And Spirit Guides.pdf 7.2 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/TXT/Bashar - Simply Being and Allowing Others To Give.txt 7.2 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/TXT/Bashar - Blending the Seven Rays.txt 7.2 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/TXT/Bashar - Creative Reflections from Multidimensional Lives.txt 7.2 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/TXT/Bashar - Reflections Of All That Is.txt 7.2 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/PDF/Bashar - Ra And Sirius And Altair.pdf 7.2 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/TXT/Bashar - Orca Symbology and Encounter.txt 7.2 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/TXT/Bashar - Essassani Counterparts and Humor.txt 7.2 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/TXT/Bashar - Body Consciousness and Spirituality.txt 7.2 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/PDF/Bashar - Accessing Information.pdf 7.2 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/TXT/Bashar - Experiencing Anger as Judgment or Alignment.txt 7.2 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/PDF/Bashar - Perceptions.pdf 7.2 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/TXT/Bashar - Embarrassment and Assigning Meaning.txt 7.2 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/TXT/Bashar - Unconditional Love and Power.txt 7.1 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/TXT/Bashar - Star Gates and Chakras.txt 7.1 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/PDF/Bashar - Connections.pdf 7.1 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/TXT/Bashar - Crop Circles.txt 7.1 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/TXT/Bashar - Children's Channeling.txt 7.1 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/PDF/Bashar - Seeing Beyond Limitation.pdf 7.1 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/TXT/Bashar - Cetacean Consciousness.txt 7.1 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/TXT/Bashar - Bashar Descending to Earth.txt 7.1 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/TXT/Bashar - Preparing for Contact Geometric Energy Shells .txt 7.1 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/PDF/Bashar - Being A Women.pdf 7.1 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/PDF/Bashar - Black Hole Gateways.pdf 7.1 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/TXT/Bashar - Believing That It Is Easier Said Than Done.txt 7.1 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/TXT/Bashar - Cats Reflections About Sleep and Inner Sight.txt 7.1 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/TXT/Bashar - Creating a Positive Experience from Any Interaction.txt 7.1 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/PDF/Bashar - Consciousness And Dying.pdf 7.1 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/PDF/Bashar - Existence Always Exists.pdf 7.1 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/TXT/Bashar - Job Choices and Train Analogy and a Spirit Guide.txt 7.1 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/TXT/Bashar - Orion Energies Completely Balanced.txt 7.1 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/PDF/Bashar - New Friends.pdf 7.1 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/TXT/Bashar - Peace Campaign and the Unexpected and Memory.txt 7.0 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/TXT/Bashar - Following Your Timing.txt 7.0 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/TXT/Bashar - Blue White Light.txt 7.0 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/PDF/Bashar - Oversoul Expressions And Gateways.pdf 7.0 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/TXT/Bashar - A Cat’s Role in Learning to Face Fears.txt 7.0 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/PDF/Bashar - The Purpose Of The Path.pdf 7.0 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/TXT/Bashar - Transformational Reorientation.txt 7.0 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/TXT/Bashar - Spontaneity of Telepathy and Trusting the Timing.txt 7.0 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/PDF/Bashar - Profundity In Simplicity.pdf 7.0 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/PDF/Bashar - Animal Reincarnation.pdf 7.0 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/TXT/Bashar - Belief Creates Experience.txt 7.0 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/PDF/Bashar - Animal Consciousness.pdf 7.0 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/TXT/Bashar - Teachers and Students and Self-Empowerment.txt 7.0 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/PDF/Bashar - Black Holes - Dimensional Doorways.pdf 7.0 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/TXT/Bashar - Hale Bopp Comet And Object.txt 7.0 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/PDF/Bashar - Life Focus.pdf 7.0 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/PDF/Bashar - Sharing Your Ecstasy.pdf 7.0 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/PDF/Bashar - Being The Red Or Blue Cube, Your Choice.pdf 7.0 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/TXT/Bashar - Confusion and Doubt and Reorientation.txt 7.0 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/TXT/Bashar - Enlightenment Parallel Lives And Counterparts.txt 7.0 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/TXT/Bashar - Enlightenment, Parallel Lives And Counterparts.txt 7.0 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/TXT/Bashar - A Cat's Role in Learning to Face Fears.txt 7.0 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/PDF/Bashar - The Strength To Love.pdf 7.0 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/TXT/Bashar - Belief Systems and Integration.txt 7.0 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/TXT/Bashar - Opening Your Astral Eye.txt 7.0 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/PDF/Bashar - Dream Assistance.pdf 7.0 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/PDF/Bashar - Amalgam Removal.pdf 7.0 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/TXT/Bashar - Gambling and Flying and a Cosmic Play.txt 7.0 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/TXT/Bashar - Kachinatown.txt 6.9 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/TXT/Bashar - Obligations and Beliefs.txt 6.9 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/TXT/Bashar - Chakras and Origin Points and Hierarchies.txt 6.9 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/PDF/Bashar - Power Spots.pdf 6.9 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/PDF/Bashar - Scientists And Children And ET Communication.pdf 6.9 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/PDF/Bashar - Dreamtime Dichotomies.pdf 6.9 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/TXT/Bashar - Creating With Sound and Dimensional Doorways.txt 6.9 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/PDF/Bashar - Weather Patterns And The Observer.pdf 6.9 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/PDF/Bashar - VIision & Creativity.pdf 6.9 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/TXT/Bashar - Earthly and Musical Resonances.txt 6.9 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/PDF/Bashar - Time Variances.pdf 6.9 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/PDF/Bashar - A New Beginning.pdf 6.9 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/TXT/Bashar - Disease.txt 6.9 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/PDF/Bashar - Greys And UFOs And Nuclear Silos.pdf 6.9 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/TXT/Bashar - Encounter With ETs.txt 6.9 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/TXT/Bashar - Belief Creates Physical Reality.txt 6.9 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/PDF/Bashar - Rejection.pdf 6.9 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/TXT/Bashar - Essassani Childbirth and Early Years.txt 6.9 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/PDF/Bashar - Surrounded By Love.pdf 6.9 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/PDF/Bashar - Energy Vortices And Government.pdf 6.9 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/TXT/Bashar - Success and Freedom of Expression.txt 6.9 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/PDF/Bashar - Pyramids And Atlantis.pdf 6.9 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/TXT/Bashar - Sculpting With Light and Simultaneous Lives.txt 6.8 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/PDF/Bashar - Trade Patterns And The Artificial Intelligence Program.pdf 6.8 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/PDF/Bashar - Utensils And Kivas And Trepanning.pdf 6.8 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/PDF/Bashar - Atlantean Connections To Ancient Britain.pdf 6.8 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/TXT/Bashar - Expectations About Finding the Ideal Relationship.txt 6.8 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/TXT/Bashar - Missing the Train.txt 6.8 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/TXT/Bashar - Creating New Opportunities from the Limbo State.txt 6.8 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/PDF/Bashar - STAYING WITHIN.pdf 6.8 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/TXT/Bashar - Living Your Philosophy.txt 6.8 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/TXT/Bashar - Orion Craft and Reincarnational Lessons.txt 6.8 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/TXT/Bashar - Vibrational Gatherings.txt 6.8 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/PDF/Bashar - The Reflectors.pdf 6.8 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/PDF/Bashar - Vibrations Of The Spoken Word.pdf 6.8 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/PDF/Bashar - Greys Menality.pdf 6.8 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/TXT/Bashar - Child and Parent Pre-Birth Agreements.txt 6.8 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/PDF/Bashar - The Age Of Aquarius.pdf 6.8 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/TXT/Bashar - Galactic Associates and Reflections From Animals and Earth.txt 6.8 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/PDF/Bashar - Q & A From The Tides Of March.pdf 6.8 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/PDF/Bashar - Acceptance And Denail Of ET Information.pdf 6.8 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/TXT/Bashar - The Eight Senses and Interconnectedness.txt 6.8 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/TXT/Bashar - Positive Perceptions of Relationship Co-creations.txt 6.8 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/PDF/Bashar - The Spoken Word.pdf 6.8 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/PDF/Bashar - DNA Is Within You.pdf 6.8 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/TXT/Bashar - Traveling and Accelerating in Space Time.txt 6.8 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/TXT/Bashar - LIFE STYLE CHANGES.txt 6.8 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/TXT/Bashar - Craft Sighting and Overcoming Fear.txt 6.8 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/TXT/Bashar - Symbolism of a Habitual Ritual.txt 6.8 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/TXT/Bashar - Joy and Holograms and Christ Consciousness.txt 6.7 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/TXT/Bashar - Validating Your Process.txt 6.7 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/TXT/Bashar - Before Dinosaurs and Dolphin Pain.txt 6.7 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/TXT/Bashar - Energy Balancing and Healing.txt 6.7 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/PDF/Bashar - Memory And Living In The Moment.pdf 6.7 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/TXT/Bashar - Craft and Magnetics and Subjective Realities.txt 6.7 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/TXT/Bashar - Being Reborn Into Another Level.txt 6.7 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/TXT/Bashar - Symbolism of an Habitual Ritual.txt 6.7 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/TXT/Bashar - Change Within Mass Consciousness and Animals.txt 6.7 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/TXT/Bashar - Re-Channeling Quake Energies.txt 6.7 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/TXT/Bashar - Companions and Measuring Psychic Functioning.txt 6.7 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/PDF/Bashar - Energy Work To Ease Transition.pdf 6.7 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/TXT/Bashar - help.txt 6.7 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/TXT/Bashar - Energy Gates and The Orion Complex.txt 6.7 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/PDF/Bashar - Middle East And The Presidency.pdf 6.7 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/PDF/Bashar - Living Your Dreams.pdf 6.7 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/TXT/Bashar - Remembering -- Not Forgetting.txt 6.7 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/PDF/Bashar - Birthing And Water.pdf 6.7 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/TXT/Bashar - Interfacing With ETs.txt 6.7 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/TXT/Bashar - Density Levels and Integration.txt 6.7 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/TXT/Bashar - Transitory Times Eulogy.txt 6.7 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/PDF/Bashar - Anunnaki And Gold.pdf 6.7 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/TXT/Bashar - Waking from the Dream of Forgetting.txt 6.7 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/TXT/Bashar - Redefining Depression Aloneness.txt 6.7 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/TXT/Bashar - Craft and Magnetics and Subjective Realities (1).txt 6.7 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/TXT/Bashar - Exchanging Concepts.txt 6.7 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/PDF/Bashar - Religion And Excitement.pdf 6.7 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/TXT/Bashar - Interfacing With ET’s.txt 6.7 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/TXT/Bashar - Interfacing With ET_s.txt 6.7 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/TXT/Bashar - Levitation and Whales.txt 6.7 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/TXT/Bashar - Growth And Support Within A Family.txt 6.7 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/PDF/Bashar - MYTHOLOGY.pdf 6.7 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/PDF/Bashar - Waiting To Lose Weight.pdf 6.7 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/TXT/Bashar - Artistic Expression and Miracles.txt 6.7 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/TXT/Bashar - Control and Expectation.txt 6.6 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/PDF/Bashar - Neutral Negotiations..pdf 6.6 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/TXT/Bashar - One Eternal Now.txt 6.6 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/TXT/Bashar - Dream Integration.txt 6.6 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/TXT/Bashar - Shortening of Process and Effortlessness.txt 6.6 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/PDF/Bashar - The Original Physical Inception.pdf 6.6 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/PDF/Bashar - TRUSTING THE UNIVERSE.pdf 6.6 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/PDF/Bashar - Peyote As Only A Symbol Of Power That You Create.pdf 6.6 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/PDF/Bashar - Becoming The Alchemist.pdf 6.6 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/TXT/Bashar - Projections of Consciousness.txt 6.6 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/TXT/Bashar - Positive Methodologies of Expression.txt 6.6 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/PDF/Bashar - Big Dipper.pdf 6.6 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/TXT/Bashar - Acclimatizing to Fourth Density.txt 6.6 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/TXT/Bashar - Rebirthing and Service.txt 6.6 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/TXT/Bashar - ET and Human Contacts.txt 6.6 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/TXT/Bashar - Transformational Insights About a Car.txt 6.6 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/PDF/Bashar - Inspiration.pdf 6.6 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/TXT/Bashar - Malachite and Tesla and Consciousness Template.txt 6.6 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/PDF/Bashar - The Great Experiment.pdf 6.5 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/TXT/Bashar - Birth and Children and Dolphins.txt 6.5 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/TXT/Bashar - Conscious Awareness of ET Agreements.txt 6.5 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/TXT/Bashar - Family Cycles and Channeling and Light Speed.txt 6.5 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/PDF/Bashar - Consciousness Template.pdf 6.5 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/PDF/Bashar - Whale - Dolphin Communication.pdf 6.5 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/TXT/Bashar - Functioning Within Integrity.txt 6.5 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/TXT/Bashar - POINT OF VIEW A New You.txt 6.5 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/TXT/Bashar - Pure of tone - monolog.txt 6.5 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/TXT/Bashar - Spirit and Consciousness.txt 6.5 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/TXT/Bashar - Drug Side Effects and Being Self-Empowered.txt 6.5 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/PDF/Bashar - Synchronicity.pdf 6.5 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/TXT/Bashar - Channeled Predictions.txt 6.5 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/PDF/Bashar - EARTHQUAKES.pdf 6.5 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/TXT/Bashar - Sassani Experiences.txt 6.5 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/TXT/Bashar - Skepticism or Trust.txt 6.5 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/PDF/Bashar - Initiating Change In Education.pdf 6.5 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/PDF/Bashar - The Experience That You Are.pdf 6.5 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/PDF/Bashar - Planetary Neighbors In Other Dimensions.pdf 6.5 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/PDF/Bashar - Drugs And Self-empowerment.pdf 6.5 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/PDF/Bashar - Birthing And The Unexpected.pdf 6.5 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/TXT/Bashar - Get Used to it.txt 6.5 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/TXT/Bashar - Dolphins and Children.txt 6.5 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/TXT/Bashar - Death and Dying.txt 6.5 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/PDF/Bashar - The Paradox Of Physical Reality.pdf 6.4 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/TXT/Bashar - Y2K DENVER.txt 6.4 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/PDF/Bashar - ANAMATHA.pdf 6.4 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/TXT/Bashar - Facing Issues Behind Physiological Symptoms.txt 6.4 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/TXT/Bashar - Notes IV.txt 6.4 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/TXT/Bashar - Space-Time Travel and Sirius Communication.txt 6.4 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/TXT/Bashar - A Symbol Is What You Make Of It.txt 6.4 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/TXT/Bashar - Archetypes and Legends.txt 6.4 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/PDF/Bashar - Understanding Orion Energies.pdf 6.4 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/TXT/Bashar - Interactions.txt 6.4 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/PDF/Bashar - Accepting The Love Of All That Is.pdf 6.4 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/PDF/Bashar - Archetypical Reflections.pdf 6.4 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/PDF/Bashar - Physical Profile Of Sassanians.pdf 6.4 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/TXT/Bashar - Changes in Sustenance and Sharing and Chepop.txt 6.4 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/TXT/Bashar - Relationships and Channeled Reflections.txt 6.4 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/PDF/Bashar - The System.pdf 6.4 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/TXT/Bashar - Guidance From a Shamanic Life.txt 6.4 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/TXT/Bashar - Eagles and Dolphins and Owls.txt 6.4 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/TXT/Bashar - Refining Your Diet.txt 6.4 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/TXT/Bashar - Spontaneity And Attitude.txt 6.4 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/TXT/Bashar - Orion Connection and Blending of Density Levels.txt 6.4 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/TXT/Bashar - Being the Expression of Your Infinite Creativity.txt 6.4 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/PDF/Bashar - Time And Aging.pdf 6.4 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/TXT/Bashar - Trust and a Positive Attitude.txt 6.4 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/TXT/Bashar - Getting in Touch with Core Beliefs.txt 6.4 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/PDF/Bashar - Experiencing 4Th Density And Beyond.pdf 6.4 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/TXT/Bashar - Action - Reaction.txt 6.3 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/TXT/Bashar - The Path of Conviction.txt 6.3 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/PDF/Bashar - The Big Dipper Constellation And Connections.pdf 6.3 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/TXT/Bashar - The Inner Voice and Atlantean Connections.txt 6.3 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/TXT/Bashar - B on Surrogation and Psych-K.txt 6.3 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/TXT/Bashar - Doing What You Love To Do.txt 6.3 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/TXT/Bashar - Planet Earth and Nuclear Annihilation.txt 6.3 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/TXT/Bashar - Conviction II.txt 6.3 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/PDF/Bashar - Individual And Global Choices.pdf 6.3 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/TXT/Bashar - Intuition and Intellect.txt 6.3 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/PDF/Bashar - Expansion Of Self Discovery.pdf 6.3 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/TXT/Bashar - Dream Blueprints and Finding Your Niche.txt 6.3 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/TXT/Bashar - Dissertations and Channeling and Victimhood.txt 6.3 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/PDF/Bashar - Neutral Interaction.pdf 6.3 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/TXT/Bashar - Precognition And Responsibility.txt 6.3 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/TXT/Bashar - Pacific Energies and Kachinas and Dolphins.txt 6.3 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/TXT/Bashar - Taking Responsibility For The Life You Prefer.txt 6.3 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/PDF/Bashar - The Holy Spirit.pdf 6.3 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/TXT/Bashar - Tau Cetian Revelations.txt 6.3 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/PDF/Bashar - Sign Off.pdf 6.3 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/PDF/Bashar - Association Ontology.pdf 6.3 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/TXT/Bashar - Channeling and Continuous Unfoldment.txt 6.3 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/TXT/Bashar - Establishing Diplomatic Relations.txt 6.3 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/TXT/Bashar - Perspective on Moving to a New Location.txt 6.3 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/TXT/Bashar - A Handicapped Child and Treatment for an Ear.txt 6.3 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/TXT/Bashar - Dimensional Warps and Experiencing the Afterlife.txt 6.3 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/PDF/Bashar - ET Observation And Assistance Of Earths Transition.pdf 6.2 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/TXT/Bashar - Where do we come from 3 11 95.txt 6.2 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/PDF/Bashar - Vulnerability II.pdf 6.2 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/TXT/Bashar - Men in Black.txt 6.2 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/PDF/Bashar - Orion Transformation.pdf 6.2 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/PDF/Bashar - The Dimensional Infusion.pdf 6.2 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/PDF/Bashar - From Dark To Light.pdf 6.2 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/PDF/Bashar - Aligning Crystals.pdf 6.2 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/TXT/Bashar - Walk ins.txt 6.2 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/TXT/Bashar - AIDS and Diabetes and the End of Disease.txt 6.2 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/TXT/Bashar - Telepathy and Group Reincarnation and The Ego.txt 6.2 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/PDF/Bashar - Hopi Dimensional Doorway.pdf 6.2 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/TXT/Bashar - Judging Others.txt 6.2 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/TXT/Bashar - Soul Mates and Expressing Completeness.txt 6.2 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/PDF/Bashar - Making A Difference.pdf 6.2 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/TXT/Bashar - Coming Events from Surrender to World Peace.txt 6.2 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/TXT/Bashar - Old Friends and New Friends - edit.txt 6.2 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/TXT/Bashar - Prime Radiant and Solar System Phenomena.txt 6.2 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/TXT/Bashar - Unlimited Energy Beings and Releasing Fear.txt 6.2 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/TXT/Bashar - Dream Process for Creating Positive Outcomes.txt 6.2 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/PDF/Bashar - Afterlife Communication And Relocating.pdf 6.2 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/TXT/Bashar - Responsibility and Experiencing This Moment.txt 6.2 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/TXT/Bashar - Dream Sharing and Soul Links and Living Now.txt 6.2 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/TXT/Bashar - Association Earth.txt 6.2 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/TXT/Bashar - Identification and Vulnerability and Spontaneity.txt 6.2 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/TXT/Bashar - You are made of Light.txt 6.2 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/TXT/Bashar - Adjustments.txt 6.1 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/TXT/Bashar - Musical Expression on Essassani and Earth.txt 6.1 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/TXT/Bashar - Bringing Negative Scenarios to Light.txt 6.1 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/TXT/Bashar - Relating Equally and Attracting Symbiotic Insects.txt 6.1 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/PDF/Bashar - What The World Can Be.pdf 6.1 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/TXT/Bashar - Human and Animal Incarnations.txt 6.1 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/TXT/Bashar - Healing Of All Disease.txt 6.1 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/PDF/Bashar - Choosing The Next Life.pdf 6.1 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/PDF/Bashar - ET Observation And Assistance.pdf 6.1 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/TXT/Bashar - ET Communication and Raising Consciousness.txt 6.1 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/PDF/Bashar - Contact Date With Bashar 8 - 1 - 98.pdf 6.1 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/TXT/Bashar - Dolphin Folktale.txt 6.1 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/TXT/Bashar - Allowance and Facing Your Fears.txt 6.1 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/TXT/Bashar - Light Energy and Space Travel.txt 6.1 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/PDF/Bashar - 4Th Dimension Vrs 4 Density.pdf 6.1 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/PDF/Bashar - Future Earth Experiences.pdf 6.1 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/TXT/Bashar - Contact Agreements.txt 6.1 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/PDF/Bashar - Archangel Michael.pdf 6.1 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/PDF/Bashar - Anunnaki Counterpart.pdf 6.1 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/TXT/Bashar - From Illumination Nuclear Probabilities.txt 6.1 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/TXT/Bashar - Transformations in Relationships.txt 6.1 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/TXT/Bashar - A Birthright of Joy and Effortlessness.txt 6.1 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/TXT/Bashar - Blending Polarities.txt 6.1 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/TXT/Bashar - 30 Points of View.txt 6.1 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/PDF/Bashar - Connecting With Your Guides.pdf 6.1 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/TXT/Bashar - Lemurian Rising.txt 6.1 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/TXT/Bashar - Mystery and Understanding.txt 6.1 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/TXT/Bashar - Belief Structures About Food.txt 6.1 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/PDF/Bashar - Soulmates.pdf 6.1 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/TXT/Bashar - Choices in Handling Negativity.txt 6.1 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/TXT/Bashar - The Cycle of Integration and Living Your Dreams.txt 6.1 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/TXT/Bashar - Gravitic Influences.txt 6.0 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/TXT/Bashar - Brain Function and Migraines and Opportunities.txt 6.0 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/PDF/Bashar - The Association S - Purpose.pdf 6.0 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/TXT/Bashar - Trusting Your Imagination.txt 6.0 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/TXT/Bashar - Living Effortlessly.txt 6.0 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/PDF/Bashar - Faith As The Mechanism Of Creation.pdf 6.0 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/TXT/Bashar - Infinite Variations Within All That Is.txt 6.0 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/TXT/Bashar - Past - Present - Future.txt 6.0 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/PDF/Bashar - Fourth Density And The Fourth Dimension.pdf 6.0 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/TXT/Bashar - Energy Flow in Stressful Situations.txt 6.0 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/TXT/Bashar - Vibrational Signatures and Location.txt 6.0 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/TXT/Bashar - Having Your Cake and Eating it Too .txt 6.0 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/TXT/Bashar - Energy Expansion and Connecting Into All Levels.txt 6.0 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/TXT/Bashar - Expressing Integrity and Flow With Clients.txt 6.0 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/TXT/Bashar - Dialogues with Future and Past Selves.txt 6.0 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/TXT/Bashar - Integrity and Karma.txt 6.0 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/TXT/Bashar - Transforming Our World.txt 6.0 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/TXT/Bashar - The Essassani Lifestyle.txt 6.0 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/TXT/Bashar - Positive and Negative Integrity.txt 6.0 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/TXT/Bashar - Fourth Density Co Creating With Children.txt 6.0 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/PDF/Bashar - Enjoying The Flow Of Creativity.pdf 6.0 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/TXT/Bashar - Creating a Conducive Atmosphere for ET Contact.txt 6.0 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/TXT/Bashar - Holistic Healing.txt 6.0 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/PDF/Bashar - Doing It.pdf 6.0 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/PDF/Bashar - Synchronicity Story.pdf 6.0 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/TXT/Bashar - Galactic Interactions.txt 6.0 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/PDF/Bashar - 4Th Density Children.pdf 6.0 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/TXT/Bashar - Interpretation of a Dream and Landlords.txt 6.0 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/TXT/Bashar - Earths New Heartbeat 10 20 95.txt 5.9 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/TXT/Bashar - Gold And Water And Light Balancing.txt 5.9 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/TXT/Bashar - Meditation and Imagination.txt 5.9 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/TXT/Bashar - The Bubble of Acceptability.txt 5.9 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/PDF/Bashar - Frames Of Reference.pdf 5.9 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/TXT/Bashar - Fourth Density Co-Creating With Children.txt 5.9 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/PDF/Bashar - The Essence Of Love.pdf 5.9 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/PDF/Bashar - Integrated Behavior.pdf 5.9 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/TXT/Bashar - Gabriel Energy.txt 5.9 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/TXT/Bashar - Connecting With Father’s Spirit.txt 5.9 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/PDF/Bashar - Trust In The Positive.pdf 5.9 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/PDF/Bashar - A Cat-like Race Of Beings.pdf 5.9 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/TXT/Bashar - Swimming in the Energy Sea.txt 5.9 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/TXT/Bashar - Individual and Planetary Energy Shifts.txt 5.9 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/PDF/Bashar - Adjusting To Planetary Fluctuations.pdf 5.9 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/TXT/Bashar - Connecting With Father's Spirit.txt 5.9 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/PDF/Bashar - Healing Energies For Spine And Back.pdf 5.9 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/TXT/Bashar - Judgment and Polarity and Train Analogy.txt 5.9 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/PDF/Bashar - The Civilization In The Barnard Star System.pdf 5.9 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/TXT/Bashar - Crystals and A Stepfather and Vibrational Choices.txt 5.9 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/TXT/Bashar - Foundational Ideas for Living in Fourth Density.txt 5.9 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/TXT/Bashar - Good and Evil and Positive and Negative.txt 5.9 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/TXT/Bashar - Creating New Projects and Being Married.txt 5.9 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/TXT/Bashar - Alternate Probable Realities and Selves.txt 5.9 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/PDF/Bashar - Analogies Of Dimensional Realities.pdf 5.9 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/TXT/Bashar - Harvesting.txt 5.9 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/TXT/Bashar - Fun Time and Populations of Essassani and Earth.txt 5.9 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/TXT/Bashar - Planetary Assistants and Different Spiritual Paths.txt 5.9 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/TXT/Bashar - Prediction and Free Will.txt 5.8 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/TXT/Bashar - The Universe Comes To You.txt 5.8 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/TXT/Bashar - Creating A Blueprint From Your Imagination.txt 5.8 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/TXT/Bashar - Standing Your Ground.txt 5.8 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/TXT/Bashar - Increasing Longevity and Pyramid Construction.txt 5.8 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/TXT/Bashar - The Meaning You Give Defines Your Reality.txt 5.8 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/TXT/Bashar - Genetic Manipulations.txt 5.8 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/TXT/Bashar - Relating To The Observer.txt 5.8 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/TXT/Bashar - Becoming the Dimension Itself.txt 5.8 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/TXT/Bashar - The Paradigm of the Essassani.txt 5.8 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/TXT/Bashar - Twin Flame and Craft Sighting Experience.txt 5.8 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/TXT/Bashar - Creating A Blueprint From Your Imagination.txt 5.8 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/TXT/Bashar - Bridging the Time Track.txt 5.8 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/PDF/Bashar - Ascended Masters And Our Higher Selves.pdf 5.8 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/TXT/Bashar - The Indigo Children and the New Culture.txt 5.8 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/TXT/Bashar - Mother Ship Description.txt 5.8 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/TXT/Bashar - Dolphin Sadness and Fear-Based Books.txt 5.8 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/PDF/Bashar - Pyramids And Expanding The Auric Field.pdf 5.8 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/TXT/Bashar - Suing Others and Abundance and Self-Assertion.txt 5.8 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/PDF/Bashar - Difficult Personal Relationship.pdf 5.8 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/PDF/Bashar - Choosing A Positive Reality.pdf 5.8 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/TXT/Bashar - Vibrational Resonance of Relationships.txt 5.8 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/PDF/Bashar - Releasing Judgment And Fear.pdf 5.8 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/TXT/Bashar - Planetary Reflections and Accessing Knowledge.txt 5.8 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/TXT/Bashar - Earth Spacecraft and Healing a Foot Injury.txt 5.8 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/TXT/Bashar - Weather as Emotional Reflection.txt 5.8 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/PDF/Bashar - Ancient Knowledge And Amalgams.pdf 5.8 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/PDF/Bashar - Aging And Life Review.pdf 5.8 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/PDF/Bashar - Taking It In Stride.pdf 5.8 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/TXT/Bashar - Key of Perception.txt 5.8 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/TXT/Bashar - Victims and Perpetrators and Social Beliefs.txt 5.7 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/TXT/Bashar - Representing a Positive Reality.txt 5.7 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/TXT/Bashar - Past Life Recall and Spirit Guide Communication.txt 5.7 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/TXT/Bashar - Tesla and Waste Containment Fields.txt 5.7 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/PDF/Bashar - Seismic Sensitivity.pdf 5.7 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/TXT/Bashar - Jennifer's Bashar List Session.txt 5.7 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/TXT/Bashar - Keying into the Frequencies.txt 5.7 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/PDF/Bashar - Workshop NM Side II.pdf 5.7 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/PDF/Bashar - Trusting Your Lifes Unfoldment.pdf 5.7 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/TXT/Bashar - Soul Aspects and Trusting the Timing.txt 5.7 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/PDF/Bashar - Payoffs And Generating Your Reality.pdf 5.7 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/PDF/Bashar - Predicting The Future II.pdf 5.7 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/PDF/Bashar - Invalidating.pdf 5.7 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/TXT/Bashar - Pain and Suffering.txt 5.7 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/TXT/Bashar - Expressing Abundance.txt 5.7 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/PDF/Bashar - CLOSE RELATIONS.pdf 5.7 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/PDF/Bashar - Eagles And Dolphins And Owls.pdf 5.7 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/TXT/Bashar - Bird Symbolism and Committing Suicide.txt 5.7 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/TXT/Bashar - In Your Own Unique Way.txt 5.7 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/PDF/Bashar - Definitions And The 33 - Second Technique.pdf 5.7 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/PDF/Bashar - Crop Circle Templates.pdf 5.7 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/TXT/Bashar - The Ego.txt 5.7 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/PDF/Bashar - Spiritual Manipulation.pdf 5.7 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/TXT/Bashar - Spacecraft Description.txt 5.6 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/TXT/Bashar - Integrity Check and Pluto's Binary System.txt 5.6 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/TXT/Bashar - The Fabric Of Existence Is Love And Light.txt 5.6 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/TXT/Bashar - Contact With Extraterrestrial Beings.txt 5.6 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/TXT/Bashar - Film Strip Analogy.txt 5.6 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/TXT/Bashar - A Past Life Reflection.txt 5.6 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/PDF/Bashar - Experiencing Earth Changes.pdf 5.6 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/TXT/Bashar - Miracles and a Symbol of Support.txt 5.6 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/TXT/Bashar - Thought and Manifestation.txt 5.6 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/TXT/Bashar - Healing a Hand and ET and Government Project.txt 5.6 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/TXT/Bashar - Hawaii and Planetary Transformation.txt 5.6 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/PDF/Bashar - Manifestation Of Counterpart Selves.pdf 5.6 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/PDF/Bashar - Love Making.pdf 5.6 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/TXT/Bashar - Teleportation and Flowing With Joy.txt 5.6 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/TXT/Bashar - Sharing Dreams and Perception Filters.txt 5.6 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/TXT/Bashar - Creating The Human Vehicle and Transmuting Toxicity.txt 5.6 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/TXT/Bashar - Kachinas and Lemuria and Vortex Energies.txt 5.6 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/TXT/Bashar - Missions of Love.txt 5.6 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/TXT/Bashar - Accepting What Is and Transformation.txt 5.6 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/TXT/Bashar - Having the Boldness of Your Convictions.txt 5.6 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/TXT/Bashar - Wake Up and Dream.txt 5.6 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/PDF/Bashar - Rogue Greys.pdf 5.6 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/TXT/Bashar - Missions of Lov1.txt 5.6 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/TXT/Bashar - Parallel Versions of Atlantis.txt 5.6 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/PDF/Bashar - Creating Your Past From Your Present.pdf 5.5 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/TXT/Bashar - The Elevator Analogy.txt 5.5 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/TXT/Bashar - Perfect Timing.txt 5.5 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/PDF/Bashar - Unconditional Love II.pdf 5.5 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/TXT/Bashar - Wanting To Know It All.txt 5.5 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/TXT/Bashar - Asthma.txt 5.5 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/PDF/Bashar - Integrating The Ten Dimensions Into Your Energy Field.pdf 5.5 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/TXT/Bashar - Jealousy and Loneliness.txt 5.5 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/PDF/Bashar - Tau Ceti Transmissions And The Starlight Coalition.pdf 5.5 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/PDF/Bashar - Sun Beings.pdf 5.5 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/TXT/Bashar - Communicating With the Departed.txt 5.5 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/TXT/Bashar - RESONANCE IDENTIFICATION.txt 5.5 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/TXT/Bashar - Transcending the Definition of Being Only Human.txt 5.5 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/TXT/Bashar - Experiencing Forgetfulness and Limitation.txt 5.5 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/TXT/Bashar - An Exciting Journey and a Temporal Vortex.txt 5.5 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/TXT/Bashar - Troubled Relationship.txt 5.5 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/TXT/Bashar - Dream-Weaver and Storyteller.txt 5.5 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/TXT/Bashar - Humanity's Genetic Restructuring.txt 5.5 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/TXT/Bashar - Sons of Light and Darkness and Earth History.txt 5.5 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/TXT/Bashar - DARKNESS.txt 5.5 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/TXT/Bashar - Reincarnation and Suicide and Abortion.txt 5.5 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/TXT/Bashar - Answering Yourself and Acting It Out In Dreams.txt 5.5 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/PDF/Bashar - THE PHOTON BELT.pdf 5.5 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/TXT/Bashar - Humanity's Psychic and Physical Restructuring.txt 5.5 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/TXT/Bashar - Balancing Yourself.txt 5.5 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/TXT/Bashar - The Saturn Council and Wavelength Identification.txt 5.5 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/PDF/Bashar - Pyramid And Cone Shapes.pdf 5.5 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/TXT/Bashar - ET Human Agendas and Mind Control.txt 5.5 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/TXT/Bashar - Hanging In Space.txt 5.5 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/TXT/Bashar - New Questions from B 10-22-02.txt 5.5 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/TXT/Bashar - Short-Circuiting the Body and Wearing Leather.txt 5.4 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/PDF/Bashar - Invalidation And Judgment.pdf 5.4 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/TXT/Bashar - Shining Your Inner Light.txt 5.4 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/TXT/Bashar - Paradox and Dolphins.txt 5.4 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/TXT/Bashar - Determining Earths Future Reality.txt 5.4 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/PDF/Bashar - The Front.pdf 5.4 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/TXT/Bashar - Accelerating to Match the Template.txt 5.4 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/PDF/Bashar - Stars.pdf 5.4 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/PDF/Bashar - Threads In The Tapestry.pdf 5.4 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/PDF/Bashar - 11 - 11 - 666.pdf 5.4 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/TXT/Bashar - Petroglyphs.txt 5.4 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/TXT/Bashar - Phase Shifting to Other Dimensional Realms.txt 5.4 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/PDF/Bashar - Mars, Earth, Orion Connection.pdf 5.4 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/TXT/Bashar - Redefining Earth Change Prophecies.txt 5.4 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/TXT/Bashar - Martian Connections.txt 5.4 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/PDF/Bashar - Space Time Origin Points.pdf 5.4 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/TXT/Bashar - Identity Paradox and Abundance.txt 5.4 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/TXT/Bashar - Manifestation and Telepathy.txt 5.4 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/TXT/Bashar - The Role Of Spirit Guides.txt 5.4 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/TXT/Bashar - Animal Reflections.txt 5.4 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/TXT/Bashar - Self Empowerment from 8 Senses 5 15 88 Workshop.txt 5.4 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/TXT/Bashar - Roommates.txt 5.4 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/TXT/Bashar - Planetary Doorway And Unity Consciousness.txt 5.4 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/TXT/Bashar - Positive Learning and Integrity and Integration.txt 5.4 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/TXT/Bashar - Humor and Government and Reincarnation.txt 5.4 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/TXT/Bashar - ASSOCIATION BUSINESS .txt 5.3 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/TXT/Bashar - Lost Love.txt 5.3 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/PDF/Bashar - Non Resistance.pdf 5.3 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/TXT/Bashar - Telepathy and Channeling and Dolphins.txt 5.3 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/TXT/Bashar - Societal Perspectives.txt 5.3 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/PDF/Bashar - Receiving With Grace.pdf 5.3 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/TXT/Bashar - Tones of Alignment.txt 5.3 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/TXT/Bashar - Expressing Who You Are.txt 5.3 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/TXT/Bashar - Sirius Energy and An Atlantean Metal.txt 5.3 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/TXT/Bashar - Agreements Between ETs and Humans.txt 5.3 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/PDF/Bashar - Animal Reflections And Guidance.pdf 5.3 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/TXT/Bashar - Archetypes and Dolphin Assistance to Humanity.txt 5.3 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/PDF/Bashar - Picking Apart The Tapestry.pdf 5.3 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/TXT/Bashar - Transforming the World with Unconditional Love.txt 5.3 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/TXT/Bashar - Mirror of Your Consciousness.txt 5.3 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/TXT/Bashar - Oversoul Higher self and Soulmate.txt 5.3 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/TXT/Bashar - Experiencing Expanded Awareness.txt 5.3 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/TXT/Bashar - Afterlife Experiences.txt 5.3 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/TXT/Bashar - Balancing and The Path of Least Resistance.txt 5.3 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/TXT/Bashar - Scientology Structures and Orion Energies.txt 5.3 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/TXT/Bashar - Expressing Yourself as an Integrated Idea.txt 5.3 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/TXT/Bashar - Parallel and Alternate Dimensional Expressions.txt 5.3 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/TXT/Bashar - Paths and Goals.txt 5.3 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/TXT/Bashar - An Effortless State and Defining Autism.txt 5.3 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/TXT/Bashar - Water Experiment and Illness From Last Life.txt 5.3 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/TXT/Bashar - Facilitating Cetacean and Human Communication.txt 5.3 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/TXT/Bashar - Star Trek.txt 5.3 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/PDF/Bashar - Sleep Patterns.pdf 5.3 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/TXT/Bashar - Latitudinal Dynamics and Releasing UFO Information.txt 5.3 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/TXT/Bashar - Philosophy and Imagination in Transformation.txt 5.3 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/TXT/Bashar - StayingGroundedWhenExploringHigherRealms.txt 5.3 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/TXT/Bashar - Staying Grounded When Exploring Higher Realms.txt 5.3 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/TXT/Bashar - Sassani Society.txt 5.3 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/TXT/Bashar - Sightings And Pleiadian Contacts.txt 5.3 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/PDF/Bashar - Craft Sightings And Multidimensional Awareness.pdf 5.2 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/TXT/Bashar - Dolphin Encounter.txt 5.2 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/TXT/Bashar - Integrating Right and Left Brain Hemispheres.txt 5.2 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/TXT/Bashar - ddddddddd.txt 5.2 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/TXT/Bashar - Struggle and Preference in Relationships.txt 5.2 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/TXT/Bashar - Diseases, Cures and Belief Systems.txt 5.2 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/TXT/Bashar - AIDS Patients and Healing Disease.txt 5.2 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/TXT/Bashar - Galactic Communications -- Shifting Reality Tracks.txt 5.2 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/TXT/Bashar - Kachina Energy and a Transformational Creature.txt 5.2 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/TXT/Bashar - Questions and Answers and Labeling Entities.txt 5.2 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/PDF/Bashar - Uluru.pdf 5.2 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/TXT/Bashar - Abundance Scenarios.txt 5.2 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/TXT/Bashar - Humor and Past Life Connections to the Present.txt 5.2 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/TXT/Bashar - Self-Judgment and Winning and Losing.txt 5.2 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/TXT/Bashar - Allergies and Dream Processes.txt 5.2 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/TXT/Bashar - Hummingbirds and Owls.txt 5.2 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/TXT/Bashar - Assistance For Healing a Child.txt 5.2 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/TXT/Bashar - The Number Thirteen.txt 5.2 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/TXT/Bashar - Materializing, Insanity and Cognition.txt 5.2 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/PDF/Bashar - It Is Always Now.pdf 5.2 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/PDF/Bashar - The DNA Helix And The Twelve Strands.pdf 5.2 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/TXT/Bashar - Subtle Variations in Methods of Communication.txt 5.2 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/TXT/Bashar - Understanding It Is All One Thing.txt 5.2 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/TXT/Bashar - Colors and Crystals.txt 5.2 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/TXT/Bashar - Redefining Government and All People Are Equal.txt 5.2 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/TXT/Bashar - Leaving Your Body.txt 5.2 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/TXT/Bashar - Victims and Perpetrators.txt 5.2 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/TXT/Bashar - Solar System Dynamics and Counterpart Planets.txt 5.2 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/TXT/Bashar - Positive and Negative Good and Evil.txt 5.2 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/TXT/Bashar - The Crucible Meditation.txt 5.2 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/TXT/Bashar - Yardsticks.txt 5.2 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/PDF/Bashar - Vulnerability.pdf 5.2 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/TXT/Bashar - More AbsolutesPrime Radiant .txt 5.2 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/TXT/Bashar - What You Are - edit.txt 5.2 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/TXT/Bashar - Universals, Karma and the Soul.txt 5.1 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/TXT/Bashar - DARKNESS and Evil.txt 5.1 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/TXT/Bashar - Expanding Beyond the Body.txt 5.1 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/TXT/Bashar - Methodology of Karma.txt 5.1 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/TXT/Bashar - Time Travel.txt 5.1 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/TXT/Bashar - Identifying With A Civilization's Vibration.txt 5.1 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/TXT/Bashar - Plant Reflections and Loving Unconditionally.txt 5.1 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/PDF/Bashar - Subjectivity.pdf 5.1 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/TXT/Bashar - Overeating.txt 5.1 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/TXT/Bashar - Ways Of Transition.txt 5.1 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/TXT/Bashar - Religions Finding Unity by Granting Equality.txt 5.1 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/TXT/Bashar - Individuality Within Oneness.txt 5.1 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/PDF/Bashar - ET Interactions And The Aura.pdf 5.1 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/PDF/Bashar - Patience.pdf 5.1 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/TXT/Bashar - Integrating a Segregated Consciousness and Nightmares.txt 5.1 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/PDF/Bashar - Your Mission.pdf 5.1 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/TXT/Bashar - Frequency Alignment and Relationships.txt 5.1 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/TXT/Bashar - BEING MOTHER .txt 5.1 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/TXT/Bashar - Soul Mates and Self Completeness.txt 5.1 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/PDF/Bashar - One Complete Idea Reflecting On Itself.pdf 5.1 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/PDF/Bashar - Disclosures 6 - 6 - 97.pdf 5.1 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/TXT/Bashar - Positive Transformation.txt 5.1 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/TXT/Bashar - Global Energy Gate and Consciousness Equation.txt 5.1 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/TXT/Bashar - Hybrids on Earth.txt 5.1 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/PDF/Bashar - Post Technological Advancements.pdf 5.0 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/TXT/Bashar - House Meditation and Integrating Negative Experiences.txt 5.0 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/TXT/Bashar - Acting On What You Prefer.txt 5.0 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/TXT/Bashar - Family Associations.txt 5.0 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/TXT/Bashar - Collective Threshold Point.txt 5.0 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/TXT/Bashar - Ecstatic Realizations.txt 5.0 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/TXT/Bashar - Forming Connections to Other Realties.txt 5.0 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/TXT/Bashar - Martians Contact.txt 5.0 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/TXT/Bashar - Awakening Each Other.txt 5.0 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/TXT/Bashar - Mercury Retrograde and Taking a New Step.txt 5.0 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/TXT/Bashar - Negative Predictions and Positive Outcomes.txt 5.0 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/PDF/Bashar - Expanding The Transformational Life.pdf 5.0 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/TXT/Bashar - Pain and Blocks and Connecting With All That Is.txt 5.0 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/TXT/Bashar - Infinite Choice.txt 5.0 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/TXT/Bashar - Transformational Choices And World Peace.txt 5.0 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/TXT/Bashar - Imagination and Idea.txt 5.0 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/TXT/Bashar - Looking Your True Age & Buying Into Insurance.txt 5.0 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/PDF/Bashar - A Joyful Life.pdf 5.0 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/TXT/Bashar - Reptilians Greys Anunnaki.txt 5.0 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/TXT/Bashar - Emotions and Stupidity and Judgment.txt 5.0 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/TXT/Bashar - The Flower of Life and Plutonic Solids.txt 5.0 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/PDF/Bashar - Unity Through Equality.pdf 5.0 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/PDF/Bashar - THE TESSERACT AND REMOTE VIEWING.pdf 5.0 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/TXT/Bashar - Knowingness and Expressing Equality in Love.txt 5.0 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/TXT/Bashar - Healing Assistance for Eyes.txt 5.0 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/TXT/Bashar - Life's Process and Love's Fulfillment.txt 5.0 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/PDF/Bashar - Body Recuperation Technique.pdf 5.0 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/PDF/Bashar - Point Of View 2.pdf 5.0 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/TXT/Bashar - Agreements With Incarnating Souls.txt 5.0 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/TXT/Bashar - Communicating With Governments About Peace.txt 5.0 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/TXT/Bashar - Creative Relationships II.txt 5.0 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/TXT/Bashar - The Experience of Polarity.txt 5.0 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/TXT/Bashar - Right or Wrong - Final edit - .txt 5.0 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/PDF/Bashar - Projected Illusions.pdf 5.0 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/PDF/Bashar - A Story About The Physical Universe.pdf 5.0 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/TXT/Bashar - Self Discovery in The Here and Now.txt 5.0 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/TXT/Bashar - Bashar Tape Catalog 1985-1997.txt 5.0 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/TXT/Bashar - The Flower of Life and Plutonic Solids (1).txt 4.9 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/PDF/Bashar - Positive Manifestation.pdf 4.9 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/TXT/Bashar - Anunnaki Connections.txt 4.9 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/TXT/Bashar - Purification Experiences and The Causal Plane.txt 4.9 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/TXT/Bashar - Paths of Integration and Separation.txt 4.9 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/PDF/Bashar - Healing By Letting Go.pdf 4.9 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/TXT/Bashar - Prenatal Communication and Hybrid Plant Forms.txt 4.9 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/TXT/Bashar - Inventing a Career.txt 4.9 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/PDF/Bashar - Death As A Symbol.pdf 4.9 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/PDF/Bashar - Eyesight Symbol.pdf 4.9 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/TXT/Bashar - ET Impetus For Taking Back Individual Responsibility.txt 4.9 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/TXT/Bashar - In Tune With All That Is.txt 4.9 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/PDF/Bashar - DNA.pdf 4.9 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/TXT/Bashar - Brain Function in Dolphins and Humans.txt 4.9 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/TXT/Bashar - Awareness and a Channeling Environment.txt 4.9 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/TXT/Bashar - The Library Analogy.txt 4.9 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/TXT/Bashar - Dolphins and Accelerated Energies.txt 4.9 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/PDF/Bashar - The Adolescent Stage.pdf 4.9 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/TXT/Bashar - Spacecraft Associated With Global Energy Points.txt 4.9 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/TXT/Bashar - Essassani Lifespans and Counterparts.txt 4.9 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/TXT/Bashar - Predicting the Future.txt 4.9 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/TXT/Bashar - Poltergeist Phenomena and Animal Symbology.txt 4.9 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/PDF/Bashar - Eating Animals, And Dolphin And Human Incarnations.pdf 4.9 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/TXT/Bashar - Past Annunaki Connections.txt 4.9 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/TXT/Bashar - Inter-dimensional Experiences.txt 4.9 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/PDF/Bashar - Preparing For Ascension.pdf 4.9 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/PDF/Bashar - ABUNDANCE.pdf 4.9 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/TXT/Bashar - Cycles.txt 4.9 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/TXT/Bashar - Abundance, Imagination and Cat Symbology.txt 4.9 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/TXT/Bashar - Selective Reflections of Each Others Totality.txt 4.9 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/TXT/Bashar - Friendships in the Time of Transformation.txt 4.9 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/TXT/Bashar - Natural Changes About Food and Energy.txt 4.9 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/PDF/Bashar - Dolphins Intertwined With Humanity.pdf 4.9 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/TXT/Bashar - Listening To Yourself.txt 4.9 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/TXT/Bashar - Shower Dream and Anasazi Connection.txt 4.9 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/TXT/Bashar - Out of Body Projection and Indra’s Net.txt 4.9 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/TXT/Bashar - Recognition of the Self Beyond the Problem.txt 4.8 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/TXT/Bashar - Frequency Domains.txt 4.8 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/TXT/Bashar - Sassani Ideas on Relationships and Children.txt 4.8 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/PDF/Bashar - The Bond Of Love.pdf 4.8 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/PDF/Bashar - Tectonic & Nuclear Stabalization.pdf 4.8 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/TXT/Bashar - The Self.txt 4.8 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/TXT/Bashar - Simultaneous Multidimensional Experiences.txt 4.8 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/TXT/Bashar - Suicide.txt 4.8 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/TXT/Bashar - Accelerating Your Frequency to Access Higher Dimensions.txt 4.8 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/TXT/Bashar - Out of Body Projection and Indra's Net.txt 4.8 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/PDF/Bashar - Atlantean Connections.pdf 4.8 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/PDF/Bashar - Holograms And Consciousness.pdf 4.8 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/TXT/Bashar - Relationships and Families.txt 4.8 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/TXT/Bashar - Human and Cetacean Soul Connection.txt 4.8 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/TXT/Bashar - Signature Vibrations.txt 4.8 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/PDF/Bashar - Point Of View.pdf 4.8 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/TXT/Bashar - Exploring a Past Life With Mother and Soulmates.txt 4.8 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/TXT/Bashar - Multiple Relationships.txt 4.8 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/TXT/Bashar - Experiencing and Healing Multiple Sclerosis.txt 4.8 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/PDF/Bashar - The Master Within.pdf 4.8 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/TXT/Bashar - Positive Choices and Fine-Tuning.txt 4.8 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/TXT/Bashar - Communication Formations.txt 4.8 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/TXT/Bashar - Equality and Living Your Joy.txt 4.8 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/TXT/Bashar - Foundations of the United States.txt 4.8 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/TXT/Bashar - Healing Cancer and Feeling Under Attack.txt 4.8 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/TXT/Bashar - Living Completely in Each Moment.txt 4.8 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/TXT/Bashar - A Transformational Experience.txt 4.8 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/TXT/Bashar - Descriptions of Behavioral States.txt 4.8 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/TXT/Bashar - Transformational Assistance From ET Contact.txt 4.8 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/TXT/Bashar - Blending the Waking and Dreaming States.txt 4.8 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/TXT/Bashar - Connections To Venus and Completeness.txt 4.8 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/PDF/Bashar - Santa Fe As As Frequency Doorway.pdf 4.8 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/TXT/Bashar - Living the Ideas You Create in Your Life.txt 4.8 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/TXT/Bashar - Accelerating Your Frequency to Access Other Dimensions.txt 4.8 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/TXT/Bashar - Greys Electromagnetheric Frequency 5 2 97.txt 4.7 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/TXT/Bashar - Association_Earth 3-26-87.txt 4.7 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/TXT/Bashar - ET Encounters.txt 4.7 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/TXT/Bashar - Music on Essassani and Interacting with ETs.txt 4.7 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/TXT/Bashar - Perceiving Interactions Within Energy Fields.txt 4.7 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/TXT/Bashar - Trusting Your Psychic Awareness.txt 4.7 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/TXT/Bashar - Being the Master Crystal.txt 4.7 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/TXT/Bashar - Incarnational Scenarios.txt 4.7 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/TXT/Bashar - Farmers Who Commit Suicide and Their Reincarnation.txt 4.7 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/TXT/Bashar - Growing Crystals.txt 4.7 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/PDF/Bashar - CONTACT.pdf 4.7 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/TXT/Bashar - Crystal Keys.txt 4.7 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/TXT/Bashar - Quetzalcoatl Returns.txt 4.7 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/PDF/Bashar - Healing Through Reconfiguration.pdf 4.7 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/TXT/Bashar - Taking the Middle Road.txt 4.7 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/TXT/Bashar - Acceleration of Contact with ET Civilizations.txt 4.7 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/TXT/Bashar - Politics and Reality Levels.txt 4.7 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/TXT/Bashar - Many Faces of One Reality.txt 4.7 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/TXT/Bashar - Spaceship Earth and Fourth Density Transition.txt 4.7 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/PDF/Bashar - Hummingbird Symbology.pdf 4.7 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/PDF/Bashar - The Present.pdf 4.7 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/TXT/Bashar - Being An Exception To The Rule.txt 4.7 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/TXT/Bashar - DNA Beings.txt 4.7 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/PDF/Bashar - Y2k - & - Stock Market - Toronto II.pdf 4.7 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/TXT/Bashar - Notes on RSVP.txt 4.7 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/PDF/Bashar - Tau Ceti & Quetzalcoatl Interactions.pdf 4.7 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/TXT/Bashar - Viewing Events From a Lifetime’s Perspective.txt 4.7 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/TXT/Bashar - Sculpting Your Signature Vibration.txt 4.7 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/TXT/Bashar - Psychic Functioning.txt 4.7 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/PDF/Bashar - Love Is All That Is.pdf 4.7 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/TXT/Bashar - Artificial Intelligence.txt 4.6 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/TXT/Bashar - Opening Doors of Communication.txt 4.6 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/TXT/Bashar - Money and Being of Service.txt 4.6 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/PDF/Bashar - Predictions - Scallion.pdf 4.6 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/TXT/Bashar - Life does not happen to you.txt 4.6 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/TXT/Bashar - Creating With Joy and Ease.txt 4.6 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/TXT/Bashar - RSVP.txt 4.6 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/TXT/Bashar - Vortex Gates and Karma and Healing.txt 4.6 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/TXT/Bashar - Expressing Oversoul Concepts in Physical Life.txt 4.6 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/PDF/Bashar - Synchronizing Frequencies.pdf 4.6 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/PDF/Bashar - Hyperconductive And Superconductive States Of Being.pdf 4.6 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/TXT/Bashar - Knowledge.txt 4.6 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/TXT/Bashar - The Void And The Personality.txt 4.6 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/TXT/Bashar - Creating So-called Solutons.txt 4.6 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/TXT/Bashar - Observers and Visionaries.txt 4.6 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/PDF/Bashar - Breathe, Breathe, Breathe.pdf 4.6 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/TXT/Bashar - A Window For The Cosmos.txt 4.6 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/TXT/Bashar - Schizophrenia Case and Vortex Points.txt 4.6 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/TXT/Bashar - EPILEPSY.txt 4.6 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/TXT/Bashar - Dissolving Walls of Separation.txt 4.6 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/TXT/Bashar - Gateway Thresholds and Dolphin and ET Contact.txt 4.6 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/TXT/Bashar - Everyone Makes A Difference.txt 4.6 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/PDF/Bashar - Solidifying Synchronicity.pdf 4.6 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/TXT/Bashar - Gaining Weight.txt 4.6 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/TXT/Bashar - Excitement and Opportunity.txt 4.6 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/TXT/Bashar - Oversouls and Personalities.txt 4.6 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/PDF/Bashar - Neutral Situations.pdf 4.6 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/PDF/Bashar - Sirius Energy Manifestations.pdf 4.6 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/PDF/Bashar - Children.pdf 4.6 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/TXT/Bashar - Simultaneous Meditations and Motion.txt 4.6 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/TXT/Bashar - The Anunnaki.txt 4.6 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/TXT/Bashar - Timing of Conception and Taking Words Literally.txt 4.6 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/TXT/Bashar - Teeth Symbolism.txt 4.6 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/TXT/Bashar - Dissolving Walls of Consciousness.txt 4.6 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/TXT/Bashar - Willingness.txt 4.6 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/PDF/Bashar - Photon Belt II.pdf 4.5 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/TXT/Bashar - You are Complete.txt 4.5 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/TXT/Bashar - Expressing Your Preferences Without Judgment.txt 4.5 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/TXT/Bashar - Earth Reflections.txt 4.5 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/PDF/Bashar - Male Sexual Balance.pdf 4.5 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/PDF/Bashar - The Consciousness Factor In Mathematical Equations.pdf 4.5 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/TXT/Bashar - Species Creation and Sentiency.txt 4.5 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/TXT/Bashar - Sasquatch as Second Creation of Anunnaki.txt 4.5 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/TXT/Bashar - Angelic Expressions and Dolphins on Essassani.txt 4.5 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/PDF/Bashar - Eating And Getting Fat.pdf 4.5 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/TXT/Bashar - Pure of Tone Edit.txt 4.5 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/TXT/Bashar - Pyramid Initiations and Rewriting Your Definitions.txt 4.5 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/PDF/Bashar - Physical Aging.pdf 4.5 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/TXT/Bashar - Remembering Who We Are.txt 4.5 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/TXT/Bashar - Ascension – Vibrational Acceleration.txt 4.5 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/TXT/Bashar - Creating Less Time.txt 4.5 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/TXT/Bashar - Redefining Beliefs About War And Technology.txt 4.5 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/PDF/Bashar - Frequency Representations.pdf 4.5 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/TXT/Bashar - An Unbroken Wholeness.txt 4.5 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/TXT/Bashar - Global Unification and the New World Order.txt 4.5 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/PDF/Bashar - Orca Communications.pdf 4.5 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/TXT/Bashar - Eternal and Infinite Beings.txt 4.5 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/TXT/Bashar - Blending of Male and Female Aspects.txt 4.5 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/TXT/Bashar - Record-Keeper Crystals and Child-Like Guides.txt 4.5 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/TXT/Bashar - Brain Function and Orion and Essassani.txt 4.5 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/TXT/Bashar - Suicide and Self-Empowerment and Guilt.txt 4.5 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/TXT/Bashar - A Mother and Son Relationship.txt 4.5 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/TXT/Bashar - Essassani Creativity and Society.txt 4.5 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/PDF/Bashar - Spiritual And Physical Creation.pdf 4.5 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/TXT/Bashar - Commitments and Agreements.txt 4.5 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/TXT/Bashar - Expressing Emotion.txt 4.5 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/TXT/Bashar - Consciousness Creates Everything.txt 4.5 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/PDF/Bashar - Hybrids And Shakana.pdf 4.5 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/TXT/Bashar - Ascension - Vibrational Acceleration.txt 4.5 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/PDF/Bashar - Interdimensional Interface.pdf 4.5 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/TXT/Bashar - Sai Baba.txt 4.5 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/TXT/Bashar - Rising of the Intuitive and Vibrational Orientation.txt 4.4 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/TXT/Bashar - Reading Cards & Stones.txt 4.4 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/TXT/Bashar - Accelerated Energy Levels and Breathing.txt 4.4 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/TXT/Bashar - Artificial Shells of Emotionality.txt 4.4 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/TXT/Bashar - Emotions as Key to Manifestation.txt 4.4 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/TXT/Bashar - Water and Electromagnetics and Auric Fields.txt 4.4 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/TXT/Bashar - Discovering a Child’s Motivation to Learn.txt 4.4 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/TXT/Bashar - Friendship And Multidimensionality.txt 4.4 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/PDF/Bashar - Sirius Energy.pdf 4.4 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/TXT/Bashar - Dream Reflection Of Mass Consciousness Reality.txt 4.4 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/TXT/Bashar - Dolphin Go-Between and Diffusing Of Focus.txt 4.4 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/TXT/Bashar - Different Lives.txt 4.4 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/PDF/Bashar - Excitement.pdf 4.4 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/TXT/Bashar - Mother and Daughter’s Past Life Relationships.txt 4.4 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/TXT/Bashar - Exploring Higher Densities.txt 4.4 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/TXT/Bashar - Symbols and Telepathy.txt 4.4 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/TXT/Bashar - Learning as Remembering.txt 4.4 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/TXT/Bashar - Media Reflections.txt 4.4 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/PDF/Bashar - Believability.pdf 4.4 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/TXT/Bashar - Native American Assistance and Mind Reading.txt 4.4 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/TXT/Bashar - Discovering a Child's Motivation to Learn.txt 4.4 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/TXT/Bashar - Deserving Ecstasy.txt 4.4 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/TXT/Bashar - Eternal Experience and Seven Levels.txt 4.4 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/TXT/Bashar - Scepticism.txt 4.4 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/TXT/Bashar - Dolphin Energy Assists a Child’s Vibration.txt 4.4 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/TXT/Bashar - Malleability and Daydream Communication.txt 4.4 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/TXT/Bashar - The Paradox Connection.txt 4.4 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/TXT/Bashar - Co-Creation with a Cat and Sleep Patterns.txt 4.4 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/PDF/Bashar - Perceiving Sirius B.pdf 4.4 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/TXT/Bashar - Planetary Interconnections.txt 4.4 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/TXT/Bashar - The Federation and The Grey Civilization.txt 4.4 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/TXT/Bashar - Healing of Allergies to Cats and Dogs.txt 4.4 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/TXT/Bashar - The Paradox Connection - CD Disk 2 - Question 8 - Track 6.txt 4.4 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/TXT/Bashar - Archetypes and Co-Creating.txt 4.4 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/PDF/Bashar - Interdimensional Tonality.pdf 4.4 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/TXT/Bashar - Transformation of 60s Consciousness.txt 4.3 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/TXT/Bashar - Reorientation Levels And Interconnectedness.txt 4.3 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/TXT/Bashar - Crashed Spacecraft and Abundance and Debt.txt 4.3 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/TXT/Bashar - Dolphin Energy Assists a Child's Vibration.txt 4.3 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/TXT/Bashar - Process and Change.txt 4.3 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/TXT/Bashar - Astral Interactions.txt 4.3 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/TXT/Bashar - Rewarding Disabilities.txt 4.3 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/PDF/Bashar - More Egypt 7 - 19 - 98.pdf 4.3 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/TXT/Bashar - Changing Spectrum of Races on Earth.txt 4.3 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/TXT/Bashar - Attitude is Everything.txt 4.3 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/TXT/Bashar - Preferring To Have Positive Beliefs.txt 4.3 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/TXT/Bashar - Holy Spirit and the Infinite Creator.txt 4.3 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/PDF/Bashar - Perceiving Sirius B2.pdf 4.3 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/TXT/Bashar - Transformation of 60's Consciousness.txt 4.3 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/TXT/Bashar - Spirit Guides Are Always Present.txt 4.3 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/TXT/Bashar - A Gossamer Wing and AIDS.txt 4.3 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/TXT/Bashar - Releasing through Sharing.txt 4.3 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/TXT/Bashar - Now is the Only Substantial Reality to Existence.txt 4.3 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/PDF/Bashar - Wabi Farm.pdf 4.3 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/PDF/Bashar - Wavelengths And Densities.pdf 4.3 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/TXT/Bashar - Reflections From Spiders About Overcoming Fear.txt 4.3 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/TXT/Bashar - Genetics Mind Control Abductees.txt 4.3 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/PDF/Bashar - Vibrational Alignment With Other Beings.pdf 4.3 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/PDF/Bashar - Knowledge Embodied In Ancient Structures.pdf 4.3 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/PDF/Bashar - Communicating With All Of Yourself.pdf 4.3 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/TXT/Bashar - Crystalline Craft and the E-Motion of Light.txt 4.3 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/PDF/Bashar - Whale Deaths.pdf 4.3 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/TXT/Bashar - Sassani Assistance Venice I.txt 4.3 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/TXT/Bashar - Contributing To Planetary Awakening.txt 4.3 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/TXT/Bashar - ET Movie and Crystals and Integrity Alignment.txt 4.3 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/TXT/Bashar - Energy Alignments And The Locale You Prefer.txt 4.3 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/TXT/Bashar - Whale Songs and Solar Rays.txt 4.3 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/TXT/Bashar - Sleep Cycles and Dream Communications.txt 4.3 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/TXT/Bashar - Progressive Learning and Free Will.txt 4.3 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/TXT/Bashar - Healing Conflict .txt 4.3 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/PDF/Bashar - Dolphin Enclaves 1 - 9 - 91.pdf 4.3 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/PDF/Bashar - Cosmic Interactions.pdf 4.3 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/TXT/Bashar - Assigning Meaning.txt 4.3 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/TXT/Bashar - Out of Body States and The Child Within.txt 4.2 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/TXT/Bashar - Surrending to Peace.txt 4.2 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/PDF/Bashar - Trust III.pdf 4.2 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/TXT/Bashar - Existence and Non-Existence.txt 4.2 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/TXT/Bashar - The Black League's Service to All That Is.txt 4.2 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/TXT/Bashar - Interacting With Spirit Guides.txt 4.2 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/TXT/Bashar - Experimental Societies and Planetary Concepts.txt 4.2 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/PDF/Bashar - Seeing The Electromagnetic Field.pdf 4.2 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/TXT/Bashar - Clearing the Chakra of Intention1.txt 4.2 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/TXT/Bashar - Keying In.txt 4.2 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/TXT/Bashar - Time Perceptions and Channeling Your Totality.txt 4.2 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/TXT/Bashar - Awareness of Birth Choices in Parallel Realities.txt 4.2 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/TXT/Bashar - The Gift Of Yourself.txt 4.2 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/TXT/Bashar - Soul Agreements and Dolphin Deaths.txt 4.2 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/TXT/Bashar - Imagine That - edit - P.txt 4.2 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/TXT/Bashar - Love’s Creation and Imagination.txt 4.2 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/PDF/Bashar - Be Happy.pdf 4.2 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/TXT/Bashar - Time Out.txt 4.2 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/PDF/Bashar - Dimensional Transitions.pdf 4.2 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/TXT/Bashar - Bio-Genetics.txt 4.2 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/TXT/Bashar - Letter Z and The Tetrahedron.txt 4.2 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/TXT/Bashar - Intermingling of Realities.txt 4.2 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/TXT/Bashar - Animal Reflections II.txt 4.2 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/TXT/Bashar - Sustenance.txt 4.2 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/TXT/Bashar - Whales and Dolphins and Sirius Connections.txt 4.2 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/TXT/Bashar - Interpreting Different Levels Of Consciousness.txt 4.2 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/TXT/Bashar - Communication Levels and Geometric Forms.txt 4.2 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/PDF/Bashar - Soul Mates.pdf 4.2 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/PDF/Bashar - Sending Love To Negativity.pdf 4.2 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/TXT/Bashar - Food.txt 4.2 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/TXT/Bashar - Sharing Ideas About ET Interactions.txt 4.2 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/TXT/Bashar - Earth Energy Shifts and Ecstasy is Your Birthright.txt 4.2 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/PDF/Bashar - Be Yourself 12 - 1 - 96.pdf 4.2 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/TXT/Bashar - Integrating Within the Totality of Your Being.txt 4.2 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/TXT/Bashar - Electromagnetic Energy Healing.txt 4.2 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/TXT/Bashar - Responding to Partners Focus on Conflict.txt 4.2 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/TXT/Bashar - Between Lives and Reincarnational Choices.txt 4.2 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/TXT/Bashar - Astral Sex.txt 4.2 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/TXT/Bashar - Definitions of Reality.txt 4.2 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/TXT/Bashar - Cause And Effect Are The Same Event.txt 4.2 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/TXT/Bashar - The Synchronicity of Your Life.txt 4.1 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/TXT/Bashar - Body Changes and Murder is Suicide and Beliefs.txt 4.1 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/TXT/Bashar - Crystal Remnants of Atlantis.txt 4.1 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/TXT/Bashar - Doorway to Self Expression.txt 4.1 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/TXT/Bashar - Attracting a Loving Relationship.txt 4.1 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/TXT/Bashar - Playing With Words.txt 4.1 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/TXT/Bashar - Assisting Without Judgement.txt 4.1 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/TXT/Bashar - Miracles.txt 4.1 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/TXT/Bashar - Martians and NASA.txt 4.1 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/PDF/Bashar - Multidimensional Communications.pdf 4.1 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/TXT/Bashar - Explaining Violence to Children.txt 4.1 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/TXT/Bashar - Root Races.txt 4.1 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/TXT/Bashar - Government Structure Within a Global Village.txt 4.1 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/TXT/Bashar - Spirit Guidance During Transition.txt 4.1 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/PDF/Bashar - Time - The Organizing Principle.pdf 4.1 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/TXT/Bashar - Free Will and Choice.txt 4.1 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/TXT/Bashar - Teaching Children Without Imprinting Fear.txt 4.1 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/TXT/Bashar - Rotational Speeds And Transformational Incarnations.txt 4.1 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/PDF/Bashar - Energy Transformer.pdf 4.1 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/TXT/Bashar - Wavelengths and Fourth Density.txt 4.1 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/TXT/Bashar - Poems From The Heart.txt 4.1 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/TXT/Bashar - Future Predictions 3 of 4.txt 4.1 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/TXT/Bashar - The Dal Beings.txt 4.1 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/PDF/Bashar - Aspartame.pdf 4.1 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/TXT/Bashar - Traveling Cities and Sassani Signature Vibration.txt 4.1 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/TXT/Bashar - Self imposed Karma.txt 4.1 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/TXT/Bashar - Changing A Belief In Forcing Others.txt 4.1 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/PDF/Bashar - Kachinas--extraterrestrials Extraterrestrial 4 16 87.pdf 4.1 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/TXT/Bashar - A Guided Meditation.txt 4.1 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/TXT/Bashar - Microwave Cooking and Celebrating Birthdays.txt 4.1 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/TXT/Bashar - Agreements and Pleiadian Connections.txt 4.1 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/TXT/Bashar - Choosing Reincarnational Scenarios.txt 4.1 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/PDF/Bashar - Atlantis.pdf 4.1 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/PDF/Bashar - Unlocking With Vibration.pdf 4.1 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/PDF/Bashar - Family Agreements.pdf 4.1 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/TXT/Bashar - Association Representation and Moon Structures.txt 4.1 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/TXT/Bashar - Earth and the Blending of Light in Orion Systems.txt 4.1 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/TXT/Bashar - Tetrahedrons.txt 4.1 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/PDF/Bashar - 666 And Crop Circles Frequency Vibrations.pdf 4.1 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/PDF/Bashar - Spacecraft Hyper Jumps.pdf 4.1 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/TXT/Bashar - Unknown Entities.txt 4.1 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/TXT/Bashar - Dreaming.txt 4.1 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/PDF/Bashar - Transformation Symbology.pdf 4.1 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/TXT/Bashar - Easter Island and the Connection to Mars.txt 4.1 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/TXT/Bashar - Mayan Information on Planetary Awakening.txt 4.1 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/PDF/Bashar - THE MACHINE.pdf 4.0 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/PDF/Bashar - UNCONDITONAL LOVE 7 19 98.pdf 4.0 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/TXT/Bashar - You Are Your Government.txt 4.0 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/TXT/Bashar - The Grand Canyon and Experiencing Space-Time.txt 4.0 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/TXT/Bashar - Travels In A Lucid Dream.txt 4.0 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/TXT/Bashar - First Question Points of View.txt 4.0 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/PDF/Bashar - Priorities.pdf 4.0 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/TXT/Bashar - Conviction and Lethargy and Acting Out.txt 4.0 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/PDF/Bashar - Effortless Ease.pdf 4.0 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/TXT/Bashar - AUTOMATIC TUNING.txt 4.0 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/TXT/Bashar - Preparing for Tau Ceti Interactions.txt 4.0 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/TXT/Bashar - Healing Path.txt 4.0 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/TXT/Bashar - Equable Conditions, Digital Sound and Implosion.txt 4.0 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/PDF/Bashar - Orion, Earth And Pleiadies - Full Cycle.pdf 4.0 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/TXT/Bashar - Abundance in 4th Density and a Sweat Lodge Dream.txt 4.0 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/PDF/Bashar - Enzymatic Encoding.pdf 4.0 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/TXT/Bashar - Dinosaurs and Trusting Your Lifes Unfoldment.txt 4.0 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/TXT/Bashar - Being True to Yourself When Helping Others.txt 4.0 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/TXT/Bashar - Relationship Reflections.txt 4.0 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/TXT/Bashar - Lost Mars Probes.txt 4.0 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/TXT/Bashar - Being Mirrors For Each Other.txt 4.0 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/TXT/Bashar - Methodologies of the Grey Agenda.txt 4.0 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/TXT/Bashar - Healing With Unconditional Love.txt 4.0 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/PDF/Bashar - Triangles And Dolphins.pdf 4.0 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/TXT/Bashar - Resonance and Christ Consciousness and Guilt.txt 4.0 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/TXT/Bashar - Conviction and Lethargy and Acting It Out.txt 4.0 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/PDF/Bashar - Blending (Integrating) Intellect And Emotion.pdf 4.0 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/TXT/Bashar - Your eyes and the sun.txt 4.0 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/PDF/Bashar - Dragons Feng Shui.pdf 4.0 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/PDF/Bashar - Alternatives To Government.pdf 4.0 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/TXT/Bashar - Dragon Symbology.txt 4.0 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/TXT/Bashar - Arabic Culture.txt 4.0 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/TXT/Bashar - Future Predictions 4of 4.txt 4.0 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/TXT/Bashar - A Whole Connective Idea.txt 4.0 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/TXT/Bashar - Relationship With Parents and Pleiadian Energy.txt 4.0 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/TXT/Bashar - Craft Propulsion and Templates.txt 4.0 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/TXT/Bashar - Reverse Speech.txt 3.9 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/TXT/Bashar - Tree Consciousness.txt 3.9 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/TXT/Bashar - Eleven Dimensions and The Unified Field.txt 3.9 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/TXT/Bashar - Responsibility and Belief Structure.txt 3.9 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/TXT/Bashar - Clearing the Chakra of Intention.txt 3.9 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/TXT/Bashar - The Process of Channeling.txt 3.9 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/TXT/Bashar - The Primer.txt 3.9 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/PDF/Bashar - Lunar Deposits And Aligningwith Your Truth.pdf 3.9 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/TXT/Bashar - Judgment and Pain.txt 3.9 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/TXT/Bashar - Decisions and Synchroncity.txt 3.9 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/TXT/Bashar - Action-Reaction And Mass Landings.txt 3.9 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/PDF/Bashar - Religion On Earth.pdf 3.9 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/TXT/Bashar - Stepping on Earth.txt 3.9 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/TXT/Bashar - Resonance and Manifestation.txt 3.9 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/TXT/Bashar - Signature Vibrations and Interactions.txt 3.9 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/TXT/Bashar - Childlikeness and Redefining Failure.txt 3.9 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/TXT/Bashar - The Ability To Love.txt 3.9 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/TXT/Bashar - After-Death States and Christ Consciousness.txt 3.9 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/TXT/Bashar - Transitional Experiences in Blending Polarities.txt 3.9 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/TXT/Bashar - More Bi-location and In the Present and ET Activity.txt 3.9 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/TXT/Bashar - How The Association Interacts With Earth.txt 3.9 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/TXT/Bashar - Future Predictions 4 of 4.txt 3.9 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/TXT/Bashar - Helping Othes By Being True to Yourself.txt 3.9 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/PDF/Bashar - Cellular Electromagnetic Reprogramming.pdf 3.9 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/TXT/Bashar - Completeness and Simultaneous Evolution.txt 3.9 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/PDF/Bashar - Eating Habits.pdf 3.9 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/TXT/Bashar - Melting Away Pain and Resistance.txt 3.9 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/TXT/Bashar - A Joyous Discovery.txt 3.9 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/TXT/Bashar - Maintaining Self-Worth.txt 3.9 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/TXT/Bashar - Thought Discernment and Inner Earth.txt 3.9 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/TXT/Bashar - Teetering in Uncertainty Sept 12 97.txt 3.9 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/TXT/Bashar - Seeking a Reunion Years After Child Disappears.txt 3.9 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/PDF/Bashar - Living 4D.pdf 3.9 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/TXT/Bashar - Willingness to Create a Unified World.txt 3.9 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/PDF/Bashar - Sleep Connections And Dinner Companions.pdf 3.9 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/PDF/Bashar - Lunar Deposits And Aligning With Your Truth.pdf 3.9 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/TXT/Bashar - Silent Language and Visit From an Energy Being.txt 3.9 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/TXT/Bashar - THE NEUTRALS.txt 3.9 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/TXT/Bashar - Positive Assistance for World Transformation.txt 3.9 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/TXT/Bashar - Nikola Tesla And Free Energy.txt 3.9 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/TXT/Bashar - Direct Inspiration and Essassani Expression of Love.txt 3.9 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/TXT/Bashar - Living The Way You Prefer.txt 3.9 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/TXT/Bashar - Co-creating a Fourth Density Reality.txt 3.9 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/TXT/Bashar - Soul and Enlightenment.txt 3.9 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/TXT/Bashar - Transitional Experiences in Blending Polarities (2).txt 3.9 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/TXT/Bashar - Bloodtypes and Sustenance.txt 3.8 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/TXT/Bashar - Career Direction and Homosexuality.txt 3.8 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/TXT/Bashar - A Unified World.txt 3.8 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/TXT/Bashar - Barnard Star and Channeling and Global Choices.txt 3.8 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/TXT/Bashar - A Revelation and Infinite Experiences of Earth.txt 3.8 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/PDF/Bashar - Multidimensional Access.pdf 3.8 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/PDF/Bashar - Inner Earth.pdf 3.8 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/TXT/Bashar - Transparency, Voting and Speeding Symbolism.txt 3.8 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/TXT/Bashar - Creating New Templates.txt 3.8 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/TXT/Bashar - Fearing Abundance.txt 3.8 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/TXT/Bashar - Potential Earth Realities.txt 3.8 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/TXT/Bashar - The Gathering of Consciousness.txt 3.8 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/PDF/Bashar - Integrating Negative Patterns & Cycles.pdf 3.8 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/TXT/Bashar - Restoring Sensitive Hearing.txt 3.8 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/TXT/Bashar - Synchronicity and A Master Number.txt 3.8 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/TXT/Bashar - Curiosity and Energy Alignment.txt 3.8 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/TXT/Bashar - Element 115.txt 3.8 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/TXT/Bashar - Releasing the Idea of Separation.txt 3.8 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/PDF/Bashar - The Founders.pdf 3.8 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/TXT/Bashar - Projection And Openness In Communication.txt 3.8 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/TXT/Bashar - Pleaidian and Earth Families.txt 3.8 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/PDF/Bashar - Atlantis Remembered.pdf 3.8 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/TXT/Bashar - Coincidence and Decisions and an Interaction.txt 3.8 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/TXT/Bashar - Voices From Within and Acting Out Your Dreams.txt 3.8 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/TXT/Bashar - Galactic Societies.txt 3.8 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/PDF/Bashar - Communication Link Through The Solar Plexus.pdf 3.8 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/PDF/Bashar - Cat Allergies And The Panther.pdf 3.8 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/TXT/Bashar - Creating Mistakes and Using a Pendulum.txt 3.8 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/PDF/Bashar - Manifesting.pdf 3.8 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/TXT/Bashar - Parallel Time tracks and The Grandfather Paradox.txt 3.8 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/TXT/Bashar - Thinking in New Ways and Integration and Time.txt 3.8 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/TXT/Bashar - In the Groove.txt 3.8 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/TXT/Bashar - Communication From a Guiding Soul.txt 3.8 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/TXT/Bashar - Altair.txt 3.8 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/TXT/Bashar - Change in Perspective and Language Reflections.txt 3.8 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/TXT/Bashar - Changes In Energy Flow.txt 3.8 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/PDF/Bashar - The Didgeridoo.pdf 3.8 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/TXT/Bashar - Light.txt 3.8 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/TXT/Bashar - Clear Definitions.txt 3.8 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/TXT/Bashar - Tree Spirits.txt 3.8 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/TXT/Bashar - Loving and Creating.txt 3.8 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/TXT/Bashar - Earths Chakra Points Are Blending.txt 3.7 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/TXT/Bashar - Essassani Beings and Gateway Energy.txt 3.7 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/PDF/Bashar - Cranial Alignment.pdf 3.7 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/PDF/Bashar - Sovereignty Of Individuality.pdf 3.7 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/TXT/Bashar - Soul Mates and Interdimensional Communication.txt 3.7 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/TXT/Bashar - The Golden Gate.txt 3.7 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/TXT/Bashar - From Moment of Pause.txt 3.7 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/TXT/Bashar - The Messages You Are Giving Yourself.txt 3.7 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/TXT/Bashar - Walking the Talk and Having Faith.txt 3.7 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/TXT/Bashar - Perceiving the Essence.txt 3.7 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/PDF/Bashar - Terri Iii.pdf 3.7 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/TXT/Bashar - Excavations at Sphinx.txt 3.7 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/TXT/Bashar - Laying the Groundwork for ET Interactions.txt 3.7 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/PDF/Bashar - Oxygen, Gold And AIDS.pdf 3.7 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/PDF/Bashar - Freeway Symbology.pdf 3.7 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/PDF/Bashar - Opportunity For Blatant Interactions Coming Up.pdf 3.7 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/TXT/Bashar - Natural Anger.txt 3.7 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/TXT/Bashar - Compassion II.txt 3.7 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/TXT/Bashar - Moment of Pause.txt 3.7 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/TXT/Bashar - Motivating Teenagers.txt 3.7 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/TXT/Bashar - Polarity and Neutrality and Everything is Relative.txt 3.7 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/PDF/Bashar - The Mantis 7 - 10 - 98.pdf 3.7 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/TXT/Bashar - Positive And Negative Methodologies.txt 3.7 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/TXT/Bashar - Trusting the Unknown.txt 3.7 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/TXT/Bashar - A New Template for World Peace.txt 3.7 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/PDF/Bashar - Parallel Earths.pdf 3.7 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/PDF/Bashar - Greys Disconnection From Source Energy.pdf 3.7 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/TXT/Bashar - Preference is Choice -- Choice is Not Judgment.txt 3.7 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/TXT/Bashar - DNA Energy.txt 3.7 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/PDF/Bashar - Random, Paradoxical Contradictions.pdf 3.7 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/TXT/Bashar - Time and The Primary Frequency.txt 3.7 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/TXT/Bashar - Magical Chants and Crystals and The Template.txt 3.7 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/TXT/Bashar - The Methodology of Beliefs.txt 3.7 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/TXT/Bashar - Healing Pain by Expressing Who You Truly Are.txt 3.7 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/TXT/Bashar - Perceiving UFOs and Being in the Spirit World.txt 3.7 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/TXT/Bashar - Friends Above and Incarnational Links.txt 3.7 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/TXT/Bashar - Sirius Energy Connection.txt 3.7 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/PDF/Bashar - First Realization.pdf 3.7 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/TXT/Bashar - Communicating with Trees and Earth Service.txt 3.7 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/PDF/Bashar - Sovereignity Of Individuality.pdf 3.7 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/PDF/Bashar - Nuclear War - Silos.pdf 3.7 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/TXT/Bashar - Template Dreams and Tonality and Color.txt 3.7 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/PDF/Bashar - MARTIANS.pdf 3.7 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/TXT/Bashar - Group Dynamics And The Association's Example.txt 3.7 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/TXT/Bashar - Communicating With Governments About Change.txt 3.7 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/TXT/Bashar - Group Dynamics And The Associations Example.txt 3.7 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/TXT/Bashar - Accepting Who and Where You Are.txt 3.7 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/TXT/Bashar - Relationships and Birth Agreements on Essassani.txt 3.7 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/TXT/Bashar - Karmic Connections and A Collective Awakening.txt 3.7 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/TXT/Bashar - Transmitting the Vibration of Vortex Points.txt 3.7 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/TXT/Bashar - Empathic Identification.txt 3.6 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/PDF/Bashar - Notes II On RSVP.pdf 3.6 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/TXT/Bashar - Future Predictions 1 of 4.txt 3.6 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/PDF/Bashar - Breathing.pdf 3.6 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/TXT/Bashar - Palm Tree Symbology.txt 3.6 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/TXT/Bashar - Shifting Electromagnetic Fields.txt 3.6 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/TXT/Bashar - Atlantean Crystals and Counterpart Energies.txt 3.6 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/TXT/Bashar - Integration of Fears and A Continuous Flow.txt 3.6 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/TXT/Bashar - Camelot and Atlantean Connections.txt 3.6 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/TXT/Bashar - Needs.txt 3.6 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/TXT/Bashar - Expectation and Trust.txt 3.6 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/TXT/Bashar - The Mechanism of Manifestation.txt 3.6 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/TXT/Bashar - Channeling Ability.txt 3.6 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/TXT/Bashar - Moving Beyond the Us Versus Them Mentality.txt 3.6 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/TXT/Bashar - AIDS and Masculine and Feminine Energies.txt 3.6 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/PDF/Bashar - The Ozone Layer As A Frequency Lens.pdf 3.6 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/TXT/Bashar - Family Energies.txt 3.6 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/TXT/Bashar - Souls Inhabiting Artificial Intelligence Creations.txt 3.6 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/TXT/Bashar - Color Symbology in ET Contact.txt 3.6 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/TXT/Bashar - Astrology and Non-Physical Reality.txt 3.6 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/TXT/Bashar - Defining the Universe and Time and Evolution.txt 3.6 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/TXT/Bashar - It Is All One Spontaneous Event.txt 3.6 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/TXT/Bashar - Barnard Star and Earth.txt 3.6 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/TXT/Bashar - Healing the Fear that Your Path is Blocked.txt 3.6 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/TXT/Bashar - Methods of Procreation and Birth.txt 3.6 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/TXT/Bashar - Group Dynamics And The Associations Example 2.txt 3.6 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/TXT/Bashar - A Planet-Wide Alphabet.txt 3.6 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/TXT/Bashar - Cockroaches & Dolphins.txt 3.6 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/TXT/Bashar - Holographic Crucifixion.txt 3.6 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/TXT/Bashar - Relaxing Into a Peaceful Integration.txt 3.6 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/TXT/Bashar - Allergies.txt 3.6 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/TXT/Bashar - The Titanic.txt 3.6 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/TXT/Bashar - Acceptance and Shared Creativity on Essassani.txt 3.6 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/TXT/Bashar - Out of Body Excursions and Alternative Energy.txt 3.6 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/TXT/Bashar - Meditation And Integration Of Energies For Earth.txt 3.6 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/TXT/Bashar - Power Spots.txt 3.6 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/PDF/Bashar - Preordained Or Chosen.pdf 3.6 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/TXT/Bashar - LINEAGE AND SPACE & TIME TRAVEL.txt 3.6 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/TXT/Bashar - Being in the Mu.txt 3.6 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/TXT/Bashar - Birthing.txt 3.6 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/TXT/Bashar - Creating The Life You Prefer.txt 3.5 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/TXT/Bashar - Conviction.txt 3.5 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/PDF/Bashar - Losing Eyesight.pdf 3.5 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/PDF/Bashar - Increasing Brain Power.pdf 3.5 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/TXT/Bashar - Theology Class I.txt 3.5 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/TXT/Bashar - Profundity in Simplicity.txt 3.5 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/TXT/Bashar - Multidimensional Interactions.txt 3.5 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/TXT/Bashar - Accelerated Energy Doorway and Memory Loss.txt 3.5 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/TXT/Bashar - Living at Zero Point.txt 3.5 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/TXT/Bashar - Fevers and Scattered Energy.txt 3.5 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/TXT/Bashar - Elevating of Resonance.txt 3.5 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/TXT/Bashar - Crystalline Transformation.txt 3.5 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/TXT/Bashar - The Higher Selfs Dream.txt 3.5 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/PDF/Bashar - Love, The Connective Wavelength.pdf 3.5 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/TXT/Bashar - Earth Energy and Variations of Greys.txt 3.5 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/TXT/Bashar - Sassani Sexual Expression.txt 3.5 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/PDF/Bashar - Neutrals Update.pdf 3.5 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/PDF/Bashar - Experiencing The You That Is You.pdf 3.5 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/PDF/Bashar - Notes III.pdf 3.5 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/TXT/Bashar - Assistance for a Blurry Eye and Sinus Pressure.txt 3.5 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/PDF/Bashar - Hybrids - Future Selves And Black Helicopters.pdf 3.5 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/TXT/Bashar - Channeling Levels and A Fourth Density Joke.txt 3.5 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/TXT/Bashar - Compassion.txt 3.5 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/PDF/Bashar - BALANCING ENERGIES II.Sept 5 97.pdf 3.5 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/TXT/Bashar - Crystals and Spacecraft.txt 3.5 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/TXT/Bashar - Sharing of Knowledge.txt 3.5 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/PDF/Bashar - Mayan Connection.pdf 3.5 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/TXT/Bashar - Birth Agreements With Other Dimensional Realms.txt 3.5 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/TXT/Bashar - The Key of Excitement.txt 3.5 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/PDF/Bashar - Pi.pdf 3.5 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/PDF/Bashar - BASHAR AS SHIP.pdf 3.5 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/TXT/Bashar - New Friends.txt 3.5 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/TXT/Bashar - The League Consciousness on Earth.txt 3.5 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/TXT/Bashar - A Methodology Attuned to Your Vibration.txt 3.5 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/TXT/Bashar - Experience is Destiny.txt 3.5 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/TXT/Bashar - Lost Time and Fourth Density Blending.txt 3.5 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/TXT/Bashar - Overcoming the Fear of Sharing Emotions.txt 3.5 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/TXT/Bashar - Creative Diversity in Your Career.txt 3.5 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/PDF/Bashar - LOVE.pdf 3.5 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/TXT/Bashar - World Events and The Doorway of March 15th.txt 3.5 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/TXT/Bashar - Seeing Beyond Limitation.txt 3.5 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/TXT/Bashar - Being a Women.txt 3.5 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/TXT/Bashar - Fourth Density Transition Symptoms.txt 3.5 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/PDF/Bashar - ABORTION.pdf 3.5 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/TXT/Bashar - Planetary Service and ET Connections.txt 3.5 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/TXT/Bashar - Acting on Your Joy and Perfect Timing.txt 3.5 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/TXT/Bashar - A Friends Bilocation and A Loving Appreciation.txt 3.5 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/TXT/Bashar - Acclimatizing to Higher Vibrations.txt 3.4 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/TXT/Bashar - Crystals as Triggers and Catalysts.txt 3.4 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/TXT/Bashar - Birthday Analogy and Selling a House.txt 3.4 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/TXT/Bashar - Magic of Imagination.txt 3.4 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/PDF/Bashar - Hybrids.pdf 3.4 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/TXT/Bashar - Vortex Alignments.txt 3.4 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/TXT/Bashar - Limbo State Acceleration.txt 3.4 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/TXT/Bashar - Insights Into Healing Migraine Headaches.txt 3.4 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/TXT/Bashar - Time and Process.txt 3.4 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/TXT/Bashar - Crop Circles as Multidimensional Keys.txt 3.4 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/PDF/Bashar - Santa Fe - Sedona Energy.pdf 3.4 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/TXT/Bashar - Energy Balancing and Self-Regulation.txt 3.4 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/TXT/Bashar - Healing On All Levels.txt 3.4 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/TXT/Bashar - Conceiving and Manifesting and The Natural You.txt 3.4 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/TXT/Bashar - Christ Light and the Ashtar Command.txt 3.4 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/PDF/Bashar - Shamballa.pdf 3.4 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/PDF/Bashar - Focusing On Earth.pdf 3.4 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/PDF/Bashar - Dental Care.pdf 3.4 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/PDF/Bashar - Body Cleansing.pdf 3.4 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/PDF/Bashar - Self - Validation.pdf 3.4 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/TXT/Bashar - Sun Consciousness and A Probable Parallel Earth.txt 3.4 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/PDF/Bashar - You Are Spirit.pdf 3.4 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/TXT/Bashar - Trusting and No Fixed Symbols.txt 3.4 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/TXT/Bashar - From Weaning.txt 3.4 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/TXT/Bashar - Enjoying the Transition.txt 3.4 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/TXT/Bashar - Creating the Idea of Separation from All That Is.txt 3.4 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/TXT/Bashar - Beings of Spirit.txt 3.4 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/TXT/Bashar - A New Beginning.txt 3.4 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/TXT/Bashar - Rejection.txt 3.4 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/TXT/Bashar - Communicating With Other Planets.txt 3.4 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/TXT/Bashar - Dolphin Guides and Reflections from Animals.txt 3.3 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/PDF/Bashar - Healing Energies.pdf 3.3 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/TXT/Bashar - Being Fully Who You Are.txt 3.3 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/PDF/Bashar - Ancient Civilizations.pdf 3.3 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/TXT/Bashar - Faith as the Mechanism of Creation.txt 3.3 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/TXT/Bashar - Regeneration and Selling a House.txt 3.3 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/TXT/Bashar - Sharing Your Ecstasy.txt 3.3 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/TXT/Bashar - Relationship Expectations.txt 3.3 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/PDF/Bashar - Go Within.pdf 3.3 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/TXT/Bashar - Crystals as Transformational Tools.txt 3.3 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/PDF/Bashar - Whales As Dolphin Oversoul.pdf 3.3 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/TXT/Bashar - A Bilocation Experience (1).txt 3.3 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/PDF/Bashar - Fourth Density Balancing Act.pdf 3.3 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/TXT/Bashar - Imaginary Friends and Spirit Guides.txt 3.3 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/TXT/Bashar - Utilizing the Solar Plexus Chakra.txt 3.3 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/TXT/Bashar - Shared Realities.txt 3.3 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/TXT/Bashar - Library Fire and Nature Contact and Sleep Work.txt 3.3 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/TXT/Bashar - Channeling and Enjoying Your Life.txt 3.3 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/TXT/Bashar - Cetaceans and Sirius Energy and Music.txt 3.3 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/TXT/Bashar - Accessing Information.txt 3.3 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/TXT/Bashar - Relieving Eye Pressure and Being Multi-Cultural.txt 3.3 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/PDF/Bashar - Order Of Solidification.pdf 3.3 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/TXT/Bashar - Living Your Dreams.txt 3.3 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/PDF/Bashar - Blasting The Issue.pdf 3.3 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/TXT/Bashar - Physiological Personality and the Oversoul.txt 3.3 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/PDF/Bashar - Who Wrote The Shakespearian Plays.pdf 3.3 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/TXT/Bashar - An Honest Self-Assessment.txt 3.3 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/PDF/Bashar - Comments On Self Empowerment Workshop.pdf 3.3 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/PDF/Bashar - Floating Around.pdf 3.3 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/TXT/Bashar - Facets Of The Same Reality.txt 3.3 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/TXT/Bashar - Physiology and Vibrational Differentiation.txt 3.3 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/TXT/Bashar - Being the Red or Blue Cube, your choice.txt 3.3 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/TXT/Bashar - Inner Earth Connections and Mafu and Merlin.txt 3.3 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/TXT/Bashar - Transition to Fourth Density.txt 3.3 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/TXT/Bashar - Electromagnetism and Water.txt 3.3 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/TXT/Bashar - Ra and Sirius and Altair.txt 3.3 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/TXT/Bashar - Incarnational Migration from Other Planets.txt 3.3 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/TXT/Bashar - Black Hole Gateways.txt 3.3 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/TXT/Bashar - Parallel Life Synchronicity and Orgone Energy.txt 3.3 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/TXT/Bashar - The Paradox of Physical Reality.txt 3.3 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/PDF/Bashar - New Every Moment.pdf 3.3 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/PDF/Bashar - Bermuda Triangle.pdf 3.2 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/TXT/Bashar - Waiting to Lose Weight.txt 3.2 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/TXT/Bashar - The Greys The Galactic Ferderation and the Association of ~1.txt 3.2 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/PDF/Bashar - Higher Frequencies.pdf 3.2 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/TXT/Bashar - Love and Focus and Walking Your Path.txt 3.2 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/TXT/Bashar - The Purpose Of The Path.txt 3.2 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/TXT/Bashar - Drugs and self-Empowerment.txt 3.2 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/TXT/Bashar - Changing Factors in Manifestation.txt 3.2 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/TXT/Bashar - All Ideas Come Complete.txt 3.2 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/PDF/Bashar - Healing Field For Body Realignment.pdf 3.2 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/TXT/Bashar - Phsyiological Personality and the Oversoul.txt 3.2 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/TXT/Bashar - Trusting in Your Capabilities.txt 3.2 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/TXT/Bashar - Greys Menality.txt 3.2 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/TXT/Bashar - Black Holes - Dimensional Doorways.txt 3.2 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/TXT/Bashar - Oversoul Expressions and Gateways.txt 3.2 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/TXT/Bashar - Action Is Also Meditation.txt 3.2 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/TXT/Bashar - Animal Consciousness.txt 3.2 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/TXT/Bashar - Blending the Facets of Your Unique Totality.txt 3.2 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/TXT/Bashar - Amplification Module and Your Creation Tools.txt 3.2 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/TXT/Bashar - Nutrients Transmuted From Earth’s Energy Field.txt 3.2 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/PDF/Bashar - Sassani Assistance - Venice II.pdf 3.2 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/TXT/Bashar - Motion Sickness and Telepathy and Densities.txt 3.2 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/PDF/Bashar - Being A Conduit.pdf 3.2 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/TXT/Bashar - The Spoken Word.txt 3.2 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/PDF/Bashar - Separation.pdf 3.2 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/TXT/Bashar - Dreamtime Dichotomies.txt 3.2 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/PDF/Bashar - SHIVAI.pdf 3.2 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/TXT/Bashar - Letting the Details Take Care of Themselves.txt 3.2 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/PDF/Bashar - Politics On Future Earth.pdf 3.2 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/PDF/Bashar - Reptilian Freqency.pdf 3.2 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/TXT/Bashar - Anunnaki and Gold.txt 3.2 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/TXT/Bashar - Animal Reincarnation.txt 3.2 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/TXT/Bashar - Trust in the Positive.txt 3.2 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/TXT/Bashar - The Crystal Planet and Contact.txt 3.2 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/TXT/Bashar - ET Encounters and Being in a Relationship.txt 3.2 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/PDF/Bashar - Teenager Help.pdf 3.2 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/PDF/Bashar - Number 6.pdf 3.2 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/TXT/Bashar - Consciousness Template.txt 3.2 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/TXT/Bashar - Experiencing Fourth Density Energy.txt 3.2 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/TXT/Bashar - Connections.txt 3.2 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/TXT/Bashar - Dream Assistance.txt 3.2 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/PDF/Bashar - Atlantis - HOLLOWEEN1.pdf 3.2 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/TXT/Bashar - Lessons From an Ear Infection.txt 3.2 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/TXT/Bashar - Time Variances.txt 3.2 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/TXT/Bashar - Perceptions.txt 3.2 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/TXT/Bashar - Scientists and Children and ET Communication.txt 3.2 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/TXT/Bashar - Crying and Laughing and Craft Sightings.txt 3.2 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/TXT/Bashar - Stepping Up Your Vibration to the Blueprint Stage.txt 3.2 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/TXT/Bashar - Redefining the Part You Play.txt 3.2 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/TXT/Bashar - Vibrations of the Spoken Word.txt 3.2 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/TXT/Bashar - Love and Experiential Versions of the Universe.txt 3.2 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/TXT/Bashar - Greys and UFOs and Nuclear Silos.txt 3.2 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/TXT/Bashar - Meditation.txt 3.2 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/TXT/Bashar - Sleep Patterns and Personal and Planetary Shifts.txt 3.2 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/TXT/Bashar - Existence Always Exists.txt 3.2 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/PDF/Bashar - Calendar Cycles.pdf 3.2 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/TXT/Bashar - Copy of Letting the Details Take Care of Themselves.txt 3.2 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/TXT/Bashar - The Age of Aquarius.txt 3.2 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/PDF/Bashar - Experiencing Unity.pdf 3.1 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/TXT/Bashar - Potentiality of Creation.txt 3.1 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/PDF/Bashar - Connection Points.pdf 3.1 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/TXT/Bashar - Self-Completeness Reflected in a Relationship.txt 3.1 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/PDF/Bashar - Life Choices.pdf 3.1 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/TXT/Bashar - Consciousness and Dying.txt 3.1 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/TXT/Bashar - Pyramids And Atlantis.txt 3.1 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/TXT/Bashar - Dolphin Sacrifice to Awaken Humanity.txt 3.1 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/TXT/Bashar - Dreamer Dolphin Consciousness.txt 3.1 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/PDF/Bashar - Prayer.pdf 3.1 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/PDF/Bashar - Spirit Of Play.pdf 3.1 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/TXT/Bashar - Hopi Dimensional Doorway.txt 3.1 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/TXT/Bashar - A Continuing Exploration of Consciousness.txt 3.1 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/TXT/Bashar - Being Open to Each Other’s Truth in Relationship.txt 3.1 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/TXT/Bashar - The Mayans and the Wheel.txt 3.1 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/PDF/Bashar - Accessing Skills From Simultaneous Lives.pdf 3.1 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/TXT/Bashar - Life Focus.txt 3.1 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/TXT/Bashar - Experiencing Less Time by Living in the Moment.txt 3.1 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/TXT/Bashar - Synchronicity.txt 3.1 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/TXT/Bashar - Realizing There are No Interruptions in Your Life.txt 3.1 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/PDF/Bashar - Creative Relationsips.pdf 3.1 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/TXT/Bashar - Atlantean Destruction and Lemurian Connections.txt 3.1 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/TXT/Bashar - Becoming the Alchemist.txt 3.1 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/PDF/Bashar - Accelerating Interactions.pdf 3.1 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/PDF/Bashar - Picking Up On Tau Ceti.pdf 3.1 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/TXT/Bashar - Analogies of Dimensional Realities.txt 3.1 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/TXT/Bashar - Realizations.txt 3.1 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/PDF/Bashar - Seeds.pdf 3.1 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/PDF/Bashar - Whales As Symbols Of Conviction.pdf 3.1 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/TXT/Bashar - Nuclear Testing, Weather and Teleportation.txt 3.1 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/TXT/Bashar - Memory And Living In The Moment.txt 3.1 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/PDF/Bashar - Final Public Message.pdf 3.1 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/TXT/Bashar - Meeting of Scientists and Quasi-Planar Realities.txt 3.1 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/TXT/Bashar - Surrounded By Love.txt 3.1 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/TXT/Bashar - TRUSTING THE UNIVERSE.txt 3.1 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/TXT/Bashar - Holographic Thinking.txt 3.1 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/TXT/Bashar - The Strength to Love.txt 3.1 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/TXT/Bashar - Utensils and Kivas and Trepanning.txt 3.1 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/TXT/Bashar - Earth Chakras and a Body as a Reflective Matrix.txt 3.1 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/PDF/Bashar - Speeding Up - Interactions.pdf 3.1 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/TXT/Bashar - DNA is Within You.txt 3.1 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/TXT/Bashar - Trade Patterns and The Artificial Intelligence Program.txt 3.1 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/TXT/Bashar - Male and Female Energies Integrated in the Soul.txt 3.1 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/TXT/Bashar - Energy-Matrix Dream Symbolism.txt 3.1 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/TXT/Bashar - Playing as Dolphins and Expectations.txt 3.1 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/TXT/Bashar - The Experience That You Are.txt 3.1 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/TXT/Bashar - The Reflectors.txt 3.1 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/PDF/Bashar - Tunguska, Siberia 1908.pdf 3.1 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/TXT/Bashar - Suicide and Reincarnation.txt 3.0 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/TXT/Bashar - The Big Dipper Constellation and Connections.txt 3.0 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/TXT/Bashar - The System.txt 3.0 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/PDF/Bashar - Bashar's Departing Delivery.pdf 3.0 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/TXT/Bashar - Acceptance and Denail of ET Information.txt 3.0 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/TXT/Bashar - Live Your Dreams and Self Integration.txt 3.0 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/TXT/Bashar - Weather Patterns and The Observer.txt 3.0 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/TXT/Bashar - Future Self Is Completely Present Self.txt 3.0 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/TXT/Bashar - Religion and Excitement.txt 3.0 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/TXT/Bashar - Mirrors of Crystal Consciousness.txt 3.0 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/TXT/Bashar - Repairing the Earth and Electromagnetic Energy.txt 3.0 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/TXT/Bashar - Atlantean Connections to Ancient Britain.txt 3.0 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/TXT/Bashar - Joining the Interstellar Alliance.txt 3.0 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/TXT/Bashar - Whale Dolphin Communication.txt 3.0 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/PDF/Bashar - The Modality Of Your Mentality.pdf 3.0 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/TXT/Bashar - Channeling Assistance, Imagineering and Humor.txt 3.0 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/TXT/Bashar - Understanding Orion Energies.txt 3.0 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/TXT/Bashar - Adjusting to Planetary Fluctuations.txt 3.0 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/PDF/Bashar - Drugs.pdf 3.0 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/TXT/Bashar - Inspiration.txt 3.0 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/TXT/Bashar - A Continuing Relationship Over Many Lives.txt 3.0 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/TXT/Bashar - Big Dipper.txt 3.0 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/TXT/Bashar - Acknowledging the Message Behind Your Fear.txt 3.0 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/TXT/Bashar - Creating an Interstellar Guidebook.txt 3.0 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/PDF/Bashar - Arcturus Gateway.pdf 3.0 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/PDF/Bashar - Saving The Lions.pdf 3.0 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/TXT/Bashar - The Original Physical Inception.txt 3.0 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/TXT/Bashar - The Holy Spirit.txt 3.0 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/TXT/Bashar - Living the Vibration of Peace.txt 3.0 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/TXT/Bashar - Higher Self Contact and a Channels Memory.txt 3.0 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/TXT/Bashar - Resort Activities and Creating Positive Effects.txt 3.0 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/TXT/Bashar - The Internal Camera.txt 3.0 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/TXT/Bashar - Experiencing Earth Changes.txt 3.0 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/TXT/Bashar - World Awakening.txt 3.0 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/PDF/Bashar - Disappearing Objects.pdf 3.0 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/PDF/Bashar - Photosphere Of The Sun.pdf 3.0 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/TXT/Bashar - Physical Profile of Sassanians.txt 3.0 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/PDF/Bashar - Guardian Angels.pdf 3.0 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/TXT/Bashar - Slipping Through Dimensional Veils.txt 3.0 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/PDF/Bashar - Essassani Lifespans.pdf 3.0 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/TXT/Bashar - Resonance With a Child’s Soul Before Birth.txt 3.0 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/TXT/Bashar - Meeting ETs Halfway.txt 3.0 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/TXT/Bashar - An Experience of Integration and Alignment.txt 3.0 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/TXT/Bashar - EARTHQUAKES.txt 3.0 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/TXT/Bashar - Accepting Your Inherent Deservability.txt 3.0 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/TXT/Bashar - The Key to Finding Your Path of Service.txt 2.9 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/TXT/Bashar - Planetary Neighbors in Other Dimensions.txt 2.9 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/PDF/Bashar - Nuclear Probabilities From Illumination 2 - 6 - 98.pdf 2.9 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/PDF/Bashar - Magnetic Fields, ET Civilizations & Moths.pdf 2.9 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/TXT/Bashar - Having a Multi-leveled Approach to Each Situation.txt 2.9 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/TXT/Bashar - Birthing and Water.txt 2.9 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/TXT/Bashar - Knowingness and Not Judging Your Judgment.txt 2.9 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/TXT/Bashar - Aspects Of The Same Whole Soul.txt 2.9 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/TXT/Bashar - Birthing and the Unexpected.txt 2.9 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/TXT/Bashar - A Loving Society.txt 2.9 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/TXT/Bashar - Individual And Global Choices.txt 2.9 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/TXT/Bashar - MYTHOLOGY.txt 2.9 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/TXT/Bashar - Australian Vortex and Towards World Peace.txt 2.9 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/PDF/Bashar - NO - Secrets.pdf 2.9 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/TXT/Bashar - Vulnerability II.txt 2.9 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/TXT/Bashar - Essassani Connections and Oneness and Ecstasy.txt 2.9 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/PDF/Bashar - The Galactic.pdf 2.9 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/PDF/Bashar - Amplifying Telepathic Communication With Dolphins.pdf 2.9 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/TXT/Bashar - The Elevation Of Your Vibration.txt 2.9 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/TXT/Bashar - The Great Experiment.txt 2.9 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/PDF/Bashar - Caroline Myss.pdf 2.9 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/PDF/Bashar - 4D Earth & The Association.pdf 2.9 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/PDF/Bashar - Playing With Dolphins.pdf 2.9 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/TXT/Bashar - Initiating Change In Education.txt 2.9 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/TXT/Bashar - Energy Cleansing and Acting on Your Intuition.txt 2.9 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/TXT/Bashar - Energy Vortices and Government.txt 2.9 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/TXT/Bashar - Clearing and Accelerating Into Fourth Density.txt 2.9 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/TXT/Bashar - The Dimensional Infusion.txt 2.9 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/PDF/Bashar - A Bestowal Of Love.pdf 2.9 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/PDF/Bashar - Patent And Copyright Laws.pdf 2.9 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/TXT/Bashar - Frames of Reference.txt 2.9 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/TXT/Bashar - Sirius and Dimensional Blending.txt 2.9 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/TXT/Bashar - Epilepsy and Choosing Affliction.txt 2.9 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/TXT/Bashar - Automatic Unfoldment and A Reality Shift.txt 2.9 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/PDF/Bashar - Las Vegas Closing Comments 8 1 98.pdf 2.9 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/TXT/Bashar - Archetypical Reflections.txt 2.9 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/TXT/Bashar - Counterparts, and Nutrients in Broccoli.txt 2.9 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/PDF/Bashar - THE SPIRAL.pdf 2.9 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/TXT/Bashar - ANAMATHA.txt 2.9 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/TXT/Bashar - Instantaneous Manifestation.txt 2.9 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/PDF/Bashar - Remains Of Atlantis And Lemuria.pdf 2.9 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/TXT/Bashar - Raising of Consciousness and Atlantean Lessons.txt 2.9 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/TXT/Bashar - A Wonderful Realization.txt 2.9 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/TXT/Bashar - The Dryad Beings.txt 2.9 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/TXT/Bashar - Accepting the Love of All That Is.txt 2.9 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/TXT/Bashar - Anima and Energy Exchanges.txt 2.9 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/TXT/Bashar - Natural Brain Acceleration.txt 2.9 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/TXT/Bashar - Stone Ritual and Fetish Symbology.txt 2.9 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/TXT/Bashar - Love Making.txt 2.9 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/TXT/Bashar - Middle East and The Presidency.txt 2.8 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/TXT/Bashar - Expansion of Self Discovery.txt 2.8 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/PDF/Bashar - Expectancy - Not Expectations.pdf 2.8 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/TXT/Bashar - Earth Grid and Orion Energies.txt 2.8 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/TXT/Bashar - Making a Difference.txt 2.8 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/PDF/Bashar - Always Connected To All That Is.pdf 2.8 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/TXT/Bashar - Unconditional Love II.txt 2.8 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/TXT/Bashar - Peyote as Only a Symbol of Power That You Create.txt 2.8 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/TXT/Bashar - Mayan Pictographs and Ancient Connections.txt 2.8 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/TXT/Bashar - Signature Vibration and Geometric Building Blocks.txt 2.8 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/PDF/Bashar - Sassani Life Span.pdf 2.8 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/PDF/Bashar - Solar Energies.pdf 2.8 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/TXT/Bashar - Space Time Origin Points.txt 2.8 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/PDF/Bashar - Hurricanes, Atomic Blasts, Volcanoes, Colonizing - Mars.pdf 2.8 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/PDF/Bashar - Angels, Ascended Masters And ETs.pdf 2.8 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/TXT/Bashar - Methodologies of Healing.txt 2.8 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/TXT/Bashar - Quasi-Planar Realities.txt 2.8 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/TXT/Bashar - Matrix Infusion.txt 2.8 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/TXT/Bashar - Being the Feeling of Who You Are.txt 2.8 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/TXT/Bashar - Catastrophic Events and ET Physiques.txt 2.8 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/PDF/Bashar - Tau Cetians On The Dream Level.pdf 2.8 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/TXT/Bashar - Future Earth Experiences.txt 2.8 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/TXT/Bashar - Rising Energies and Symbolic Tools.txt 2.8 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/TXT/Bashar - Being Unlimited and Acting as a Catalyst.txt 2.8 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/PDF/Bashar - Toxins And Agendas.pdf 2.8 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/TXT/Bashar - Integrating Atlantis and Fate and Free Will.txt 2.8 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/TXT/Bashar - An Affinity With The Council of Nine.txt 2.8 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/TXT/Bashar - Switching to a Different Reality.txt 2.8 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/TXT/Bashar - Zeta Reticulum and Association Membership.txt 2.8 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/PDF/Bashar - Electro-magnatheric Blue.pdf 2.8 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/TXT/Bashar - Choosing the Next Life.txt 2.8 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/PDF/Bashar - Making Contact 7 10 98.pdf 2.8 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/TXT/Bashar - Awareness of Counterpart’s Lives.txt 2.8 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/TXT/Bashar - Being on an Even Keel.txt 2.8 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/TXT/Bashar - Connections to Mars.txt 2.8 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/TXT/Bashar - Temple of the Dolphins.txt 2.8 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/TXT/Bashar - Exploring the Idea of Abundance.txt 2.8 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/PDF/Bashar - Ecstasy And Knowingness 2 - 4 - 86.pdf 2.8 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/TXT/Bashar - Predicting a Future.txt 2.7 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/TXT/Bashar - Be Your Own Dance to Health and Ecstasy.txt 2.7 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/TXT/Bashar - 4th Dimension vrs 4 Density.txt 2.7 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/TXT/Bashar - Raising the Body’s Vibratory Rate.txt 2.7 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/TXT/Bashar - Interacting with Governments and Newspapers.txt 2.7 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/PDF/Bashar - Activating The Eight Sense Of Knowingness.pdf 2.7 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/TXT/Bashar - Trust and Love and Guilt.txt 2.7 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/TXT/Bashar - Fourth Density and The Fourth Dimension.txt 2.7 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/TXT/Bashar - Awareness of Counterpart's Lives.txt 2.7 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/TXT/Bashar - Finding an Even Keel.txt 2.7 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/TXT/Bashar - Contact Date with Bashar 8 1 98.txt 2.7 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/PDF/Bashar - Tau Cetians.pdf 2.7 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/TXT/Bashar - Star People of Earth.txt 2.7 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/TXT/Bashar - Sun Beings.txt 2.7 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/TXT/Bashar - Difficult Personal Relationship.txt 2.7 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/TXT/Bashar - 4th Density Children.txt 2.7 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/TXT/Bashar - Archangel Michael.txt 2.7 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/PDF/Bashar - Alleviating Worry.pdf 2.7 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/TXT/Bashar - Fire Ceremony and Strength.txt 2.7 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/TXT/Bashar - Integrating The Ten Dimensions Into Your Energy Field.txt 2.7 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/TXT/Bashar - Orion Transformation.txt 2.7 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/TXT/Bashar - Connecting with Your Guides.txt 2.7 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/TXT/Bashar - Remembering Your Dreams.txt 2.7 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/TXT/Bashar - Fluctuating Choices For Global Transformation.txt 2.7 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/TXT/Bashar - Stars.txt 2.7 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/TXT/Bashar - Cosmic Credentials.txt 2.7 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/TXT/Bashar - ET Observation and Assistance of Earths Transition.txt 2.7 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/TXT/Bashar - Dream Reality.txt 2.7 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/PDF/Bashar - Spent Plutonium.pdf 2.7 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/PDF/Bashar - Getting In Touch.pdf 2.7 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/TXT/Bashar - Patience.txt 2.7 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/TXT/Bashar - Blooming Roses and Nature Spirits.txt 2.7 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/TXT/Bashar - Receiving with Grace.txt 2.7 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/PDF/Bashar - Integration.pdf 2.7 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/TXT/Bashar - Anunnaki Counterpart.txt 2.6 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/TXT/Bashar - From Dark To Light.txt 2.6 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/TXT/Bashar - Empathy for an Entity Assisting in Integration.txt 2.6 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/TXT/Bashar - The Civilization in the Barnard Star System.txt 2.6 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/TXT/Bashar - Time and the Orchestration of Events.txt 2.6 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/TXT/Bashar - Brain Chemistry and Making Choices.txt 2.6 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/TXT/Bashar - Afterlife Communication and Relocating.txt 2.6 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/TXT/Bashar - Crystals and Accelerating Consciousness.txt 2.6 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/TXT/Bashar - Barnard’s Star Civilization.txt 2.6 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/TXT/Bashar - Vulnerability.txt 2.6 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/TXT/Bashar - Star People and Sedona.txt 2.6 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/TXT/Bashar - Vibrational Affinities and Self-Empowerment.txt 2.6 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/PDF/Bashar - Closing Comments.pdf 2.6 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/TXT/Bashar - Soulmates.txt 2.6 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/TXT/Bashar - Integrated Behavior.txt 2.6 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/TXT/Bashar - Subjectivity.txt 2.6 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/TXT/Bashar - Haley’s Comet and Craft Sightings.txt 2.6 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/TXT/Bashar - More Dragon Symbology.txt 2.6 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/TXT/Bashar - ET Observation and Assistance.txt 2.6 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/PDF/Bashar - Talking To Yourself.pdf 2.6 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/TXT/Bashar - A New View of Ourselves and Christmas Energy.txt 2.6 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/TXT/Bashar - Hearing and Interacting and Copper Disc.txt 2.6 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/TXT/Bashar - What The World Can Be.txt 2.6 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/TXT/Bashar - Utilization of Spacecraft.txt 2.6 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/TXT/Bashar - Choosing Your Reality and Fear of Heights.txt 2.6 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/TXT/Bashar - Barnard's Star Civilization.txt 2.6 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/TXT/Bashar - Seismic Sensitivity.txt 2.6 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/TXT/Bashar - Uluru.txt 2.6 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/TXT/Bashar - Arcturus, Children and the Crown Chakra.txt 2.6 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/TXT/Bashar - Experiencing What We Believe the Universe To Be.txt 2.6 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/TXT/Bashar - The Association s Purpose.txt 2.6 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/TXT/Bashar - A Visualization for Aligning the Body.txt 2.6 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/TXT/Bashar - Enjoying Being Here.txt 2.6 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/TXT/Bashar - Picking Apart the Tapestry.txt 2.6 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/TXT/Bashar - Spaceport and Astrology.txt 2.6 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/TXT/Bashar - Your HIgher Self.txt 2.6 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/TXT/Bashar - Aging and Life Review.txt 2.6 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/TXT/Bashar - The Essence of Love.txt 2.6 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/PDF/Bashar - Telepathy And Written Word.pdf 2.6 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/TXT/Bashar - Experiment in Perception.txt 2.6 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/TXT/Bashar - Symbology of a Childs Name.txt 2.5 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/TXT/Bashar - Payoffs and Generating Your Reality.txt 2.5 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/TXT/Bashar - Attracting Your Soul Mate Through Completeness.txt 2.5 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/TXT/Bashar - Ancient Knowledge and Amalgams.txt 2.5 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/TXT/Bashar - A Heightened Sense of Information Transference.txt 2.5 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/TXT/Bashar - Healing Energies for Spine and Back.txt 2.5 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/TXT/Bashar - Being a Creative Team.txt 2.5 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/TXT/Bashar - A Dog Who Mirrors Anxiety and Skin Disorders.txt 2.5 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/TXT/Bashar - Choosing a Positive Reality.txt 2.5 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/TXT/Bashar - Your Mission.txt 2.5 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/TXT/Bashar - Telepathic Assistance and Perceptual Shifts.txt 2.5 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/PDF/Bashar - Perceptual Paradox.pdf 2.5 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/TXT/Bashar - Intention and Experiential Knowing.txt 2.5 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/TXT/Bashar - Interdimensional Tools for Communication.txt 2.5 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/TXT/Bashar - Rogue Greys.txt 2.5 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/PDF/Bashar - Knowing Your Own Truth.pdf 2.5 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/TXT/Bashar - Unity Through Equality.txt 2.5 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/TXT/Bashar - Manifesting and Integrity.txt 2.5 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/TXT/Bashar - Pyramids and Expanding the Auric Field.txt 2.5 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/PDF/Bashar - Monatomic Explications.pdf 2.5 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/TXT/Bashar - Sharing Foreve edit Monolog - 1st Q.txt 2.5 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/TXT/Bashar - Releasing Judgment and Fear.txt 2.5 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/PDF/Bashar - Maitreya And The Second Coming.pdf 2.5 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/TXT/Bashar - Healing by Letting Go.txt 2.5 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/TXT/Bashar - Enjoying The Flow Of Creativity.txt 2.5 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/TXT/Bashar - Vibrational Response to Negative Scenarios.txt 2.5 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/PDF/Bashar - Origins Of Alchemy.pdf 2.5 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/PDF/Bashar - Recognizing Connections.pdf 2.5 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/TXT/Bashar - ABUNDANCE.txt 2.5 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/TXT/Bashar - Choosing to Create an Attitude of Enjoyment.txt 2.5 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/PDF/Bashar - TRUST.pdf 2.5 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/TXT/Bashar - Synchronicity Story.txt 2.5 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/TXT/Bashar - Dream World Tutoring and an ET Friend.txt 2.5 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/TXT/Bashar - Alignment and Enlightenment.txt 2.5 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/TXT/Bashar - A Joyful Life.txt 2.5 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/TXT/Bashar - Reflections From a Dog.txt 2.5 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/TXT/Bashar - 11 11 666.txt 2.5 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/TXT/Bashar - Brothers Attitude to Education.txt 2.5 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/TXT/Bashar - Ants Invading the Kitchen.txt 2.5 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/TXT/Bashar - Invalidating.txt 2.5 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/TXT/Bashar - Blending Realities and Releasing Suffering.txt 2.4 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/PDF/Bashar - Under The Sphinx.pdf 2.4 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/TXT/Bashar - Ascended Masters and Our Higher Selves.txt 2.4 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/PDF/Bashar - Beginning Sex.pdf 2.4 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/TXT/Bashar - Craft Sightings and Multidimensional Awareness.txt 2.4 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/TXT/Bashar - Parallel Incarnational Aspects and Energy Band.txt 2.4 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/TXT/Bashar - Trusting Your Lifes Unfoldment.txt 2.4 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/TXT/Bashar - Opportunities to Transform Habitual Patterns.txt 2.4 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/TXT/Bashar - An Out of Body Perspective on Making Choices.txt 2.4 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/PDF/Bashar - Greys.pdf 2.4 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/TXT/Bashar - Balanced Souls and Sassani Relationships.txt 2.4 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/TXT/Bashar - Acting As You Are.txt 2.4 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/TXT/Bashar - Crop Circle Templates.txt 2.4 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/TXT/Bashar - ET Interactions and the Aura.txt 2.4 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/TXT/Bashar - Verbal Responses and Nicknames.txt 2.4 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/TXT/Bashar - An Uncertain Birth Date.txt 2.4 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/PDF/Bashar - Kings Chamber Revelations.pdf 2.4 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/TXT/Bashar - It Is Always Now.txt 2.4 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/TXT/Bashar - Sky Symbology.txt 2.4 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/TXT/Bashar - Optional Ideas and Body Cohabitation.txt 2.4 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/PDF/Bashar - Masters Of Limitation.pdf 2.4 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/TXT/Bashar - Offering a Positive Vibration.txt 2.4 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/TXT/Bashar - A Chattering Mind.txt 2.4 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/TXT/Bashar - Destiny and Belief Systems.txt 2.4 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/TXT/Bashar - The DNA Helix and the Twelve Strands.txt 2.4 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/TXT/Bashar - Bringing Spiritual Awareness into the Physical.txt 2.4 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/TXT/Bashar - A Cat-Like Race of Beings.txt 2.4 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/TXT/Bashar - Energy Guide and Mt Shasta.txt 2.4 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/TXT/Bashar - Lasers, H2O2 and Energizing With Blue-White Light.txt 2.4 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/TXT/Bashar - Death as a Symbol.txt 2.4 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/TXT/Bashar - Time and the Oversoul.txt 2.4 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/TXT/Bashar - Knowing the Universe Supports You.txt 2.4 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/TXT/Bashar - Archetypal Reflections.txt 2.4 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/TXT/Bashar - Universal Template.txt 2.4 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/TXT/Bashar - Aligning With Oversoul Consciousness.txt 2.4 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/PDF/Bashar - The Sphnix.pdf 2.4 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/TXT/Bashar - The Adolescent Stage.txt 2.4 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/TXT/Bashar - Energy Work To Ease Transition.txt 2.4 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/PDF/Bashar - WANDERERS.pdf 2.3 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/TXT/Bashar - Density and Dimensions and Irregular Periods.txt 2.3 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/TXT/Bashar - One Complete Idea Reflecting on Itself.txt 2.3 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/TXT/Bashar - The Bond of Love.txt 2.3 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/TXT/Bashar - Merlin Energy and Pleaidian Interactions.txt 2.3 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/TXT/Bashar - Releasing Pressure and Balancing.txt 2.3 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/TXT/Bashar - Assistance for a Bored Brother.txt 2.3 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/TXT/Bashar - Mars, Earth, Orion Connection.txt 2.3 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/TXT/Bashar - Darryl Dream - P.txt 2.3 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/TXT/Bashar - Silver and Oxygenation.txt 2.3 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/TXT/Bashar - Atlantean Connections.txt 2.3 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/TXT/Bashar - THE PHOTON BELT.txt 2.3 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/TXT/Bashar - Threads in the Tapestry.txt 2.3 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/TXT/Bashar - Preparing for Ascension.txt 2.3 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/TXT/Bashar - CLOSE RELATIONS.txt 2.3 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/TXT/Bashar - Life Is A Meditation.txt 2.3 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/TXT/Bashar - Your Point of Focus.txt 2.3 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/TXT/Bashar - Numerology.txt 2.3 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/TXT/Bashar - Tau Ceti Transmissions and the Starlight Coalition.txt 2.3 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/TXT/Bashar - Eating Animals, and Dolphin and Human Incarnations.txt 2.3 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/TXT/Bashar - Taking It In Stride.txt 2.3 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/TXT/Bashar - Manifestation Of Counterpart Selves.txt 2.3 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/TXT/Bashar - Seth, Ra, Lazaris and The White Brotherhood.txt 2.3 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/PDF/Bashar - Infinite Futures - Ca 1995.pdf 2.3 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/TXT/Bashar - The Present.txt 2.3 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/TXT/Bashar - Spacecraft as Extensions of Consciousness.txt 2.3 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/TXT/Bashar - Copy of Spacecraft as Extensions of Consciousness.txt 2.3 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/TXT/Bashar - A Conducive Atmosphere for The Association Interacting Wit~1.txt 2.3 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/TXT/Bashar - Definitions and The 33 Second Technique.txt 2.3 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/TXT/Bashar - Identifying a Spacecraft.txt 2.3 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/TXT/Bashar - Sassani Dialect.txt 2.3 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/TXT/Bashar - Energy Rings and Process In Fourth Density.txt 2.3 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/PDF/Bashar - Hitler S Death.pdf 2.3 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/TXT/Bashar - Willingness to Discuss Issues Openly.txt 2.3 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/TXT/Bashar - Being Open to the Energy of Your Higher Self.txt 2.3 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/TXT/Bashar - Body Recuperation Technique.txt 2.3 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/TXT/Bashar - A Story About The Physical Universe.txt 2.3 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/TXT/Bashar - Allowing Universal Abundance to Support You.txt 2.3 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/TXT/Bashar - Being the Total Consciousness that You Are.txt 2.3 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/PDF/Bashar - Stars And Black Holes In The Milky Way Galaxy.pdf 2.3 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/TXT/Bashar - Be Your Higher Self Now.txt 2.3 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/TXT/Bashar - Clearing Negative Beliefs By Living Your Joy.txt 2.3 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/TXT/Bashar - A Realization and a Treatment for Eyes.txt 2.3 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/TXT/Bashar - A Conducive Atmosphere for The Association.txt 2.3 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/TXT/Bashar - Love is All That Is.txt 2.3 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/TXT/Bashar - Imaginative Ways to Contact Spirit Guides.txt 2.3 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/TXT/Bashar - Unconditional Love and Faith.txt 2.2 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/TXT/Bashar - Beliefs About Food.txt 2.2 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/TXT/Bashar - Predictions Scallion.txt 2.2 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/PDF/Bashar - Merlin.pdf 2.2 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/TXT/Bashar - Reticulum Energy and Using Your Imagination.txt 2.2 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/TXT/Bashar - Centering Through Laughter and Crying.txt 2.2 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/TXT/Bashar - Sensitivity to Earth’s Electromagnetic Shifts.txt 2.2 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/TXT/Bashar - The Front.txt 2.2 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/TXT/Bashar - Dolphins Intertwined with Humanity.txt 2.2 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/PDF/Bashar - Ancient Of Days.pdf 2.2 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/TXT/Bashar - Breathe, Breathe, Breathe.txt 2.2 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/TXT/Bashar - Harmoniously Reflecting Individual Truths.txt 2.2 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/TXT/Bashar - Tau Ceti & Quetzalcoatl Interactions.txt 2.2 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/TXT/Bashar - An Evolving Triad Consciousness.txt 2.2 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/PDF/Bashar - Motivation.pdf 2.2 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/TXT/Bashar - Memory Transcended by Living in the Now.txt 2.2 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/TXT/Bashar - Teaching and Learning Together.txt 2.2 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/TXT/Bashar - Vibrational Changes in Relationships.txt 2.2 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/TXT/Bashar - ET Contact Experiences.txt 2.2 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/PDF/Bashar - Dolphins And Toxic Poisoning.pdf 2.2 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/TXT/Bashar - Reconnecting to Lemuria's Path of the Heart.txt 2.2 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/TXT/Bashar - Choosing a Stage Name.txt 2.2 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/TXT/Bashar - Karma as a Self-Imposed Balancing of Energy.txt 2.2 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/TXT/Bashar - Cohesive Participation In The Transformation.txt 2.2 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/TXT/Bashar - Santa Fe as as Frequency Doorway.txt 2.2 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/TXT/Bashar - Global Unity Through the Allowance of Diversity.txt 2.2 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/TXT/Bashar - Creating a Healthy Diet.txt 2.2 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/TXT/Bashar - Fire as a Symbol of Purification.txt 2.2 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/TXT/Bashar - The Function of a Guide.txt 2.2 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/TXT/Bashar - Animal Reflections And Guidance.txt 2.2 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/TXT/Bashar - Solidifying Synchronicity.txt 2.2 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/TXT/Bashar - Love and Synchronicity and Being Safe.txt 2.2 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/TXT/Bashar - Invalidation and Judgment.txt 2.2 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/TXT/Bashar - The Master Within.txt 2.2 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/TXT/Bashar - Essassani and Earth’s Relative Time Frames.txt 2.2 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/TXT/Bashar - The Solar System’s Multidimensional Inhabitants.txt 2.2 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/TXT/Bashar - The Language of Light.txt 2.2 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/TXT/Bashar - Karma as a Self-Imposed Balancing of Energy (1).txt 2.2 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/TXT/Bashar - Crossing Paths With ET Visitors.txt 2.2 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/TXT/Bashar - Male Sexual Balance.txt 2.1 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/PDF/Bashar - Reptilians.pdf 2.1 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/TXT/Bashar - Timing of Events.txt 2.1 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/TXT/Bashar - Spiritual Manipulation.txt 2.1 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/PDF/Bashar - Imagining Your Reality.pdf 2.1 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/TXT/Bashar - Hummingbird Symbology.txt 2.1 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/TXT/Bashar - Crystal Skulls and Dimensional Doorways.txt 2.1 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/TXT/Bashar - The Fortieth Orbit.txt 2.1 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/TXT/Bashar - At Ease With Yourself and Making Connections.txt 2.1 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/TXT/Bashar - Seeing Beyond the Vision.txt 2.1 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/TXT/Bashar - Potential Future Earth.txt 2.1 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/TXT/Bashar - Hybrids and Living in Harmony.txt 2.1 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/TXT/Bashar - Eating and Getting Fat.txt 2.1 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/TXT/Bashar - New Sleep Patterns.txt 2.1 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/TXT/Bashar - The Solar System's Multidimensional Inhabitants.txt 2.1 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/TXT/Bashar - Alchemy - Spriitual Transformation.txt 2.1 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/TXT/Bashar - Synchronizing Frequencies.txt 2.1 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/PDF/Bashar - Bashar's Agenda.pdf 2.1 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/TXT/Bashar - A Crystalline World.txt 2.1 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/TXT/Bashar - Seeing Beyond the Perception.txt 2.1 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/TXT/Bashar - Expanding the Transformational Life.txt 2.1 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/TXT/Bashar - Melchizedek and Trusting the Path You Take.txt 2.1 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/TXT/Bashar - Healing Through Reconfiguration.txt 2.1 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/TXT/Bashar - Orca Communications.txt 2.1 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/TXT/Bashar - THE TESSERACT AND REMOTE VIEWING.txt 2.1 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/TXT/Bashar - Parallel Worlds and Identities.txt 2.1 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/TXT/Bashar - Soul Self and Cycle Fluctuations and Religion.txt 2.1 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/TXT/Bashar - Food and Sleep.txt 2.1 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/TXT/Bashar - Tools of Awareness.txt 2.1 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/TXT/Bashar - Sleep Patterns.txt 2.1 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/TXT/Bashar - Prayer and Trust.txt 2.1 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/TXT/Bashar - Children .txt 2.1 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/TXT/Bashar - Hybrids and Shakana.txt 2.0 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/TXT/Bashar - Second Dimension and Allowing Things to Unfold.txt 2.0 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/TXT/Bashar - Pyramid And Cone Shapes.txt 2.0 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/TXT/Bashar - Whale Strandings and Voids.txt 2.0 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/TXT/Bashar - Aligning Crystals.txt 2.0 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/TXT/Bashar - In The Flow.txt 2.0 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/TXT/Bashar - Astral Realm Assistance.txt 2.0 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/PDF/Bashar - Off World Colonization.pdf 2.0 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/TXT/Bashar - Music on Essassani.txt 2.0 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/PDF/Bashar - Greys Emotionality.pdf 2.0 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/TXT/Bashar - Loving Unconditionally.txt 2.0 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/TXT/Bashar - Sirius Energy.txt 2.0 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/PDF/Bashar - Humans Coexisting With Hybrids.pdf 2.0 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/TXT/Bashar - A Birds Reflection and Liquid Consciousness.txt 2.0 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/TXT/Bashar - Nostalgia and the Now.txt 2.0 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/TXT/Bashar - Tapping Into Higher Frequencies.txt 2.0 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/TXT/Bashar - Interdimensional Interface.txt 2.0 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/TXT/Bashar - The Consciousness Factor in Mathematical Equations.txt 2.0 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/TXT/Bashar - Translating Tesla’s Ideas.txt 2.0 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/TXT/Bashar - Vibrational Affinities to Parallel Universes.txt 2.0 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/TXT/Bashar - Experiencing 4th Density and Beyond.txt 2.0 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/TXT/Bashar - Holograms and Consciousness.txt 2.0 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/TXT/Bashar - Projected Illusions.txt 2.0 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/TXT/Bashar - Dolphin Enclaves 1 9 91.txt 2.0 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/TXT/Bashar - Receiving a New Name.txt 2.0 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/TXT/Bashar - Physical Aging.txt 2.0 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/TXT/Bashar - Beginning to Channel.txt 2.0 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/TXT/Bashar - Reflections From a Golden Tiger.txt 2.0 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/TXT/Bashar - Non Resistance.txt 2.0 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/TXT/Bashar - Taping Into Higher Frequencies.txt 2.0 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/TXT/Bashar - Handling Negative Energy.txt 2.0 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/TXT/Bashar - Seth and Ra and Orion Energies.txt 2.0 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/TXT/Bashar - Photon Belt II.txt 2.0 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/TXT/Bashar - Crystals and Sharing Circle.txt 2.0 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/TXT/Bashar - Anunnaki Off-Shoots.txt 2.0 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/TXT/Bashar - Translating Tesla's Ideas.txt 2.0 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/TXT/Bashar - Sirius Energy Manifestations.txt 2.0 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/TXT/Bashar - Piloting a Ship by Frequency Identification.txt 2.0 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/TXT/Bashar - Diversity and Unification.txt 1.9 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/TXT/Bashar - Believability.txt 1.9 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/TXT/Bashar - A Birth Agreement.txt 1.9 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/TXT/Bashar - Eyesight Symbol.txt 1.9 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/TXT/Bashar - A Transitional Doorway.txt 1.9 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/TXT/Bashar - Suicide and Reincarnation of a Son.txt 1.9 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/TXT/Bashar - Lunar Symbology.txt 1.9 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/TXT/Bashar - Allowing Your Life to Unfold.txt 1.9 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/TXT/Bashar - Timing for Release of Information.txt 1.9 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/TXT/Bashar - Frequency Representations.txt 1.9 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/TXT/Bashar - Spiritual and Physical Creation.txt 1.9 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/TXT/Bashar - The Lineage of King David and Cultural Factions.txt 1.9 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/TXT/Bashar - Orion Separation and A Forewarning Energy.txt 1.9 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/TXT/Bashar - Frequency Correspondences and Effects.txt 1.9 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/TXT/Bashar - Creating Your Past from Your Present.txt 1.9 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/TXT/Bashar - Dolphin Interchanges With Other Civilizations.txt 1.9 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/TXT/Bashar - Understanding Why People Fight.txt 1.9 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/TXT/Bashar - Be Yourself 12 1 96.txt 1.9 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/TXT/Bashar - Hummingbirds and Unicorns.txt 1.9 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/TXT/Bashar - Dimensional Transitions.txt 1.9 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/TXT/Bashar - Trust III.txt 1.9 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/TXT/Bashar - Transformation Symbology.txt 1.9 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/TXT/Bashar - Telempathy.txt 1.9 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/TXT/Bashar - Communicating With All of Yourself.txt 1.9 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/TXT/Bashar - Being Fearless.txt 1.9 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/TXT/Bashar - Wabi Farm.txt 1.9 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/TXT/Bashar - Exploring the Idea of Limitation and Separation.txt 1.9 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/TXT/Bashar - Strong Enough To Love.txt 1.9 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/TXT/Bashar - Emotions and Judgment.txt 1.9 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/TXT/Bashar - Wavelengths and Densities.txt 1.9 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/TXT/Bashar - Service With Joy.txt 1.9 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/TXT/Bashar - Transformations of Animal Consciousness.txt 1.9 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/TXT/Bashar - Flash Patterns.txt 1.9 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/TXT/Bashar - Blending the Sense of Time and Non-Time.txt 1.9 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/TXT/Bashar - Atlantis.txt 1.9 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/TXT/Bashar - Knowledge Embodied In Ancient Structures.txt 1.9 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/TXT/Bashar - Vibrational Alignment with Other Beings.txt 1.9 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/TXT/Bashar - Talking With a Hospice Patient.txt 1.9 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/TXT/Bashar - Names to Reflect Different Vibrational States.txt 1.8 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/TXT/Bashar - Point of View 2.txt 1.8 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/TXT/Bashar - Family Agreements.txt 1.8 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/TXT/Bashar - Cosmic Interactions.txt 1.8 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/TXT/Bashar - Point of View.txt 1.8 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/TXT/Bashar - Interdimensional Tonality.txt 1.8 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/TXT/Bashar - Pleiadean Memories Awakening.txt 1.8 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/TXT/Bashar - Crop Circles as Doorways Into Different Realities.txt 1.8 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/PDF/Bashar - Feeling The Shift.pdf 1.8 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/TXT/Bashar - Whale Deaths.txt 1.8 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/TXT/Bashar - Dolphin Assistance for a Birth.txt 1.8 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/PDF/Bashar - KARMA.pdf 1.8 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/TXT/Bashar - Finding a Positive Reflection.txt 1.8 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/TXT/Bashar - Spacecraft Template.txt 1.8 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/PDF/Bashar - UFO Presence In Solar System.pdf 1.8 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/TXT/Bashar - The Sphere of Reality That You Are.txt 1.8 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/TXT/Bashar - Revelation of Ancient Records.txt 1.8 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/TXT/Bashar - Father in Dream Symbology.txt 1.8 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/TXT/Bashar - Viewpoint of a Viewpoint.txt 1.8 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/TXT/Bashar - Guilt and Love and Deservability.txt 1.8 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/TXT/Bashar - Peace Meditation And Planetary Changes.txt 1.8 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/TXT/Bashar - Elle's Tapesndex '84 to 87.txt 1.8 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/TXT/Bashar - Everything.txt 1.8 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/TXT/Bashar - The Association and Inhabited Worlds.txt 1.8 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/TXT/Bashar - THE MACHINE.txt 1.8 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/TXT/Bashar - Tuning to the Background Signal and A Spider.txt 1.7 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/TXT/Bashar - Triangles and Dolphins.txt 1.7 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/TXT/Bashar - Your True Place.txt 1.7 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/TXT/Bashar - Effects from Peace Meditations.txt 1.7 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/TXT/Bashar - Blending (Integrating) Intellect and Emotion.txt 1.7 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/TXT/Bashar - Unlocking with Vibration.txt 1.7 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/TXT/Bashar - Multidimensional Communications.txt 1.7 KB
- Bashar - Transcripts/TXT/Bashar - Multiple Connections and Nutrition.txt 1.7 KB
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- Bashar - Transcripts/TXT/Bashar - Lunar Deposits and Aligning with your Truth.txt 1.6 KB
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- Bashar - Transcripts/TXT/Bashar - Physical Reality is an Extension of Dream Reality.txt 1.6 KB
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- Bashar - Transcripts/TXT/Bashar - Always Connected to All That Is.txt 976 bytes
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- Bashar - Transcripts/TXT/Bashar - Solar Energies.txt 954 bytes
- Bashar - Transcripts/TXT/Bashar - Guardian Angels.txt 949 bytes
- Bashar - Transcripts/TXT/Bashar - Essassani Mathematics.txt 946 bytes
- Bashar - Transcripts/TXT/Bashar - Drugs.txt 946 bytes
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- Bashar - Transcripts/TXT/Bashar - Getting in Touch.txt 929 bytes
- Bashar - Transcripts/TXT/Bashar - Remains of Atlantis and Lemuria.txt 928 bytes
- Bashar - Transcripts/TXT/Bashar - Electro-Magnatheric Blue.txt 919 bytes
- Bashar - Transcripts/TXT/Bashar - Angels, Ascended Masters And ETs.txt 901 bytes
- Bashar - Transcripts/TXT/Bashar - Activating the Eight Sense of Knowingness.txt 881 bytes
- Bashar - Transcripts/TXT/Bashar - TRUST.txt 870 bytes
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- Bashar - Transcripts/TXT/Bashar - Las Vegas Closing Comments 8 1 98.txt 853 bytes
- Bashar - Transcripts/TXT/Bashar - Recognizing Connections.txt 839 bytes
- Bashar - Transcripts/TXT/Bashar - Magnetic Fields, ET Civilizations & Moths.txt 837 bytes
- Bashar - Transcripts/TXT/Bashar - Alleviating Worry.txt 836 bytes
- Bashar - Transcripts/TXT/Bashar - Talking to Yourself.txt 836 bytes
- Bashar - Transcripts/TXT/Bashar - Masters of Limitation.txt 783 bytes
- Bashar - Transcripts/TXT/Bashar - Integration.txt 773 bytes
- Bashar - Transcripts/TXT/Bashar - Telepathy and Written Word.txt 772 bytes
- Bashar - Transcripts/TXT/Bashar - Spent Plutonium.txt 767 bytes
- Bashar - Transcripts/TXT/Bashar - Beginning Sex.txt 742 bytes
- Bashar - Transcripts/TXT/Bashar - Origins of Alchemy.txt 734 bytes
- Bashar - Transcripts/TXT/Bashar - Perceptual Paradox.txt 733 bytes
- Bashar - Transcripts/TXT/Bashar - Kings Chamber Revelations.txt 706 bytes
- Bashar - Transcripts/TXT/Bashar - The Sphnix.txt 685 bytes
- Bashar - Transcripts/TXT/Bashar - Permission Protocol No.txt 685 bytes
- Bashar - Transcripts/TXT/Bashar - Maitreya and the Second Coming.txt 671 bytes
- Bashar - Transcripts/TXT/Bashar - Trusting Each Other.txt 656 bytes
- Bashar - Transcripts/TXT/Bashar - Motivation.txt 626 bytes
- Bashar - Transcripts/TXT/Bashar - Under the Sphinx.txt 624 bytes
- Bashar - Transcripts/TXT/Bashar - Hitler s Death.txt 607 bytes
- Bashar - Transcripts/TXT/Bashar - Ancient of Days.txt 606 bytes
- Bashar - Transcripts/TXT/Bashar - Monatomic Explications.txt 598 bytes
- Bashar - Transcripts/TXT/Bashar - WANDERERS.txt 586 bytes
- Bashar - Transcripts/TXT/Bashar - Stars and Black Holes in the Milky Way Galaxy.txt 582 bytes
- Bashar - Transcripts/TXT/Bashar - Merlin.txt 580 bytes
- Bashar - Transcripts/TXT/Bashar - Bashar's Agenda.txt 576 bytes
- Bashar - Transcripts/TXT/Bashar - Dolphins and Toxic Poisoning.txt 569 bytes
- Bashar - Transcripts/TXT/Bashar - Imagining Your Reality.txt 563 bytes
- Bashar - Transcripts/TXT/Bashar - List of the transcripts 3-30-00.txt 500 bytes
- Bashar - Transcripts/TXT/Bashar - Humans Coexisting with Hybrids.txt 498 bytes
- Bashar - Transcripts/TXT/Bashar - Planet X.txt 470 bytes
- Bashar - Transcripts/TXT/Bashar - Off World Colonization.txt 437 bytes
- Bashar - Transcripts/TXT/Bashar - Feeling the Shift.txt 363 bytes
- Bashar - Transcripts/TXT/Bashar - UFO Presence in Solar System.txt 323 bytes
- Bashar - Transcripts/TXT/Bashar - KARMA.txt 288 bytes
- Bashar - Transcripts/TXT/Bashar - The Unknown.txt 237 bytes
- Bashar - Transcripts/TXT/Bashar - 7 Rs.txt 88 bytes
- Bashar - Transcripts/TXT/Bashar - Excitement and Trust.txt 12 bytes
- Bashar - Transcripts/Doc/Bashar - Navigation Limitation (1984-07-30).rtf 7 bytes
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