Digital Tutors - Creating Game Weapons in 3ds Max and ZBrush (Justin Marshall) [26.08.2009]
File List
- 02. Building the head of the axe.avi 47.2 MB
- 05. Importing geometry with smoothing groups into ZBrush.avi 37.5 MB
- 07. Finishing the axe head sculpting.avi 35.8 MB
- 08. Polypainting the head of the axe.avi 35.6 MB
- 04. Modeling the guard and laying out UVs for the grip.avi 34.3 MB
- 14. Painting and applying specular maps.avi 33.5 MB
- 09. Detailing the axe handle.avi 31.1 MB
- 12. Exporting geometry and maps from ZBrush.avi 30.6 MB
- 03. Modeling the axe handle and grip.avi 28.5 MB
- 06. Sculpting the axe head.avi 26.7 MB
- 10. Detailing the axe handle grip.avi 24.9 MB
- 11. Detailing the handle guard.avi 24.0 MB
- 13. Assembling the axe in 3ds Max.avi 22.7 MB
- DT - Creating Game Weapons in 3ds Max and ZBrush (Project Files)/battleaxe/export/axe_spec.ZTL 20.7 MB
- DT - Creating Game Weapons in 3ds Max and ZBrush (Project Files)/battleaxe/export/axe_export.ZTL 19.3 MB
- DT - Creating Game Weapons in 3ds Max and ZBrush (Project Files)/battleaxe/export/axe_13.ZTL 18.2 MB
- DT - Creating Game Weapons in 3ds Max and ZBrush (Project Files)/battleaxe/export/axe_12.ZTL 18.1 MB
- DT - Creating Game Weapons in 3ds Max and ZBrush (Project Files)/ztools/axe_12.ZTL 18.1 MB
- DT - Creating Game Weapons in 3ds Max and ZBrush (Project Files)/battleaxe/export/axe_11.ZTL 17.6 MB
- DT - Creating Game Weapons in 3ds Max and ZBrush (Project Files)/ztools/axe_11.ZTL 17.6 MB
- DT - Creating Game Weapons in 3ds Max and ZBrush (Project Files)/battleaxe/export/axe_10.ZTL 10.0 MB
- DT - Creating Game Weapons in 3ds Max and ZBrush (Project Files)/ztools/axe_10.ZTL 10.0 MB
- 01. Introduction and project overview.avi 9.3 MB
- DT - Creating Game Weapons in 3ds Max and ZBrush (Project Files)/battleaxe/export/axe_09.ZTL 4.7 MB
- DT - Creating Game Weapons in 3ds Max and ZBrush (Project Files)/ztools/axe_09.ZTL 4.7 MB
- DT - Creating Game Weapons in 3ds Max and ZBrush (Project Files)/battleaxe/sceneassets/images/lo_baseNormalsMap.tga 4.0 MB
- DT - Creating Game Weapons in 3ds Max and ZBrush (Project Files)/battleaxe/export/axe_08.ZTL 3.4 MB
- DT - Creating Game Weapons in 3ds Max and ZBrush (Project Files)/ztools/axe_08.ZTL 3.4 MB
- DT - Creating Game Weapons in 3ds Max and ZBrush (Project Files)/battleaxe/sceneassets/images/axe_grip_normal.BMP 3.0 MB
- DT - Creating Game Weapons in 3ds Max and ZBrush (Project Files)/battleaxe/sceneassets/images/axe_guard_normal.BMP 3.0 MB
- DT - Creating Game Weapons in 3ds Max and ZBrush (Project Files)/battleaxe/sceneassets/images/axe_handle_color.BMP 3.0 MB
- DT - Creating Game Weapons in 3ds Max and ZBrush (Project Files)/battleaxe/sceneassets/images/axe_handle_normal.BMP 3.0 MB
- DT - Creating Game Weapons in 3ds Max and ZBrush (Project Files)/battleaxe/sceneassets/images/axe_head_color.BMP 3.0 MB
- DT - Creating Game Weapons in 3ds Max and ZBrush (Project Files)/battleaxe/sceneassets/images/axe_head_normal.BMP 3.0 MB
- DT - Creating Game Weapons in 3ds Max and ZBrush (Project Files)/battleaxe/sceneassets/images/axe_grip_color.BMP 3.0 MB
- DT - Creating Game Weapons in 3ds Max and ZBrush (Project Files)/battleaxe/sceneassets/images/axe_grip_spec.BMP 3.0 MB
- DT - Creating Game Weapons in 3ds Max and ZBrush (Project Files)/battleaxe/sceneassets/images/axe_guard_color.BMP 3.0 MB
- DT - Creating Game Weapons in 3ds Max and ZBrush (Project Files)/battleaxe/sceneassets/images/axe_guard_spec.BMP 3.0 MB
- DT - Creating Game Weapons in 3ds Max and ZBrush (Project Files)/battleaxe/sceneassets/images/axe_head_spec.BMP 3.0 MB
- DT - Creating Game Weapons in 3ds Max and ZBrush (Project Files)/battleaxe/sceneassets/images/axe_tail_spec.BMP 3.0 MB
- DT - Creating Game Weapons in 3ds Max and ZBrush (Project Files)/battleaxe/scenes/axe_done.max 1.1 MB
- DT - Creating Game Weapons in 3ds Max and ZBrush (Project Files)/battleaxe/scenes/axe_14.max 1.1 MB
- DT - Creating Game Weapons in 3ds Max and ZBrush (Project Files)/battleaxe/import/axe_head_fromZ.OBJ 1.0 MB
- DT - Creating Game Weapons in 3ds Max and ZBrush (Project Files)/battleaxe/sceneassets/images/patternbump.jpg 442.1 KB
- DT - Creating Game Weapons in 3ds Max and ZBrush (Project Files)/battleaxe/scenes/axe_06.max 368.0 KB
- DT - Creating Game Weapons in 3ds Max and ZBrush (Project Files)/battleaxe/scenes/axe_05.max 364.0 KB
- DT - Creating Game Weapons in 3ds Max and ZBrush (Project Files)/battleaxe/scenes/axe_04.max 316.0 KB
- DT - Creating Game Weapons in 3ds Max and ZBrush (Project Files)/battleaxe/export/axe_07.ZTL 310.5 KB
- DT - Creating Game Weapons in 3ds Max and ZBrush (Project Files)/ztools/axe_07.ZTL 310.5 KB
- DT - Creating Game Weapons in 3ds Max and ZBrush (Project Files)/battleaxe/scenes/axe_03.max 264.0 KB
- DT - Creating Game Weapons in 3ds Max and ZBrush (Project Files)/battleaxe/sceneassets/images/edgeAlpha.psd 197.4 KB
- DT - Creating Game Weapons in 3ds Max and ZBrush (Project Files)/battleaxe/scenes/axe_01.max 176.0 KB
- DT - Creating Game Weapons in 3ds Max and ZBrush (Project Files)/battleaxe/sceneassets/images/scaleAlpha.psd 114.3 KB
- DT - Creating Game Weapons in 3ds Max and ZBrush (Project Files)/battleaxe/import/axe_guard_fromZ.OBJ 110.9 KB
- DT - Creating Game Weapons in 3ds Max and ZBrush (Project Files)/battleaxe/export/head.obj 84.3 KB
- DT - Creating Game Weapons in 3ds Max and ZBrush (Project Files)/battleaxe/export/axe_06.ZTL 64.2 KB
- DT - Creating Game Weapons in 3ds Max and ZBrush (Project Files)/ztools/axe_06.ZTL 64.2 KB
- DT - Creating Game Weapons in 3ds Max and ZBrush (Project Files)/battleaxe/export/axe_head.obj 44.3 KB
- DT - Creating Game Weapons in 3ds Max and ZBrush (Project Files)/battleaxe/import/axe_grip_fromZ.OBJ 35.1 KB
- DT - Creating Game Weapons in 3ds Max and ZBrush (Project Files)/battleaxe/export/axe_guard.obj 19.3 KB
- DT - Creating Game Weapons in 3ds Max and ZBrush (Project Files)/battleaxe/import/axe_tail_fromZ.OBJ 18.5 KB
- DT - Creating Game Weapons in 3ds Max and ZBrush (Project Files)/battleaxe/export/axe_tail.obj 13.8 KB
- DT - Creating Game Weapons in 3ds Max and ZBrush (Project Files)/battleaxe/export/axe_grip.obj 6.3 KB
- DT - Creating Game Weapons in 3ds Max and ZBrush (Project Files)/battleaxe/battleaxe.mxp 1.8 KB
- DT - Creating Game Weapons in 3ds Max and ZBrush (Project Files)/battleaxe/archives/assets/images/background.jpg 809 bytes
- DT - Creating Game Weapons in 3ds Max and ZBrush (Project Files)/battleaxe/export/head.mtl 423 bytes
- DT - Creating Game Weapons in 3ds Max and ZBrush (Project Files)/battleaxe/export/axe_grip.mtl 260 bytes
- DT - Creating Game Weapons in 3ds Max and ZBrush (Project Files)/battleaxe/export/axe_guard.mtl 260 bytes
- DT - Creating Game Weapons in 3ds Max and ZBrush (Project Files)/battleaxe/export/axe_head.mtl 260 bytes
- DT - Creating Game Weapons in 3ds Max and ZBrush (Project Files)/battleaxe/export/axe_tail.mtl 260 bytes
- DT - Creating Game Weapons in 3ds Max and ZBrush (Project Files)/battleaxe/export/axe_guard_fromZ.mtl 110 bytes
- DT - Creating Game Weapons in 3ds Max and ZBrush (Project Files)/battleaxe/export/axe_grip_fromZ.mtl 109 bytes
- DT - Creating Game Weapons in 3ds Max and ZBrush (Project Files)/battleaxe/export/axe_head_fromZ.mtl 109 bytes
- DT - Creating Game Weapons in 3ds Max and ZBrush (Project Files)/battleaxe/export/axe_tail_fromZ.mtl 109 bytes
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