[8khzmp3] Steven Gurgevich, Ph.D. - Self-Hypnosis Home Study Course @ 8kHz mono mp3
File List
- Steven Gurgevich Self Hypnosis Study CD 10 - Weight Loss and Exercise/03. Steven Gurgevich - Weight Loss - Trancework- Weight Loss {8kHz MP3}.mp3 5.4 MB
- Steven Gurgevich Self Hypnosis Study CD 12 - Test Taking and Speaking/03. Steven Gurgevich - Test Taking - Trancework- Test Taking {8kHz MP3}.mp3 4.5 MB
- Steven Gurgevich Self Hypnosis Study CD 14 - Headaches and Backaches/03. Steven Gurgevich - Headaches - Trancework- Working with Headaches {8kHz MP3}.mp3 4.5 MB
- Steven Gurgevich Self Hypnosis Study CD 8 - Stress and Anxiety/03. Steven Gurgevich - Stress Relief - Trancework- Stress Relief {8kHz MP3}.mp3 4.2 MB
- Steven Gurgevich Self Hypnosis Study CD 8 - Stress and Anxiety/06. Steven Gurgevich - Anxiety and Panic - Trancework- Anxiety and Panic {8kHz MP3}.mp3 4.2 MB
- Steven Gurgevich Self Hypnosis Study CD 7 - Healing and Relaxation/03. Steven Gurgevich - Mind-Body Healing - Trancework- Mind-Body Healing {8kHz MP3}.mp3 4.2 MB
- Steven Gurgevich Self Hypnosis Study CD 15 - Creativity and Confidence/03. Steven Gurgevich - Creativity - Trancework- Unlocking Creativity {8kHz MP3}.mp3 4.1 MB
- Steven Gurgevich Self Hypnosis Study CD 13 - Depression and Immnity/03. Steven Gurgevich - Depression - Trancework- Depression - Mood Enhancement {8kHz MP3}.mp3 4.1 MB
- Steven Gurgevich Self Hypnosis Study CD 16 - Phobias and The Past/06. Steven Gurgevich - The Past - Trancework- Healing the Past {8kHz MP3}.mp3 3.9 MB
- Steven Gurgevich Self Hypnosis Study CD 7 - Healing and Relaxation/06. Steven Gurgevich - Deep Relaxation - Trancework- Deep Relaxation {8kHz MP3}.mp3 3.9 MB
- Steven Gurgevich Self Hypnosis Study CD 15 - Creativity and Confidence/06. Steven Gurgevich - Confidence - Trancework- Improving Performance and Confidence {8kHz MP3}.mp3 3.9 MB
- Steven Gurgevich Self Hypnosis Study CD 9 - Pain Relief and Sleep/03. Steven Gurgevich - Pain Relief - Trancework- Pain Relief {8kHz MP3}.mp3 3.9 MB
- Steven Gurgevich Self Hypnosis Study CD 12 - Test Taking and Speaking/06. Steven Gurgevich - Public Speaking - Trancework- Public Speaking {8kHz MP3}.mp3 3.5 MB
- Steven Gurgevich Self Hypnosis Study CD 11 - Digestion, Healing, Warts/03. Steven Gurgevich - Healthy Digestion - Trancework- Healthy Digestion {8kHz MP3}.mp3 3.5 MB
- Steven Gurgevich Self Hypnosis Study CD 14 - Headaches and Backaches/06. Steven Gurgevich - Backaches - Trancework- Working with Backaches {8kHz MP3}.mp3 3.4 MB
- Steven Gurgevich Self Hypnosis Study CD 11 - Digestion, Healing, Warts/06. Steven Gurgevich - Skin Healing - Trancework- Skin Healing {8kHz MP3}.mp3 3.3 MB
- Steven Gurgevich Self Hypnosis Study CD 9 - Pain Relief and Sleep/06. Steven Gurgevich - Restful Sleep - Trancework- Restful Sleep {8kHz MP3}.mp3 3.2 MB
- Steven Gurgevich Self Hypnosis Study CD 13 - Depression and Immnity/06. Steven Gurgevich - Immune System - Trancework- Strengthen Your Immune System {8kHz MP3}.mp3 3.1 MB
- Steven Gurgevich Self Hypnosis Study CD 10 - Weight Loss and Exercise/06. Steven Gurgevich - Love to Exercise - Trancework- Love to Exercise {8kHz MP3}.mp3 2.7 MB
- Steven Gurgevich Self Hypnosis Study CD 2 - Testing Your Hypnotizability/10. Steven Gurgevich - What makes a good hypnotic subject {8kHz MP3}.mp3 2.7 MB
- Steven Gurgevich Self Hypnosis Study CD 1 - Introduction/09. Steven Gurgevich, Ph.D. - Trancework- An introduction to trance {8kHz MP3}.mp3 2.5 MB
- Steven Gurgevich Self Hypnosis Study CD 16 - Phobias and The Past/03. Steven Gurgevich - Phobias - Trancework- Working with Phobias {8kHz MP3}.mp3 2.4 MB
- Steven Gurgevich Self Hypnosis Study CD 3 - The Hypnotic Time Machine/09. Steven Gurgevich - Trancework- Time travel to the healing center {8kHz MP3}.mp3 2.3 MB
- Steven Gurgevich Self Hypnosis Study CD 2 - Testing Your Hypnotizability/11. Steven Gurgevich - Trancework- Further depths {8kHz MP3}.mp3 1.9 MB
- Steven Gurgevich Self Hypnosis Study CD 6 - Tips for Your Self-Hypnosis Practice/10. Steven Gurgevich - Trancework- An integrative experience {8kHz MP3}.mp3 1.7 MB
- Steven Gurgevich Self Hypnosis Study CD 16 - Phobias and The Past/02. Steven Gurgevich - Phobias - How to use this session {8kHz MP3}.mp3 1.7 MB
- Steven Gurgevich Self Hypnosis Study CD 5 - Hypnotic Induction Methods/07. Steven Gurgevich - Conditioned response and fractionation {8kHz MP3}.mp3 1.7 MB
- Steven Gurgevich Self Hypnosis Study CD 4 - Understanding Hypnotic Phenomena/04. Steven Gurgevich - Trancework- Parasympathetic systems {8kHz MP3}.mp3 1.6 MB
- Steven Gurgevich Self Hypnosis Study CD 11 - Digestion, Healing, Warts/09. Steven Gurgevich - Wart Removal - Trancework- Wart Removal {8kHz MP3}.mp3 1.4 MB
- Steven Gurgevich Self Hypnosis Study CD 6 - Tips for Your Self-Hypnosis Practice/02. Steven Gurgevich - Direct and indirect suggestion {8kHz MP3}.mp3 1.3 MB
- Steven Gurgevich Self Hypnosis Study CD 5 - Hypnotic Induction Methods/03. Steven Gurgevich - Progressive body relaxation {8kHz MP3}.mp3 1.3 MB
- Steven Gurgevich Self Hypnosis Study CD 5 - Hypnotic Induction Methods/02. Steven Gurgevich - How to work with resistance {8kHz MP3}.mp3 1.3 MB
- Steven Gurgevich Self Hypnosis Study CD 2 - Testing Your Hypnotizability/09. Steven Gurgevich - Ideomoter response {8kHz MP3}.mp3 1.3 MB
- Steven Gurgevich Self Hypnosis Study CD 3 - The Hypnotic Time Machine/08. Steven Gurgevich - The New Thought movement {8kHz MP3}.mp3 1.3 MB
- Steven Gurgevich Self Hypnosis Study CD 4 - Understanding Hypnotic Phenomena/05. Steven Gurgevich - Ideosensory and ideomotor responses {8kHz MP3}.mp3 1.2 MB
- Steven Gurgevich Self Hypnosis Study CD 4 - Understanding Hypnotic Phenomena/03. Steven Gurgevich - Physiological effects of self-hypnosis {8kHz MP3}.mp3 1.2 MB
- Steven Gurgevich Self Hypnosis Study CD 6 - Tips for Your Self-Hypnosis Practice/09. Steven Gurgevich - Basic guidelines and tips for practice {8kHz MP3}.mp3 1.2 MB
- Steven Gurgevich Self Hypnosis Study CD 3 - The Hypnotic Time Machine/03. Steven Gurgevich - Trancework- Time travel to Asklepios {8kHz MP3}.mp3 1.2 MB
- Steven Gurgevich Self Hypnosis Study CD 1 - Introduction/06. Steven Gurgevich, Ph.D. - Trance and other terms {8kHz MP3}.mp3 1.1 MB
- Steven Gurgevich Self Hypnosis Study CD 5 - Hypnotic Induction Methods/10. Steven Gurgevich - Deepening techniques and levels of depth {8kHz MP3}.mp3 1.1 MB
- Steven Gurgevich Self Hypnosis Study CD 1 - Introduction/02. Steven Gurgevich, Ph.D. - How to use this program {8kHz MP3}.mp3 1.1 MB
- Steven Gurgevich Self Hypnosis Study CD 4 - Understanding Hypnotic Phenomena/11. Steven Gurgevich - Variations on the theme of hypnosis {8kHz MP3}.mp3 1.0 MB
- Steven Gurgevich Self Hypnosis Study CD 3 - The Hypnotic Time Machine/07. Steven Gurgevich - The evolution into modern hypnosis {8kHz MP3}.mp3 1014.5 KB
- Steven Gurgevich Self Hypnosis Study CD 4 - Understanding Hypnotic Phenomena/06. Steven Gurgevich - Catalepsy, amnesia, and dissociation {8kHz MP3}.mp3 1005.4 KB
- Steven Gurgevich Self Hypnosis Study CD 1 - Introduction/03. Steven Gurgevich, Ph.D. - Myths, misconceptions, and cautions {8kHz MP3}.mp3 994.3 KB
- Steven Gurgevich Self Hypnosis Study CD 4 - Understanding Hypnotic Phenomena/02. Steven Gurgevich - Anxiety and relaxation states {8kHz MP3}.mp3 979.3 KB
- Steven Gurgevich Self Hypnosis Study CD 5 - Hypnotic Induction Methods/11. Steven Gurgevich - The language of the subconscious mind {8kHz MP3}.mp3 915.8 KB
- Steven Gurgevich Self Hypnosis Study CD 3 - The Hypnotic Time Machine/05. Steven Gurgevich - Trancework- Time travel to Mesmer {8kHz MP3}.mp3 898.2 KB
- Steven Gurgevich Self Hypnosis Study CD 5 - Hypnotic Induction Methods/06. Steven Gurgevich - Brath technique {8kHz MP3}.mp3 896.6 KB
- Steven Gurgevich Self Hypnosis Study CD 6 - Tips for Your Self-Hypnosis Practice/03. Steven Gurgevich - Other hypnotic suggestions {8kHz MP3}.mp3 882.2 KB
- Steven Gurgevich Self Hypnosis Study CD 5 - Hypnotic Induction Methods/05. Steven Gurgevich - Arm levitation {8kHz MP3}.mp3 849.7 KB
- Steven Gurgevich Self Hypnosis Study CD 5 - Hypnotic Induction Methods/04. Steven Gurgevich - Eye fixation and eye closure {8kHz MP3}.mp3 847.5 KB
- Steven Gurgevich Self Hypnosis Study CD 3 - The Hypnotic Time Machine/04. Steven Gurgevich - Paracelsus and magnetism {8kHz MP3}.mp3 844.1 KB
- Steven Gurgevich Self Hypnosis Study CD 3 - The Hypnotic Time Machine/02. Steven Gurgevich - The origin and evolution of the mind-body machine {8kHz MP3}.mp3 834.7 KB
- Steven Gurgevich Self Hypnosis Study CD 6 - Tips for Your Self-Hypnosis Practice/07. Steven Gurgevich - Strategies for using your hypnosis {8kHz MP3}.mp3 798.3 KB
- Steven Gurgevich Self Hypnosis Study CD 4 - Understanding Hypnotic Phenomena/10. Steven Gurgevich - Hallucinations and revivication {8kHz MP3}.mp3 765.6 KB
- Steven Gurgevich Self Hypnosis Study CD 1 - Introduction/08. Steven Gurgevich, Ph.D. - Does hypnosis work and why {8kHz MP3}.mp3 712.5 KB
- Steven Gurgevich Self Hypnosis Study CD 6 - Tips for Your Self-Hypnosis Practice/08. Steven Gurgevich - Trancework- Inner advisor experience {8kHz MP3}.mp3 669.3 KB
- Steven Gurgevich Self Hypnosis Study CD 2 - Testing Your Hypnotizability/06. Steven Gurgevich - Coin drop {8kHz MP3}.mp3 664.5 KB
- Steven Gurgevich Self Hypnosis Study CD 1 - Introduction/04. Steven Gurgevich, Ph.D. - What is hynosis {8kHz MP3}.mp3 655.8 KB
- Steven Gurgevich Self Hypnosis Study CD 3 - The Hypnotic Time Machine/06. Steven Gurgevich - The 1800's post-Mesmer influences {8kHz MP3}.mp3 652.7 KB
- Steven Gurgevich Self Hypnosis Study CD 4 - Understanding Hypnotic Phenomena/09. Steven Gurgevich - Time distortion and hypnotic deafness {8kHz MP3}.mp3 611.5 KB
- Steven Gurgevich Self Hypnosis Study CD 4 - Understanding Hypnotic Phenomena/07. Steven Gurgevich - Age regression and progression {8kHz MP3}.mp3 595.3 KB
- Steven Gurgevich Self Hypnosis Study CD 1 - Introduction/07. Steven Gurgevich, Ph.D. - Everyday trance states {8kHz MP3}.mp3 577.6 KB
- Steven Gurgevich Self Hypnosis Study CD 4 - Understanding Hypnotic Phenomena/08. Steven Gurgevich - Working with pain and post-hypnotic suggestions {8kHz MP3}.mp3 477.0 KB
- Steven Gurgevich Self Hypnosis Study CD 6 - Tips for Your Self-Hypnosis Practice/06. Steven Gurgevich - Authoritarian and permissive styles {8kHz MP3}.mp3 466.4 KB
- Steven Gurgevich Self Hypnosis Study CD 6 - Tips for Your Self-Hypnosis Practice/04. Steven Gurgevich - Laws and principles of hypnotic suggestion {8kHz MP3}.mp3 440.9 KB
- Steven Gurgevich Self Hypnosis Study CD 6 - Tips for Your Self-Hypnosis Practice/05. Steven Gurgevich - Double dissociation {8kHz MP3}.mp3 419.2 KB
- Steven Gurgevich Self Hypnosis Study CD 2 - Testing Your Hypnotizability/05. Steven Gurgevich - Up-gaze and eye-roll {8kHz MP3}.mp3 411.8 KB
- Steven Gurgevich Self Hypnosis Study CD 2 - Testing Your Hypnotizability/08. Steven Gurgevich - Ideosensory experience {8kHz MP3}.mp3 401.2 KB
- Steven Gurgevich Self Hypnosis Study CD 12 - Test Taking and Speaking/02. Steven Gurgevich - Test Taking - How to use this session {8kHz MP3}.mp3 398.8 KB
- Steven Gurgevich Self Hypnosis Study CD 9 - Pain Relief and Sleep/05. Steven Gurgevich - Restful Sleep - How to use this session {8kHz MP3}.mp3 395.3 KB
- Steven Gurgevich Self Hypnosis Study CD 7 - Healing and Relaxation/05. Steven Gurgevich - Deep Relaxation - How to use this session {8kHz MP3}.mp3 395.0 KB
- Steven Gurgevich Self Hypnosis Study CD 9 - Pain Relief and Sleep/02. Steven Gurgevich - Pain Relief - How to use this session {8kHz MP3}.mp3 394.1 KB
- Steven Gurgevich Self Hypnosis Study CD 12 - Test Taking and Speaking/05. Steven Gurgevich - Public Speaking - How to use this session {8kHz MP3}.mp3 386.1 KB
- Steven Gurgevich Self Hypnosis Study CD 7 - Healing and Relaxation/02. Steven Gurgevich - Mind-Body Healing - How to use this session {8kHz MP3}.mp3 385.6 KB
- Steven Gurgevich Self Hypnosis Study CD 14 - Headaches and Backaches/02. Steven Gurgevich - Headaches - How to use this session {8kHz MP3}.mp3 378.9 KB
- Steven Gurgevich Self Hypnosis Study CD 13 - Depression and Immnity/02. Steven Gurgevich - Depression - How to use this session {8kHz MP3}.mp3 377.5 KB
- Steven Gurgevich Self Hypnosis Study CD 13 - Depression and Immnity/05. Steven Gurgevich - Immune System - How to use this session {8kHz MP3}.mp3 372.4 KB
- Steven Gurgevich Self Hypnosis Study CD 14 - Headaches and Backaches/05. Steven Gurgevich - Backaches - How to use this session {8kHz MP3}.mp3 362.3 KB
- Steven Gurgevich Self Hypnosis Study CD 16 - Phobias and The Past/05. Steven Gurgevich - The Past - How to use this session {8kHz MP3}.mp3 354.9 KB
- Steven Gurgevich Self Hypnosis Study CD 2 - Testing Your Hypnotizability/03. Steven Gurgevich - Hand clasp {8kHz MP3}.mp3 342.8 KB
- Steven Gurgevich Self Hypnosis Study CD 2 - Testing Your Hypnotizability/07. Steven Gurgevich - Bucket & balloon {8kHz MP3}.mp3 293.3 KB
- Steven Gurgevich Self Hypnosis Study CD 2 - Testing Your Hypnotizability/04. Steven Gurgevich - Pencil drop {8kHz MP3}.mp3 279.8 KB
- Steven Gurgevich Self Hypnosis Study CD 1 - Introduction/05. Steven Gurgevich, Ph.D. - Lay, stage, and clinical hypnosis {8kHz MP3}.mp3 274.2 KB
- Steven Gurgevich Self Hypnosis Study CD 5 - Hypnotic Induction Methods/09. Steven Gurgevich - Alerting from trance {8kHz MP3}.mp3 256.8 KB
- Steven Gurgevich Self Hypnosis Study CD 5 - Hypnotic Induction Methods/08. Steven Gurgevich - Dr. G's No Induction method {8kHz MP3}.mp3 234.1 KB
- Steven Gurgevich Self Hypnosis Study CD 2 - Testing Your Hypnotizability/02. Steven Gurgevich - Hypnotizability {8kHz MP3}.mp3 232.5 KB
- Steven Gurgevich Self Hypnosis Study CD 8 - Stress and Anxiety/05. Steven Gurgevich - Anxiety and Panic - How to use this session {8kHz MP3}.mp3 219.7 KB
- Steven Gurgevich Self Hypnosis Study CD 8 - Stress and Anxiety/02. Steven Gurgevich - Stress Relief - How to use this session {8kHz MP3}.mp3 218.2 KB
- Steven Gurgevich Self Hypnosis Study CD 10 - Weight Loss and Exercise/02. Steven Gurgevich - Weight Loss - How to use this session {8kHz MP3}.mp3 216.9 KB
- Steven Gurgevich Self Hypnosis Study CD 10 - Weight Loss and Exercise/05. Steven Gurgevich - Love to Exercise - How to use this session {8kHz MP3}.mp3 208.7 KB
- Steven Gurgevich Self Hypnosis Study CD 11 - Digestion, Healing, Warts/08. Steven Gurgevich - Wart Removal - How to use this session {8kHz MP3}.mp3 135.4 KB
- Steven Gurgevich Self Hypnosis Study CD 15 - Creativity and Confidence/05. Steven Gurgevich - Confidence - How to use this session {8kHz MP3}.mp3 121.4 KB
- Steven Gurgevich Self Hypnosis Study CD 15 - Creativity and Confidence/02. Steven Gurgevich - Creativity - How to use this session {8kHz MP3}.mp3 121.0 KB
- Steven Gurgevich Self Hypnosis Study CD 11 - Digestion, Healing, Warts/02. Steven Gurgevich - Healthy Digestion - How to use this Session {8kHz MP3}.mp3 115.1 KB
- Steven Gurgevich Self Hypnosis Study CD 11 - Digestion, Healing, Warts/05. Steven Gurgevich - Skin Healing - How to use this session {8kHz MP3}.mp3 110.5 KB
- Steven Gurgevich Self Hypnosis Study CD 15 - Creativity and Confidence/04. Steven Gurgevich - Confidence - Introduction {8kHz MP3}.mp3 76.8 KB
- Steven Gurgevich Self Hypnosis Study CD 8 - Stress and Anxiety/04. Steven Gurgevich - Anxiety and Panic - Introducion {8kHz MP3}.mp3 76.5 KB
- Steven Gurgevich Self Hypnosis Study CD 13 - Depression and Immnity/01. Steven Gurgevich - Depression - Introduction {8kHz MP3}.mp3 76.3 KB
- Steven Gurgevich Self Hypnosis Study CD 7 - Healing and Relaxation/01. Steven Gurgevich - Mind-Body Healing - Introduction {8kHz MP3}.mp3 76.2 KB
- Steven Gurgevich Self Hypnosis Study CD 11 - Digestion, Healing, Warts/01. Steven Gurgevich - Healthy Digestion - Introduction {8kHz MP3}.mp3 76.1 KB
- Steven Gurgevich Self Hypnosis Study CD 10 - Weight Loss and Exercise/04. Steven Gurgevich - Love to Exercise - Introduction {8kHz MP3}.mp3 76.1 KB
- Steven Gurgevich Self Hypnosis Study CD 7 - Healing and Relaxation/04. Steven Gurgevich - Deep Relaxation - Introduction {8kHz MP3}.mp3 75.9 KB
- Steven Gurgevich Self Hypnosis Study CD 8 - Stress and Anxiety/01. Steven Gurgevich - Stress Relief - Introduction {8kHz MP3}.mp3 75.8 KB
- Steven Gurgevich Self Hypnosis Study CD 12 - Test Taking and Speaking/01. Steven Gurgevich - Test Taking - Introduction {8kHz MP3}.mp3 75.7 KB
- Steven Gurgevich Self Hypnosis Study CD 14 - Headaches and Backaches/01. Steven Gurgevich - Headaches - Introduction {8kHz MP3}.mp3 75.7 KB
- Steven Gurgevich Self Hypnosis Study CD 16 - Phobias and The Past/01. Steven Gurgevich - Phobias - Introduction {8kHz MP3}.mp3 75.7 KB
- Steven Gurgevich Self Hypnosis Study CD 14 - Headaches and Backaches/04. Steven Gurgevich - Backaches - Introduction {8kHz MP3}.mp3 75.6 KB
- Steven Gurgevich Self Hypnosis Study CD 10 - Weight Loss and Exercise/01. Steven Gurgevich - Weight Loss - Introduction {8kHz MP3}.mp3 75.6 KB
- Steven Gurgevich Self Hypnosis Study CD 9 - Pain Relief and Sleep/01. Steven Gurgevich - Pain Relief - Introduction {8kHz MP3}.mp3 75.3 KB
- Steven Gurgevich Self Hypnosis Study CD 11 - Digestion, Healing, Warts/07. Steven Gurgevich - Wart Removal - Introduction {8kHz MP3}.mp3 75.3 KB
- Steven Gurgevich Self Hypnosis Study CD 16 - Phobias and The Past/04. Steven Gurgevich - The Past - Introduction {8kHz MP3}.mp3 75.0 KB
- Steven Gurgevich Self Hypnosis Study CD 12 - Test Taking and Speaking/04. Steven Gurgevich - Public Speaking - Introduction {8kHz MP3}.mp3 74.9 KB
- Steven Gurgevich Self Hypnosis Study CD 15 - Creativity and Confidence/01. Steven Gurgevich - Creativity - Introduction {8kHz MP3}.mp3 74.8 KB
- Steven Gurgevich Self Hypnosis Study CD 13 - Depression and Immnity/04. Steven Gurgevich - Immune System - Introduction {8kHz MP3}.mp3 74.6 KB
- Steven Gurgevich Self Hypnosis Study CD 9 - Pain Relief and Sleep/04. Steven Gurgevich - Restful Sleep - Introduction {8kHz MP3}.mp3 74.2 KB
- Steven Gurgevich Self Hypnosis Study CD 11 - Digestion, Healing, Warts/04. Steven Gurgevich - Skin Healing - Introduction {8kHz MP3}.mp3 73.5 KB
- Steven Gurgevich Self Hypnosis Study CD 1 - Introduction/01. Steven Gurgevich, Ph.D. - Introduction {8kHz MP3}.mp3 54.1 KB
- Steven Gurgevich Self Hypnosis Study CD 2 - Testing Your Hypnotizability/01. Steven Gurgevich - Introduction {8kHz MP3}.mp3 53.9 KB
- Steven Gurgevich Self Hypnosis Study CD 3 - The Hypnotic Time Machine/01. Steven Gurgevich - Introduction {8kHz MP3}.mp3 53.6 KB
- Steven Gurgevich Self Hypnosis Study CD 4 - Understanding Hypnotic Phenomena/01. Steven Gurgevich - Introduction {8kHz MP3}.mp3 52.3 KB
- Steven Gurgevich Self Hypnosis Study CD 5 - Hypnotic Induction Methods/01. Steven Gurgevich - Introduction {8kHz MP3}.mp3 52.2 KB
- Steven Gurgevich Self Hypnosis Study CD 6 - Tips for Your Self-Hypnosis Practice/01. Steven Gurgevich - Introduction {8kHz MP3}.mp3 50.9 KB
- Amazon.com The Self-Hypnosis Home Study Course Steven Gurgevich Books.URL 93 bytes
- Torrent downloaded from Demonoid.me.txt 46 bytes
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