Neural Network for Machine Learning/videos/028_Adaptive learning rates for each connection.mp4 6.6 MB
Neural Network for Machine Learning/videos/004_A simple example of learning [6 min].mp4 6.6 MB
Neural Network for Machine Learning/videos/009_Why the learning works [5 min].mp4 5.9 MB
Neural Network for Machine Learning/videos/012_The error surface for a linear neuron [5 min].mp4 5.9 MB
Neural Network for Machine Learning/videos/021_Why object recognition is difficult [5 min].mp4 5.4 MB
Neural Network for Machine Learning/videos/017_A brief diversion into cognitive science [4 min].mp4 5.3 MB
Neural Network for Machine Learning/videos/070_Deep auto encoders [4 mins].mp4 4.9 MB
Neural Network for Machine Learning/videos/044_MacKay's quick and dirty method of setting weight costs [4 min].mp4 4.4 MB
Neural Network for Machine Learning/videos/013_Learning the weights of a logistic output neuron [4 min].mp4 4.4 MB
Neural Network for Machine Learning/PDFs/001_lecture_slides_lec1.pdf 3.9 MB
Neural Network for Machine Learning/readlists/014_Learning Interneal Representaions by Error Propagation.pdf 3.0 MB
Neural Network for Machine Learning/videos/078_OPTIONAL - The fog of progress [3 min].mp4 2.8 MB
Neural Network for Machine Learning/PDFs/069_lecture_slides_lec15.pdf 2.5 MB
Neural Network for Machine Learning/readlists/062_Connectionist Learning of Belief Networks.pdf 2.3 MB
Neural Network for Machine Learning/PDFs/055_lecture_slides_lec12.pdf 1.7 MB
Neural Network for Machine Learning/readlists/049_Improving neural networks by preventing co-adaptation of feature detectiors.pdf 1.6 MB
Neural Network for Machine Learning/PDFs/021_lecture_slides_lec5.pdf 1.6 MB
Neural Network for Machine Learning/PDFs/064_lecture_slides_lec14.pdf 1.1 MB
Neural Network for Machine Learning/PDFs/030_lecture_slides_lec7.pdf 953.1 KB
Neural Network for Machine Learning/PDFs/016_lecture_slides_lec4.pdf 941.5 KB
Neural Network for Machine Learning/readlists/024_Gradient-Based Learning Applied to Document Recognition.pdf 932.7 KB
Neural Network for Machine Learning/PDFs/045_lecture_slides_lec10.pdf 827.3 KB
Neural Network for Machine Learning/readlists/064_A Fast Learning Algorithm for Deep Belief Nets.pdf 769.3 KB
Neural Network for Machine Learning/readlists/073_Using Very Deep Autoencoders for Content-Based Image Retrieval.pdf 741.4 KB
Neural Network for Machine Learning/PDFs/039_lecture_slides_lec9.pdf 702.1 KB
Neural Network for Machine Learning/PDFs/050_lecture_slides_lec11.pdf 694.5 KB
Neural Network for Machine Learning/PDFs/035_lecture_slides_lec8.pdf 642.9 KB
Neural Network for Machine Learning/readlists/072_Semantic Hashing.pdf 626.6 KB
Neural Network for Machine Learning/PDFs/011_lecture_slides_lec3.pdf 535.2 KB
Neural Network for Machine Learning/PDFs/025_lecture_slides_lec6.pdf 534.0 KB
Neural Network for Machine Learning/readlists/064_To Recognize Shapes, First Learn to Generate Images.pdf 501.9 KB
Neural Network for Machine Learning/PDFs/006_lecture_slides_lec2.pdf 493.0 KB
Neural Network for Machine Learning/readlists/064_Self-taught Learning_T ransfer Learning from Unlabeled Data.pdf 473.5 KB
Neural Network for Machine Learning/readlists/038_Echo state network - Scholarpedia.maff 443.4 KB
Neural Network for Machine Learning/PDFs/075_lecture_slides_lec16.pdf 338.7 KB
Neural Network for Machine Learning/readlists/034_A Novel Approach to On-Line Handwriting Recognition Based on Bidirectional Long Short-Term Memory Networks.pdf 313.1 KB
Neural Network for Machine Learning/PDFs/060_lecture_slides_lec13.pdf 307.3 KB
Neural Network for Machine Learning/readlists/054_Boltzmann machine - Scholarpedia.maff 293.8 KB
Neural Network for Machine Learning/readlists/037_Generating Text with Recurrent Neural Networks.pdf 267.0 KB
Neural Network for Machine Learning/readlists/046_Adaptive Mixtures of Local Experts.pdf 264.8 KB
Neural Network for Machine Learning/readlists/063_The wake-sleep algorithm for unsupervised neural networks.pdf 255.4 KB
Neural Network for Machine Learning/readlists/020_images_Lecture4_turian.png 150.8 KB
Neural Network for Machine Learning/readlists/019_A Neuro Probabilistic Language Model.pdf 136.8 KB
Neural Network for Machine Learning/readlists/024_Convolutional Networks for Images, Speech and Time-Series.pdf 122.4 KB
Neural Network for Machine Learning/videos/024_Convolutional nets for object recognition [17min].srt 25.6 KB
Neural Network for Machine Learning/videos/030_Modeling sequences - A brief 22.6 KB
Neural Network for Machine Learning/videos/064_Learning layers of features by stacking RBMs [17 min].srt 21.9 KB
Neural Network for Machine Learning/videos/023_Convolutional nets for digit recognition [16 min].srt 21.5 KB
Neural Network for Machine Learning/videos/068_OPTIONAL VIDEO - RBMs are infinite sigmoid belief nets [17 mins].srt 20.6 KB
Neural Network for Machine Learning/videos/026_A bag of tricks for mini-batch gradient 18.8 KB
Neural Network for Machine Learning/videos/010_What perceptrons can't do [15 min].srt 18.5 KB
Neural Network for Machine Learning/videos/001_Why do we need machine learning - [13 min].srt 18.3 KB
Neural Network for Machine Learning/videos/056_OPTIONAL VIDEO - More efficient ways to get the statistics [15 mins].srt 18.2 KB
Neural Network for Machine Learning/videos/020_Ways to deal with the large number of possible outputs [15 min].srt 18.1 KB
Neural Network for Machine Learning/videos/035_A brief overview of Hessian Free 17.9 KB
Neural Network for Machine Learning/videos/077_OPTIONAL - Bayesian optimization of hyper-parameters [13 min].srt 17.9 KB
Neural Network for Machine Learning/videos/045_Why it helps to combine models [13 min].srt 17.7 KB
Neural Network for Machine Learning/videos/036_Modeling character strings with multiplicative connections [14 mins].srt 17.5 KB
Neural Network for Machine Learning/videos/061_Belief Nets [13 min].srt 17.3 KB
Neural Network for Machine Learning/videos/046_Mixtures of Experts [13 min].srt 17.1 KB
Neural Network for Machine Learning/videos/016_Learning to predict the next word [13 min].srt 16.5 KB
Neural Network for Machine Learning/videos/050_Hopfield Nets [13 min].srt 16.4 KB