[Tutorialsplanet.NET] Udemy - Data Analysis In-Depth (With Python)
File List
- 1. Data Analysis In-Depth (In Python)/14. Day 13 - Numpy.mp4 1.1 GB
- 1. Data Analysis In-Depth (In Python)/12. Day 11 - Python for Data Analysis.mp4 1.1 GB
- 1. Data Analysis In-Depth (In Python)/11. Day 10 - Python for Data Analysis.mp4 1.0 GB
- 1. Data Analysis In-Depth (In Python)/1. Day 1 - Introduction to Data Science.mp4 888.2 MB
- 1. Data Analysis In-Depth (In Python)/13. Day 12 - Python for Data Analysis.mp4 855.2 MB
- 1. Data Analysis In-Depth (In Python)/15. Day 14 - Pandas.mp4 818.3 MB
- 1. Data Analysis In-Depth (In Python)/10. Day 9B - Python for Data Analysis.mp4 784.5 MB
- 1. Data Analysis In-Depth (In Python)/1.1 Machine _Learning Day 1.pdf 12.8 MB
- 1. Data Analysis In-Depth (In Python)/10.1 Machine _Learning - 9B.pdf 7.4 MB
- 1. Data Analysis In-Depth (In Python)/14.1 Machine _Learning - 13.pdf 4.2 MB
- 1. Data Analysis In-Depth (In Python)/12.1 images in pdf.pdf 1.9 MB
- 1. Data Analysis In-Depth (In Python)/14.2 Practicals.zip 1.2 MB
- 1. Data Analysis In-Depth (In Python)/13.1 images in pdf.pdf 1012.6 KB
- 1. Data Analysis In-Depth (In Python)/14. Day 13 - Numpy.srt 196.3 KB
- 1. Data Analysis In-Depth (In Python)/12. Day 11 - Python for Data Analysis.srt 173.7 KB
- 1. Data Analysis In-Depth (In Python)/11. Day 10 - Python for Data Analysis.srt 167.9 KB
- 1. Data Analysis In-Depth (In Python)/13. Day 12 - Python for Data Analysis.srt 165.8 KB
- 1. Data Analysis In-Depth (In Python)/1. Day 1 - Introduction to Data Science.srt 160.7 KB
- 1. Data Analysis In-Depth (In Python)/10. Day 9B - Python for Data Analysis.srt 147.4 KB
- 1. Data Analysis In-Depth (In Python)/11.1 Python Notebook.zip 33.4 KB
- [Tutorialsplanet.NET].url 128 bytes
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