Pessoa, Fernando (20 books)
File List
- Keeper of Flocks, The [trans. Scanlon]/Pessoa, Fernando - The Keeper of Flocks (Foolish Poet, 2018).pdf 32.7 MB
- Poems of Alberto Caeiro [trans. Scanlon] (2 vols.)/Pessoa, Fernando - Poems of Alberto Caeiro, Vol. 1 (Foolish Poet, 2018).pdf 21.9 MB
- Poems of Alberto Caeiro [trans. Scanlon] (2 vols.)/Pessoa, Fernando - Poems of Alberto Caeiro, Vol. 2 (Foolish Poet, 2018).pdf 21.6 MB
- Book of Disquiet, The [ed. Pizzaro]/Pessoa, Fernando - Book of Disquiet (New Directions, 2017).epub 16.2 MB
- Centenary Pessoa, A [ed. Lisboa and Taylor]/Lisboa, Eugenio (ed.) - A Centenary Pessoa (Carcanet, 1995).epub 6.3 MB
- Selected Poems [trans. Rickard]/Pessoa, Fernando - Selected Poems (Texas, 1971).pdf 4.5 MB
- Transformation Book [sample]/Pessoa, Fernando - Transformation Book [sample] (Contra Mundum, 2014).pdf 4.0 MB
- Philosophical Essays [sample]/Pessoa, Fernando - Philosophical Essays [sample] (Contra Mundum, 2012).pdf 3.2 MB
- Poems of Fernando Pessoa [trans. Honig & Brown]/Pessoa, Fernando - Poems of Fernando Pessoa (City Lights, 1998).pdf 2.9 MB
- Complete Works of Alberto Caeiro [ed. Pizzaro]/Pessoa, Fernando - Complete Works of Alberto Caeiro (New Directions, 2020).epub 2.9 MB
- Book of Disquiet, The [ed. Zenith]/Pessoa, Fernando - Book of Disquiet (Penguin, 2002).epub 2.5 MB
- Selected Prose [ed. Zenith]/Pessoa, Fernando - Selected Prose (Grove, 2001).epub 2.1 MB
- Fernando Pessoa and Co. [ed. Zenith]/Pessoa, Fernando - Fernando Pessoa and Co. ( Grove, 1998).epub 2.0 MB
- Selected Poems [trans. Honig]/Pessoa, Fernando - Selected Poems (Swallow, 1971).pdf 2.0 MB
- Sheep's Vigil by a Fervent Person/Pessoa, Fernando - Sheeps Vigil by a Fervent Person (Anansi, 2004).epub 2.0 MB
- Selected Poems [trans. Griffin]/Pessoa, Fernando - Selected Poems (Penguin, 2000).epub 1.8 MB
- Keeper of Sheep, The [trans. Honig & Brown]/Pessoa, Fernando - Keeper of Sheep, The (Sheep Meadow, 1985).pdf 1.7 MB
- Little Larger Than the Entire Universe, A/Pessoa, Fernando - A Little Larger Than the Entire Universe (Penguin, 2006).pdf 1.3 MB
- Anarchist Banker, The/Pessoa, Fernando - Anarchist Banker, The (Guernica Editions, 2018).epub 875.6 KB
- Songs of Antonio Botto [trans. Pessoa]/Blackmore, Josiah (ed.) - Songs of Antonio Botto (Minnesota, 2010).pdf 731.7 KB
- Book of Disquiet, The [ed. Zenith] (revised)/Pessoa, Fernando - Book of Disquiet (Penguin, 2015).epub 714.2 KB
- Keeper of Flocks, The [trans. Scanlon]/Pessoa, Fernando - The Keeper of Flocks (Foolish Poet, 2018).jpg 607.7 KB
- Book of Disquiet, The [ed. Lancastre]/Pessoa, Fernando - Book of Disquiet (Serpent's Tail, 2010).epub 601.8 KB
- Poems of Alberto Caeiro [trans. Scanlon] (2 vols.)/Pessoa, Fernando - Poems of Alberto Caeiro, Vol. 1 (Foolish Poet, 2018).jpg 596.1 KB
- Complete Works of Alberto Caeiro [ed. Pizzaro]/Pessoa, Fernando - Complete Works of Alberto Caeiro (New Directions, 2020).jpg 571.2 KB
- Book of Disquiet, The [ed. Pizzaro]/Pessoa, Fernando - Book of Disquiet (New Directions, 2017).jpg 526.1 KB
- Poems of Fernando Pessoa [trans. Honig & Brown]/Pessoa, Fernando - Poems of Fernando Pessoa (City Lights, 1998).jpg 508.2 KB
- Little Larger Than the Entire Universe, A/Pessoa, Fernando - A Little Larger Than the Entire Universe (Penguin, 2006).epub 460.8 KB
- Anarchist Banker, The/Pessoa, Fernando - Anarchist Banker, The (Guernica Editions, 2018).jpg 412.5 KB
- Fernando Pessoa and Co. [ed. Zenith]/Pessoa, Fernando - Fernando Pessoa and Co. ( Grove, 1998).jpg 376.2 KB
- Book of Disquiet, The [ed. Lancastre]/Pessoa, Fernando - Book of Disquiet (Serpent's Tail, 2010).jpg 346.3 KB
- Collected Poems of Alvaro de Campos/Pessoa, Fernando - Collected Poems of Alvaro de Campos, Vol. 2 (1928-1935) (Shearsman, 2009).pdf 345.9 KB
- Sheep's Vigil by a Fervent Person/Pessoa, Fernando - Sheeps Vigil by a Fervent Person (Anansi, 2004).jpg 304.9 KB
- Selected Prose [ed. Zenith]/Pessoa, Fernando - Selected Prose (Grove, 2001).jpg 298.7 KB
- Keeper of Sheep, The [trans. Honig & Brown]/Pessoa, Fernando - Keeper of Sheep, The (Sheep Meadow, 1985).jpg 296.3 KB
- Poems of Alberto Caeiro [trans. Scanlon] (2 vols.)/Pessoa, Fernando - Poems of Alberto Caeiro, Vol. 2 (Foolish Poet, 2018).jpg 292.8 KB
- Transformation Book [sample]/Pessoa, Fernando - Transformation Book [sample] (Contra Mundum, 2014).jpg 230.1 KB
- Songs of Antonio Botto [trans. Pessoa]/Blackmore, Josiah (ed.) - Songs of Antonio Botto (Minnesota, 2010).jpg 229.9 KB
- Little Larger Than the Entire Universe, A/Pessoa, Fernando - A Little Larger Than the Entire Universe (Penguin, 2006).jpg 196.7 KB
- Selected Poems [trans. Griffin]/Pessoa, Fernando - Selected Poems (Penguin, 2000).jpg 167.2 KB
- Philosophical Essays [sample]/Pessoa, Fernando - Philosophical Essays [sample] (Contra Mundum, 2012).jpg 137.9 KB
- Book of Disquiet, The [ed. Zenith] (revised)/Pessoa, Fernando - Book of Disquiet (Penguin, 2015).jpg 133.0 KB
- Book of Disquiet, The [ed. Zenith]/Pessoa, Fernando - Book of Disquiet (Penguin, 2002).jpg 127.4 KB
- Collected Poems of Alvaro de Campos/Pessoa, Fernando - Collected Poems of Alvaro de Campos, Vol. 2 (1928-1935) (Shearsman, 2009).jpg 111.8 KB
- Selected Poems [trans. Honig]/Pessoa, Fernando - Selected Poems (Swallow, 1971).jpg 101.5 KB
- Centenary Pessoa, A [ed. Lisboa and Taylor]/Lisboa, Eugenio (ed.) - A Centenary Pessoa (Carcanet, 1995).jpg 60.0 KB
- Selected Poems [trans. Rickard]/Pessoa, Fernando - Selected Poems (Texas, 1971).jpg 7.4 KB
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Related Resources
- Pessoa, Fernando - Poemas de Alberto Caeiro [36... 141.0 KB
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- Pessoa, Fernando - Mensaje [42988] (r1.0).epub 254.0 KB
- Pessoa, Fernando - Libro del desasosiego (trad.... 687.5 KB
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